MMA-KAS Business Mandate (Jan 2024)

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fountainhead of excellence

1 JANUARY 2024




fountainhead of excellence


fountainhead of excellence

3 JANUARY 2024


EDITOR Gp Capt R Vijayakumar ﴾Retd﴿, VSM

READERSHIP OUTREACH Gp Capt Dr R Venkataraman ﴾Retd﴿

Sundar R Vakeeswari M DESIGN D Rajaram, Tayub Refai

MADRAS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Management Center, New No.240 Pathari Road, ﴾Off Anna Salai﴿, Chennai 600 006 Ph:044‐2829 1133 / | |




fountainhead of excellence


Gp Capt R Vijayakumar (Retd), VSM

Let's scale even greater heights “Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomor-

prowess in impactful learning experiences. These events


underscore our dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders.


ishing you a very happy and prosperous New






professional accomplishments.






development as


gratitude to our esteemed members, partners, and the entire MMA community. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind our accomplishments.

MMA dedicated 2023 to promoting management education,

As we look ahead to 2024, MMA expresses heartfelt



Together, let's scale even greater heights in the coming year.


professional growth. This commitment extends beyond our esteemed members to the broader community, embodying our ethos of inclusive knowledge sharing.

 Stepping into 2024, MMA remains committed to

As we look ahead to 2024,

being the fountainhead of world-class management

MMA expresses heartfelt

excellence in India. Our fusion of Indian ethos with

gratitude to our esteemed

global management practices positions us as a beacon of wisdom and innovation. In 2023, MMA orchestrated an impressive 750

members, partners, and the entire MMA community.

executive development activities, showcasing our BUSINESS MANDATE

fountainhead of excellence

5 JANUARY 2024

Wishing you a joyous and prosperous New Year

enhance skill sets through education, with the help of

filled with success, growth, and the realization of all

knowledge-sharing sessions with experts. It is vital to

your endeavors.

elevate the level of resources, skill sets, etc. Google revealed that its work on BARD, a generative Artificial

MMA Annual Convention 2024

Intelligence (AI) model, had resulted in a much more

The future of business is not what it used to be.

formidable competitor to Microsoft-backed Open AI's

Radical changes in the business environment and

ChatGPT. Google's new model is called Gemini, and it

technologies are creating new winners and losers. India

can work with videos, images, and, of course, text. The

is the fastest-growing economy in the world today. With

model is already available in over 170 countries and

over 650 million internet users and low-cost data, India

comes as an add-on to BARD.

is one of the largest and fastest-growing digital economies. India is entering 2024 on a confident note with high growth and moderating inflation. Optimism is in the air, and our focus should move to growth that’s more broad-based and inclusive. India is likely to benefit, given the high levels of interest shown by global players in "Make in India." As we think about our next 25 years and leapfrogging into the future, we need to ensure that our growth is broad-based, inclusive, and sustainable. The MMA Annual Convention on the theme "India@2047 – Leapfrogging to the Future" will focus closely on understanding how India can leapfrog into the future and on evaluating the different ways you can keep your business on track. Block your diary on Saturday, 10th February 2024, to be with us at Hotel Taj Coramandel for this one-of-a-kind event at MMA. A galaxy of eminent speakers will be addressing the delegates during the convention. Click to view the brochure and get more details about the convention. Looking forward to seeing you at our flagship event!

AI and Business

In this context, MMA organized a thought-provoking presentation by Mr. Gopi Kallayil, Chief Business Strategist, AI – Google, USA, on “AI for Business” at MMA on 21 December 2023. Please click to watch and understand what AI literacy means for every function and every person in the organization.

The Challenges of Family Businesses India proudly ranks third globally in terms of the number of family-owned businesses, a testament to its vibrant entrepreneurial spirit. This revelation stems from a comprehensive research report that scrutinized 1,015 companies with a market capitalization of $250 million or more. The report further adds that India’s family-owned enterprises are making waves in the Asian business landscape. More than half of the top 30 bestperforming family-owned companies in Asia hail from India. Yet, there is another side to this coin. Emerging family-owned enterprises face their fair share of challenges. The casualties of family disputes range from close relationships to the health of disputants, all of which can have an adverse impact on their businesses and other stakeholders as well.

Businesses globally have invested around $3 billion

In this context MMA is organising a discussion on

in generative AI ventures. The skills of the future

the theme “Beyond Three Generations: The Definitive

revolve around AI literacy. We must be able to

Guide to Building Enduring Indian Family Businesses”

understand what AI literacy entails for every function

with outstanding panellists on 8th January 2024 at MMA

and every person in the organization. We have to

Management Center.




fountainhead of excellence

Click to view the invitation and join us in person or watch the program live.

interesting. In this context, MMA organized a thought-provoking

Chennai Floods The heavy rain caused by Cyclone Michaung in Chennai and its neighbouring districts exposed, yet again, the limits of urban planning. The southern and northern areas of Chennai experienced severe flooding. The





Chengalpattu, and Tiruvallur were equally impacted. The vagaries of weather and nature are certainly beyond human control, but what is appalling is that lessons have still not been learned from previous experiences. The lack of preparedness, despite alerts through advanced

one party and virtually one man makes it particularly





concrete steps are in place, citizens will continue to struggle.

discussion with experts drawn from different areas of interest on “China and the Emerging World Order”. I am delighted to present in this issue an article on the discussion as the cover story. Please read on or watch the video.

COP ‐28 The conference of the parties to the UN framework convention on climate change (COP -28) concluded its 28th session recently, creating a strong hope that the world would have a better chance of mitigating the climate impact of human induced emissions of greenhouse gases. It was a long journey towards COP28 agreeing to transition away from fossil fuels in a

MMA accommodated a few families affected by the floods from our neighbourhood and provided them with food and other essentials. MMA also, with the support of Danfoss, provided one month's ration to around 450

just, orderly and equitably manner, but it also means no excuses are left not to do what must be done. Let’s hope consumers do watch their life style!

families, which was very well received. Our sincere

In this issue I am also delighted to present articles

heartfelt thanks to Danfoss for their support in

on: Reforming Democratic Processes—Challenges &

thoughtfully planning kits with essential items for the

Opportunities; Our Heritage, Our Pride!; Breaking the

affected families. Click to view a few pictures taken

Glass Ceiling—Chasing the Dream; Empowering Women

during these initiatives.

—Breaking Boundaries and Embracing Strengths; and a brilliant conversation with Mr Madhavan Nair, Former

Thank you, members, for your support!

Chairman ISRO on ‘Rocketing Through the Skies: An Eventful Life at ISRO.’

China and the Emerging World Order The world has witnessed several disruptions in recent years. China’s phenomenal rise has unleashed a superpower competition between Washington and Beijing. The Sino-American summit between President

As always, we would be happy to hear your views, comments and suggestions. Happy Reading…. And a brilliant New Year!!!

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden in San Francisco has caused eyebrows to raise across the world in geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geo-strategic terms. In the last forty years, a single factor influencing the international order, China, stands out. The fact that China is controlled by BUSINESS MANDATE

fountainhead of excellence

7 JANUARY 2024




fountainhead of excellence


fountainhead of excellence

9 JANUARY 2024




fountainhead of excellence

Although there has been a marked proactivity and outreach from China, one doesn't see the same adjustment when it comes to South China Sea or India.

The focus now is on getting foreign investment, but they're struggling to get that. While I was in China, they announced a unilateral announcement of visa on arrival for five European countries and Malaysia. The boost that they expected in 2023, from opening up, didn't really materialize. It has sort of fizzled out. The real estate sector is dragging the economy down. In driving around Guangdong, we saw lots of

Mr N Ananth Krishnan

unfinished big real estate projects, with no signs of

Special Correspondent (Hong Kong), The Hindu


movement or any construction. There is genuine

spent the last ten days in the mainland China and

concern among private sector enterprises as well, even

had the chance to meet a fairly wide range of

though the Xi Jinping government has taken a lot of

people, not just in the bureaucracy, but in the media

regulatory actions targeting the private sector and

—both Chinese and foreign journalists in China

trying to walk them back. But the sentiment is still very

—businesses, entrepreneurs, and importantly, ordinary

depressed. That partly explains why China in the last

people as well. I saw a big change from 2022 and that

few months, has been trying to stabilize relations with

is the opening up of the country. In March this year, it

the US, Europe, and Australia as well. The China-Europe

was still a very limited opening up. Because of zero

Summit is happening in Beijing. The state of political

covid policy, China's borders were closed to the world

developments in China, is a big black box. But we are

for almost three years. This had a huge impact on the

fortunate to have three very sharp and astute observers

Chinese economy. It still hasn't yet recovered from that.

who will help us make sense of what's happening in China.


fountainhead of excellence

11 JANUARY 2024

Secondly, China today under Xi Jinping is a very strange mix of hubris, big ambitions, paranoia and readjustment. Xi Jinping has taken the nation back to a vicious cycle in history and made it more vulnerable to future crisis over the succession, ideology and identity by quashing the countervailing factional forces. In the leadership lineup in the 20th Party Congress held last October, he has silenced the opposition. He has, in a way, condemned the party state to greater and covert

Mr Ashok K Kantha,

infighting and factions don't go away in CPC. China

Former Ambassador of India to China


clearly had a difficult last three years, in different ways.

recently visited China after a gap of four years and

Zero Covid Policy and Protests

got the distinct feeling that we are dealing with a changed country, which is more inward looking,

more walled in, more insular and struggling to open up and attract more foreigners and foreign investment. Chinese are also not travelling abroad in large numbers, as they used to do. It's a country with a reduced level of engagement with the outside world. That's the first point.

Is Xi Jinping losing the hearts and minds of the people, as some Western scholars have argued? My own assessment is that it is not happening as yet. But there were signs of disaffection. We witnessed fairly wideranging protests last November against the zero Covid policy, which contributed partly to the lifting of that policy. The sudden manner in which it was jettisoned in December last year led to human suffering on a very




fountainhead of excellence


fountainhead of excellence

13 JANUARY 2024

large scale. China was ill prepared for that. According to some estimates, there were more than one million

After four decades of fairly

excess deaths. This is an aspect no one talks about. It

rapid growth, China has entered

reflects how closed and opaque China remains, despite

an adjustment period, which is

four decades of reforms and opening up. We have in

not surprising.

fact, witnessed intensification of the surveillance state during the Covid period. Those trends will continue. Given the multiple pressures that China is under at present, there were expectations in some quarters that there will be some loosening up of grip by Xi Jinping. In the last seven decades of CPC rule, we have seen this cycle of loosening and tightening up of grip by the premiers. But we are not witnessing any relaxation of controls. Indeed, government intervention in the private lives has gone up and there is greater regulation of activities of individuals and communities than what was the case earlier. Xi Jinping’s primacy, both on control of party state apparatus, as also ideological space remains unchallenged and unchanged.

China's aggressive external policies. The country has

Straws in the Wind

undoubtedly lost some of the dynamic growth that was

But there are some straws in the wind, which

evident for decades. In fact, some economists suggest

indicate problems. We are all aware of how, within a

that China’s nominal GDP in 2023, might decline, which

few months of taking over new assignments, the foreign

will be very unusual. It has kept up with the US GDP

minister, the defense minister and the top leadership

increase. China is one of the few economies suffering

of PLA rocket force were all sidelined. There are some

from deflation.

unconfirmed reports that the foreign minister Qin Gang might have committed suicide. There is also some delegation of authority by Xi Jinping. One primary evidence is Premier Li Qiang being asked to chair the Central Finance Commission, which was set up last month, contrary to the earlier practice of Xi Jinping being chairman of everything.

