Ukraine Crisis

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fountainhead of excellence

1 APR 2022


APR 2022


fountainhead of excellence

Kanwal Sibal, India's former Ambassador to Russia, focuses on where the West went wrong, Putin's calculations, and how the world is shaping up to the new realities.


he global focus is moving back to Europe, but

of the Soviet Union, Russia actually wanted to become

in my view, in a negative way. The West failed

part of NATO. Even President Putin in his earlier years

to construct an inclusive, security architecture

of the presidency wanted that. He thought of himself

in Europe after the demise of the Soviet Union. There

as a European and Russia as a European country. But

were many promises made to former Soviet President

this was spurned by Europe. The Western and American

Gorbachev by a host of Western leaders that NATO will

point of view was that there was an opportunity to

not go an inch beyond East Germany. That was one of

permanently weaken Russia geopolitically. They

the political basis for the unification of Germany. This

thought it must not be missed when Russia was weak

narrative is sometimes contested because this promise

and is incapable of any response. They wanted to

was not written down. But Matlock, the former US

isolate it from Europe.

ambassador to Russia has confirmed that this promise was given by various leaders including the British. Eminent American scholars who dealt with Russia and the issues of NATO enlargement over the years, like George Kennan, Robert Gates and William Burns —today the CIA director—have been emphatically speaking against the East-West expansion of Europe and have characterized it as a grave error by the West, which would inevitably invite a Russian response. It also needs to be mentioned that after the demise

Interference and expansions They have been five expansions of NATO, in phases, since the demise of the Soviet Union. I was the Indian Ambassador in Russia when Putin at the Munich Security Conference in 2007 gave a very impassioned speech against the expansion of NATO. This was not heeded. In 2008, Georgia and Ukraine were offered membership of NATO. The Georgian President at that time, Saakashvili, thought he had some encouragement because of the offer of membership. So he tested the


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33 APR 2022

waters. The result was that Russia took military action

the General Secretary, to commemorate the 300th

and two separate Republics, which were historically not

anniversary of the treaty between the Czars and the



Crimean Tatars, this territory was made part of Ukraine.

—Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These were recognized

But it was one country. It's like a reorganization of our

by Russia. So Russia had very clearly drawn a red line,

own states in 1956.





but this was ignored.

Then there is this issue between the Eastern

In 2014, Ukraine witnessed the Maidan protests,

Ukraine and Western Ukraine. The fact is that parts of

which resulted in the overthrow of Yanukovych, a

Western Ukraine, historically, have never been part of

legitimately elected president. The protest was openly

either Soviet Union or Russia. They've been part of the

supported by United States. The Assistant Secretary in the State Department at that time, Victoria Nuland, who is now the US under-secretary and is visiting India, distributed cookies to the Maidan protesters. That was gross interference in the internal affairs of another

linguistic divisions between


Western Ukraine and Eastern

Ukraine: The eastern & western parts As a result, Russia annexed Crimea. Objectively speaking, Crimea has always been thought of as an integral part of Russia. In 1954, when former Soviet Union Premier Khrushchev, who was a Ukrainian, was 34

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There are ethnic, religious and


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Ukraine. This is a fact of life.

Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Lithuanian Empire or part of Poland. They are Catholics. So there are ethnic,

After the Afghan fiasco, Biden

religious and linguistic divisions between Western

simply cannot accept another

Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine. This is a fact of life.

political and strategic defeat in Europe.

The Eastern Ukrainians are ethnically Russian or Russian-speaking. They identify themselves with Russia. That is the origin of the conflict in Donbas. The Ukrainian nationalists have been absolutely adamant not to yield an inch in terms of the constitutional amendment to respect the rights of the people of Donbas and recognise Russian language as a national language.

tried to deal with this peacefully for seven years. We've not been able to move forward on Donbas. Now, I will have to use force to make you listen to me." He made some draft proposals to the Americans. He didn't want

After 2014, after the annexation of Crimea, there were the Minsk agreements 1 and 2 which were brokered by France and Germany and which were ratified by the UN Security Council. For seven years,

to talk to the Europeans because his view is that the Europeans have no say in the matter. Putin’s proposals to be United States are:

these have not been implemented because the

No further enlargement of NATO

Ukrainian nationalist government is dead set against

No NATO deployment of forces or weapons in countries that joined NATO after 1997

it. One can understand them. Perhaps, they want to retain the entire territory as their Sovereign national

Consultative mechanism should be set up.


