Annual Report
Fountainhead of Excellence
Notice is hereby given that the 68th Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on Friday, 5th July 2024 at 6.00 pm at MMA Management Center, No.240, Pathari Road (Off Anna Salai), Chennai-6.
5 June 2024
Chennai 600 006
MrSureshRaman 2021-22 2022-23
MMA was established with a vision “To be the Fountainhead of Worldclass Management Excellence in India” to contribute towards propagating management movement in this part of the country. I am pleased to present you the Annual Report for the year 2023 – 24.
Mr. Shenu Agarwal, Managing Director & CEO, Ashok Leyland Ltd delivered the Special address and Mr. Shrinivas V Dempo, Chairman, Dempo Group of Companies delivered the Valedictory Address during the MMA Awards Function and AGM held on Friday, 7th July 2023 at MMA Management Centre. The thought provoking and vibrant address delivered by the Chief Guests was widely appreciated by the members.
Dr Adrian Haack, delivered the Special address during the function.
Mr T Kathir, Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd briefed the members on the process of MMA Awards for Managerial Excellence for the year 2023.
The MMA Award for Managerial Excellence was presented to ESAB India Ltd under Manufacturing Sector, ZOHO Corporation under Services Sector, MEL Systems and Services Ltd under SME Sector and University of Madras under Educational Institutions.
Mr K Mahalingam Partner/Director.TSMGroupofCompanies
Mr V Shankar
Mr A R Unnikrishnan
Mr M P Surya Prakas
Mr Lakshminarayanan Duraiswamy ManagingDirector,SundaramHomeFinanceLtd
Mr G Giridhara Gopal, Director&ChiefExecutiveAddison&CoLtd
Mr K Sendhil Naathan, ManagingDirector,TANFACIndustriesLtd
Mr S Seetharaman, Chairman,SuperAutoForgePvtLtd
Mr Suresh Jain D, ManagingDirector,KesarGiftMartpvtLtd
Mr Suresh Raman, VicePresident&RegionalHead,TataConsultancy
Mr Ashok Kumar T, SeniorManager–IndustrialRelations,MichelinIndia
Mr Natarajan T, FormerVicePresident,CarlisleBrakes&FrictionCarlse
Mr M H Raja, ChairmanandManagingDirector,LeadHR
Mr K V Sundaram, ManagingDirector,UniversalFabcoExportLtd
Mr G V Anand Bhushan, Director–Legal,Facebook
Ms Anju Mary Kuruvilla, Director–IndustryAffairs,Communications&Sustainability, DanfossIndustriesPvtLtd
Mr N Ananthaseshan, Former,ManagingDirector,CarborundumUniversalLimited
Mr M Annadurai, ExecutiveDirector&StateHead,StateLevelCo-ordinatorforOilIndustry (TN&Puducherry),IndianOilCorporationLtd
Mr V Balaraman, FormerManagingDirector,Pond’s(India)Ltd
Mr Balaraman Jayaraman, President&CEO,CongruentSolutions(P)Ltd
Mr Clement Joshua Foulger, President,ElectronicsZetwerk
Mr P Elango, ManagingDirector,HindustanOilExplorationCompanyLtd
Mr Ganesh Kalyanaraman, SeniorVicePresident,ProductandResources,Cognizant
Lt Gen Karanbir Singh Brar, AVSM, GeneralOfficerCommanding,DakshinBharatArea
Mr Hans Raj Verma,IAS,AdditionalChiefSecretary,Chairman&ManagingDirector,The
Ms Kavitha D Chitturi, JointManagingDirector,TheKCPLimited
Ms Meera Nair, IndependentDirector–DBSBankIndiaLtd
Ms Mridula Ramesh, ExecutiveDirector,SundaramTextilesLtd
Ms Nalini Padmanabhan, Director,CanaraBank
Mr L V Navaneeth, CEO,TheHinduGroupPublishingLtd
Mr P S Raman, AdvocateGeneral,GovtofTamilNadu
Mr Ravichandran P, President-IndiaRegion,DanfossIndustriesPvtLtd
Mr Shankar R, ChiefExecutiveOfficer-IndiaTVSSupplyChainSolutionsLimited
Ms Shuba Kumar, ManagingDirector,NatesanSynchroconesPLtd
Mr C Siva Kumar, ManagingPartner,PrabhaAssociates&RVIndustries
Mr Srinivasan K Swamy, Chairman&MD,RKSWAMYBBDOGroup
Mr C V Subba Rao, ManagingDirector,SanmarShippingLtd
Mr Varun Prakash, Partner,McKinsey&Co.,
Mr K V Ganesan, Chairman,MMANamakkalChapter&Partner,AndavarTVS
Mr Sendhil Naathan, Chairman,MMAPuducherryChapter&ManagingDirector,TANFAC Industries Ltd.
Mr Thyagu Valliappa, Chairman,MMASalemChapter&ViceChairman,SonaGroupof Institutions
Mr Ravindra Sannareddy, Chairman,MMASriCityChapter,Co-Founder&Managing Director,SriCity(P)Ltd
Dr Asit K Barma, Chairman,MMATrichyChapter&Director,BharathidasanInstituteof Management
Mr M Selvam, Chairman,MMAAtturChapter,ManagingPartner,SriSaravanaTVS,Attur
Mr C Siva Kumar, Director,RootsIndustriesIndiaLtd,ManagingPartner,RVIndustries
Dr Shankar Venugopal, Chairman,MMAChengalpattuChapter&VicePresident, Mahindra&MahindraLtd
Prof V Kamakoti, Director,IndianInstituteofTechnologyMadras
Mr Shiv Das Meena, IAS,ChiefSecretary,GovernmentofTamilNadu
Dr R Velraj, Vice-Chancellor,AnnaUniversity
Prof S Gowri, ViceChancellor,UniversityofMadras
Gp Capt R Vijayakumar, VSM (Retd) , ExecutiveDirector,MadrasManagement Association
TheManagingCommitteemet11timesduringtheyear.Themeetingswerepurposefuland thecontributionsbytheManagingCommitteeMembersweretimelyandhelpedmeetMMA objectives.
AWordfromthe President
Itgivesmeimmensepleasuretoaddressyouas wereflectupontheremarkableachievementsof theMadrasManagementAssociation(MMA)in thefiscalyear2023-24.Aswedelveintothe pagesofourannualreport,wefindatapestry woven with dedication, innovation, and collectiveeffort.
Iamhonouredtohaveservedasthe56th PresidentofMadrasManagementAssociation during2023-24.Iamgratefulfortheopportunity giventomebytheMMAmembers.Onbehalfof theManagingCommittee,Ipresenttoyouthe 68thAnnualReportandAuditedStatementof AccountsfortheyearendingMarch312024.
Throughouttheyear,MMAhasbeenattheforefrontofpioneeringinitiativesaimedat fosteringprofessionalgrowthandexcellencewithinourcommunity.Fromthoughtprovoking seminars, workshops, educational programs and training sessions to insightfulpaneldiscussionsandnetworkingevents,wehaveempoweredourmembers withthetoolsandinsightsnecessarytonavigatethecomplexitiesoftheever-evolving businesslandscape.
OurMissionremainscanteredaroundpropagatingthemanagementmovementand fosteringmanagerialexcellence.Inadditiontooureducationalendeavours,MMAhas alsobeenactivelyinvolvedinCSRinitiativesandcommunityoutreachinitiatives, demonstrating our commitment to social responsibility along with professional development.
MMAhasonceagainbeenhonouredbyAIMAasthe"BestManagementAssociation”!in India.Thisyear’swinmarksthe14thconsecutivetimethatMMAhassecuredthis prestigiousaward,fillinguswithimmensepride.
Thisremarkableachievementwouldnothavebeenpossiblewithouttheunwavering supportofvariousstakeholders,includingourdedicatedManagementCommittee, OfficeBearers,PastPresidents,andouresteemedlargenumberofMembers.Imust expressmyheartfeltgratitudetomyexceptionalteamattheMMASecretariat,who haveplayedaninstrumentalroleinthisachievement.
Weextendoursincerestthankstoallofyouforyourinvaluablecontributionsinhelping MMAretainthisNumeroUnopositionastheleadingmanagementassociationinIndia. Together,wehavemadethisvictorypossible!