Investors say there has been a net outflow of capital. Even Chinese nationals are investing money outside China in large volume, including through acquisition of real estate, and shifting of funds to Singapore. After four decades of fairly rapid growth, China has entered an adjustment period, which is not surprising. Something similar happened in the case of

Today, the primary challenge for Xi Jinping is

other miracle economies like Japan, Korea and Taiwan,

restoring the growth momentum in the Chinese

but in all cases, the adjustment turned out to be fairly

economy and dealing with the geopolitical pushback to

difficult. In China too, this period is likely to be difficult




fountainhead of excellence

China is faced with a more challenging external environment today. One can notice some signs of tactical adjustment...

and painful. Xi Jinping, since 2017, keeps referring to

not primarily in terms of performance legitimacy and

changes in the world unseen in a century, which is very

delivering high growth rate, but other factors also kick

different from the earlier projection of strategic

in, including selling the China dream or the rejuvenation

opportunities for China. So clearly, there's a recognition

of Chinese nation, by affirming the nationalist

that China is facing greater headwinds.

credentials and sentiments. China today is not looking at outright conflict in various contested theaters,

A Sustained Slowdown in Store?

whether it be Taiwan or South China Sea, or India- China

But I don't quite buy in to the talking down of

borders, but it's trying to make tactical gains

Chinese economy by many Western commentators.

incrementally, through military and economic cohesion,

They are pessimistic assessments, which might be

while staying under the threshold of outright military

fashionable, but I find it difficult to subscribe to them.


What is more likely, is the prospect of a sustained slowdown of Chinese economy, which is structural in character, rather than are cyclical. There are internal reasons







demographic decline, debt overhang, the private sector malaise






unemployment which exceeded 21% in June—when they stopped releasing data; and internal stresses in different parts of the country.

Likewise, after the meeting between President Xi and President Biden, in Woodside, California on 15th November 23, the degree of stability has been restored to their relationship which appeared to be in freefall earlier this year. At the same time, the outcomes of Woodside summit were relatively modest. What we witnessed was more a tactical truce, rather than any reset in ties, or breakthrough on structural challenges in the relationship.

China is faced with a more challenging external environment today. One can notice some signs of tactical adjustment by China in its external behaviour, especially in its dealings with the USA, EU, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Vietnam. There has been marked

China today is not looking at

proactivity and outreach from China. But one doesn't

outright conflict in various

see the same adjustment when it comes to South China

contested theaters, whether it

Sea or India. There is not much desire to show flexibility at this point of time.

be Taiwan or South China Sea, or India‐ China borders...

Selling the China Dream China is moving towards a new social contract, where a monopoly on political power of CPC is justified, BUSINESS MANDATE

fountainhead of excellence

15 JANUARY 2024

China: A Competitor for US

Japan, Korea, Australia and Vietnam, that we are

Biden was unequivocal that US and China are in competition, whereas Xi Jinping doesn't want to accept the framework of competition. He argues that a major power competition cannot solve the problems facing China, US and the world. US wishes to dislodge China from its perch in the global hierarchy. China is

witnessing today, there is no such reaching out to India. Xi Jinping decided to skip G20 Summit in New Delhi. The post of Chinese ambassador in New Delhi is lying vacant since October last year, for 14 months now. This is obviously not accidental, but a deliberate message to us.

convinced that USA is out to contain China and slow down








pronouncements and comments made by Xi Jinping. There is no ratcheting down of US policies on the export control, technology denial, scrutiny of inward and outward investment and enhanced tariffs. All that is continuing and countermeasures taken by China are also in place. Those structural challenges remain undiminished.

Dr Srikanth Kondapalli

Talking of Indo-China relations, China do not share the urgency and importance we attach to restoration of peace and tranquility in border areas. They do not accept our position that the state of borders will determine the state of relations, and that as long as the borders are abnormal, overall relations cannot return

Dean, School of International Studies, JNU


hen we mention about the emerging world order, we also need to factor in the old world order that we inherited since 1945,

especially the United Nations-led world order, where

to the normal track. Indeed, there is a suggestion that

we have the UN Security Council, of which China is a

we should accept the new normal in eastern Ladakh,

member since 1971. We also have G7 and G20 countries,

post April-May 2020. Obviously, we do not accept it.

influencing the world order. We have alliances—NATO

The second point is that the majority view in China today looks at India through the prism of its strategic rivalry with the USA, which is the most important concern for them. They believe that India has been coopted in the US designs to contain China. A minority view still gives India the agency and believes that India will pursue an independent foreign policy to promote its own interest, but increasingly, the former camp,

Thirdly, unlike the tactile outreach to the USA, 16

the US-Japan and US-South Korea alliances. There is the China-North Korea military alliance since 1963. Nobody talks about it. But I think that is very crucial. It has not been abrogated, contrary to the speculation that there is some distance between Pyongyang and Beijing. So, forming alliances is one of the features of this new world order. In the financial and economic spheres, there is IMF

seems to be prevailing.


Alliance, which is quite busy nowadays in Ukraine, and

and World Bank. We have ADB, AIIB and WTO. These are also new forms of influencing the world order.


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fountainhead of excellence

17 JANUARY 2024

Speculation is rife on China

They want non-interference, no structural change and

replacing the United States as

no criticism, if you're employing child labour or involved in human rights violation or environmental

the global hegemon. But for

degradation issues. The Washington consensus has

that, China needs to tweak the

some goals, especially the Paris Club of Donors.

global order.

However, last year, soon after China had unveiled the GDI, GSI and GCI (Global Development Initiative; Security Initiative; and Civilizational Initiative), the Chinese ambassador to Ethiopia has gobbled up the different factions within Ethiopia. It is seen as interfering in the internal affairs of Ethiopia and Kenya. We may possibly see Beijing consensus being tweaked. We need to watch on what exactly the Chinese posture in the future will be. In the emerging world order, the real dynamics would be the rise and fall of states. And here, the 19th Communist Party Congress in China is very important,

China enhanced its voting rights in the IMF. It is now around 6%. India's is about 3%. Special drawing rights are given to the renminbi Chinese currency. The international order that we inherited also includes the arms control and disarmament- that includes NPT, CTBT, FMCT and MTCR. China is not a member of the MTCR but has ratified other international arms control and disarmament measures. China's position here is a little bit conservative. As we look at India's membership in the NSG, China wants membership given to Pakistan, regardless of its WMD proliferation issues.

with Beijing consensus. These are well known positions on regime change, structural reforms and unipolarity. Although Biden now—and Obama earlier—mentioned and




consensus is seen as the preferred order by the Chinese. 18


2049. We do not know what exactly is at the end of the tunnel, but it appears that Xi Jinping’s statement in the 19th Communist Party Congress is that China is moving towards the center stage. Speculation is rife on China replacing the United States as the global hegemon. But for that, China needs to tweak the global order.

Influence in the UN Not surprisingly, we see that China is now heading become deputy secretary generals, occupying the

Then, there is positing of Washington consensus


rejuvenation. They call it Socialist Modernisation by

several United Nations bodies or its candidates have

Washington vs. Beijing Consensus


because it laid down a roadmap till 2049 for China's

second rung of leadership, such as in WTO, UNIDO and till recently, in the Human Rights Council and others. China is involved in dynamic diplomatic efforts between Saudi Arabia and Iran. They also have a Middle East envoy. There is some initiative in Africa through FOCAC (Forum for Cooperation between Africa and China). In this backdrop, we need to see the events related to


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Taiwan, South China Sea, India-China border, Australia

The multilateral system is fragmenting into plurilateral

and the Senkaku Island conflict with Japan. We need to factor in the Chinese military modernization and

arrangements—small alliances

increase in its hold over various regions in the recent

and specific interests‐based



There is contestation at the global domains, maritime cyber space and electromagnetic spectrum. China, for instance, is the leader in 5G technologies. They're also making efforts at 6G technologies. They launched a quantum satellite recently. The cyber domain has been contested. In the BRICS countries, China and Russia push for certain restrictions on the cyber domain. Cyber sovereignty has been invoked. This points to an emerging contest with democratic countries whose constitution emphasizes individual freedom.

Back to the Middle Kingdom? Yan Xuetong and other scholars in Tsinghua

the Himalayan Forum, where they have been teaming

University and other universities keep mentioning about

up with other countries. Belt and Road Initiative is one,

China's preferred order for the Middle Kingdom that

where there is a lot of investment and this is how China

was abolished in 1911 revolution when Qing Dynasty

would like to influence the continental and maritime

collapsed. In the Security Council, China had 17 veto

order in the near future. On water issues, there is a

exercises, mainly related to Taiwan, and also Iraq, Libya,

unilateral approach that China follows with respect to

Syria and Zimbabwe. These are issues which are not the

all the rivers flowing from China to other countries

minimalist foreign policy goals, but also in relation to

including to India.

the maximalist—that is, China becoming a global power.

While China sports a victim kind of mentality on a century of humiliation, there is now a concrete plan to

When we look at the sovereignty principle and the

tweak the international order by China dream; China

UN Charter, there is certain reluctance on the part of

Rejuvenation and most importantly, the Community of

China to accept the 2016 arbitration ruling and ADIZ

Common Destiny. There is a fresh thinking in China

(Air Defense Identification Zone). The Chinese counter

related to the emerging world order. Multipolarity has

piracy operations in the Indian Ocean have some air

also been mentioned in the party congresses, but it is

defense missions. That is likely to indicate a contest

essentially related to conquering the United States or

between India and China in the near future. In the

other countries. There is the United Front, a political

multilateral field, they have the SCO, BRICS and recently

strategy that they adopt on climate change, WTO and


fountainhead of excellence

19 JANUARY 2024

developmental issues. The recent focus on GSI and GDI points to their desire for a global role. On the maritime order, China has come up with a new concept called comprehensive maritime strength, in which they have identified several issues- not just about naval vessels in which they top the US now with about 348 vessels compared to 296 of the United States. They project that it be 460 vessels by 2030 and wish to be a preeminent power in the Indo Pacific in the near future.

Ms. Indrani Bagchi CEO, Ananta Centre

QUAD: A Chinese Concern

prediction that it will be a seafoam has not happened.


China’s irritants include the blue dot network (an

a lot more difficult place to navigate as we go along in

initiative of the US) and AUKUS. China is contesting the

the future. Not only did he raise tariffs against Chinese



exports, but also took a number of actions against

hypersonic glide vehicles, lithium, electric vehicle

China, particularly in the technology sector. All those

technology, 5G, 6G, telecom, rare earth metals and

actions were retained by the Biden administration,

germanium. It is also influencing the outer space. China

indicating that there is a strong domestic push in

considers space as fourth frontier in battlefield.

America to a more confrontational or a competitive

China is concerned about the QUAD, which is influencing











In economy, China is making the 14th five-year

he former US President Donald Trump’s decision to mark China as a strategic rival, set off a series of actions and realignments in the

world. That is still ongoing, and it will make the world

relationship with China.

plan, in which they want to be superpower in 11 fields

The biggest multilateral organization, the United

—high tech manufacturing, quality products, cyber

Nations, is frozen, because the UN Security Council is

domain, education, talent, science & technology,

frozen. China and Russia are on one side; the US and

transportation, trade, maritime, cultural and even in

the Western powers are on the other. There is no global

sports. The question, finally is, whether China is a

office that can take decisions on peace and security

status quoist or a revisionist, if not a revolutionary

questions in the world.

state? My reading is that China is hanging between status quoist and a revisionist state in the international order and would like to dominate the emerging international order. China is a major contender for the emerging world order. The 19th Party Congress and 20th Party Congress have very explicit programs for that emerging world order. 20


The multilateral system is fragmenting into plurilateral arrangements—small alliances and specific interests-based alliances. Not all of them are anti-China or anti-America, but certainly slowly solidifying into definite spheres of influence. Quad is at the apex of such plurilateral efforts, which has India, Australia, Japan and the US. After 2019, it became a high-level


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organization. You can't really call it an organization

share your technology, supply chains and developments

because it doesn't have a secretariat or rules of

in the future. We are looking at a US led—not US

business. But it has been driven by a high-level political

dominated—world. China's closest partners now are

interest in all the four countries. They don't all come

Russia and North Korea. Certainly, Russia is a

together as an anti-China Alliance, although China does

technological partner. China has obviously protested

feature largely in their worldview. A lot of what the

against the Chips Act and is against the economic and

Quad is doing is a mirror of what China is doing in a

technological sanctions. China itself is a fairly advanced

different sphere. It is trying to set the rules of the road

country in technology. It may not be long before China

for a future in technology, biotechnology, defense and

plays catch up or even overtakes the US and that is a

other areas. There are about 23 or more working groups

distinct possibility.

in the technology domain.

