Goal-Achievement Process Plan Date:
What systems do you have to put in place to achieve this goal?
Goal: I will turn in 100 percent of my assignments on time during this nineweek grading period.
I set aside time today to do homework and study.
I used my homework folder to transport assignments to and from school.
I looked at my planner to make sure I have all needed materials before leaving school.
I kept my homework folder on my desk to remind myself to turn in my work, and then I turned in my assignments.
FIGURE 2.6: Goal-achievement process plan. Visit for a free reproducible version of this figure.
Students ask themselves, “Am I completing the process steps each day to work toward achieving my goal? If not, what is going wrong, and how can I fix it?”
Strategies for Cultivating Resilience and Grit to Maintain Motivation When students are trying something new, they don’t always succeed right away. Instead, success is the result of steady motivation, persistence, and continued effort over time. It is a measure of resilience and the ability to pick oneself back up after failure. Psychologist Angela Duckworth (2016) found that intelligence was not the main factor determining whether her students were academically successful. Her best performers didn’t have the highest IQ scores or the most talent, and some of her students with the best IQ scores weren’t her top performers.
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My planner is on my desk, and I have written down each assignment.