IampleasedtoshareyetanothersignificantmilestoneinMMA'sjourneytowards managerial excellence – the acquisition of land adjacent to the present MMA ManagementCentre,measuring1.812grounds.ThisexpansionnotonlyenlargesMMA's physicalfootprintintheheartofthecitybutalsoopensupexcitingpossibilitiesfor futuredevelopmentandexpansioninitiatives.IextendmysinceregratitudetotheMMA ManagingCommitteeMembersfortheirunwaveringsupportanddedication,which facilitatedtheseamlesscompletionofthistransactionwithinalimitedtimeframe, aligningwithMMA'sfutureperspectiveplan.
IamdelightedtosharethattheprestigiousMMABusinessLeadershipAward2023was conferreduponMr.NChandrasekaran,ChairmanofTATASons,inrecognitionofhis outstandingcontributionstothebusinesscommunity.Theawardceremony,heldin collaborationwiththeAmalgamationsGroupon28thFebruary2024atHotelTaj Coromandel,Chennai,wasaresoundingsuccess,withanimpressiveturnoutofover800 attendeesinpersonandanadditional40,000viewerswatchingitonlineviavarious MMA social media platforms. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr.NChandrasekaranforthiswell-deservedhonourandfordeliveringthe20th AnantharamakrishnanMemorialLectureduringtheAwardfunction.
MMA Awards for Managerial Excellence
MMA Award for Managerial Excellence was presented during the MMA 67th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, 12th July 2023 at 6.00 pm at MMA Management Centre. The MMA Management Committee, in consultation with Deloitte, and after a serious deliberation by a diligent Panel of Jury, presented awards to ESAB India Ltd, ZOHO Corp, MEL Systems and Services, University of Madras.
MMA Annual Convention 2024
MMA Annual Convention 2024, our flagship event, was held on Saturday, 10th February 2024, at Hotel Taj Coromandel. Based on the theme “India@2047: Leapfrogging to the Future,” the convention was attended in person by over 680 management professionals and watched online by over 23,020 participants. McKinsey was the knowledge partner for the Convention. The convention served as a platform for insightful discussions and the exchange of ideas.
MMA Women Managers’ Convention 2024
MMA’s commitment to empowering women in management was showcased through the MMA Women Managers’ Convention organized on the occasion of International Women’s Day. This flagship event, held at the MMA Management Center on Saturday, 16th March 2024, centered around the theme "Level Up!" It witnessed enthusiastic participation of over 390 women delegates in person, while an impressive number of over 19,710 delegates joined online. Expo & Freight Ltd. (EFL) was the knowledge partner for Women Managers’ Convention. The convention provided a forum for women professionals to network, learn, and inspire each other.
MMA All India Management Students Convention
The 22nd All-India Management Students’ Convention on the theme "Innovate for a Responsible Tomorrow" was held on October 4, 2023 at the IIT Research Park Auditorium. KPMG was the knowledge partner and the convention was a grand success, attracting over 1050 management students attended the event in person. Additionally, more than 18,750 students participated online. This convention served as a valuable platform for young talents to showcase their skills, interact with industry experts, and gain insights into the world of Management.
MMA CSR initiative
I am pleased to share that our CSR initiative, in collaboration with ACSYS Investments, As Trust, Super Auto Forge and Flexco has garnered excellent feedback from schools, students, and parents. The skill development activities conducted under this initiative have been extended to nine schools, benefiting a large number of poor students. Skill development activities were organised for 7068 number of students and logged 98052 impact hours. This accomplishment fills us with immense pride, and we believe that this initiative has the potential to make a profound difference in the lives of governmentaided school students in the years to come.
None of this would have been possible without the generous support of our donors. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Mr V Shankar, Director, ACSYS Investments, AS Trust and Mr S Seetharaman, Chairman, Super Auto Forge, and Mr. Mukund Kasthuri, Regional Director - Asia, Flexco their valuable contributions. We are confident that with the continued support of more donors, this initiative will become a true game-changer for the under Privileged Children studying in schooling.
CavinKare-MMA Chinnikrishnan Innovation Award 2023
This year marked a pivotal change as the awards embraced a fully digital approach to engage with innovators across India. Through dynamic campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, we successfully reached a wide spectrum of innovators. The outcomes exceeded our expectations, amassing an impressive 65 lakh impressions and engaging over 40 lakh individuals. We're especially thrilled by the participation of numerous startups in the realm of green technology, showcasing innovations that are both timely and relevant.
Mr. Suresh Narayanan, the Managing Director of Nestle, was the Chief Guest and presented the Awards to the Winners and addressed the participants during the Awards Function.
The Awards Function was held on 16th September 2023 at the IIT Research Park Auditorium and was a grand success, attended by over 950 participants in person and more than 32,900 delegates joined online. We have received excellent feedback from the participants and invitees.
To Conclude …
In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the past Presidents, Managing Committee Members, and the MMA Secretariat for their invaluable guidance and contributions throughout the 67-year journey of the Madras Management Association. Your collective wisdom, vision, and dedication have been instrumental in shaping MMA's legacy and ensuring its sustained progress. The foundation you have laid serves as an inspiration for us all.
I also want to express my sincere appreciation to each member of MMA for your unwavering support and active participation. Your commitment has been the driving force behind MMA's success and growth, making it a dynamic and thriving community.
I am also deeply grateful for the tremendous support I have received during my tenure as President. Your enthusiasm and collaboration have been a great source of support in realizing our shared vision and advancing MMA's mission. It has been an honor and privilege to serve in this capacity, and I am thankful for the trust you have bestowed upon me.
Looking ahead, I am confident that with our continued collective efforts and unwavering support, MMA will continue to soar to greater heights of success and leave a lasting legacy in the field of management.
K Mahalingam President Madras Management Association
MMA’stheme-basedAnnualConventionisahighpointinthecalendarofmanagementevents inthecountry.Ithasgainedareputationforhighqualityandexcellenceovertheyearsandhas always been an event that the management fraternity looks forward to for its quality and content, creating an opportunity for learning, participation in meaningful discussions, and thought-provokingcontent.
MMA organized its flagship event, the MMA Annual Convention 2024, on the theme “India 2047: Leapfrogging to the Future” on Saturday, 10th February 2024, at Hotel Taj Coromandel, Chennai, with over 680 delegates in attendance at the venue and around 23,020 viewers watchingonlinethroughvariousMMAsocialmediachannels.
TheMMAAnnualConvention2024focusedonvariousaspectsthatareboundtopropelIndia’s futurethroughaseriesoffocusedsessionsonthreebroadsub-themesasfollows:
Special Session 1 - “Future of Industry – Capturing the $1Tn Opportunity in Shifting Global SupplyChains”
Special Session 2 - “New Technology Frontiers – How India Can Become the Innovation EnginefortheWorld”
SpecialSession3-“DevelopingtheWorld’sLeadingTalentEngine” ValedictoryAddress-“LeadershipLessonsfromtheFrontline”
During the Inaugural Session, Ms. Vini Mahajan, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Government of India, delivered the Keynote Address, and Dr. V. Anantha Nageswaran, Chief Economic Advisor, Government of India, deliveredtheInauguralAddress.
Dr.SantruptB.Misra, FormerDirector,GroupHR,AdityaBirlaGroup,deliveredtheValedictory AddressduringtheValedictorySession.
The MMA Annual Convention was a standout event of the year, marked by an impressive lineup of speakers who delivered inspiring addresses. The Convention garnered overwhelming satisfaction from both speakers and session chairpersons, who recognized its immense scale andimpact.
OneoftheConvention'shighlightswasthepresentationofawardstothewinnersoftheMMA Competition for Young Managers. This recognition took place during the Valedictory Session, honoringtheoutstandingachievementsoftalentedYoungManagers.
The success of the Convention was greatly supported by McKinsey & Company, serving as the Knowledge Partner for the event. Their expertise and collaboration ensured the seamless executionofanotherremarkableconventionbyMMA.
To reach a wider audience, the Convention was live-streamed via webcast, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and broadcast on MMA Radio. Additionally, video and audio recordings of the MMA Annual Convention 2024 were made available for members to enjoy at their conveniencethroughthefollowinglinks:
Overall, the MMA Annual Convention proved to be a highly impactful and successful event, showcasingexceptionalspeakers,honoringtalentedyoungmanagers,andprovidingvaluable knowledge-sharingopportunitiesforallthedelegates.