For the moment, however, a large part of the

No to Chinese Investments


Post-Galwan, one of the things that India did was to restrict Chinese investments in India's technology sector. Chinese investments hitherto used to be cheap capital and it was very attractive. India has taken a national security approach to it. India now vets investments in products, technologies, imports, and in critical sectors. In telecommunication, India weeded out China from its 5G system and it is now a largely indigenous system. We are in the race for a China plus one strategy. We have a long way to go, because India has not done manufacturing in the way that China did. But there have been a number of steps that have already been taken. The Chips and Science Act that was passed by the Biden administration last year, has put the brakes on China's own technological development. Even Japan and South Korea have been affected by this act. Unlike the cold war binary situation, we are now walking into a world which has two competing technological systems.





advanced systems that were available to China from the west may no longer be available. That has implications for India, certainly. While we like to stretch our space in the strategic autonomy sphere, we are also conscious of the fact that we do not want to play second fiddle to China in a technological universe. We have made a strategic choice to move with the Western world- that is with Europe, the US, Japan and Taiwan. There is a steady progression of Taiwanese companies moving to India, rather than to Vietnam. India, as we all know, is not very hospitable to new businesses, especially advanced manufacturing, because we haven't done that before. India has semiconductor and quantum missions. We have the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) in place and that governs the defense technology development with the US. All this will take a while to develop, to solidify and to be able to be interoperable with western systems. What we are looking now is a world that is in flux. We are entering fairly uncertain waters.

Trust: The New Normal

There are two wars occupying the world right now.

That brings in a very important element in the

The Russia-Ukraine war certainly divided the world into

foreign policy of the major powers. That is the element

two blocks of countries, the West, which condemned

of trust. It is countries that you trust, where you will

Russia, China, and North Korea, which supported


fountainhead of excellence

21 JANUARY 2024

With a large neighbour like India at the doorstep, these

their own little hedging. In Maldives, the new

countries will always hedge

government has said, ‘India out and China in.’ Five years ago, it was ‘China out and India in.’

their bets with an even bigger

With a large neighbour like India at the doorstep,

power, who is willing to be a

these countries will always hedge their bets with an

godfather to them.

even bigger power, who is willing to be a godfather to them. To Bangladesh, our closest neighbour yet, we've

Russia; and a big swathe of countries like India, which

given a line of credit of $500 million for defense

are neutral. China has announced itself to be the

purchases. Bangladesh hasn't used it. They take almost

champion of the global south. India has done that too,

all their weaponry from China. Sheikh Hasina is playing

by bringing the African Union into the G20. An

her own games there. We have to be nimble and

important development is that every Western country

responsive. But I'm not sure at which point, we should

is now interested in how the global south perceives

decide to be tough. We have tried being tough at

them. They want to attract the global south.

different points and it has not always played out well

There are a number of members of the new BRICS plus. The UAE and Saudi Arabia, two countries which

for us. Certainly, the carrot and stick approach will be in play by India in its neighborhood for a long time.

could have been balancing factors and Argentina and

Ananth Krishnan: When our neighbours are signing

Indonesia, decided not to join the BRICS plus at all. A

on to Chinese tech initiatives like the 5G networks of

little noticed agreement was signed between India,

Huawei, how will that affect our relations with them?

Brazil, South Africa—all members of BRICS—with America on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Delhi. It just tells you that the world that we have occupied today is a deeply contested world. We cannot predict who will come out ahead. But certainly, it opens the world to greater opportunities for countries like India, if we play in both sides. This will continue as we go along and we will have interesting times ahead.

European Union, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and other countries. They learned a lot from these western countries and graduated into a high-tech nation, specifically in 5G technologies, shipbuilding and a host of other high-tech manufacturing. Despite the US ban model and also announced that they have now reached the nine-nanometer length of the chips compared to

initiatives in our neighbourhood? Indrani Bagchi: China has been pushing for its influence in our neighbourhood for a long time. For Sri Lanka, it didn't matter whether we gave a $4 billion bailout earlier this year. The Chinese exploratory ships are still wandering around Hambantota and Sri Lankan waters. Sri Lankans have hinted that they are playing 22

in technology, courtesy the United States and the

on Huawei, the Chinese have unveiled the Huawei new

Ananth Krishnan: How should India approach China’s


Prof Kondapalli: The Chinese made a lot of progress

the global average of 24 nanometers. They have made progress but it appears it is to mainly showcase or create a wow-effect. The Huawei 5G is quite popular in South Asian countries. India definitely needs to keep in mind the Chinese dominance in the South Asian region’s telecom segment. We must take some countermeasures in this regard. 


fountainhead of excellence


fountainhead of excellence

23 JANUARY 2024

Ms Mridula Ramesh, CEO, Sundaram Climate Institute in conversation with Prof. Trilochan Sastry, Chairman, Association for Democratic Reforms. .


t ADR, we keep having discussions around the

‘By the people, for the people and of the people,’

country to find out views from the people on

famously said by Abraham Lincoln. We use another

ways to strengthen our democracy. We ask

statement that no office in the land is more important

people the issues on which they are least likely to vote.

than that of being a citizen. Most of the people that we

Recently, after the results of the elections in four states

talk to feel that democracy is very good but they are

have been declared, the Adani group stocks are hitting

not fully satisfied. They think that we can improve our

the upper circuit every day. Election result may affect


the share market, if nothing else but does it have an impact on the society?

There are some problems in all democracies of the world, including our democracy. We are divisive. We are

People like us live in a pretty good world. It doesn't

divided along regions, religions, languages and castes.

matter to us who wins or loses. But for the vast

We furiously fight each other in the public domain on

majority of people, their life actually changes in many

various issues. Our political parties also play up to

ways. To give you an example, the Karnataka

something or the other. Then, we have the money power

government promised free bus passes to women. Now,

and muscle power. Tamil Nadu is a leading light in the

the number of women taking the free bus ride and

amount of money spent in elections, perhaps because

going to temples has gone through the roof.

it is one of the most prosperous states. A lot of money

Each one of us will have a definition of what

is distributed to the voters.

democracy is. Each one of us will have a view on whether it's good or bad. We use a well-known phrase, 24



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How can we improve our democracy? Will the

The latest report states that

politicians correct themselves? The Supreme Court

44% of sitting MLAs have a

cannot run a democracy. It can intervene here and

criminal record. We did an

there. The corporates are unable to do anything. The

analysis of 4001 MLAs around

NGO and the media are there and they play their role.

the country. I'm sorry to say

But 20 years ago, we strongly we felt that we—the people —have to do something, even if it is unsuccessful. With

that Tamil Nadu is not a shining

this background, we started ADR more than 20 years

example of probity either.

ago. The latest report states that 44% of sitting MLAs have a criminal record. We did an analysis of 4001 MLAs around the country. I'm sorry to say that Tamil Nadu is not a shining example of probity either. It is just like any other state, maybe marginally better than some of the other states. 43% of sitting members of Parliament have a criminal record. I'm not making a sensational statement.

Supreme Court declared that the voters have a constitutional right to know the background of candidates. The candidates, through a sworn affidavit, now file this information with the election commission. We download these from the election commission website, do some analysis and generate reports. That's where our data comes from. Nobody has challenged them. The percentage of our elected representatives

We went to the Supreme Court and argued that all

with criminal records has, in fact, doubled from 22% in

of us have a right as citizens to know something about

2004, when we first started this activity, to about 43%

the people we are voting for. So, back in 2003, the



fountainhead of excellence

25 JANUARY 2024

The Global Integrity Report says that India struggles with

corrupt institutions. Our reports are published in regional newspapers

promoting transparency and

and magazines. We have filed 120 cases, of which we

accountability and in the

have won about 20 cases in the Supreme Court since

financing of political parties.

2002 or 2003. In one of the early judgements, the supreme court made five disclosures as mandatory. Past criminal convictions, the cases in which charges have

We are proud to be Indians. We are proud that we are doing extremely well globally. But whenever a report comes from outside the country, which seems to criticize us, we become hypersensitive. The Global Integrity Report says that India struggles with promoting transparency and accountability and in the







background must be stated by every candidate, in every election. But the Election Commission does not publicize it. It is therefore left to us to bring out the press reports, based on the affidavits that the candidates give.

financing of political parties. According to the 2010

Electoral Bonds: World over, the election campaign

Corruption Perception Index published by Transparency

financing has to be regulated and controlled to make

International, political parties are perceived- not by

democracy work better. In India, we don't have a set of

foreigners—but by Indian citizens, as one of the most

laws and we have moved backwards with the electoral




fountainhead of excellence

bonds, which have made the funding opaque. We don't

made a study and gave their recommendations to the

know who is funding who and how much. The law

election commission on what the political parties have

allows you to do that under electoral bonds. We are

to follow. Now the election commissioners enforce that

fighting a case in the Supreme Court against these

the parties should at least follow good accounting

bonds. Our mission is to improve governance and


strengthen democracy. There are four activities we do. Election Watch: We have state chapters. In Tamil Nadu, our coordinator is a professor in IIT Madras and a top musician. We analyze the data and inform the

Information dissemination is another thing that we do. The fourth thing that we do is advocacy.

The Role of Caste in India

voters through the non-English media. We found that

India is the most diverse country in the world. Over

people who speak English don't vote and people who

500 languages are spoken in India. We are very proud

vote generally don't speak English. So, we try to reach

of our mother tongue. There are more than 3000 castes.

them mainly through the regional media.

We call it ‘jati.’ Even the educated people support people

Political Party Watch: In all leading democracies of the world, the accounts and finances and donations of political







transparent. In India, it's not so. In fact, the electoral bonds scheme is a case which made it more opaque. We had to fight for several years and we finally got one judgment, which says that the Income Tax department shall release the information of the finances of political

of their caste and identify with them. All modernism and sophistication get out of the window, the moment caste factor comes in. Every religion in the world is there in India. Of course, the major religion is Hinduism. The second largest population is Muslims and we have a large number of Christians. We have Jews and we have Parsees. So, we are very diverse. Secondly, there is a huge churn happening in India, which many fail to notice. 45% of Indians are in internal

parties. Based on this, we do our analysis and bring out reports. It is touching the tip of the iceberg. What the political parties declare is a few thousand crores. But what they spend and the money which is put in envelopes and slipped under the door would cross 5 or 10 times of what they declare. Tamil Nadu is a leading example, for the wrong reasons. The political parties declare the audited statements but they use single entry, cash accrual and a cash-based system, not a double entry accrual system, which is the best practice. The political parties were not doing that. Once it came out, the election commission appointed Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). They

migration. I believe in Kerala, they have bus signs in Hindi because so many Biharis are there. The migrants are flung far away from their traditional families. Most of them are from rural backgrounds. Their traditional family and societal norms are gone, as they migrate. They just float around doing some construction work, taxi driving or whatever work they can do. Third, of course, is the advent of mobile phones. At one point, I read, that the most downloaded songs were in Bhojpuri, because Biharis are the maximum number migrants. They go all over the country. Through mobile phones, they get entertainment, good news, bad news, fake news and everything.


fountainhead of excellence

27 JANUARY 2024

The world inequality report says that the inequality

noticed some good things there. Donald Trump

index in India is rising. There were rich and poor people

appointed a committee of industrial captains, some 20

always down the ages. But in those days, people didn't

of them to advise him. Of course, every president does

know. Now through WhatsApp and mobile phones, they

that. But, in this case, within six months, one by one,

immediately know about the differences.

they all resigned. They publicly said that they disagreed

Change is happening very fast and people look for stability. One of the sources of stability is God and religion. The second is the political leader. People look

with the President on many of his statements and policies. That, I think, is democracy in action for the businessmen.

for some political leader who will solve all their

Here in India, either the top businessmen are silent.

problems. Different political parties try their luck on

Or, they always say nice things about the people in

how to entice people to vote for them. At ADR, we seek

power. This is the Indian mindset. The Americans, at

your views and advice on how we can together

least, are able to assert their individuality and

strengthen our democracy.

independence while we are simply unable to do that. We don't have to be heroes and fight against any


government. But we can stick to certain principles, which are universally accepted, be honest, be truthful, do good business and make the business prosperous.

