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MMA Best Young Manager Award 202326th MMA Competition for Young Managers

Since 1996, MMA has been organizing the MMA Competition for Young Managers. This competition provides opportunities to young managers to demonstrate their knowledge, experience, professional excellence and creativity in the larger interest of the management community.

The Competition is held every year as a run up to the MMA Annual Convention on the same themeastheConventionandisrestrictedtoManagersbelow40yearsofage.

This year’s Competition on the theme “India’s Century - How to drive sustainable inclusive growth”wasconductedon17thFebruary2023

The competition was won by the team from Saint Gobain led by Ms Ramya S, Ms Shreya V andMsSaranyamalaT

Ms Rama Ippili from Indian Oil Corporation Ltd was chosen as the Best Young Manager for theyear2023.

22nd MMA Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award 2022-23

The MMA Competition for the Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award is a part of MMA’s effort to help the Women Managers improve their professional excellence. The Competition is held every year since 2002 as a run up to the Women Managers’ Convention organisedontheoccasionofInternationalWomen’sDay.

The theme of this year’s competition was “The Extra Mile” The Oral Presentation was held on 16thMarch2023 to select the Winner of the MMA Outstanding Woman Manager of the Year Award2023.

Ms Swarna Sudha, TATA Consultancy Services was chosen as “Outstanding Woman Manager oftheYear2023”awardwhichincludedacashprize,atrophyandaCertificate.

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