MMA extends its heartfelt gratitude to Mr. V. Shankar, Convention Chairman and the entire Convention Committee for their valuable contributions in making the MMA Annual Convention 2024 an extraordinary event. Their hard work, passion, and commitment have left an indelible mark on the MMA community, setting a high standard for future conventions to come.
Saturday, 16 MARCH 2024
To commemorate International Women’s Day on 8th March, an exclusive Women Managers ConventionisorganizedeveryyearbytheMMA.Theeventcreatesaplatformforwomenfrom different walks of life to come together, share their thoughts, opinions, insights, and experiences. Each year, a contemporary theme is chosen, and speakers of national and internationalreputeareinvitedtosharetheirexperiencesandthoughts.
Within four weeks of the MMA Annual Convention, the most awaited annual feature on the MMA calendar, the MMA Women Managers’ Convention 2024 on the theme “Level Up” was organizedonSaturday,16thMarch2024attheMMAManagementCenter.
The Convention Committee, headed by Ms. Mridula Ramesh, Convention Chairperson and supported by knowledge partner Ms. Sharanya Modi, Global Head HR, Expo & Freight Ltd. (EFL), conceptualized the content and chose the distinguished speakers with great care for eachofthefollowingsub-themes:
Hon'ble Mrs. Justice S. Srimathy, Madras High Court, delivered the Keynote Address, and Mrs. Nirmala Lakshman, Chairperson, The Hindu Group, delivered the Special Address and presented the 23rd MMA Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award 2024 during the InauguralSessionoftheConvention.
The MMA Women Managers Convention 2024 was attended by over 390 participants in person at the MMA Management Center, and over 19,710 viewers watched it through various MMA social media portals. The convention was well covered by the media and was a resounding success in all aspects, including theme, content, design and structure, and selection of eminent speakers. EFL was the knowledge partner for Women Managers’ Convention.
The video and audio recordings of the MMA Women Managers Convention 2024 were also madeavailableformemberstoenjoyattheirconveniencethroughthefollowinglinks:
22nd MMA All-India Management Students Convention 2023 presents
Madras Management Association INNOVATE
ManagementstudentsarethefuturemanagersofIndia,bearingtheresponsibilityofrealizing India’s dreams. In 2002, MMA launched its first Management Students Convention (MSC) on the theme “Transformation from Managers to Leaders.” The MSC provides students with an opportunity to learn from corporate gurus while offering a platform to showcase their managerial acumen through paper presentations, business proposals, debates on selected topics,andmanagementquizzes.
The 22nd MMA All India Management Students Convention, on the theme “Innovate for a Responsible Tomorrow” was held on Wednesday, 4th October 2023, at the IIT Research Park Auditorium.KPMGwastheknowledgepartnerfortheconvention.
ThankstotheConventionCommittee,headedbyMr.P.Elango,ConventionChairmanandthe convention committee for organizing the 22nd MMA All India Management Students Convention. A galaxy of eminent speakers shared their insights on the theme. The convention was a grand success, attended by over 1,050 delegates in person at the IIT Research Park Auditoriumandwatchedbyover18,750delegatesthroughvariousMMAsocialmediaportals.
Ms. Apurba Mitra, Partner, ESG, KPMG, India, delivered the Keynote Address on the theme “Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)” and Mr. K. V. Ramani, Founder and Chancellor ofSaiUniversity,deliveredtheInauguralAddressduringtheinauguralsession.
The MSC included events to engage students’ management skills in the following competitions,inadditiontobusinesssessionsaddressedbyeminentcorporateleaders:
The Big Debate on the theme “Artificial Intelligence: Will it replace human labor or enhanceproductivityintheworkplace?”
Think Tank: The Master Brain Management Quiz Competition conducted by Mr. Arvind, QuizMasterandCreativeHead,XQuizIT,Chennai.
The response to the competitions organized as a prelude to the Students Convention was overwhelming. The managerial and leadership abilities of management students were on displayatthevariouscompetitions.
ThevideoandaudiorecordingsoftheMMAAllIndiaManagementStudentsConvention2023 were also made available for members to enjoy at their convenience through the following links:
www.liveibc.com/mma i-radiolive.com/#!/aod/VoiceOfMMA
TheStudentsConvention2023wasaresoundingsuccessineveryaspect,fromthetheme, content, design, and structure, to the selection of eminent speakers and substantial
MMA CHANAKYA – THE MASTERMIND Best All India Management Student of the Year 2023
MMA’s “Chanakya - The Mastermind” Award was instituted in the year 2010. It was one of the most significant events of the 22nd MMA All India Management Students’ Convention 2023. The award is presented after a contest held to determine the Best Potential Manager of the year. The process is rigorous but rewarding, as it aims to bring out the best in management students. MMA received over 5000 entries for this year’s Competition from all over India. The applicants were screened based on (a) their past academic performance, (b) significant achievements, (c) competitions won, and awards obtained, and (d) an essay on the subject “WhyamItheBestManager?”.Fromthislargepoolofapplicants,thelistwasnarroweddown to45,ofwhich18contestantswerefromoutsideTamilNadu.
Theshort-listed45contestantsunderwentthreerigorousroundsofevaluationduringthePreFinals of the Competition. The three rounds included: (1) Psychometric Tests to evaluate their thinking and problem-solving skills, (2) Group Discussions to assess their ability to handle pressure situations and teamwork skills, and (3) “Just-a-Minute” extempore competition to judge their speed of response and ability to think on their feet. At a fitting Grand Finale, the chosen TEN finalists participated in the final two rounds amidst an audience of 1,050 during the Management Students Convention held on 4th October 2023. Mr. Ravi Viswanathan, Managing Director, TVS Supply Chain Solutions, was the Chief Guest, and he presented the Cash Award of Rupees One Lakh and a Trophy to Ms Deekha K, IIM Lucknow, the ChanakyaThe Mastermind – The Best Management Student of the Year 2023 during the Valedictory SessionoftheConvention.
During the 2023 -24 financial year, MMA successfully organized a total of 694 events, averaging 60 events per month.
These events covered a wide range of topics such as education, management, health, and governance. Our activities included training sessions, corporate programs, flagship events, andchapteractivities.
MMA collaborated with numerous organizations and corporates to deliver these events. Throughout the year, over 700 participants attended our events in person and online, makingthemresoundingsuccesses.
We were indeed honored to have esteemed speakers from industry and thought leaders, including Mr. Gopal Vittal, MD and CEO of Bharti Airtel – India & South Asia; Mr. R Velusamy, President-AutomotiveTechnologyandProductDevelopment&MemberofGroupExecutive Board, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd; Amb. T S Tirumurti, IFS (Retd); Mr. M R Sivaraman, IAS (Retd),FormerRevenueSecretary,Govt.ofIndia&FormerExecutiveDirector,IMF;Mr.Suresh Sambandam, Founder & CEO, Kissflow; Mr. Srikant Sastri, Chairman, I3G Advisory Network & Co-Founder, Crayon Data; Mr. Nandu Nandkishore, Author & Former Global CEO, Nestle Nutrition; Mr. M K Narayanan, Former National Security Advisor of India (NSA) & Governor of West Bengal; Dr. S Narayan, IAS (Retd), Former Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister & FinanceSecretary,GovernmentofIndia;Dr.KElangovan,Director-General,DGFASLI,Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India; Dr. Rajendra Singh, Indian Water Conservationist and Environmentalist; Mr. V J Raghunath, Author - "Mid-Wicket Tales" & Consultant, Azim Premji Foundation; Mr. S Giridhar, Author - "Mid-Wicket Tales" & Member, Azim Premji Foundation; Mr. S R Ramanan, Former Director, Cyclone Warning Centre, Chennai; Dr. S Janakarajan, President, SaciWATERs, Hyderabad; and Lt. Gen. Karanbir Singh Brar, AVSM, GeneralOfficerCommanding,DakshinBharatArea.
To reach a wider audience, most of the talks, discussions, and seminars were live-streamed on various MMA social media platforms. We also published transcripts of these events in our monthlydigitalmagazine,BusinessMandate,withembeddedvideos.Theannexureprovides linkstothevideorecordingsandpublishedarticlesforfurtherreferenceanduse.