Ms Mridula Ramesh: In your survey, out of 20 governance priorities, people have chosen the encroachment of water bodies as the bottommost. So,

We don't have to necessarily align with any party that comes to power. This, I think, will help increase the tone of discussion in the society enormously.

if I were a politician, I'll say that it's not valued. So

I'm not blaming this government. It used to happen

why should I care about it? In view of the Chennai

earlier also. For instance, when Manmohan Singh was

floods, does this not assume great significance?

the PM, I saw big posters that said Manmohan Singh

Dr Sastry: We have something called as smashana vairagya. This is deceptive, detachment which we get at the burial ground, when we attend a funeral. But this is short-lived. Similarly, after the floods, when people go back to their normal lives, they forget about it and get on with other important things. What are the things that business leaders should keep in their mind when they think about democracy and the direction in which it's headed? I'm not an unabashed admirer of the United States. But there are some good things and not so good things. In some ways, perhaps we are better than them. But I 28


should get a Nobel Prize. Secondly, you must treat your employees well. If you believe in democracy, it doesn't mean that everybody is equal. But you must give equal opportunity and treat everybody with respect and dignity, whether he or she cleans the toilets or is the CEO. Good businessmen do that. One of the things that fascinates me is your book on Hinduism. Is there a connection between your organization and the book? The motivation is spiritual in both the cases. I am inspired by Swami Vivekananda. Whatever we do must be for the good of the world.


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What is your thought on freebies? When the ruling party gives it, they call it welfare. When they're in

You can't expect politicians and political parties to run on love

opposition, they accuse the other party of giving

and fresh air. They need money


for campaigns.

Given the inequality in the society, world over, there is some kind of leg up given to the poor. Even America has welfare schemes. But if we are going too far and using it for political gains and competition is the

and the government to work together?

question. Subash Chandra Bose said, “Give me your blood. I'll give you freedom.” Today, our politicians say, “I will give you money. Give me votes.” We can give free education or free primary health services. But when it comes to giving free bus passes and so on, it becomes

We need leadership and that leadership has to come from civil society. The leadership must be willing to put some effort and stick their neck out a bit. Coordination between the corporate, the civil society and the government will not happen without a catalyst. That

a problem.

catalyst has to come from civil society. The civil society How has your experience as Chairman of ADR shaped your perspective of India's democracy? I have great faith in the younger generation. They are the future and hope for democracy. They actively

must engage more meaningfully with the government and the political system. It takes time to build trust. It requires persistence, leadership, gathering of support and using that support to lobby.

look for guidance, but the elders fail to provide the

How can businesses and corporates play a positive

right guidance to young people around the country. We

role in supporting democratic reforms and good

need to do that. In Puranas, we read that after the


churn, the poison comes first and then comes the amrit (nectar). Our society is now going through the churn.

Politics and elections require money. Let us be honest about it. You can't expect politicians and

Eventually, the nectar will come out.

political parties to run on love and fresh air. They need How can the youth be encouraged to actively participate in the political process?

money for campaigns. It's a reality and we accept that. One big source of that money is the business. You

Firstly, they have to take interest and number two,

should fund them. But you have to extract a pound of

they have to be well informed about various issues. It

flesh, not for the personal benefit of your business, but

is not like supporting CSK just because you are Chennai

for the benefit of society and good governance. Pitch

lad. For instance, MS Dhoni is not from Chennai. Our

your common demands for the good of the ecosystem

support is for emotional reasons. This should not be

and the society. Then things will improve.

the case in politics. Be well informed, learn about

As an academic and consultant, how do you

democracy and get engaged. Then, magic will happen.

balance your focus on corporate strategy with your

How would you get the private sector, civil society

commitment to societal issues?


fountainhead of excellence

29 JANUARY 2024

Is RTI being abused?

In any democracy, we need transparency. All the money in the government comes from

Anything can be abused and so can be RTI. It doesn't mean that RTI should go away. We must understand that the makers of our constitution declared

the people of India either

article 19(1)(a), the freedom of expression as a

through the income tax or

fundamental right. The RTI Act is giving teeth to the

corporate tax or whatever.

fundamental right. In any democracy, we need transparency. All the money in the government comes from the people of India either through the income tax or corporate tax or whatever. So, people should have a

In the Gita, we talk about yagna. There are many

right to know what is happening with that money. The

definitions. Some people give wealth, some give

questions that you ask under RTI really matter. For

products, some give their yogas or tapas as their

example, I cannot ask under RTI, ‘What is your wealth?’

offering to God, with devotion. All of us are privileged

But I can ask, ‘How much money was spent on an

and we are well off. By some miracle, God has given me

airport construction?’ It's public money.

two bits of intelligence and some abilities. I want to use my abilities for the good of society. That is my yagna.

Can you share key challenges you've encountered in advocating for electoral reforms?

When the motivation is reasonably clear, your mind One is criminalisation of politics, which we're

starts functioning better and you are able to balance

fighting in the Supreme Court. If we go one step

multiple roles.

forward, we take two steps backward. The War of What advice do you have for aspiring leaders and

Independence was supposedly started in 1857, which

activists looking to contribute to democratic reforms?

the British call the Indian Mutiny. We got independence

Think about how people will eventually remember

in 1947, after 90 years. With electoral reforms, we've just begun. We are not the only people. There are a lot

you. Don’t you think that asking people, who want to contest elections to declare their assets, violates their right to privacy?

of people working for reforms. Irrespective of challenges, we have to keep at it. At a personal level, we get







Periodically, we get notices. But when I take a risk, I

This is an old debate. The Supreme Court and many countries around the world, have said that if you want to get into public life, then you have to be a little bit

cannot expect that I should be 100% safe. What gives you hope on the Indian democracy?

open. When Nandan Nilekani stood for elections, he

The people of India. The basics of India are very

declared his assets and nobody made a big song and

good. Our spirituality, value system and family

dance about that. Because, he got his money in a

structure are our strengths. There is something sacred

legitimate and honest way.

in our soil. There are challenges but we will keep moving forward. 




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fountainhead of excellence

31 JANUARY 2024

What psychological barriers or stereotypes do women face when they're striving to break boundaries? Dr Prithika Chary, Senior Consultant Neurologist, in conversation with Dr Saranya T Jaikumar, Consultant Educational Psychologist, Rtn Ms Vidya Srinivasan, Chief Marketing Officer, Tristha Global Pvt Ltd; and Ms Swetha C, Founder‐Director & CEO, Born2Win Social Welfare Trust.


r Prithika Chary: The


There's a quotation which says, “Why do you want to

discussion is to tell women that it's okay not

be like the rest of the world, when you were created to

to be okay. When there's something that is not

stand out?” So, take pride in standing out.



okay with us, we think that's the end of the world. We don't try anymore. We give up and we have people around us who will tell us, “You can't do it. It's not for you.” They fuel further our inadequacy. In a world which







expectations, it's very important for each one of us to recognize and celebrate our individual uniqueness.

We have a panel of incredible individuals who exemplify these ethos. Dr Saranya T Jaikumar is a distinguished psychologist who delves into the intricacies of the human mind. Swetha is a trailblazing transgender woman who breaks stereotypes; and Vidya Srinivasan is an inspiring corporate head, who excels despite so many hurdles she might have faced in her

As women, we often find ourselves navigating

life. Let's together explore the power of self-acceptance,

through a maze of societal pressures, stereotypes and

of resilience and the remarkable journey of embracing

constraints. Imperfections are not obstacles, but rather,

our differences to create a world, where every woman



can thrive beyond boundaries. Remember, it's not about

acknowledging our differences, our struggles, and our

being flawless. It's about being flawsome. It's a word



you would never have heard before. It means being

superpowers. What you think as a limitation, may

awesome, with flaws and all. Let us talk about how

perhaps be something so unique to you - a superpower,

flawlessly, we can be flawsome.





to as





which distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd. 32



fountainhead of excellence

My first question to the panel is: In your experience, what psychological barriers or stereotypes do women face when they're striving to break boundaries and how can they navigate them?

Dr Saranya: In the Indian setup, women try to satisfy

maid or other supporting persons at home. Let them do some of the jobs and appreciate them for that. Don’t be very judgmental with them and think that you would do a better job than them.

everybody around them—the mother, the father, the in-

Swetha: I was 12 or 13 when I realised I was a

laws, the husband, the children and everybody; and

transgender. I studied in Nungambakkam Boys' High

then, they also try to grow. I think that becomes a

School. I faced discrimination and sexual harassment.

problem. Sometimes, you have to compromise and let

I was made fun of, more so because I was a boy with

go of certain things. Only then, you will be able to

feminine characteristics. When I became part of the

thrive. For instance, I was born cleft lip into a family,

transgender community, I started looking out for people

where women were not given education; I am the first

who are not shy of their gender identity and are able to

graduate in my family. A few of my relatives chose not

challenge the society but they are very few. I am happy

to talk to my parents, because they chose to give me

to share that at the all-India level, people from Chennai

education and they chose to keep me alive. Cleft lip

figure prominently in the list of top transgender

children are considered a sign of bad luck.

achievers. They include doctors, nurses and advocates.

My parents too were insisted by few other family

I am a child of a single mother. When I understood

members that they should not keep me alive. They had

my gender identity, the pace of my education was

to fight and let go of a few relationships in life. That is

impacted. Recently, we were all affected by Covid. But

why, I was able to do something in life and be of some

30 years ago, HIV virus created waves and because of

use to some people around me. Trying to satisfy

that, many people became aware of the transgender

everybody around you is a problem. Have a cook or a

community. Today, like any other disease, HIV has


fountainhead of excellence

33 JANUARY 2024

Each of us has some strength. I worked on my strengths.

you're running, nobody's really bothered if your head is straight or crooked. I represented my school and even the Madras University. When we moved to Chennai, I used to play basketball. I was good at music and

~ Vidya Srinivasan

singing. All these helped me. From a child who used to be shy of people, I'm now the most extroverted person. I have had a 360-degree change. I don't hesitate to talk

become common and there is treatment available. But in those days, it was considered a dreaded disease. That triggered me to start a social organisation 'Born2win Social Welfare Trust' to help and empower the transgender community. For the last 12 years, I have been running this trust. My objective is to help the transgender community; to connect them with the mainstream society; and to help them find a place there. The feelings, emotions and challenges of each transgender are different from that of the other. Despite the challenges, I was focussed on my mission and today many transgenders rally behind me.

to any stranger. I can strike a conversation and get things going. All of us lack something. I don't think you should focus on that. Instead, you should focus on your strengths and make a difference to yourself, and thereby to the world. Women particularly have a terrible habit of self-sabotage. We are so busy criticising ourselves. Please treat yourself with kindness. You deserve it. Whether other people treat you with compassion or not, be gentle with yourself. Saranya, tell us how women can leverage their unique experience and difference in themselves and make it a superpower, rather than a flaw?

Saranya: The words normal and abnormal are contextual. Wearing a sari with a blouse is normal now.

Vidya Srinivasan: I have a problem with my neck. It

But 200 years ago, nobody used to wear a blouse. That

looks like my head is tilted. It's called congenital

was the normal then. I had a friend who came from

torticollis in medical terms. It means that muscles on

France to meet me. I took the friend to a biryani shop

one side are shorter than the other. Because of that,

where they served biryani in one plate. My friend

there are allied issues. For example, I used to wear

remarked why we were eating abnormally because

glasses and it used to be real trouble getting the right

without an appetiser and a starter, a main course

lenses and adjusted to the crooked neck.

appeared strange.