A hotline should be set up between the United States and Russia.

Stopping NATO






intermediate nuclear forces. (Incidentally, this

After that, in 2019, despite all this background, the

treaty has been reneged by the United States)

Ukrainian Parliament decided to make a constitutional amendment and apply for membership of NATO and


No NATO military activity in Ukraine or

EU as part of their Constitution. Because of the

Eastern Europe in the Caucasus and Central

annexation of Crimea, the West decided to start arming









Nuclear weapons should be only on the

Ambassador said on television that their special forces

national territory of countries. In other words.

have trained 16,000 Ukrainian military personnel. Lots

The United States should move out their

of arms have gone into Ukraine. In fact, without Ukraine

nuclear weapons from Europe.

being a de-facto NATO member, it is being treated as a member of NATO.

We can understand that the United States would have never accepted the totality of these demands or

Putin said, "I have been opposing the expansion of NATO over the years. You never listened to me. I have

even the core of these demands. So United States said, , 'Well, in terms of strategic stability, which means


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35 APR 2022

Putin dreams of creating a Slavic empire.

Peter Rimmele Resident representative to India Konrad‐Adenauer‐Stiftung


ussia’s invasion of Ukraine is a

opportunity to a ack India.


crea ng a Slavic empire on the scale of

clear breach of interna onal

possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO

the former Soviet Union. If Pu n

laws. I can compare the

member one day and threatening

succeeds in this coup, the inhabitants of

present stand taken by Russia to that of

Russia’s naval base at Sebastopol in the

the Bal c countries of Estonia, Latvia,

the US in the Cuban missile crisis, when

Black Sea was Russia’s concern; but their

and Lithuania and also Moldova fear

it threatened other na ons not to play

ac on is totally unacceptable. The end

that they will be the next in line. NATO

in the US courtyard. During the 1962

does not jus fy the means. First, they

has always acted with prudence and

Cuban missile crisis when the world’s

invaded Crimea and now they have

there will be no direct interven on by

a en on was diverted, China used the

a acked Ukraine. Pu n dreams of

NATO in the present crisis. 

positioning of strike weapons in Eastern Europe and all

Slovakia would have never accepted this kind of a



compromise. On both sides, for whatever reasons,

disarmament agreements but there is no question of

inevitably, it was leading to an inexorable conflict on

denying NATO membership to Ukraine because NATO

the ground.







will continue to follow an open-door policy.'

Making Putin a villain

Also, after the Afghan fiasco, Biden simply cannot accept another political and strategic defeat in Europe. The transatlantic alliance is vital for the Americans and Europeans. If Biden demonstrated his helplessness in yielding to Russia's demands, his presidency will be virtually finished. So one can understand the reasons of US refusing to accept Russia’s proposals. Leave alone the United States, even the Baltic states, Poland and 36

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The US-Russia relations have been full of tensions for a long time. It's nothing new. Obama was extremely dismissive of Russia. He said the US was facing three problems: terrorism, Ebola and Russia. He demeaned Russia and a host of sanctions were imposed on Russia. Trump followed suit despite his efforts to find some kind of a position of dialogue with Russia. But because


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Putin had been demonised for long. All sorts of things are

dealing with someone of Putin's stature. Now there is much more supply of arms. There's a

being said about him. The

lot of encouragement being given to the Zelensky, who's

Russian leadership is convinced

a comedian-turned-President. He is now demonstrating

that the West wants regime

how successful he is in theatrics on the international

change in Russia.

stage. He keeps changing his mind every day. The West is building him up as a hero. He speaks to the US Senate, European Parliament, German Bundestag and British Parliament. They all encourage him.

of many toxic issues in US domestically, he couldn't do that. Also, in order to prove that Russia had not helped

This is not the way to find a negotiated solution;

him anything in the elections, he also imposed

you are encouraging a man who's a puppet in the hands

sanctions on Russia, on the ground that there have been

of forces he can't control. But since he is a damn good

Russian interference in US elections. The Democrats

actor and he won the election on the basis of his

think that they lost four years of governance because

theatrics, he has been able to mobilize a lot of

of Russia's interference in US elections. Especially

sympathy and support as a man who stands against

Blinken and Nuland will not forget this.