Dr K C G Verghese Endowment Lecture
MMAinstitutedanannualfeature-theDr.KCGVergheseEndowmentLecturewith the support of the Hindustan Group of Institutions in the year 2012, in recognition of the contribution made by Dr. K C G Verghese, Founder Chairman ofHindustanGroupofInstitutions.
Mr. R Velusamy, President of Automotive Technology and Product Development & Member of Group Executive Board, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, delivered the 10th Dr. K C G Verghese Endowment Lecture on the theme “Innovation in Emerging Markets” on Saturday, 4th November 2023, at 06:30 PM at the MMA Management Center. The event was well attended by over 190 participants in
The Fifth R K Swamy Memorial Lecture
MMA, in association with the Advertising Club Madras, organized the Fifth R K Swamy Memorial Lecture on the theme “Our Heritage, Our Pride” at 6.00 PM on Monday, 11th December 2023, at the MMA Management Center. The memorial lecture is instituted by R K Swamy Limited in memory of its Founder, Shri R K Swamy.
Dr. D K Hari and Dr. D K Hema Hari, Founders & Trustees of Bharath Gyan, addressed the participants during the lecture. Around 180 participants attended the event in person at the MMA Management Center, and over 3800 viewers watchedthroughvarioussocialmediaportals.
MMA – Pond’s VeteransV Narayanan (Pond’s) Memorial Endowment Lecture
The admirers and friends of Mr. V. Narayanan, Former Chairman and Managing Director of Pond’s, have come together to institute an endowment lecture in memory of the late Mr. V. Narayanan. Mr. V. Narayanan was an inspiring visionary whobuiltacultureofcharacterandcompetence,inspiringordinarypeopletodo extraordinarythings.
The Fourth V. Narayanan Memorial Endowment Lecture on the theme “Lessons Learnt in a Disruption” was organized at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 24th January 2024,atMMAManagementCenter.
Mr. Gopal Vittal, MD, and CEO of Bharti Airtel – India & South Asia, addressed the participants. The event was a grand success, with around 290 participants attending in person at MMA Management Center, while over 13,105 viewers watchedthroughvariousMMAsocialmediaportals.
MMA CSR initiative, launched in 2021, has been highly successful and well-received by schools.
Due to the positive feedback, the initiative has expanded its support to include more students from government-aided schools. In addition to the students of P.S. Group of Schools, Lady Sivaswami School for Girls, Children's Garden School, Rani Meyyammai Girls Higher Secondary School, and St. Raphael's Girls Higher Secondary School have benefited fromtheprogram.
Among the various skill development programs offered, the TAB-based STEM program, Tally, Robotics, and Young Entrepreneurship Course have been particularly popular among both teachers and students. Faculty Development Programs and Teenage Parenting Programs have also received excellent feedback. MMA is committed to identifying additional behavioralandskilldevelopmentprogramstobegraduallyimplementedinthefuture.
The infrastructure at P.S. North School has been substantially enhanced through the provision of smart boards in all classrooms, the construction of additional washrooms separately for boys and girls, an RO water plant for pure drinking water, the provision of sportsfacilities,andakids'funstationfornurseryandprimaryschool.
MMA conducted flood relief efforts in December 2023 for a slum located in front of our office, housing around 450 families. These families were severely affected by the flood, and MMA provided sheltertoover100familiesfortwodays,alongwith foodandothernecessities.
Additionally,MMAprovidedprovisionbagsforeach family, valued at approximately Rs. 1000 each, containing essentials such as 10kg of rice, sugar, dal, etc., supported by Danfoss. We extend our special thanks to Mr. Ravichandran Purushothaman and Ms. Anju Mary for their support.
This timely initiative in our neighbourhood was greatly appreciated by the residents, significantly enhancing MMA's image among the communities living in and around our vicinity, as well as among MMAmembers.
The MMA CMD organises short-duration Management Development Programs MMACENTREFOR MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT(CMD)
The MMA Centre for Management Development (CMD) organizes short-duration Management Development Programs (MDPs) aimed at disseminating and enhancing management skills among working executives at all levels. These MDPs, typically spanning one to two days, take the form of workshops, seminars, conclaves, lectures, corporate training programs, and management video programs, among others. They have consistently remainedpopular,withanaverageof60programsconductedpermonth.
The programs cover a wide range of subjects, and the faculty is selected from a panel of qualified and experienced professionals, eminent personalities, and academicians. Feedback from participants is regularly obtained for each program, and over 90% of participants have consistentlyratedtheprogramsasexcellent,withtheremainingratingthemasverygoodor good.
The Certificate Courses offered by MMA have been highly regarded as a prominent initiative for the development of managers.
These courses primarily targeted middle and senior-level managers with a focus on process design and implementation. To ensure the highest level of quality, MMA collaborated with reputableprofessionalbodiesintheirrespectivefieldstoorganizetheseprograms.
The courses offered by MMA covered a diverse range of topics. Some of the courses included an eleven-month course in Strategic HRM, Foundation in Cyber Security, Sustainability in SCM, Data-Driven HR Excellence, Project Management, Career Skill Development, MS Excel, Business Communication, Cost Reduction Strategy, Design of Experiments, and Professional SellingSkills,amongothers.
These courses were aimed at providing managers with valuable skills and knowledge in specific areas. The details of the Certificate Courses/Workshops organized during the year canbefoundintheAnnexure.
MMA Students Chapters are currently active in numerous academic institutions across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry
MMA places great emphasis on the development of management students and actively promotes the establishment of MMA Students Chapters in educational institutions offering management education. These chapters serve as a valuable bridge between MMA and the managementstudentcommunity.
MMA Students Chapters are currently active in numerous academic institutions across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. They engage in a wide range of activities contributing to the holistic development of management students. These activities encompass various areas and provide students with opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and practical understandingofmanagementconcepts.
Through the MMA Students Chapters, students are exposed to industry experts, guest lectures, workshops, seminars, and other interactive sessions. Value-added courses in NLP, HR Analytics, and Business Analytics were conducted. These events enable students to gain insightsintoreal-worldbusinessscenarios,learnfromexperiencedprofessionals,andexpand theirprofessionalnetwork.
MMA has collaborated with the KonradAdenauer-Stiftung from Germany since 1989 to promote Entrepreneurship Development
This project aims to provide small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in business. Over the past 35 years, the project has adapted to the changing business landscape and focused on knowledge-oriented activities to meet thedemandsoftheSMEsector.
During this 35-year period, the project has made significant progress in both quality and quantity. A total of 7097 training activities have been conducted, with 15,18,788 participants benefiting from them. Please refer to the Annexure for detailed information on the training activitiesconductedduringtheyear.
MMA expresses deep gratitude and appreciation to the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and specifically to Dr. Adrian Haack, Director - India Office, and Mr. Ashish Gupta, Head of Programmes, for their unwavering cooperation and support in facilitating the MMA-KAS EntrepreneurshipDevelopmentProjectactivities.
Dr Adrian Haack, Director-India Office, KAS
The Joint Staff Development Programme is a unique initiative aimed at the joint development of staff from various partner organizations of KAS.
The Joint Staff Development Programme (JSDP) 2023, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), is a unique initiative aimed at the joint development of staff from various partner organizations of KAS. This annual program brings together around 80 individuals from over 14 partnering organizations across the country to exchange experiences, learn fromeachother,andaddresscommonissuesofinterest.
The JSDP 2023 was held from August 10th to 13th in Mysuru, focusing on the theme "The Role of Civil Society in Promoting SDGs on Water, Energy, and Climate Action.” MMA activelyparticipatedinthisyear'sJSDPandmadeapresentationaswell.
The program was highly successful, receiving excellent feedback on the content, speakers, andoverallarrangementsinMysuru.
MMA Digital Magazine - Business Mandate, has evolved into a valuable source of information over the years
It features high-quality management articles that are highly sought after by both industry professionals and academia. In its digital format, the magazine reaches a wide audience of over75,000readerseverymonth.
The magazine's columns highlight best practices of successful small businesses that have emerged as industry leaders and showcase new companies inspired by innovative and creativeideas.
Through Business Mandate, one can drive readers and viewers to their product or business pages. The magazine, being dynamic, offers an opportunity to directly link creative promotional content to websites, social media pages, videos, or landing pages, allowing readerstoeasilyaccessandexplorevariousofferings.