When I was in my first standard, students used to

When I got married, I was only 32 kilos. In our

call me, ‘crooked head.’ I never even felt bad about it.

culture, a bride should be a little plump. But if I was in

Nowadays, we call it labelling. But it really didn't bother

another country where it's okay for women to be that

me. Mostly, I got treated fairly. Maybe, a teacher would

thin, I wouldn't have had that feeling. The kind of

not put me in the front row for a picture or I may not

differences you see in the people in the US, you don't

get to play the lead role in a dance but honestly, I never

see in India. But here, most of them are in one particular

felt discriminated. I was quite comfortable.

way and when I am alone in another way, people see

Each of us has some strength. I worked on my strengths. I was very good at sports and athletics. When 34


me differently. That does not mean, I stop growing and performing.


fountainhead of excellence

Only those that go through trouble and then win

The best way to find your

over, are considered successful. That is the reason acid

opportunity is to go through

attack victims and people with different physical

the obstacles.

challenges are recognized. I am called for so many TED talks, because I was born cleft lip and not for the fact

~ Dr Pritika Chary

that I was the first doctorate in educational psychology. If you have some unique experience, which is good, bad or ugly, it doesn't matter. These are blessings from God. You will be successful and one day you will have stories to tell the people around you. We learn from our experiences. How happy we are with those experiences is what really matters

months to live, let me do what I had to do and enjoy my life as much as I could.

With that attitude,

everything became much easier. I live alone and I was 69 years old when I was diagnosed. It was hard. The journey was tough. But I never gave up because I knew

Sweta. After you started running your organisation, how did you carry on and achieve what you wanted? How did you display your resilience?

Swetha: I am now a national trainer in a communitybased organization. If somebody grows up in any community, people will try to discourage and the same is true in our community too. People said I would not live long. Today, I run my organisation in a sustainable

that there were better things in store for me. I am also a brain health and resilience coach. My comeback is much better than my setback. I think, personally, I'm having the best of my life for the rest of my life. Vidya, what strategies have you found effective in overcoming workplace challenges and biases faced by women in general, if they have any kind of disability and if they are striving for leadership roles?

manner. I am a national and international consultant. I

Vidya: One of the most important things for women

am a Master Trainer in Tata Institute of Social Sciences,

at workplaces is to be unapologetic for being a woman.

Mumbai. All these happened, thanks to my steely

First of all, don't think of gender when it comes to

resolve to achieve something and contribute to the

anything. Think of yourself as one more resource

society. I am now busy 24 X 7. I have been addressing

person there. Then half your problems will be solved. I

many crises that arise in our community. I interact with

come from the branding industry, where luckily a lot

IAS and IPS officers. I do a lot of advocacy programmes.

of women are there. Now I am in IT and again, in IT, lots

We have been requesting the government for LGBT

of women are there. But by and large, I've seen that the

policies. I have written and published 4 books of poems.

biggest stumbling block for women is women

My own biography has been published in Nakeeran

themselves because they are limited in their mind.

magazine. I love who I am.

Second, do not put yourself behind by saying, “I'm

Dr Pritika Chary: The best way to find your

a woman. Can I do this?” We are not confident of our

opportunity is to go through the obstacles. I was

own capabilities. The reason why managers hesitate to

diagnosed in a routine health check up with rectum

push a woman is because the woman herself is hesitant

cancer of grade three in December 2016. I was told that

and doubts her ability to take on that role. Women as

in six months, I had a 30 to 50% chance of not being

such have to work 50% or 100% harder than men to

alive. I was single woman. I thought that if I got only six

prove their place in the world. So, if you have


fountainhead of excellence

35 JANUARY 2024

then you will be able to continue doing that. I was in TCS working in the R&D department. I was doing very well, but for some reason I thought that was not for me. I'm a people's person. I like speaking to children and spending time with them. I quit my job and went on to pursue psychology. Then, I did everything else in life. There were a lot of people who said I was a fool, leaving a wonderful job to do something that's much smaller than what I was doing. When you stand by your decision and perform, you will be able to succeed. Swetha: Transwomen face lots of challenges. Many of the trans people have come to me saying that they

Many of the trans people have come to me saying that they

want to change their identity or undergo gender transformation therapy, cosmetic surgeries and so on. Some of them even hurt themselves by tying elastic

want to change their identity

bands to hide their breasts. I counsel them not to do that. Clothing can be different from the person. But

~ Swetha

body and feelings are integral to each person. I tell them not to be shy of their physical features and give them the confidence, that if they aspire to become successful

disabilities, take that out of your mind and work on

in any field, they can do so, irrespective of their physical

your strengths.

features. ‘Be proud of being yourself,’ is what I tell

The last point I would like to make is there is no


need to conform to stereotypes. I've been in the

Vidya: We give too much weight to the ecosystem

marketing and advertising business. I handle clients like

and constantly evaluate us against that ecosystem that

Channel V and Bacardi. Every day, we used to have

includes our colleagues, parents, cousins, in-laws,

parties in the night. My job was to ensure that the brand

immediate extended family and the like. Therefore, the

was showcased in these parties. Each day, I would

doubt comes. Once you stop comparing, a lot of these

comeback looking like I've smoked at least three

self-doubt issues will come down automatically.

packets of cigarettes and drunk heavily. But till today, I remain a teetotaller. There is no pressure to belong to any group.

Saranya: Self-doubt starts from somewhere and then build builds up in us. When I was a commission member, I rescued 750 children from different

Saranya: You need to love yourself above everything

situations. I shut down 16 mills and a few schools

else in this world. There is an expectancy theory that

because they were not taking care of children too well.

says you will be motivated to do something, only if

People warned me but I was not really scared of

there is balance. When you enjoy doing something, only

anything. I said that if I have to do good to the society,




fountainhead of excellence

I will do it.

that yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a

When I shut down one particular mill in Tirupur, a few of their supporters went on to release a morphed

promissory note. Only today is cash in hand. Make every day the most wonderful day in your life.

image of me on the internet. It went viral and I was very

The desire for perfectionism also blocks us. Many

upset. That's when the real self-doubt started. But there

years ago, I was the real perfectionist. I would be very

were a lot of people who said, “No. You're doing a good

fussy about everything and they had to be just exactly

job and because of you, so many children have been

as they were supposed to be. Over the years, I found

saved.” My self-doubts slowly vanished with such

that it made me unpopular. I changed. What difference

positive people around me. Psychology says that when

does it make whether a bottle is here or two inches

you have more positive people around you, your self-

away? It is more important to progress, rather than be

doubts will vanish completely.

perfect. There is beauty even in imperfection. You cannot be everything to everybody. There will always be somebody better than you and somebody who is not as good as you are. So don't compare. Be your best self and work on making a better version of yourself every single day. Then there is something called the impostor syndrome. It makes you feel that you're flawed, in spite of your accomplishments. You feel that you're not really competent and you don't deserve any praise for what you achieved. We fool ourselves that way. That's a kind of self-sabotage. Show people what you do best. Don't feel shy. You may paint or sing or play the saxophone.

Maybe, you are not at a professional level. But it's your

People are basically good hearted. They want to help you.

skill and an achievement. The last point that I want to discuss is, exposing

But you have to show them

our vulnerabilities. For instance, when I had cancer, I

how they can help you.

asked for help, though I am a very independent person and don't generally ask for any help. I realized I was

~ Dr Pritika Chary

living alone. I've got two sisters whose health is worse than mine. I can employ somebody to take care of me.

Dr Pritika: We say that you are the sum of the five people you spend most of your time with. We must have the ability to stay in the present and not rue about the past, or worry unduly about the future. Remember

Fortunately, I could financially afford that. But who's going to hold my head when I'm vomiting after chemotherapy? Who's going to be beside me when I feel sad?


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37 JANUARY 2024

People are basically good hearted. They want to

least one person in our life, whom we can call for

help you. But you have to show them how they can help

anything, at any time of the day or night. It can be

you. That's exactly what I did. I exposed my

anybody—a friend, colleague, husband, wife, cousin or

vulnerability. I called up my friends and told them,

uncle. You don’t even think twice before calling them.

“Listen. I need you to give me a lift every day to the

Work on establishing that kind of bonding and

hospital for my radiotherapy. I need three of you to

relationship. 

look after my special diet.” My friends rallied around me and my whole journey of the cancer treatment for two years was fantastic. That's why I'm here today to talk to you. Don't feel bad to ask for help when you need it. In fact, there was one patient who was admitted with a stroke. She had a son. Nobody else was there. When we lifted the patient and put our hand under her armpits, we felt something on her right breast. When we examined her, she had a huge right breast malignancy that must have been going on for more than a year apparently. That spread to her brain and she died later. When I asked her son, he said, “Madam. She never told me about her problem.” Stop being a candle, giving light to everybody and melting yourself. On the contrary, be an oil lamp. Burn bright in your own flame. You'll be capable of lighting many other lamps.

Q&A What are the recent trends in psychology to solve our problems?

Saranya: The recent advancement is cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). We have something called mindfulness-based CBT, which is nothing but one that has most of the concepts of yoga. The ancient Indian yoga is so valuable in taking care of our physical and mental health. We are rediscovering what India had all

Vidya: When everybody tells you that you're a superwoman, it gives you a high. Then you start

this while and giving it different names. Yoga is definitely a very good practice.

believing in that, you go on stretching yourself and end up as a nervous and mental wreck. We must realize our How can we instil a sense of empowerment and strength in young girls from an early age?

limits. Saranya: In this digital world, young girls are very conscious about how many followers and friends they have. I feel, having so many followers or friends on social media doesn't matter. If you have a problem, immediately, to whom can you reach out? Even five of them is sufficient.

Vidya: When somebody does something, praise them. When they do something wrong, gently tell them how it needs to be done. Don't criticize them. This gives positive reinforcement to young girls. When they grow up, they will be self-reliant, confident and ready to face the world.

Dr Pritika: I always say that we should all have at 38



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Swetha: Young girls must develop their skills. Skill development is gender-agnostic.

and gave her children is amazing. Swetha: My mother is my inspiration. I am here today because of my mother.

How can we ensure that empowerment efforts are inclusive and that they consider the diverse experiences of women?

Dr Pritika: Empowerment does not mean that there is no variety. Everybody cannot have the same type of empowerment. To me, exposing my vulnerability was an empowerment. When we undertake empowerment initiatives for a large group, we do take into consideration the diversity of the group. It has to be a generalized empowerment first, and then maybe narrowed down to individual empowerment.

Vidya: My mother didn't live with us so long. In my case, my father doubled up as my mother. It need not always be a female inspiration. Dr Pritika: Most of those who inspired me to become a successful woman were all men, especially because I'm in the field of neurology. I was the first lady to do DM in Neurology in Madras Medical College. When I was doing my MD, I was the only girl in a class of 20 boys. I have many male role models in my career. Every person we meet, leaves us with something, which is inspirational. If you're open to it, you will notice it.

How can we encourage more women to become role models and sources of inspiration for others?

Dr Pritika: The best way to encourage other women to grow and which is lacking very much in our society, is mentorship. When one woman stands up for herself, she actually stands up for 100 other women. When one woman decides to allow more women around her to grow, she must mentor them. That is the way you empower others.

When you close yourself to it, you will miss it.

How does media representation influence the perception of women’s strengths and capabilities?

Vidya: I've done a lot of work with the media industry.







experience, I would say, ‘Please do not take anything that the media says at the face value but with a pinch of salt.’ I'm not saying every journalist is biased. Most of them are very good. The advent of social media plays

Who are the women that have inspired you in breaking boundaries and embracing strengths?

Vidya: There are so many women, starting with my mother. I'm a very good cook because my aunt inspired me. Dr Pritika Chary is a Rotarian colleague, and she's a great inspiration for all of us.

a very big role, because the communication comes to you directly from the source, in which case, the validation becomes easy. Sweta: I feel the media is not fully educated about the LGBT community. We need more awareness and understanding of our issues and challenges amongst

Saranya: My grandmother who lost her husband at the age of 38, with eight children is my big inspiration. She was a widow in Sri Lanka and then she had to come to India with all her children. She was not educated. She had nothing at all in life. And from there, what she built

the media fraternity. Saranya: There's a saying which goes, “No matter what. Get up, dress up and show up.” Keep going. We will all be successful. 


