Expert Spotlight Timothy D. Kanold What inspired you to write HEART?
that can attack during the school year. This book will support the the profession, and to complete complex challenges of their daily his or her story within the walls We have chosen the greatest professional life as an educator, and of the book—either alone or with profession of all. We have chosen provide plenty of hints for improving colleagues. Readers will also gain to teach, lead, and shape the next wisdom from more than 45 thought their life outside of school as well. generation. How great is that? And Our professional life is hard and leaders from inside and outside of yet, how daunting too. I decided can take its toll within a school the education profession. it was time to write about how to year and over the length of face the daily grind of our our career. HEART! promises work with the heart and the to bring educators back to soul necessary to sustain the heart and the intimacy I decided it was time to write a great career. of their work. What will educators HEART! as a resource for professional development?
about how to face the daily grind of our work with the heart and the soul necessary to sustain a great career.”
It will help make sure the limited time, energy, human resources, and spirit they have available to give to their work is focused on actions that really matter. In HEART! the reader will explore his or her own teaching and the book: Happiness, Engagement, Alliances, Risk, and Thought. Using the My Heartprint sections
What challenges will HEART! help educators to overcome? HEART! is designed to help every educator overcome the low negative energy, stagnation, disengagement, unbalanced life, and #iamwastingmytime feelings
What do you feel is the next step in your work to support teachers? No matter where each teacher and leader may be in the wonderful journey of this remarkably rewarding and sometimes frustrating profession, I hope HEART! will touch the story and the humanity of each reader’s professional life. Schools can use the book as part of group study discussions with other colleagues and realize the power each educator has to touch the hearts of all the students and colleagues in the school community.
Don’t miss out on the latest book by Timothy D. Kanold