Putin had been demonised for long. All sorts of

As a result of this, Germany has shut down for the

things are being said about him. The Russian leadership

time being the Nord Stream after resisting initially,

is convinced that the West wants regime change in

which I thought was very honourable. They have now

Russia. It is very clear to my mind that though not

been compelled and pressured to supply even arms to

necessarily realizable, this is the ambition of the West,

Ukraine. I think with the increased defence budget,

just as they brought about regime change in Ukraine.

they'll buy F35 from United States. The US Defence

They thought that if Ukraine became a very successful

Industry, of course, will be delighted.

democratic experiment, then the Liberals and the

The question of refugees is very legitimate and

Europeans in Russia would get encouraged. That is the

unfortunate. There is a lot of sympathy, not only in

reason why Navalny, who is a nobody, is lionised as if

Europe but elsewhere because already 3.5 million

he is the core of opposition in Russia that can

refugees have entered Poland and other countries and

destabilize the regime. The matter has been taken to

if the Germans receive 8 million as they expect, that

the United Nations Security Council, the UN General

will really be a disaster for the European economy.

Assembly and the UN Human Rights Commission.

One‐sided coverage on media

Hitting a low in diplomacy

The other point I want to mention is that what we

It is unfortunate that diplomatic norms have been

see is real NATO standard information war that is being

breached. You can't call a Head of State—like President

conducted. It is totally one-sided. It is so unfortunate

Biden did—a war criminal. You're closing the doors of

that our own TV channels and mainstream press have

any dialogue if you descend to this level, in terms of BUSINESS MANDATE

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37 APR 2022

fallen prey to it. There is simply no balance in

reporting. This is a lesson for us, in the future.

The UNGA doesn't reflect global opinion. There is pressure on countries to say 'yes' to

A lot of the fault lies on the Russian side. Everything they say is in Russian language. Nobody

sanctions. But most of the

understands the Russian language. They don't have any

world is not behind these

agencies which set out well-crafted English-language


reports, which can be reproduced. So all the news that we get is from western agencies, western leadership and social media. It is very easy to cut and paste these things into our mainstream national press and all of us begin to believe them, because there is a reality on the ground of bombing or infrastructure being destroyed.

situation where potentially, there could be a Third World War and rest of the world will suffer. The damage to the world economy will be immense. Already, a lot of pressure is being built up. The

Will the Russians succeed?

sanctions have been really unprecedented. The oil

I don't believe that the Russian military has got

prices shot up to $140 at one time. Every single dollar

stalled or they overestimated themselves. Their aim is

increase in oil price adds half a billion dollars to our

to secure the Donbas region, secure the Black Sea Coast,

oil bill. This is true of all the oil importing countries.







economically down on its knees. Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe with 200,000 troops. You cannot control the whole of Ukraine and Russia is very careful. They don't want to go to the Western Ukraine. Besides overstretching themselves, they don't want to go close to NATO because some mistake can be committed somewhere in the heat of the battle and then the whole thing can become conflagrated into something bigger. Russia is achieving their objectives. Maybe, it is slower than what they thought. Maybe they've suffered casualties. But to say that they will not prevail is more wishful thinking than anything else.

There is now great fear about potential famine in West Asia and especially in Africa, because both Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of wheat. Now wheat trade will get disrupted.

"The UNGA doesn't reflect global opinion" We talked about the rule of law but how can the sanctions, which are not approved by the United Nations, come into effect? They talk of pursuing international law or rules-based order. On what rules are these sanctions based? If it was UN approved, it is fine. India will abide by them because it's our obligation under the UN Charter. Otherwise, what obligation do

The global impact

we have, especially as the sanctions hurt us?

The world has suffered already a great deal because

The UNGA doesn't reflect global opinion. There is

of the urges for war in Europe. We've had two World

pressure on countries to say 'yes' to sanctions. But most

Wars, both of which are essentially European wars. They

of the world is not behind these sanctions. I would also

call it World War because of their colonies everywhere

say that the arguments that are given by the West are

but they're European Wars. Now you are creating a



APR 2022


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Ukraine Crisis: Is Global Focus Moving back to Europe?”: The conclave was followed by a discussion on the topic by experts such as Dr.Stanly Johny (The Hindu), Peter Rimmele (KAS), Kanwal Sibal (former Ambassador to Russia), Lt. Gen. SL Narasimhan (Member, National Security Advisory Board‐India), Ms. Tara Kartha (Distinguished Fellow, IPCS), Nandan Unnikrishnan (ORF), and Pankaj Madan (KAS).

