DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MADRAS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION W O R K S H O P Wednesday, 12 April 2023 | 9.30 AM Downtown MWC Second Avenue,Chennai, TN 603002
Industry 4 0 – The latest buzzword that sets the outlook for the whole industry in the coming days. Almost all companies want to adopt the industry 4.0 ecosystem, but this journey is not an easy one. Industry 4.0 (Digital transformation) is altering the long-standing industry status quo forever, redrawing the way organizations function and clearly defining the silver line between winner and loser. Corporates are confused by seeing the culmination of emerging technologies from the industry 4.0 paradigm, where to start, when to start, and how to start?. This session will offer insights into Industry 4 0 ecosystem, how it will result in superior business benefits, simulation of application for a traditional manufacturing organization, and typical implementation challenges. Post this workshop, the participants will gain practical insights from Industry 4.0 ecosystem implementation, identify potential implementation areas from their business, and finally, they can offer compelling justification to their management team to adopt digital transformation.
Overview Workshop Outline
Smart manufacturing and smart business – Is it a myth or a hard reality?
- The hard facts from industry and academia
- Billions of dollars from emerging technologies?
Industry 4.0 – An overview and examples from day-to-day personal life
- The evolution of Industry 4.0
- Industry 4 0 is not an alien altogether!!
- Personal life examples
Current status and future trends
- Detailed data points from industry reports
- How it will evolve from this decade – 2020 - 2030?
The paradoxical position taken by companies – How to embrace the industry 4.0 ecosystem?
- The current status of Indian industry in terms of Industry 4.0 adoption
- Dilemmas and confusions surrounding Industry 4.0 adoption!!
Introduction about each emerging technology components
- Overview of emerging technologies – IoT, Data analytics, AI, 3D Printing, Blockchain, AR, VR, RPA, Big data, and Cyber security
- To provide sufficient insights to participants to appreciate the essence of each technology element
- The theoretical proposition should be good enough to appreciate the practical application
Workshop Outline (contd...)
Real-time simulation of Industry 4.0 to address perennial issues from a traditional manufacturing organization!
- This session covers the capstone example from this program – A traditional manufacturing organization from Chennai that wants to embrace the industry
4.0 ecosystem
- Simulation of important emerging technologies application
- Apply theoretical propositions into real-time industry use cases
Industry 4.0 Assessment and Maturity Framework
Industry 4.0 ecosystem implementation approach
For whom Key Takeaways
Entry, middle and senior leadership team
At the end of the course, you will be able:
Understand Benefits of Competency based Interviewing Put to practice some of the concepts learned Able to be more objective in selecting the candidates
Date & Time
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
From 9 30 AM to 3 00 PM
Participation Fee
For Members : Rs.999 + 18% GST
For Non-Members : Rs.1499 + 18% GST
BulkRegistration:Forbulkregistrationof5ormoreparticipants,additional 5%discountwillbeoffered.
Faculty Profile
RAVI RADHAKRISHNAN Business Consulting, ERP Architect and Industry
Ravi Radhakrishnan has over 25 years of Experience in Project Management and Consulting of which 15 years of experience in ERP implementation and Project Management and Over 5+ years experience in Industry 4.0 consulting. Secured expertise in RPA, Cloud, IoT and Blockchain technologies and a trusted advisor to leading clients on emerging technology projects.
Deep/Vast experience in Project Management and Change Management Extensive experience in Planning, System Study, Requirement Analysis, Technical Consulting, Disaster Recovery Planning, Risk mitigation analysis etc
Understanding of quality, security, and sustainability aspects in manufacturing. Consulting Industry 4.0 related technologies &methods such as Digital Twins-/Threads, Industrial IoT and data analytics, to improve efficiency, quality, productivity, traceability, and cost effectiveness in the production and supply chain.
Evaluate / Benchmark various MES/MOM Platforms and Services in the market and define right KPIs to track success of the initiatives
Industry 4.0 Expertise:
Advisor to Industry 4 0 related technologies & methods such as Digital Twins-/Threads, Industrial IoT and data analytics, to improve efficiency, quality, productivity, traceability, and cost effectiveness in the production and supply chain
Evaluate / Benchmark various MES/MOM Platforms and Services in the market and define right KPIs to track success of the initiatives
Rich training programs experience for executives for past 17 years
Conducting a detailed Industry4.0 assessment and auditing to measure exiting Industry 4.0 maturity levels
Engineering, Professional Services, Construction, Government, Manufacturing, Chocolatiers, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Oil & Gas, Jewellery, Sugar, Agriculture, FMCG, Retail, E-Commerce
Faculty Profile
Operations Consulting, ERP, CRM, BPM, IOT and Industry 4.0
Maruthi Krishnaswamy: 25 plus years of Experience across p j p g Management and Operations Consulting.
Experience in ERP,CRM implementation for global customers. Customer Experience Management, Global Sales and Marketing operations set up and management and Expertise in Industrial IOT and Industry 4.0 consulting and implementation.
Helped multinational companies to set up their India operations and successfully delivered projects out of their ODC’s. Have deep experience in industrial automation design and delivered several projects for process and manufacturing companies across the world.
Worked with various OEM partners in developing customized solutions using IIOT and emerging technologies for renewable energy sectors.
Industry 4.0 Projects:
Developing Innovative and futuristic solutions for power, utilities and renewable energy sectors
Developing IOT solutions using traditional and SaaS based models
IOT application ,connectivity tools, Device management, Data Visualization, Data Analytics and consulting services
Help industrial partners to plan and execute their IOT transformation journey
Engineering, Professional Services, Telco, Manufacturing, Healthcare, IT Infrastructure and Management , Oil & Gas , Polymers and Metallurgy.
For Details contact: Mr R Sathish Kumar - 9677077700 / Ms Vakeeswari - 6381557146 Email: | Ph: 044 - 28291133 / 28291166 CLICK TO KNOW MORE ABOUT US