Business Mandate provides a complete digital experience with embedded videos, links to websites, photo galleries, and much more, enhancing the reading experience, reach, and impact.
The MMA-Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung library now offers various attractive features KONRADADENAUER LIBRARY
MMA has taken steps to enhance the reading experience and encourage more engagement with its library by leveraging modern technology. The MMA-KonradAdenauer-Stiftung library now offers various attractive features.
To cater to the reading preferences of young individuals and the corporate sector, MMA has set up a Kindle corner, providing access to a digital library of e-books. This allows users to conveniently read books in electronic format, cateringtotheirdigitalreadinghabits.
In addition to e-books, the library offers a range of other multimedia resources. Users can access audiobooks, enabling them to listen to books and expand their reading experience. The library also provides podcasts of MMA programs, allowing users to engage with informative and educationalcontentonthego.
To further support learning and development, the library offers training CDs/DVDs, providing valuable resources for skill enhancement and knowledge acquisition. Additionally, the library maintains recordings of major MMA events, ensuring that users can access and revisit important discussionsandpresentations.
These enhancements in the MMA library reflect a commitment to leveraging modern technology and catering to the diverse reading preferences of users. By offering a range of digital resources alongside traditional books and magazines, MMA aims to attract and engage a wideraudience.
The MMA Library continues to be well endowed and holds 4542managementbooksandover1454videotitles.
Throughout the year, the MMA-KAS
Library expanded its offerings to benefit members
MMA took a significant step towards digital transformation with the launch of its Digital Library on November 29, 2021. This forward-thinking initiative was highly appreciated by
Throughout the year, the MMA-KAS Digital Library expanded its offerings to benefit members. Over 3,500 ebooks were added, providing a wide range of resources for members to access and explore. Additionally, the library incorporatedavastcollectionof1.4millionelectronictheses and dissertations from over 320 universities worldwide. This extensive repository of academic work enables members to accessvaluableresearchandscholarlymaterials.
The introduction of the MMA Digital Library signifies the organization's commitment to embracing technological advancements and providing convenient and comprehensive resources to its members. This initiative opens up a world of knowledge and information, empowering MMA members to enhance their learning and stay up to date with the latest academic research from
MMA Webcasting, Live on YouTube and Facebook LIVECASTING
MMA is dedicated to achieving excellence, perfection, and delivering high-quality events. To ensure wider accessibility and convenience, MMA has institutionalized live webcasting of most of its events. This enables both members and the general public to watch these managementprogramsattheirconvenienceandbenefitfromtheinsightfuldiscussions.The initiativeofwebcastingeventsreceivedgreatappreciationfromthemanagementfraternity.
In addition to webcasting, MMA also offers live streaming of events on popular social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. This further expands the reach of MMA's programsandallowsabroaderaudiencetoengagewiththecontent.Throughouttheyear,a significant number of viewers, totaling 5,00,025 watched MMA's programs through the MMA socialmediaportals.
By leveraging these digital platforms, MMA ensures that its events are accessible to a wider audience, promoting knowledge sharing and providing valuable insights to both its members and the general public. This initiative demonstrates MMA's commitment to embracingtechnologyanddeliveringitsprogramsinawaythatmeetstheevolvingneedsof themembers.
Through Voice of MMA, which takes the form of a podcast, MMA aims to provide access to MMA's radio initiative, Voice of MMA, serves as a valuable platform for reaching out to a wide audience across India
MMA’s social media accounts regularly feature highlights and brief narrations of recently concluded events
MMA actively maintains a strong presence on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. Through these platforms, MMA ensures continuous engagement with its audience by providing timely updates on major eventsandinitiatives.
MMA’s social media accounts regularly feature highlights and brief narrations of recently concluded events. This allows members and followers to stay informed about the key discussions and outcomes of these events. Additionally, MMA utilizes social media to keep members informed about upcoming events, ensuring they are aware of the latest opportunitiesforprofessionaldevelopmentandnetworking.
By actively leveraging social media platforms, MMA effectively reaches a wider audience and fosters a vibrant online community. These platforms serve as valuable channels for disseminating information, sharing knowledge, and engaging with members, professionals, andstudentsinterestedinmanagement-relatedtopics.
MMA’s active presence on social media demonstrates its commitment to leveraging digital platforms for effective communication and connecting with its stakeholders in an engaging andaccessiblemanner.
The aim is to extend professional management beyond Chennai
MMA has established Local Chapters in several cities across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, namely Attur, Erode, Ambur, Hosur, Namakkal, Salem, Sri City, Trichy, Puducherry, and Chengalpattu. These Local Chapters have been set up specifically to cater to the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The aim is to extend professional management beyondChennaiandensurethatindustriesinthesecitiesalsobenefitfromMMA’sexpertise.
As part of this strategy, MMA has planned and organized a diverse range of programs every month,notonlyinChennaibutalsointheseLocalChapters.Theseprogramsaredesignedto meet the needs of various segments, including MMA members, corporates, and managementstudents.
The efforts of MMA in conducting high-quality programs in cities outside Chennai have been highlyappreciated.Byexpandingtheiractivitiestotheseareas,MMAisspreadingexcellence inmanagementandmakingapositiveimpactonindustriesacrossthestate.
MMA's outreach program through Local Chapters reflects their commitment to promoting professional management practices and fostering growth and development beyond the boundariesofChennai.
Lecture Series on “Success Stories – How It Was Done!”
The "Success Stories - How It Was Done!" lecture series organized by MMA featured renowned industrialists who have successfully built significant brands. These accomplished individuals were invited to share their visions and the key factors that contributed to their success. The focus of the series was on highlighting the pivotal moments in their success stories,thechallengestheyencountered,andhowtheyovercamethoseobstacles.
TheinsightssharedbythespeakershaveproventobehighlyvaluableandinspiringforMMA members. By hearing firsthand accounts of these successful individuals, members gain valuable lessons and reflect on the learnings that can be applied to their own professional journeys.
Each talk in the series was chaired by immensely eminent personalities, adding to the prestige and impact of the events. The presence of these distinguished chairpersons made thelectureseriesallthemorememorable,creatinganatmosphereofwisdomandexpertise.
The speakers, chairpersons, and audiences expressed great appreciation for the relevance and significance of the talks. The success stories shared during the series not only provided inspiration but also offered practical insights and strategies that members could apply in
MMA's "Read & Grow" series is a book review program that features eminent panelists discussing carefully chosen books
Recognizing the significance of books in nurturing the mind, heart, and soul, MMA firmly believes in the adage "Today a Reader,tomorrowaLeader."Especiallyduringchallengingtimes, reading and writing help alleviate feelings of isolation and provideavaluablesourceofinspiration.
Bookshavethepowertoencourageathoughtful,human-centric approachtoworkandlife.Theypromoteconsciouslivingandthe development of value-based businesses and professions by fosteringcompassionandappreciationforbothpeopleandthe planet.
Tocultivateacultureofreadingandpersonalgrowth,MMAhas introducedtheengaging"Read&Grow"series,whichtakesplace everythirdFridayofthemonth.Thisprogramcombinesbook readingwithpaneldiscussions,creatinganinteractiveplatform forMMAmemberstofreelyexchangeideasandperspectiveson the chosen book's theme. The panel comprises experts in the field,andtheirinsightsenrichthediscussions.
The "Read & Grow" series not only encourages members to develop the habit of reading books but also aims to nurture writingskills.Theprogramprovidesaplatformformemberswho have authored books to showcase their work and share their experiences.Italsoservesasaninspirationforstudentmembers to embrace the reading habit and develop their own writing abilities.
Thisseriesexemplifiesitscommitmenttofosteringacultureof continuous learning and personal development among its members. By engaging in thoughtful book discussions, MMA membershavetheopportunitytobroadentheirknowledge,gain newperspectives,andenhancetheirunderstandingofvarious subjects.
WeplaceonrecordoursincereappreciationtoMs.Sangeetha Sankaran Sumesh, Mr. Babu Krishnamoorthy, and Mr. Sreenivasan Ramaprasad for their valuable support in conductingthiseventeverymonthwithoutstandingpanelists andchoiceofbook.