They say that Ukraine cannot be denied the choice of becoming a NATO member as if when Ukraine makes a decision, all other countries are bound by that choice. The other countries also have a choice. They have to judge the entirety of the situation before they accept the choice made by X, Y or Z. We also know from realpolitik that the choice can be engineered.

Washington Post, The Economist or the Independent are not biased against us. There is talk of borders in Europe getting changed, quite forgetting that Yugoslavia doesn't cease to exist. It has been broken up into several states. Most of them have become members of NATO. It happened in Europe.

The double standards are very clear. After all, it's not the first time that another country has intervened against the sovereign country. We've had Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. We have seen destruction of infrastructure and civilian casualties and refugees in much larger numbers. Freedom of expression is a core value of the West.

Another concern is what if Russia wants to create a sphere of influence? The counter to that is what if the extension of NATO or EU happens? Doesn't that create a sphere of influence for the Europeans and the United States? So all these arguments are very debatable.

Two decades of Putin

But they have banned Russia Today and Sputnik news.

Putin has been in power for 22 years. He acted in

Why? Let the people have access to other views. If you

2008 in Georgia, in 2014 in Ukraine and once again in

say it is state-controlled media, so is BBC. If you think

2022 in Ukraine. He intervened in Syria to prevent a

that state-controlled media gives you biased news, I

regime change, intervened in Belarus, again to prevent

don't know if you think that BBC, New York Times,

the regime change, rightly or wrongly. He intervened


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39 APR 2022

in Kazakhstan recently at the request of its President. He intervened in Armenia in the conflict between

India's position on this has been

Azerbaijan and Armenia, but other than these, he has

criticized, that we are being

not intervened in areas, thousands of miles away, which

neutral; that we have abstained

pose no direct security threat to them.

in the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. If you

India’s stand and our national interests

look carefully, our statements

India's position on this has been criticized, that we

are muted, no doubt.

are being neutral; that we have abstained in the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. If you look carefully, our statements are muted, no doubt. They are understated but they're all critical of what Russia has done.

brownie points. Our abstention causes no harm to the security of the United States, but our condemnation of

We talked about the UN Charter, respect for sovereignty and respect for territorial integrity, but the focus is on abstention. Why did we abstain now? Our position is very difficult because our ties with the

Russia will directly cause threats to our security. Therefore, we have to weigh these two options.

India‐Russia‐China: The triangular balance

United States are very close. And they will, in course of

In the context of the ties between Russians and

time even become closer. In fact, US is the most vital

Chinese becoming closer and closer, there is a big

partner in terms of India's technology modernization,

problem for us because the triangular balance between

management best practices and investment. They also

India, Russia and China is getting destabilized in favour

supply us high-end weapons, which are very necessary

of China. Russia still values its relationship with us. It's

for maritime security. So there's a whole range of

important for them to have us on their side. But if we

domains in which India is now dependent on the United

go against them, then our ability to maintain some kind

States. But there are also some critical domains in

of Russian stakes in this triangular equation will

which we are dependent on Russia. About 60 to 70

become weaker and weaker and that will add to our

percent of our defence platforms are Russian.

security threats. In fact it will weaken our security. We

In the UN Security Council or in other forums, if we keep voting against Russia and keep condemning it, it

are not fence-sitting. We are only protecting our national interests.

will mean a breakdown of our relations with Russia.

As a result of this crisis, US, Europe and Russia will

With the 15,000 Chinese troops sitting at the border

become weakened and China will emerge stronger. The

and if Russia starts slowing down spares or servicing

US arms companies have benefitted from the war. That

or ammunition, what will be the state of our defence

US is now counting on China to isolate Russia and it

preparedness? Any responsible government has to

shows its weakness. Nuclear weapons do not give a

weigh this and not simply satisfy the Americans or

nation security but atmanirbhar can. 

anybody else, by voting with them and score some 40

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fountainhead of excellence

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