Participative Leadership

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fountainhead of excellence

1 MAR 2022


fountainhead of excellence

17 MAR 2022

Mr P Jayadevan, Executive Director & State Head ‐ TN & Puducherry Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ﴾IOCL﴿, touches upon the importance of grooming leaders by assessing their strengths and weaknesses. He also sheds light on how they managed to coach and mentor 14 of them, through a very systematic process at IOCL.


oaching is a noble act of changing individuals

foot in all the boats and whichever goes faster, we get

and developing them to take on new roles.

onto that. IOCL is the energy security keeper of India

There are many factors in production and

and we cannot afford energy poverty in our country. It


is therefore a much complex situation that we face

organisational or production set-up. We may feel that

today. Compared to all these challenges, transforming

changing human beings is the most difficult thing to

individuals is easier. In public sectors, transforming

do. But, I don't think so, based on my own experiences

individuals and coaching are required. We join public

in the oil and gas industry which is undergoing major

sectors at a lower cadre, grow and retire and thus have

transitions today.

a long term relationship. Any positive change that








The big transition Our PM has addressed COP26 and talked about India's energy transition plans from conventional to

We are all generalists in public

renewable energy. We have a big challenge in IOCL

sector and not much of

handling our portfolios, being in an oil and gas

specialists. We keep on shifting

industry. We are now into solar, wind, hydrogen, biofuel

from one department to

and electricity as well. We are going to produce

another and there is very little

batteries. All these energy forms need much higher

prominence or value given to a

infrastructural needs. We need to prepare ourselves to

specialist in public sector.

handle these new forms of energy, any of which might proliferate in the next five to ten years. We keep our 18

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fountainhead of excellence

happens to an individual, will contribute much more


to the organisation in the public sector than in a private

development. We have a Learning and Development

sector where people keep on changing. In public sector,

Department and Training Department, but they focus

we do have a long and heavy tail. We need to transform

on programs for a group of people.

them as well. All these factors favour a coaching system in the organisation. We are all generalists in public sector and not much of specialists. We keep on shifting from one department to another and there is very little prominence or value given to a specialist in public sector. So if you have to become a leader, you need to have better qualities, deep








Tweaking the appraisal system In the early part of 2000, I was heading a small unit and I had 14 officers and 50 workmen under me. We have an annual performance appraisal system in order to rate them for giving promotions or rewards. When this appraisal was happening, I did a small exercise.

inside you. In spite of all this, my experience says that

I asked every officer to write down two strengths

in public sector, human resource development is yet to

and two areas of improvement for every other officer

mature, though there are initiatives happening. We have

including me, naming the officer who is being evaluated

industrial relations, employee relations and human

but without writing the name of the officer who

resources department. We have not gone deeper into

evaluated. All these were put in my in-tray. I compiled

human resource development.

all comments received for every officer, put them on a

I have had some experiences during my last 20 years in coaching, though I am in this organization for more than 34 years. It has given me some insights that

single sheet and gave them back to the concerned officer. I asked them to ponder over the comments and called them for a discussion after two days.


fountainhead of excellence

19 MAR 2022

All the officers, naturally, accepted their strengths but









We had some structured way of mentoring but I found that the

improvement. Some officers concurred with the areas

experiment did not go well

of improvement pointed out to them and promised me that next year, I would not see those comments. To my

because the officers who were

surprise, those officers really worked on those areas

supposed to get mentored,

and vastly improved. Another set of officers accepted

never asked their mentors for

their areas of improvement but expressed their lack of

any help...

knowledge and tools to overcome it and wanted handholding. I was totally at dark as to how to help them to improve, as I was not a psychologist nor a certified coach. I did this assessment of strengths and

Selecting the directors

weakness exercise for four years and completed it in

My third experience though was different. Recently,

2006, at the end of which, I had a clear picture of all

I was heading the Secretariat of our Chairman. We have

the officers assigned to me during those four years and

a process of selection of Directors in the public sector.

understood them thoroughly.

We have six internal and six external candidates and

Mentoring that didn’t take off

they go for interview by the Public Sector Selection Committee.

