Dr Prasad Modak
Managing Director – Environmental Management Centre
Pvt. Ltd & Director – Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
Dr Prasad Modak is a B.Tech in Civil Engg & M.Tech in Environmental Science and Engg from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. He had done Doctor of Environmental Engg from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Later he joined Centre for Environmental Science and Engg at IIT Bombay in 1984. He set up Environmental Management Centre in 1996 and established Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation - a Not for Profit Company in 2012.
Worked with almost all key UN, multi-lateral and bi-lateral developmental institutions in the world. Prominent amongst these include UNEP Geneva, Paris and Osaka; UNDP and UNDESA, New York, UNIDO, Vienna; DFID, London; GIZ and CDG, Germany; APO, Tokyo; SIDA, Embassy of the Netherlands, New Delhi; FAO, the World Bank, IFC, New Development Bank, European Investment Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Apart from Government of India and various State Governments, advised Governments of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Mauritius, Thailand and Vietnam. Member of Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement, Ministry of Finance, Earlier member of Indian Resources Panel at MoEFCC, National Committee on Circular Economy, FICCI, Advisory member of Circular Economy Club
Published books with UN University (translations in Chinese, Japanese), Tokyo; Oxford University Press; UNEP, CRC Press, Centre for Environmental Education. Served as Hon Editor of the Journal of Indian Water Works between 1998 and 2004 Contributed to UNEP's Green Economy Report, Global and Asia Waste Management Outlooks. Latest book is on "Practicing Circular Economy" at CRC Press released in June 2021
Recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award of AITAA in 2010 for Significant Contribution to International Affairs. Elected as Board Certified Member at American Association of Environmental Engg .Adjunct Professor at Centre for Technology Alternatives in Rural Areas at IIT, Bombay between 2009-2017.
Specialties: Environmental Policy, Environmental Assessment, ESG at Financing Institutions, Business and Sustainability, Circular Economy, Capacity Building in Environmental Management, Modelling and Data.