Throughout the year, MMA organizes numerous events under the Women Business Forum
MMA’s Women Business Forum is a platform that recognizes the resilience and strength of women who have overcome numerous obstacles to succeed. While women's voices have become more powerful and assertive, there is still work to be done to ensure their full participation in society. In emerging markets, women face unique challenges, but they are harnessingthepoweroftechnologytoadvancetheirbusinesses,careers,andfamilies.
Under the theme "Hear Her Voice," the Women Business Forum invites thought leaders to share their profound insights and experiences. The discussions and presentations in these events are inspiring and thought-provoking, particularly for women professionals and entrepreneurs. The forum serves as a platform for women to connect, learn, and gain inspirationfromoneanother.
Throughout the year, MMA organizes numerous events under the Women Business Forum, addressing various topics relevant to women's empowerment and advancement. These events provide opportunities for networking, learning, and sharing best practices. By fosteringasupportiveandinclusiveenvironment,MMAencourageswomentobreakbarriers andachievetheirfullpotential.
The Women Business Forum demonstrates MMA's commitment to promoting gender equality, empowering women, and creating opportunities for their professional and personal growth. By amplifying women's voices and celebrating their achievements, MMA aims to create a more inclusive and equitablesociety.
MMA has been in the forefront to foster and enhance excellence in Management, Entrepreneurship and Outstanding Contribution to Society.
Industries, institutions, members, and management professionals haveanopportunitytoparticipateinMMA’sprestigiousawards.
Award Functions are MMA's initiative in recognizing and encouragingachieversthroughdifferentawards.Theawardsconsist of a trophy, citation, and cash awards. The following awards are presented after examining nominations followed by the process recommendedbythePanelofJuryandConsultantsfortheaward:
MMAChanakya–TheMastermindAward(TheBestManagement Studentoftheyear)
MAME Awards – Recognition for Managerial Excellence
The "MMA Awards for Managerial Excellence" were established by the MMA (Management Association) in 2002 to recognize and reward outstanding managerial thinking, action, and measurable results in various sectors. These awards encompass four categories: manufacturing,services,MSMEs(Micro,Small,andMediumEnterprises),andeducation.
MMA's primary objective is to promote knowledge, education, and the adoption of effective managementpractices.Theawardsspecificallytargetcompaniesandinstitutionsthathave theircorporateorregisteredofficesinthesouthernstates.
Theevaluationprocessoftheawardsconsidersseveralcrucialaspectsoftheorganizationsin each category. These include their vision, goals, financial performance, initiatives taken, corporate social responsibility, quality of management processes, and growth in market share.
In the manufacturing category, the awards focus on recognizing excellence in managerial practices and achievements within the manufacturing sector. It encompasses industries involvedintheproductionofgoods.
In the services category, the awards recognize exemplary managerial thinking, action, and outcomes in service-oriented industries such as healthcare, hospitality, financial services, informationtechnology,andmore.
The MSMEs category acknowledges managerial excellence in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. This category targets smaller businesses and recognizes their achievements in termsofmanagementpracticesandmeasurableresults.
Finally, the education category evaluates the managerial excellence demonstrated by educational institutions. This includes universities, colleges, schools, and other educational organizations that have shown exceptional leadership, innovation, and effectiveness in their
Through the MMA Awards for Managerial Excellence, the MMA aims to honor and promote organizations that have excelled in various aspects of management, thereby encouraging the dissemination of best practices and driving overall improvement in the field of
MMA-Amalgamations Business Leadership Award
Since 1969, eminent achievers in business and industry have been honored with the MMA Amalgamations Business Leadership Award, instituted in memory of Shri S Anantharamakrishnan, Founder and Past President of the Madras Management Association. Nineteen luminaries, all outstanding leaders and active proponents of social responsibility in business, have done this Award proud by accepting it. They reflect ShriSAnantharamakrishnan'sbusinessphilosophyandbeliefs.
We are delighted to share that Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of TATA Sons, was unanimously selected by the eminent selection panel consisting of Mr. Azim Premji, Mr. M. M. Murugappan, Mr. Seshasayee, Ms. Zia Mody, and Mr. Harsh Mariwala, to receive the 20thMMAAmalgamationsBusinessLeadershipAward2023.
It's indeed a privilege and a proud moment for MMA & Amalgamations Group that Mr. N Chandrasekaran, Chairman of TATA Sons, received the award in person and delivered the 20th Anantharamakrishnan Memorial Lecture at the grand Award function held on Wednesday, 28th February 2024, at Hotel Taj Coromandel, Chennai. The Award function was attendedby900participantsinpersonandover45,610viewerswatcheditonline.
MMA MBA Awards
The MMA presents the MMA Awards to recognize the first rank holders in MBA from Anna University and University of Madras. These awards consist of a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 each. The primary objective of the MMA-MBA Awards is to promote and encourage academic excellence in the field of management studies by acknowledging and rewarding the academicachieversinMBAcoursesfromtheseuniversities.
The MMA-MBA Awards for the top rank holder from Anna University are supported by V Narayanan Memorial Endowment Award - Pond’s Veterans, while the award for the top rank holder from University of Madras is supported by the Dr. Nirmala Prasad MOP Endowmentfund.
Traditionally, these awards are presented annually during the All India Management Students Convention, an event where management students from across the country gather.
By recognizing and rewarding the first rank holders in MBA from Anna University and University of Madras, the MMA aims to inspire and motivate students to strive for academic excellenceinthefieldofmanagementstudies.
MMA Best Young Manager Award 2024 -
The Competition is held every year as a run-up to the MMA Annual Convention on the same themeastheConventionandisrestrictedtoManagersbelow40yearsofage.
This year’s Competition on the theme “2047: The New India Economy, Partnership, & Growth” wasconductedon3rdFebruary2024.
ThecompetitionwaswonbytheteamfromSaint-GobainledbyMr.BalaNiranjanKumaarB, Mr.SaravanakumarS,andMr.AhildevM.
Mr. R Prasad Rama from Addison & Co., Ltd was chosen as the Best Young Manager for the year2024.
23rd MMA Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award 2024
The MMA Competition for the Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award is part of MMA’s effort to help women managers improve their professional excellence. The Competition has been held every year since 2002 as a prelude to the Women Managers’ ConventionorganizedontheoccasionofInternationalWomen’sDay.
The theme of this year’s competition was “Level Up”. The Oral Presentation was held on March 12, 2024, to select the winner of the MMA Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award2024.
Ms. T Chitraa, IRAS, Indian Railways was chosen as the recipient of the “Outstanding Woman ManageroftheYear2024”award,whichincludesacashprize,atrophy,andacertificate.
The Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year award 2024: Ms T Chitraa of Indian Railways
12th CavinKare-MMA Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards 2023
Winners of 12th CavinKare-MMA Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards 2023 along with the Chief Guest Mr Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director, Nestle India Limited, Mr C K Ranganathan, CMD, CavinKare Pvt Ltd and other dignitaries during the Awards Function held on 16 September 2023 at IIT Madras Research Park Auditorium, Chennai
In the year 2011, CavinKare launched the Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards, in memory of Late Shri R Chinnikrishnan (Father of Mr. C K Ranganathan, Chairman & Managing Director, CavinKare Pvt Ltd). Mr. Chinnikrishnan had a vision and believed that ‘whatever a rich man enjoys, a common man should be able to afford’. Since its inception, the Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards have stood out for their steadfast support of innovative ventures started bysmallandtinyindustries,businessmen,andbusinesswomen.
TheCavinKare-MMAChinnikrishnanInnovationAward2023thisyearrecognizedthreesuch Entrepreneurswhousedtheircreativitytofindefficientsolutionstoproblems.
The eminent jury comprised of Mr. P Elango, Former Managing Director, Hindustan Oil Exploration Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Natesh Balakrishna, Managing Director, South Asia, AS APAC Dormakaba India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Lakshminarayanan Duraiswamy, Managing Director, Sundaram Home Finance Ltd., Ms. Mridula Ramesh, CEO, Sundaram Climate Institute & Executive Director, Sundaram Textiles, and Ms. Aarthi Lakshminarayanan, Partner, Shardul AmarchandMangaldas&Co.
The call for nominations process received 210 applications from all over India, where the nominees were interviewed under various stringent guidelines streamlined by the Process Advisor,ShardulAmarchandMangaldas&Co.