Subsequently, we introduced a mentoring system in our organization. The young officers who joined us,

We had to appoint a Director for Marketing. In the

were given mentoring. They had mentors within the

list of shortlisted candidates for the position, six names



appeared. I went through those six names and I

controlling officers or the officers to whom they report

discussed with our Chairman. I found that almost all

to. I thought this was not correct, as a controlling

of them had leadership qualities. But they had gaps in

officer might impose certain things onto the officer

some areas like listening skills, communication skills,

reporting to him. It could be handled better.

self-awareness and integrity as well. So, probably we





were not able to get the best of the leaders for the I brought in three retired officers to do mentoring. I had 17 officers with me. I made them into three batches, connected them with the three retired officers —six in each batch—and then allowed them to do the

organization. Had we initiated coaching and course correction for them four or five years back, we would have got six excellent candidates for the directorship. That was the inference or learning which I got.

mentoring process. We had some structured way of mentoring but I found that the experiment did not go

I tried to have a coaching process at the Chairman's

well because the officers who were supposed to get

level, but unfortunately, it did not really materialise. I

mentored, never asked their mentors for any help,

came back and got a posting in Chennai as Head of

except one officer who met with an accident, sought

Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and approached a

some help when he was in the hospital bed. That was

professional coaching organisation. They helped me to

my second experience.

set up a coaching process. In fact, I was very


MAR 2022


fountainhead of excellence

apprehensive when I started it, because, in Public

After three months, when the coachee and coach

Sector, coaching had rarely happened as a process of

came to an understanding on the three areas they

leadership development. So I had to start afresh.

needed to improve, they came back to me. We sat again, to validate if these goals would serve the interests of

Coaching the coachables

the organization and not just cater to the individual’s

Initially, I took two officers for the coaching

personal development goal. I had to differentiate them,

process. I was totally involved right from day one, on

depending on the capability of the officer to become a

which we had an initial meeting. Here, the coaching

leader tomorrow.

philosophy and the value proposition was detailed to the officers. In that three-way meeting, the consultants assessed the officers if they were coachable or not, whether they had the willingness to come forward, understand their own areas of improvement and then work on them.

Finally, we arrived at the three goals. They sat through again for next 3 months and worked on those goals. We had a dipstick to check if the development actually happened and then closed it. That's how the whole







individualistic and one-to-one basis. The coach and the

Then the other processes that were implemented

coachee sat together and improved upon the areas,

included psychometric tests, asking the officer to

which we had identified. It was an extremely satisfying

narrate a story, getting 360-degree feedback and then

experience for me. Since then, we coached another six

consolidating the feedback as one story about the

officers. We are doing another 10 now. So overall, in

officer. Both the coach and the coachee sat together to

my small set up that I have in Tamil Nadu, we have

identify three smart goals they needed to achieve. This

done coaching for 18 officers by now.

was a three-month long process. 22

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fountainhead of excellence

Lessons from coaching

This is my experience with coaching. There are

It's a great journey forward and during this journey. I also picked up some inferences. • We need to have the developmental process almost error free. While this process is on,

some shortcomings which I would throw open to the coaches to really work upon. I do have a couple of suggestions related to coaching as well. One, recently I have seen team coaching which is


being propagated. That's a good concept. It's for a

apprehension if the information they share

limited period for a group. There is a coaching process

would be kept confidential. If confidential

which is to be instituted. I have not experienced it but

information gets leaked out, it can go against

I feel, it will do good for some project based

the officer. So as a sponsor of this program,















responsibility to see to it that the information shared





extremely important in a coaching process. • Second, the sustainability of this program matters a lot. What happens after six months? Will the coached officers go back to old ways, due to their job pressure?

To take care of

this, we introduced a sustainability tracker. The coaches were available for some more

The next point is related to young lady officers. During our annual performance appraisal last year, in a specific grade, we had 98 officers—28 lady officers and 70 male officers. When I rated them, I found that 21 out of 28 lady officers were outstanding while only 15 out of 70 male officers were outstanding. I was reflecting upon my organization and I don't find these young officers getting into a management role. Something or the other happens to the lady officers over a period of time.

time and were hand-holding the trainees subsequently as well. I was also tracking many

These officers were in the 25-30 age group, either

of the officers and if there was any remark

married, or about to get married.

against them by any of their superiors, I

married and have their first child, they try to take a call

would take it forward for improving them.

whether the family is important or the career is

• Third, in Public Sectors, every process has to be a little more democratic and transparent.

When they get

important. Many of them tend to go towards the family and sacrifice their career.

There are people who would come back and

I think there is a great opportunity of coaching

question why somebody was selected for

them at this juncture. If we could do a one-to-one

coaching and ask, “Why not me?’ So one has

coaching of those young officers at that point, giving

to be very mindful about the selection of the

them opportunities and looking at their individual

people for coaching as well.

issues, I am sure that lady officers can get into much

• Lastly, can we have internal coaches? In huge

bigger leadership roles.

organisations, an internal coach can one day become the superior or subordinate. That's a big setback for the process. So I decided myself not to encourage any internal coaches.







Leadership, and, Coaching Leadership will be the trend of tomorrow. 


fountainhead of excellence

23 MAR 2022

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