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Three achievers from traditionally male dominated sectors discuss about what it takes to build their dreams and catalyse change. Ms Roshni Raju, Founder, MED‐bites Pvt Ltd led the conversation with Ms Archana Kalpathi, Creative Producer/CEO, AGS Cinemas and Ms Rohini Manian, CEO, Global Adjustments. .


oshni Raju: We are privileged to say that the

My dad said, “Why didn't you go and turn it around and

metaphoric glass ceiling extends beyond

flip it?” That was given to me when I was 21. I was living

gender. It encompasses the multifaceted

in Ooty by myself. There was a lot of fun. I got to learn

struggles, obstacles and barriers that individuals face,

many aspects, because real estate, as Rohini would say,

when striving for excellence in their professional

has a lot of nuances to it. There are government

journeys. Today, I hope to dive into some interesting

approvals and handling contractors and vendors. For

stories by Rohini and Archana, who have defied

hotels, you need to learn a whole new skill set. So that

conventional limitations by setting up their respective

was my first project. We bought the hotel, renovated

businesses and by challenging the status quo and

and then sold it.

redefining success. Rohini, you had a brief stint in Daimler before joining Global Adjustments; and Archana, you were offered roles in IBM, Google, and had

Roshni Raju: After that, how did you enter into multiplexes and movies?

a brief stint in turning around hotels before starting

Archana Kalpathi: I like design. I like managing and

AGS cinemas. How was your journey? How did you get

running hospitality. I love movies. The old Royal Theatre

to where you are?

came up for sale for four crores. I convinced my dad to

Archana Kalpathi: I come from a family business. My family was into the IT and IT services industry. I'm a computer science engineer and that's what I studied. We sold our business to Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. My first

invest in that. I told him we have only few multiplexes. Satyam had renovated and Inox had just opened. I thought it was a good idea to have a multiplex chain in Tamil Nadu. So that's how the idea started.

project was in Ooty. It was the old Dasaprakash hotel. BUSINESS MANDATE

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41 JANUARY 2024

Roshni Raju: What change have you brought into

Being a much younger person, the first thing that I had to do

your companies or to the industries that you're in? Rohini Manian: I've taken it global. We were always focused on India. Now we have a global market. We look

was to earn the respect of all

at real estate, focussing on India, Dubai and the United

the people who work for us.

Kingdom. That was a very big change for us. The second thing, we've incorporated technology and automated a

~ Rohini Manian

lot of things and made the process more transparent for our customers.

Rohini Manian: Archana and I went to school together and it's nice to reconvene over here. My story is a little similar. My family was in infrastructure. My grandfather started an infrastructure business. By the time I was ready to join the workforce, my father had sold our infrastructure business to one of the world's largest players Eurabia. From there, he got into real estate. When I came back, I thought I needed to have a little bit of professionalism and work with an MNC. So I joined Daimler. I realized very soon that my passion was real estate. Now I always say my first love is real estate. That's how I ended up joining the family business. 42


Archana Kalpathi: I have been in this business for about 17 years now. It's a long journey. The movie business was very fragmented when we started. There were multiple small players. Now, there are a few larger players in the multiplex space and the movie making business has transformed. We have corporatized it to a reasonable extent. In both our production houses, we don't deal with cash. That is one of the biggest changes that we have made. We've also been working with the government to try and get industry status for the film space as well. It's a long way to go but these are baby steps.


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You also need to get a team to trust you. For that, you need to consistently show up every day, irrespective of whatever happens. ~ Archana Kalpathi

Roshni Raju: Today, technology and AI are impacting different industries. How are you adapting to that change?

because audiences will catch on to it very quickly. We have to always do the latest. Roshni Raju: It's difficult to stay current without

Rohini Manian: Being a much younger person, the

losing your current position. Gaining respect and

first thing that I had to do was to earn the respect of

trust, I would say, is part of the metaphoric glass

all the people who work for us. They worked for my

ceiling. Do you have any anecdotes you can share

mom and dad earlier and I had very big shoes to fill. I

with us of how you went through that experience?

had to know my industry really well. You have to know twice as much, if you have to get other people's respect. After I worked on that, I could value add to the team. I brought in the changes by automating things through software. I got a good company to come and develop our own app. Our customers have real time information. Everything is now much faster and smoother.

Rohini Manian: When I decided to join global adjustments, I was very young. I had to give respect and listen to my team. I had to make them feel that I'm an ally and I really care about the amount of work and effort they put into our companies. They are the core and backbone of our company. That was something that I did. The second thing is, I worked twice as hard, so I

Archana Kalpathi: We have to be very current and

got to know more. Once you know more, people respect

relevant. Because in cinema, everything changes. AI and

you and it's much easier and smoother to work

tech are very big things for us. 15 years back, even


projection was not digital. It was analog. Now it's all digital projection. The amount of VFX that is being done in films now is very high. Out of two hours and 40 minutes of a movie, 90 minutes is CG (Computer Graphics). The way films are being shot now has changed. It's all green mat. We are in the process of rolling out artificial intelligence-based production studios, which is going to be the next big thing. The whole concept of making a set and shooting in the set will go. It's all going to be virtual reality production. AI is also taking away a lot of jobs in our industry

Archana Kalpathi: I was privileged, because I was lucky that my parents had enough money to invest in my idea. You also need to get a team to trust you. For that, you need to consistently show up every day, irrespective of whatever happens. Failures do happen. But I build trust by breaking things, then fixing it and then breaking it again. I continue to do so. That's how you can end up finally breaking the glass ceiling. Roshni Raju: Can you tell us one of the things that you broke and fixed?

now. We used to have colourists and artists. Right now,

Archana Kalpathi: When I built the first multiplex, I

there is a strike in the US where they are opposing a lot

didn't know I had to get 14 licenses from the

of companies from moving to AI and insisting on having

government. I just thought I needed a building approval.

people in the workforce. It is a challenge for us. But

I got the CMDA approval. When I went for a C form, I

cinema has always been at the forefront of adapting,

was told that I needed all the other approvals. I was 22


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43 JANUARY 2024

or 23 then. It took me a year and a half to go and sit

blessed to have a very understanding spouse and that

with every officer and apologise to them. I told them I

is half the battle won. He is not a very traditional

made a mistake and asked them how to fix it. My family

spouse. He carries half the load. He's a co-parent in

had no idea about the business either. So, no one could

every sense. I'm lucky for that. But it is tough.

come and fix it for me. You learn by making mistakes.

Sometimes, I would take my child with me to work. I

You must have the courage to face it as well.

believe that for women to be able to progress, you have

Rohini Manian: I tried to start various other businesses by being the investing or the silent partner. With three of my businesses, I just had to cut my losses

to see your child as a part of you. I would never feel embarrassed to take him with me to my office or let him run around and do his own thing.

and hence shut them down. I'm also lucky that I had

Rohini Manian: I went back to work when my

the ability to do that. But it taught me a very important

daughter was nine days old. I never took time off, since

lesson on doing what you're really good at. I have

then. I have a really supportive family. That was very

decided that anything I do will be allied to real estate.

helpful to me, especially because I'm a single parent. It

Roshni Raju: One similar point that the three of us have is that we were all pretty young getting into business. I was 24. You both were around 21. The age definitely was not on our side when we were starting business. But starting early, I felt like half the battle was

was very important for me to have that support system. I'm still figuring out the mom guilt. But my daughter is also very understanding. I tell her that I have to go to work and that's my responsibility like school is hers. Roshni Raju: How do you unwind? We said that there is no work-life balance. I definitely struggle

won, in any arena that I was in. Archana Kalpathi: I'm super thick skinned. It doesn't get to me at all. In AGS, we have a policy of dressing up in uniform: T-shirt and jeans. I'll be at the box office or at a concession selling popcorn and some customers would have an issue and start screaming. I would go and tell them, “Can I help you?” They will say, “Please call the manager or someone senior.” I can't tell them that I own the place. But honestly, that's wonderful. Rohini Manian: I used to go to a lot of international conferences on real estate and relocation. At 22, when I introduced myself as the CEO, people would be

drawing the line between bringing work home and making sure that my kid doesn't realize that what happens at work stays at work and what happens at home stays at home. But do you have any sort of meditative activities or any unwinding things that clear your mind at the end of the day? Rohini Manian: For me, it's fitness. I really enjoy the one hour that I do- kickboxing or my workout or anything like that. It gives me that release. It gives me the space. Also, I love to spend time with my dogs. I have seven of them. Archana Kalpathi: I hardly get much time and I think

curious as to what this kid was trying to do. Roshni Raju: How do you balance motherhood and professionalism?

in my industry, you definitely need mental health. I read a lot. That is my way of unwinding. I just love to read. Now I end up reading a lot of scripts. 

Archana Kalpathi: I'm quite forgiving myself. I am 44



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Can you share specific strategies or initiatives you have implemented to break the glass ceiling in the entertainment sector?

Archana Kalpathi: I don't think I've yet broken that. You are part of the cinema industry. How do you encourage diversity and inclusion within your organization?

Archana Kalpathi: It is very difficult to achieve diversity because we are about 95% men in a film set.

I am taking small steps. Being a producer, I listen to stories and make sure that people actually watch it. If I can have at least 50% women on our production teams, then I may consider myself breaking that ceiling.

But what we are trying to actively do is at least get interns from various colleges to come and do internships in production departments. With cinemas,

How do you contribute to the empowerment of women in the healthcare sector?

it is relatively easy, because it's like any other

Roshni Raju: I don't quite provide jobs in the

hospitality business. With respect to making films, I am

healthcare sector. Mine is more in the marketing space.

actively looking for young directors and young DOPs

I look for graphic designers, 3D artists and content

(Director of Photography), so the team will always have

creators who are females. I look for doctors, especially

at least one or two women. We, as a company, insist

women, who are in the second phase of their life, where

that they take and we provide a very safe environment

they're balancing a family and are no longer able to

for them. It's a responsibility for us because we travel

practice and so they're able to write. I do encourage

across the world. We put them in situations where it

women empowerment.

can be unsafe. That's an extra responsibility. But I think we need to do it, because I want to see this at 50% at How do you see the intersectionality of gender and cultural intelligence, playing a role in leadership?

some point.

In navigating the fields of business and culture, what strategies have you found effective in promoting gender equality and breaking barriers?

Rohini Manian: In our office, I'm happy to say my entire leadership team is women. One of our core things is encouraging women. We have a foundation where we champion women. We are very keen on gender equality.

Rohini Manian: We work with 89 nationalities. At any given point in time, we'll have about 30 different nationalities of customers, of different genders and cultural intelligence. It's all about having emotional intelligence. We've trained our team to respect and understand different people's cultures, thoughts and opinions.

When we are hiring, we have a full diversity policy, where we look at taking people onto our team, who have special abilities. We've been successful in doing that. It goes a little bit with our value system and culture.

How did you overcome challenges in the traditionally male dominated film industry to reach the position of CEO at AGS cinemas?

Archana Kalpathi: I think, with a lot of luck. I also think I didn't give up on consistency, hard work and showing up every day. BUSINESS MANDATE

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45 JANUARY 2024

marketing seven years ago, it was a taboo, because Did you face significant gender biases in your industry when you entered?

Archana Kalpathi: We can't let it affect us. That is

ethically, you cannot market medicine. But today, people are moving around to the mindset of educating and propagating a message in medicine.

where being thick skinned helps. No one should be able to stop you from doing or achieving your dream, because you have one life, and you have one chance at what you want to do.

How do you see the future of multiplexes in the era of OTTs?

Archana Kalpathi: The future is quite bright. There was a slump, right after Covid. But now people are back to the theatres. In fact, for producers, OTT is a big boon.

As a founder of a content production company in the healthcare sector, what advice do you have for aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to break through in this industry?