Digitalization of MMA Documents
Since its inception in 1956, MMA has been preserving records of Management Committee Meetings,AGMdeliberations,andAnnualReportsinprintedformat.Somerecords,especially thosefromthepre-ITera,aresignificantandneedtoberetainedindefinitely.
To ensure easy retrieval and reference, we are delighted to share that all old records, including minutes of meetings from 1956 onwards, AGM deliberations, annual reports, and other important documents related to MMA properties and contracts, have been digitized andcarefullystoredforsafetyandfuturereference.
This digitization ensures that the entire archive is available at the click of a button, providing easyretrievalforreference.
MMA’s financial performance for the year 2023-24 has been positive, considering the current environment. Revenue generation has shown an upward trend, resulting in significant additions to the General Fund. This growth can be attributed to increased income from subscriptions, improved surplus at conventions with support from sponsors, higher revenue from training programs, and cost reduction measures. The surplus generated is being reinvestedininfrastructureimprovementandenhancingthequalityofMMA’sofferingstoits members.
The highlights of financial performance are outlined in the tables that follow:
The Managing Committee would like to thank all the members of MMA for their continued support to the Association.
Certainly, all these activities would not have been possible without the commitment and teamworkofMMAManagingCommitteeMembers,FacultyMembers,andthewinningteam attheMMASecretariat.
MMA also expresses gratitude to the Past Presidents of MMA, who continue to be pillars of strength. Their involvement and support in various activities of MMA are highly commendable. The Managing Committee acknowledges, with grateful thanks, the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for their support to MMA, especially Dr. Adrian Haack, Director–IndiaOffice,Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
MMA extends its appreciation to the Chairpersons and Members of various Boards and Centers, as well as the Chairmen of MMA Local Chapters, for successfully organizing programs in their respective areas and keeping the flag of MMA flying. The Managing Committee also thanks the following organizations for their association in our joint activity network:
All India Management Association
Andhra Chamber of Commerce
Coaching Foundation India Ltd, Institute of Directors
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
IIMA Alumni Association, Chennai Chapter
IIMC Alumni Association, Chennai Chapter
Indian Institute of Foundrymen
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Murugappa Group
Policy Matters
R Bupathy & Co.,
Regional Labour Institute, Government of India
Project Management Institute, Chennai Chapter
National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM)
Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)
NHRD Network
The Peninsula Foundation Ponds Veterans
Chennai Centre for China Studies
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies
Society of Auditors
Indian Institute of Materials Management
Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co., Chennai
Sundaram Textiles Ltd
Global Adjustments Foundation
The Managing Committee expresses gratitude to The Hindu Business Line for their support asthePrintCommunicationsPartnerfornumerousMMAEventsandAwards.
The Managing Committee extends sincere thanks to all sponsors for their generous support ofMMA'sactivitiesthroughouttheyear.
The Managing Committee acknowledges and appreciates Prof. Kamakoti, Director of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, for his contribution as Chairman of the MMA Election Panel and for the assistance provided by his Secretariat in conducting the MMA Election ProcessatIITMadras.
The Committee expresses gratitude to Mr. P S Raman, Advocate General of the Government of Tamil Nadu, for the valuable services he has rendered, providing advice and counsel on legalissuesasneeded.
The Committee thanks our statutory auditors, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants, and Srikaanth and Co., Chartered Accountants, our internal auditors, for their excellentservicethroughouttheyear.
The Managing Committee also acknowledges the loyalty and dedication to duty shown by the staff of the MMA Secretariat, led by Gp Capt R Vijayakumar (Retd), VSM, Executive Director,MMA.
Place: Chennai 06
Date: 5 June 2024
K Mahalingam President Madras Management Association
Independent Auditors’ Report
to the Members of Madras Management Association
WehaveauditedthefinancialstatementsofMADRASMANAGEMENTASSOCIATION(the"Association"),whichcomprisetheBalanceSheetason March31,2024,andtheIncomeandExpenditureAccountfortheyearthenended,andasummaryofsignificantaccountingpolicies.
Inouropinionandtothebestofourinformationandaccordingtotheexplanationsgiventous,theaforesaidfinancialstatementsgiveatrueand fairviewofthefinancialpositionoftheAssociationasonMarch31,2024,andofitsfinancialperformancefortheyearthenendedinaccordance withtheAccountingStandardsissuedbytheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsofIndia(ICAI).
WeconductedourauditinaccordancewiththeStandardsonAuditing(SAs)issuedbyICAI.Ourresponsibilitiesunderthosestandardsarefurther describedintheAuditor'sResponsibilitiesfortheAuditoftheFinancialStatementssectionofourreport.WeareindependentoftheAssociationin accordancewiththeCodeofEthicsissuedbyICAIandwehavefulfilledourotherethicalresponsibilitiesinaccordancewiththeCodeofEthics.We believethattheauditevidenceobtainedbyusissufficientandappropriatetoprovideabasisforourauditopiniononthefinancialstatements.
TheAssociation'sManagementisresponsiblefortheotherinformation.TheotherinformationcomprisestheinformationincludedintheAnnual Performancereport,butdoesnotincludethefinancialstatementsandourauditor’sreportthereon.
Inconnectionwithourauditofthefinancialstatements,ourresponsibilityistoreadtheotherinformationidentifiedabovewhenitbecomes availableand,indoingso,considerwhethertheotherinformationismateriallyinconsistentwiththestandalonefinancialstatementsorour knowledgeobtainedduringthecourseofourauditorotherwiseappearstobemateriallymisstated.
WhenwereadtheManagement’sAnnualperformancereportifweconcludethatthereisamaterialmisstatementtherein,wearerequiredto communicatethemattertothosechargedwithgovernanceasrequiredunderSA720‘TheAuditor’sresponsibilitiesRelatingtoOtherInformation’.
Association'sManagementisresponsibleforthepreparationofthesefinancialstatementsthatgiveatrueandfairviewofthestateofaffairsofthe AssociationandfinancialperformanceoftheAssociationinaccordancewiththeaccountingprinciplesgenerallyacceptedinIndia.This responsibilityincludessafeguardingtheassetsoftheAssociationandforpreventinganddetectingfraudsandotherirregularities;selectionand applicationofappropriateaccountingpolicies;makingjudgmentsandestimatesthatarereasonableprudent;anddesign,implementation,and maintenanceofadequateinternalfinancialcontrolrelevanttothepreparationandpresentationofthefinancialstatementsthatgiveatrueand fairviewandarefreefrommaterialmisstatement,whetherduetofraudorerror.
Inpreparingthefinancialstatements,managementisresponsibleforassessingtheAssociation'sabilitytocontinueasagoingconcern,disclosing, asapplicable,mattersrelatedtogoingconcernandusingthegoingconcernbasisofaccountingunlessmanagementeitherintendstoliquidatethe Associationortoceaseoperations,orhasnorealisticalternativebuttodoso.
Ourobjectivesaretoobtainreasonableassuranceaboutwhetherthefinancialstatements,asawhole,arefreefrommaterialmisstatement, whetherduetofraudorerror,andtoissueanauditor'sreportthatincludesouropinion.Reasonableassuranceisahighlevelofassurancebutis notaguaranteethatanauditconductedinaccordancewithSAswillalwaysdetectamaterialmisstatementwhenitexists.Misstatementscanarise fromfraudorerrorandareconsideredmaterialif,individuallyorintheaggregate,theycouldreasonablybeexpectedtoinfluencetheeconomic decisionsofuserstakenonthebasisofthesefinancialstatements.
Identifyandassesstherisksofmaterialmisstatementofthefinancialstatements,whetherduetofraudorerror,designandperformaudit proceduresresponsivetothoserisks,andobtainauditevidencethatissufficientandappropriatetoprovideabasisforouropinion.Theriskof notdetectingamaterialmisstatementresultingfromfraudishigherthanforoneresultingfromerror,asfraudmayinvolvecollusion,forgery, intentionalomissions,misrepresentations,ortheoverrideofinternalfinancialcontrol.
Obtainanunderstandingofinternalfinancialcontrolrelevanttotheauditinordertodesignauditproceduresthatareappropriateinthe circumstances,butnotforthepurposeofexpressinganopinionontheeffectivenessoftheAssociation'sinternalfinancialcontrol.
Evaluatetheappropriatenessofaccountingpoliciesusedandthereasonablenessofaccountingestimatesandrelateddisclosuresmadeby management.
