Na. Vijayshankar (Naavi)
Naavi specializes in Consultancy related to Regulatory compliance in the areas of ITA 2000/8, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, DPDPA (Digital Personal Data Protection Act of India) etc. Naavi is also a Registered Independent Director with Ministry of Corporate Affairs,GovernmentofIndia.
He is a Thought Leader who pioneered several concepts in Cyber Jurisprudence in India and also introduced services such as CyberEvidenceArchival,OnlineDisputeResolutionetc.
He also Pioneered pathbreaking indigenously developed concepts such as Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI) as a framework for Digital Privacy Compliance and also pioneered Digital Valuation Standard of India (DVSI) for a suggested frameworkforvaluationofData.
He presently working actively towards legislation on Neuro Rights and Artificial Intelligence Regulation as extension of Privacy RightRegulation.
Hehasnearly50yearsofdomainexpertiseincludingBanking,Advertising,CyberLaw,Education,InformationandDataSecurity compliance.
He is self developed professional qualified as a post graduate in Physics, Banking (CAIIB), Certificate in Banking Finance, and Post Graduate Diploma in Management (AIMADM). Created own educational certification programs through Cyber Law College on Certificate in Cyber Laws and Privacy Laws in India etc. He is also a visiting faculty in a number of premier law schoolsinIndia.
Naavi is academically oriented and has presented several innovative thoughts such as the "Theory of Information Security Motivation","TheoryofData","HexagonalModelofDataProtectionImplementation"etc.
He is now working on developing a debate on how the Classical Cyber Law thinking needs to be modified consequent to the emergingtechnologiessuchasArtificialIntelligenceandQuantumComputing.
He authored several books including the first book on Cyber Laws in India in 1999. Also authored a book titled "Personal Data ProtectionActofIndia(PDPA2020)"tomarkthebeginningofaneweraofdataprotectioninIndia.
The website codifies the 20+ years of the journey of Naavi in the filed of Cyber Laws in India. The website www.fdppi.inreflectstheactivitiesoftheFoundationofDataProtectionProfessionalsinIndia.