Roshni Raju: Turn up every day, and be consistent with what you're doing. When I started medical



For theatres, there was a small dip, but now they are getting the maximum amount of revenue for any cinema. I think OTT will probably find its own space, just like how satellite TV did at one point of time. Theatre is a social experience because you come on a date, with your friend or your family. 


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47 JANUARY 2024

Exploring the different aspects of our heritage and understanding the nuances of owning it and expounding it. Dr D K Hari and Dr Hema Hari, Founders & Trustees of Bharath Gyan and authors of several books, jointly delivered the lecture as part of the Fifth R K Swamy Memorial Lecture.


or more than 5000 years, we have used signages.

logical basis. We have vowels and consonants. They are

We can spot the world’s oldest signboard in a

based on the sounds that come out unobstructed from

place called Dholavira. We find these signs along

any of the contours of our mouth. If we want to say ‘ka,’

the entire stretch from Tahiti to Phoenicia. Interestingly,

we have to modulate it with the parts of our mouth. Our

in all these areas, we find a lot of the influence of the

ancestors understood the anatomy of the buccal cavity

Bhartiya civilization. Unfortunately, many people think

and how the sound comes for each letter. People who

that Indian civilization is very limited, geographically.

tried to trace the source of the alphabets and their

Today we find difficulty in communicating across states. But 5000 years ago, Indians were communicating across continents and across ages. There is a lot of similarity between the Rongorongo Easter Island script in Tahiti and the Indus Valley Harappan script. Phoenicia at the other end is supposed to have been the source for the Western alphabets, which is why we have words like phony, phonetics, etc. It was a precursor for Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin and then English.

sequence compared it with the Indian alphabets and concluded that it was the Indian alphabets, which have travelled to Phoenicia. A couple of swaps have happened, which therefore have yielded the order of ABCD that we see today. You can find that in a paper written by Wim J Borsboom. He says that while copying, there were two errors of historic proportion.

Mesmerising Swaras and Our Notations Yet another beautiful example is the saptha swara.

In the English, Roman or Arabic alphabets, you do

Music is very natural and everybody can sing and make

not have a solid explanation for the sequence. For

melodious sounds. But science comes when we want to

instance, why does A come first, followed B, C and D?

translate that sound into a written form that we can

But the sequence of all our Indian languages has a clear, 48



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read, recall and reproduce. That is when we need the notations to represent the melodious notes. In India, we talk about the seven notes of sa re ga ma pa tha ni.

Similarly, in the western music, we have Do Re Mi Fa

We have named our land Bharat and it has many

Sol La Si. Why are they so similar? Who got it from

meanings. One of them means



Interestingly, in India, we are able to explain scientifically the logic behind the notes. Our ancestors figured out where the sound originates from inside our body. They picked up animals, whose sounds if we

John. Even with the Japanese music notes, they trace it

imitate, we can create the same resonance. When you

to the starting letters of certain hymns. The point is,

try to sing ‘sa,’ you have to get the sound out from your

in Western classical music, you don't have any

navel and you can equate it with the sound of a peacock

explanation. It's got a glass ceiling whereas in the Indian

that comes from its navel. They named the first note as

thought, it goes all the way up to nature or prakriti.

Shadja. It means ‘born six times.’ When we sing ‘sa,’ the sound passes through six nodes -the navel, chest, throat, tongue, teeth and lips. They understood the logic of sound, music, script and everything about the vocal cord system, so scientifically.

We have named our land Bharat and it has many meanings. One of them means speech. We decided that we won't stop with speech, but wanted to preserve the speech. We went into the mode of writing. It is a myth that in India, every knowledge was given orally. Today,

For the western notes, they trace it to a hymn of St.

we have difficulty in communicating between one state


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49 JANUARY 2024

We had Mudra for hand signs; We transcend both mind and matter. Today people

Karana for Abhinaya. For the face signs, we had the rasa ‐the

talk about mindfulness. But we have been elaborating it for 5000 years. We've had different mediums and

navarasas. For music, we

based on the need, we have chosen the mediums. We

organized it into melodies and

have written certain things on cloths, some on

ragam. For words, we had vakh. That's idea and this has been

manuscripts and some on stone.

India’s Role in Global GDP Phoenicia is the Eastern Mediterranean. The ancient

the language of the Vedas as

Phoenicia had places like Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, and


Arwad. The word ‘book’ has its origin in Byblos. The words like Bible, Bibliotech and Bibliography all have

in India and the other state. 4000 years ago, our traders

roots in Byblos. In Europe, they wanted to understand

went and traded from Tahiti to Phoenicia and

how the Eastern, Asian and Oriental countries fared in

communicated with people. They didn't know the

economy vis-à-vis- the economies of the West. British

language of other people, but still they were successful.

economist Angus Madison in his report writes that one-

They used symbols and signages. They used aksharam,

third of the world trade happened from India for about

with which they wrote literature.

1700 years -from the year one to 1700. No other country has held sway for 1700 years, getting one-third of the

Mind and Matter

world’s GDP. Sadly, today, if you go and look for such

They used the word ‘shreni’ for a trader. He is an

reports, you will find graphs that show our economy

aggregator in Indian context. Traders aggregated

collapsing and on the decline. But in reality, we have

produce from various small-scale units all over the land.

grown from to 1 and steadily been at 33% for 1700

We have been a decentralized land. Figuratively, they

years. Only due to various invasions, our decline started

used the symbol of a squirrel to represent a trader. A

much later.

sword was denoted by slashes, because slashes represent cuts.

For our successful stint in trade and commerce, our communication skill was one big factor. We were also

We had Mudra for hand signs; Karana for Abhinaya.

good in accounting. We traded not just spices but also

For the face signs, we had the rasa -the navarasas. For

steel, zinc, copper and various alloys, cotton and silk,

music, we organized it into melodies and ragam. For

dyes- indigo and madder red, besides sugar and

words, we had vakh. That's idea and this has been the

diamonds as well. We had large ships for logistics. Not

language of the Vedas as well. We had the symbols and

only did we build ships, but also, exported them. We

also symbolism. We have addressed the various layers

have heard of ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William

in and had a good handle in communication. We

Shakespeare. The merchants of Venice were, in fact,

approached it all the way from ‘Om’ which is Pranava

trading and making profit using Indian sugar. Though

or the subtle. From the subtle, we moved to our written

sugar is sweet, the story behind sugar is bitter. Indian

scripts and alphabets which is the gross.

sugar has influenced the world’s demography. We




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always talk about silk route. But we had a 5000-yearold metal route from India, all the way from Hanoi in the east to Haifa in the West. Sadly, we never speak


about it, which was our strength.

Trading, A Noble Profession The word navigate comes from our word ‘navi.’ To refer to trade and commerce, we used the word,

How can technology be leveraged to preserve and promote cultural heritage?

‘vanijyam.’ It means that in speaking, you have to be sweet. A trader was called ‘shreni’ or ‘shreshta’. It

Dr Hema Hari: There are several layers of technology.

means ‘noble.’ While in the west, they said, ‘buyer

We can use it to showcase our heritage and also to lay

beware,’ implying that traders would cheat. Whereas

claim to our heritage. We can use technology to further

ancient India considered traders as noble people, who

our own knowledge by looking at relevant applications.

spoke sweet words and the truth and delivered quality

We talk about five A's: Awareness; Appreciation;

goods. We also call ‘shubh labh’ or auspicious gains.

Absorption; Adaptation and Application. In all these five As, technology can play a role.

We have had various ways of communication and excelled in communication. We brought in science to the art of writing and sounds. We resorted to symbols and signs to convey a larger concept, rather than

Our water bodies have been our pride. But have we not abused them?

speaking too many words. One of the best examples is

Dr Hari: The British realised that water bodies are

Sri Sukha Brahma Rishi. He is depicted like a human

our backbone and they wanted to break it. The water

with a parrot face. Why does he have a parrot face?

bodies were maintained by the local people and

He is the son of Veda Vyasa who compiled the Vedas. Sukha Brahma Rishi transmitted that to the rest of the world. You needed somebody with the ability of a parrot, to listen and to take in all that and then just repeat that without any distortion. Sukha Brahma Rishi stands not just for the idea of transmission, but transmission without distortion.

especially, women of the land. The British created the Public Works Department (PWD) and took over all the water bodies into the department. 100 years later, in the name of secularisation, we de-divinised our water bodies. These twin blows led to diminishing of all our water bodies and uncontrolled pollution of the water bodies,







maintaining the water bodies must be a national

These are just some of the aspects of our heritage

discourse. We must take care of them and recover them

and our pride. First, we have to know our heritage; then

for the next century.

we have to own it or stake claim to it; and then we have

How can we tell our heritage stories to future generations?

to expound it. Bharat also means a land of knowledge. No other country calls themselves a land of knowledge. 

Dr Hema Hari: We find lots of tools, both for presenting online and also for experiencing them digitally, like VR, AR and so on. The foundation that we


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manage- Bharat Gyan has the tagline, ‘Experience the

saw our skills and exploited them for their own needs.

knowledge of India.’

There is no authentic Indic

They took our ships and colonized the world. Britain

narrative about our own civilization. We have got into

could not have colonized the world but for the Indian

the act of collecting the data and documenting

ships, Indian sailors and the Indian metallurgy.

everything. We have made over 780 short films, each of 150 to 200 seconds duration, which are quite popular.

Dr Hema Hari: In 1453, the Turks took over Constantinople. Till then, the Byzantine Empire was there and it was favourable to the west. All our products

How can education play a role in instilling a sense of pride and appreciation for one's cultural heritage? Do you think it should be included as part of school and college level education?

used to go from Tahiti to Phoenicia through the strait of Turkey. The Turks blocked this route and cut the west from the east. The western countries were starving

Dr Hema Hari: We have conducted courses on

for our goods. They wanted to find a route and started

heritage and offered them for free. We have spoken to

travelling. Till then, they never came to India and it was

so many people and talked about including heritage in

only the Arabs who had been to India.

the curriculum. There is acceptance of the idea but beyond that, not much has happened. Unless there is compulsion, people may not be willing to study these information. Fortunately, the new education policy has brought Indian knowledge system to the school level and also for colleges. It is a very good initiative. Hopefully, it will pave the way for the knowledge to get into the system and in the community.

In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias sailed around the southern tip of Africa in the hope of finding India. That is why, the southern tip of Africa is called the Cape of Good Hope. At that point, his ship sank. In 1490s, when they discovered that the world is round, Christopher Columbus







circumnavigated the globe, taking the biggest ship and landed in Canary Islands. The first landmass that he

What has been ancient India’s role in promoting navigation?

encountered, he wrongly thought was India. That is

Dr Hari: The Star-Spangled Banner is the US Nation

how, the name West Indies came. The people there were

Anthem. It was written in the Boston Harbour, on an

called Red Indians.

Indian ship. Indian ships had travelled to Europe and

In 1497, Vasco de Gama took the largest ship from

from there, across the Atlantic to East Coast of America

Portugal and he came up to the Cape of Good Hope.

and to the West Coast. We were not only transporting

There he saw Indian ships that were 10 times the size

our goods but also, selling our ships. The oak ships had

of his ship. Escorted by these Indian ships, he sailed

30 to 40 years of marine life. But Indian ships made of

past the Cape of Good Hope and reached Calicut. There

teak wood had 100 plus years of life and they were ten

he was welcomed by Samudra Raja- the king of Calicut.

times larger than the ships made by others. We've been

As they were not able to pronounce his name, Samudra

excelling in navigation from more than 5000 years. We

Raja became ‘Zamorin.’ So, that is our proud history

have records of the Greek talking about the iron that

and heritage. Finding India was a hope for the world

came from India, for the arrow heads in their battles.

and hence the name ‘Cape of Good Hope.’ 

We sometimes jokingly say that we were the arms dealer of the yesteryears. When the Colonials came, they 52



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MMA organized a discussion on the theme of the book, ‘Rocketing Through the Skies – An Eventful Life at ISRO’. The author of the book Mr G Madhavan Nair, Former Chairman, ISRO was in conversation with Mr S K Das, IAS ﴾Retd﴿, Former Member ﴾Finance﴿, Space & Atomic Energy Commission and Honorary Advisor, ISRO.

