TheSwachhBharatcampaignhasmadetremendousstridesbutIndia's solidwastecrisispersistswithburninglandfillsandchokedstreamsTo addressthis,SundaramClimateInstituteislaunchingaground-breaking report,"SolvingIndia’sSolidWasteCrisis-LessonsfromMadurai",based onover2000householdinterviewsfrom2018-2023andexpertinsights. Oneinsightwasthelackofawarenessofwhymanagingsolidwaste matters.Therefore,SCIwilllaunchentertainingandeducativefilms,and showcaseinnovativestart-upshelpingIndiamoveforwardinthecircular economy.
OurhopeisthattheseinitiativeswillaccelerateIndia'sjourneytowards azero-wastefuture.
JoinusatourupcomingSeminartoexploretheseexcitinginitiativesand bepartofthesolution
Inaugural Session
8:30 AM Registration & Tea
9:30 AM
9:35 AM
9:55 AM
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
Welcome Address Introductory Remarks
Ms Mridula Ramesh Founder, Sundaram Climate Institute & Executive Director, Sundaram Textiles Ltd Programme
Mr K Mahalingam President, MMA, Partner/Director, TSM Group of Companies
Launch of Film by Sundaram Climate Institute - Part 1
Keynote Address
Dr Prasad Modak
Managing Director - Environmental Management Centre Pvt. Ltd & Director - Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
Inaugural Address by the Chief Guest
Mr Lakshmi Narayanan
Chancellor Chairperson, Governing Council, KREA University
Overview of The Art Exhibition
Mr B Ananth Krishna Intern, Sundaram Climate Institute
10:40 AM 10:35 AM Inauguration of The Art Exhibition & Stall Visits
Ms Nalini Shekar
Executive Director, Hasiru Dala Innovations
Ms Anjali Bansal
Founding Partner, Avaana Climate and Sustainability Fund & Independent Board Director, Tata Power, Nestle, ONDC
10:50 AM Hi-Tea / Networking
Panel Discussion
11:15 AM “Innovative Pathways to a Zero-Waste India: Insights from Madurai and Beyond”
The Panel will focus on:
What solutions are available for managing waste
Need for education - unpriced impact of mismanaged waste, paying for managing waste, need for segregation
Ask from investors
Ask from government
Where are the success stories for municipalities; and why?
Distinguished Moderator
Dr Ashwin Mahalingam
Faculty - Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras
Distinguished Panelists
Dr R Vasudevan
Prof. Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai
Mr Shekar Prabhakar
Managing Director, Hasiru Dala Innovations
Mr Som Narayan CEO, Carbon Masters
Mr Sushil Vaishnav
Founder & CEO, KNP Arises Green Energy Pvt Ltd
Special Session
12.45 PM
01 20 PM
Ms Anjali Bansal
In conversation with
Ms Mridula Ramesh
Launch of Film by Sundaram Climate Institute - Part 2
Concluding Remarks
Gp Capt R Vijayakumar (Retd), VSM
01:30 PM
Executive Director, MMA Participation by invitation. Contact: Gp Capt Dr R Venkataraman (Retd) - 94447 00068 / Mr. Sathish Kumar - 96770 77700, or via email at mma@mmachennai org
Mr Lakshmi Narayanan ChancellorChairperson GoverningCouncil,KREAUniversity
Dr Prasad Modak MD–EnvironmentalManagementCentrePvtLtd& Director–EkonnectKnowledgeFoundation
Ms Nalini Shekar ExecutiveDirector,HasiruDala Innovations
Ms Anjali Bansal FoundingPartner,AvaanaClimateandSustainability Fund& IndependentBoardDirector,
Dr R Vasudevan Prof.ThiagarajarCollegeof Engineering(TCE),Madurai
Mr Som Narayan CEO,CarbonMasters
Ms Mridula Ramesh Founder,SundaramClimateInstitute&Executive
Mr Shekar Prabhakar ManagingDirector,HasiruDalaInnovations
Mr Sushil Vaishnav Founder&CEO
Dr Ashwin Mahalingam Faculty-DepartmentofCivilEngineering IITMadras