Concludeontheappropriatenessofmanagement'suseofthegoingconcernbasisofaccountingand,basedontheauditevidenceobtained, whetheramaterialuncertaintyexistsrelatedtoeventsorconditionsthatmaycastsignificantdoubtontheAssociation'sabilitytocontinueasa goingconcern.Ifweconcludethatamaterialuncertaintyexists,wearerequiredtodrawattentioninourauditor'sreporttotherelated disclosuresinthefinancialstatementsor,ifsuchdisclosuresareinadequate,tomodifyouropinion.Ourconclusionsarebasedontheaudit evidenceobtaineduptothedateofourauditor'sreport.However,futureeventsorconditionsmaycausetheAssociationtoceasetocontinue asagoingconcern.
Evaluatetheoverallpresentation,structure,andcontentofthefinancialstatements,includingthedisclosures,andwhetherthefinancial statementsrepresenttheunderlyingtransactionsandeventsinamannerthatachievesfairpresentation.
Materialityisthemagnitudeofmisstatementsinthefinancialstatementsthat,individuallyorinaggregate,makesitprobablethattheeconomic decisionsofareasonablyknowledgeableuserofthefinancialstatementsmaybeinfluenced.Weconsiderquantitativematerialityandqualitative factorsin(i)Planningthescopeofourauditworkandinevaluatingtheresultsofourwork;and(ii)Toevaluatetheeffectofanyidentified misstatementsinthefinancialstatements.
Wealsoprovidethosechargedwithgovernancewithastatementthatwehavecompliedwithrelevantethicalrequirementsregarding independence,andtocommunicatewiththemallrelationshipsandothermattersthatmayreasonablybethoughttobearonourindependence, andwhereapplicable,relatedsafeguards.
Place: Chennai
Date: July 5, 2024
For DELOITTE HASKINS AND SELLS Chartered Accountants (Firm’s Registration No. 008072S) Rekha Bai Partner (Membership No.: 214161)
Talk on Tips for maintaining good health & preventing chronic diseases 04 Apr 2023
Talk on Art of Remaining Calm in a Turbulent World 18 Apr 2023
Talk on End of Life Planning: Ensuring that your wishes, desires, likes, preferences & values are honoured in your absence 20 Apr 2023
Discussion on the theme of the bookInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded) 21 Apr 2023
Discussion on the theme of the Book: How Women Work Fitting In and Standing Out in Asia 05 May 2023
Talk on Trillion Dollar Dream - Ficco Flo & MMA 08 May 2023
Seminar on How to Make India Water Resilient? 11 May 2023
Discussion on the theme of the bookLeadership and the Process Approach 12 May 2023
Talk on Trading in Indian Rupees: Reach & Out-reach 15 May 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - The Golden Ladder: Rise to be Unstoppable 17 May 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - What the CEO wants you to know - How your company really works 19 May 2023
Discussion on The Company We Keep: Insights into Indian Corporate Culture 24 May 2023
Talk on The Rise of Women in Public Sector 05 Jun 2023
Talk on Sensitivity and Specificity of Ophthalmic Practice 14 Jun 2023
Talk & Discussion on The Journey of a Champion 15 Jun 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness 20 Jun 2023
Seminar on Real Estate - AGILE (Accounting, GST, IT & Legal) - The Society of Auditors & MMA 23 Jun 2023
Talk on Urbanisation, Social Change & Development - The Tamilnadu Experience 26 Jun 2023
Conclave on Generative AI : The Future is Here 28 Jun 2023
Seminar on Managerial Excellence 2023 07 Jul 2023
Discussion on Women and SustainabilityFicciflo 12 Jul 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - The Book of Beautiful Questions 21 Jul 2023
Seminar on Reviving Manufacturing Sector : Why & How? 26 Jul 2023
Talk on Mid Life Career Challenges for Women 01 Aug 2023
Discussion on The Alladi Diary:Memoirs of Alladi Ramakrishnan 16 Aug 2023
Conclave on Ten Years of CSR - Chennai CSR Conclave 2023 19 Aug 2023
Discussion on the theme of the BookFactfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than You Think 22 Aug 2023
Seminar on Decoding Data Protection Act 2023 24 Aug 2023
Seminar on Stock Market: Over-valued or What? 28 Aug 2023
Talk on Startup India: Opportunities & Excitement 04 Sep 2023
Conclave on Touch the Sky & beyond - Ficciflo 15 Sep 2023
12th CavinKare- MMA Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards 2023 16 Sep 2023
Startup India: Opportunities & Excitement 20 Sep 2023
Success Stories - How it was Done! 21 Sep 2023
Discussion on the theme of the Book - Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World by Timothy Ferriss 22 Sep 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - Just Aspire: Notes on Technology, Entrepreneurship and the Future 28 Sep 2023
Discussion on the theme Busted: Debunking Management Myths with Logic, Experience and Curiosity 30 Sep 2023
MMA 22nd All India Management Students Convention 2023 on the theme “Innovate for a Responsible Tomorrow” 04 Oct 2023
Discussion on Inside the Boardroom: How Behaviour Trumps Rationality 06 Oct 2023
Discussion on The Professionals’ Handbook to ChatGPT 09 Oct 2023
Talk on Doctor Thiruvalluvar on Health Management 12 Oct 2023
Discussion on the theme of the Book - Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can 20 Oct 2023 1890 Matter More than IQ 20 Oct 2023
Tenth Edition of Dr K C G Verghese Endowment Lecture on Innovation in Emerging Markets 04 Nov 2023
Talk on Cricket World Cup 2023: Management Lessons for Success 06 Nov 2023
Talk on Gaza Demystified 08 Nov 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t 14 Nov 2023
Discussion on Empowering Women: Breaking Boundaries and Embracing Strengths 23 Nov 2023
Talk on Breaking the Glass Ceiling - Chasing the Dream - Ficciflo 24 Nov 2023
Seminar on Reforming Democratic Processes: Challenges and Opportunities 07 Dec 2023
Seminar on China & The Emerging World Order 08 Dec 2023
5th R K Swamy Memorial Lecture - Talk on Our Heritage, Our Pride! 11 Dec 2023
Discussion on the theme of the book - Same as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life 14 Dec 2023
Talk on Challenges with AI & ML Technology 18 Dec 2023
Discussion on Rocketing Through the Skies: An Eventful Life at ISRO 19 Dec 2023
Talk on AI for Business 21 Dec 2023
Discussion on Dance of Disruption and Creation : Epochal Change and the Opportunity for Enterprise 04 Jan 2024
Discussion on Beyond Three Generations: The Definitive Guide to Building Enduring Indian Family Businesses 08 Jan 2024
Discussion on the theme of the book - Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us 18 Jan 2024
Seminar on India 2024 23 Jan 2024
The Fourth V Narayanan Memorial Endowment Lecture on the theme Lessons Learnt in a Disruption 24 Jan 2024
Talk on Beyond the Boundary - Lessons from Cricket for Leadership Success 15 Feb 2024
Talk on Indian Corporates in the Changing Global Order 17 Feb 2024
Talk on Steps to Mental Wellbeing 19 Feb 2024
Talk on Chennai Rains: Helpless, Hapless or Hopeless? 20 Feb 2024
Discussion on the theme of the book - Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life 23 Feb 2024
MMA - Amalgamations Business Leadership Award 2023 28 Feb 2024
Discussion on the theme of the book - The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions 14 Mar 2024
Women Managers’ Convention 2024 - Level Up! 16 Mar 2024
Talk on Mi-4s At War: Liberation of Bangladesh 21 Mar 2024
Seminar on Right or Wrong? GDP Way to Measure Growth 25 Mar 2024
Discussion on the theme - Leading Through Adversity: Management And Leadership Principles in High-Stakes Challenges 28 Mar 2024
Ourheartfeltgratitudetoamazingsponsorsandsupporters,whofuelMMA'scontinued successinconventions,conclaves,andevents.Weappreciateeachandeveryoneofyou!
Thrilled to be honored as the Best Management Association in India for the 14th consecutive time, including the exceptional year 2022-23.
DearMembers,yourboundlessinspirationandunwaveringsupporthavepropelledMMAto thesesoaringheights.Youaretheheartbeatthatfuelsourrelentlesspursuitofgreatness!