Chandrayaan-1 was its historic confirmation of the presence of water on the surface of moon. The third one is that as Chairman of ISRO, Mr Madhavan Nair was instrumental in establishing village resource centres in a large number of India's villages. It is a tribute to him that he was able to improve the quality of life in ordinary villages of India by bringing them the benefits of space-based projects.

Mr S K Das Former Member (Finance), Space & Atomic Energy Commission and Honorary Advisor, ISRO


would like to talk about three particularly glorious moments of ISRO's history. One is the development of the PSLV Rocket. PSLV has now emerged as the

most successful rocket worldwide. Out of 59 launches, PSLV has been successful in 56, taking the success rate to 95%. That's an overwhelming number. The PSLV rocket is Mr Madhavan Nair's baby. He built it from scratch. It is gratifying to note that PSLV has carried not only Indian satellites, but also foreign satellites -not merely to the earth’s orbit, but to the faraway Moon and Mars as well. Another noteworthy event was the launch of Chandrayaan-1, India's stepping stone to planetary exploration. ISRO did this successfully with Mr Madhavan Nair at the helm. The remarkable thing about 54


Mr Madhavan Nair Former Chairman, ISRO


SRO is a fantastic organization, and perhaps a unique one globally. It has established its credibility through innovative solutions to practical problems.

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was a great visionary who envisioned that India should acquire high technology rocket science and its applications, so that the quality of life of the common man can be improved. This has


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been the driving spirit of the Indian space program, and

laboratories for research and development for various

I feel fortunate to have been a part of it.

applications. The agricultural revolution was headed by

I had the opportunity to work in the high-tech area and contribute something useful to the country. More than that, I am grateful for the opportunities that independent India and its institutions provided. I am just a specimen of that. I did my schooling in the early days of independent India, in a very remote village. My

Dr. Swaminathan, the atomic program by Dr. Homi Bhabha, the space program by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, and the missile program by Dr. Abdul Kalam. Their efforts are







technologies and scientists can achieve great heights of glory and produce results of global standards.

college education was at a government institution in

The fact that recently we were able to land very

Trivandrum, and later, I had the opportunity to join the

precisely on the south pole of the moon in the first

Bhabha Atomic Research Center.

attempt itself and have our Rover going around the moon for a couple of weeks, collecting data, shows the

India’s Giant Steps

excellence of the Space Technology that we have

In my early days, the biggest mechanized device in

achieved. I am really proud to be an Indian; to be a

my village was the bullock cart. From that situation, to

homegrown Indian; and to have had an opportunity to

reach the moon and put our national flag on its surface

work in a domestic program without any foreign aid. I

is indeed a very fruitful journey. We can all be proud of

recognize the encouragement I got right from the

that. In the early days, the government invested in

beginning, in the days of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai onwards.


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Dr. Abdul Kalam was my guru in all aspects - in rocket science, in management, and in handling complex issues. We also had fine gentleman scientists like Prof. Sathish Dhawan, Prof. U R Rao, and others. Such an ecosystem helped me to increase my knowledge base.


Of course, I had to keep my eyes and ears open and take up the challenges associated with the development of huge rocket systems. PSLV has emerged as one of the most reliable and cost-effective launch systems in the world today. I am really proud that we have achieved that. We did not have anything other than elementary textbooks on rockets in India at that time.

Can you share some of the key milestones and challenges you experienced during your tenure as Chairman of ISRO?

Madhavan Nair: The most challenging task was the completion of the development of the cryogenic engine. We had tied up with Russia for technology transfer of the ionic engine. Unfortunately, due to geopolitical

There was no foreign aid or foreign collaboration

reasons, it didn't materialize. We had to learn ourselves



the ABC of the cryogenic engine, about various uses,

technologists worked with their arms, blasting rocket

the complex operating cycle, and the precision

motors, and sometimes putting the satellites into the

fabrication engineering associated with that. We created

sea, rather than the orbit. We went through all the

the facilities for testing the cryogenic rocket engine as

trauma, but it has been a rich experience. From 1967

well. This experience came in handy in our development

onwards, for 45 years, I was associated with this

of the GSLV Mark 3, 2010 engine.







program at the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station and later with the Chandrayaan moon mission.

But what has come to the public eye is the Chandrayaan mission and going to the moon for the first time, traveling all the way for 4 lakh kilometres

Improving the Quality of Life Having grown up in a village in an average family,

with high precision.

I knew the difficulties of a common man in the villages. That was one of the driving forces for making sure that my energy, time, and knowledge were spent in

What inspired the initiation of manned mission to moon and space based services under your leadership at ISRO? How much support did you get from the government?

improving the quality of life for the villagers in the country. To a great extent, I succeeded, and my

It was Dr. Vikram Sarabhai's vision that drove the

successors have also carried the flag forward. Today,

Indian space program. In 2000, when we reviewed the

the Indian space program is one of the topmost and

situation, we had more or less accomplished what he

leading programs in the world. We converted serious

had envisioned. During my tenure, the associated

failures and major drawbacks into opportunities for

applications like telemedicine, tele-education, Village

gaining knowledge and course-correcting for the future.

Resource Center, and disaster management had all been

The methodology and teamwork we have built up in

perfected. Naturally, the question was: What next?

ISRO are very unique.  56



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We were toying with the idea of going to nearby

He taught me the elementary lessons in rocketry. But

objects like Moon and Mars for our exploration, simply

more than the technical side, I learnt a lot on managerial

because we wanted to understand better the science

side. He made everyone contribute to the best of their

behind the origin of these planets and also see whether

abilities. He gave ambience, encouragement and

there are valuable materials that can be brought back

nourishment to the individuals. He was great in team

for human consumption. Access to space by rockets

building. The scientific community is fairly egoistic.

and robotic instruments serves our purpose to a great

Massaging the ego of the people is crucial for success.

extent. But at the same time, there are several other

He put me in frying pan situations many times. I had

purposes that can be served only by the presence of

faced a number of failures, but in those times, he would

humans behind the machine. India lags behind America,

hold my hand, and encourage me.

Russia, and China in this respect. In the first decade of 2000, we initiated a study program, and all ISRO centers contributed significantly to the various scientific objectives, technology, and

There is always a debate if we should spend so much money on exploring space, which is so vast. What are your comments on this?

understanding the challenges associated with that. I

We have just tried to explore the solar system.

was happy to take the manned mission project to the

There are millions of solar systems in the galaxy. There

government. At the time, Montek Singh Ahluwalia was

are several galaxies which make the whole universe. We

the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission. He gave

all should be looking for an alternate habitat, in case

a very positive recommendation and was about to

something happens to our planet. That is one of our

approve the project. But unfortunately, it got stalled

motives. We are also trying to find the resources in

because of the scam associated with spectrum sale and

space which can be used in earth. For example, Helium

the resultant confusion.

3 is a fantastic fuel for fusion reaction. There is plenty

I'm happy to say that the first thing what Prime Minister Modiji has done is to take out those blueprints, brush it and give it a clean signal for going on. That is how the Gaganyaan manned mission has originated. We are well on the way. Maybe within a year or so, we will have our astronaut flying in our capsule in GSLV Mark 3 vehicle. That will be the proudest moment for our nation.

of that on the lunar surface. Can we bring it back? If we want to colonise Mars, what are the challenges associated with that? There is only carbon dioxide. How can we create life forms there? All these are big challenges. Exploring space will throw more light into the fundamental knowledge about the universe, and about the origin of life itself- the how and why of things happening, even to the human body. A lot of knowledge will come out of space studies.

How did working under Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam shape your approach to rocket technology and space exploration?

What would you consider as your most memorable moment during your tenure at ISRO?

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a very unique personality. He was a very simple person, down to earth in his approach and very positive in looking at various issues. BUSINESS MANDATE

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Every moment I spent in ISRO is alive in my

contribution. I had a very smooth and productive six

memory. PSLV presented the biggest challenge and

years of tenure. Normally, it is a tenure for two years.


I'm really happy that I could contribute something








achievement. More than anything, carrying the legacy

globally as well.

left behind by great personalities was itself a great honour.

What role do you see for India in the future space explorations?

How did your colleagues and other officials contribute to your success?

I think our Prime Minister Modiji has overtaken all of us in this respect. In fact, we used to go with

Everyone in ISRO -right from the lowest paid to the

proposals to the government and we had to struggle

highest paid -contributed. There were also bureaucrats

hard to convince the Delhi bureaucracy as well as the

who deserve a special mention like Mr S.V Ranganath,

ministers. Now I understand when ISRO Chairman

Former Chief Secretary of Karnataka and Mr S K Das

Somnath went for presenting the progress of the

(Former Member (Finance) and Honorary Advisor, ISRO),

manned capsule recovery project, the Prime Minister

who worked more like scientists than bureaucrats.

listened to all those things and he blessed the mission.


Immediately, he said that ISRO's next task must be to






personalities made my tenure fruitful.

have our own space station by 2035 and that we must have our man landing on the moon in Indian rocket.

How did you contribute to international space community, especially as the first non- American President of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)? What is the support that you got from scientists of other countries?

These are fantastic, visionary goals, a political leader can provide to the organization. We are really happy with such goals and ISRO will have a leadership position in the years to come.

It's a very unique position. There are scientists from Europe, America, Russia, China, Japan and other developing countries. ISRO's contribution to the societal development is very unique and I could sell that idea globally. Secondly, on the theme of what space can contribute to managing climate change, we conducted a number of seminars and conferences. That input has gone to global warming studies as well.

Can you shed some light on the significance of Chandrayaan 1 mission and its impact on Indian space program?

Travelling 4 lakh kilometres in an unchartered territory, and making sure it goes in the right direction and ends up at the right point, without any GPS was a big challenge.

For the first time, after a series of

computer simulations, we were able to validate that and

We also looked at futuristic projects like the space

achieve success. We not only took photographs. We

elevator and harnessing the solar power from space.

could map 95% of the area and capture the mineral

Here again, my experience of working in ISRO, trying to

content on the surface of the moon. We could also find

synthesise the efforts of multidisciplinary people

out the presence of water and helium 3.

helped me. They looked, not at the colour of my skin, while accepting my leadership but rather my technical 58



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How do you view the intersection of space technology and societal services such as disaster warning and tele education?

and he will make money out of that. So, unless, some

ISRO's main contribution is societal applications.

not be able to make much headway. They have to be

No other country has taken such an initiative.

new innovation and inventions come, the start-ups will adventurous in taking up the challenges of space.

Everywhere, the space products are sold on a commercial basis.

Here, it is a government funded

program. We plan and execute, so that in a severe cyclone or flood, we are able to give advance warning. The tele education and telemedicine which we demonstrated became handy during the COVID time.

What are the key factors that have enabled us to succeed as a global player in the space industry?

As far as the space technology is concerned, we are on par with the developed countries. One area that we are lagging behind is the manned space flight. We will soon be doing that. In most countries, technologies are

What advice would you offer to aspiring professionals in the field of rocket technology and space exploration?

developed for military program, and later that is

Space is very complex. The multidisciplinary

the civilian domain, under the government setup.

activities require a huge investment. A private

Thanks to the long-term vision of our leaders and

individual or private industry alone cannot manage the

scientists and the commitment and hard work of the

human resource and infrastructure requirements. Even

team members, we are able to do very well. As we were

if we take the example of SpaceX, which is one of the

denied space technology, we were forced to develop it

very successful stories, 90% of funding comes from

ourselves. That has challenged our youngsters to apply


their knowledge, innovate and find solutions to very

The second aspect is that in space, inventions and innovations are key driving factors. Elon Musk has made a reusable rocket. That's a new concept. It is really good

converted for civilian applications. In India, ISRO is in

difficult engineering problems. What we have achieved is a result of sheer hard work, for over six decades and our focused efforts. 


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