Green-ing Outside the box!

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GREEN-ing Outside the Box!

[Points of Departure]

Throughout the seven weeks, I was working under the studio’s theme called “Slices throgh Space”. The works that I have done were based on theoretical readings related to concepts of Rhizome, Reorientation, Vulnerability and Flexibility. The collective works lead me to form my Points of Departure of my project called “Green-

ing Outside the Box”

I have started from an initial point called “A mood in shifts”. The main idea is how urban space would shift our moods positively or negatively? This concern was important for me since I am new immigrant to Canada and Montreal in specific. Based on that, I developed a Rhizome concept as if unlimited actions of my cultural background focusing on the Power vs. Peace, and how both would generate unlimited actions randomly. The third exercise was called “Across the City”. I have linked my Rhizome drawing as an abstract layer to the city grid. This allowed me to engage the abstract rhizome as a random movement inside the city. I have experimented random routes in Downtown of Montreal which added a lot to my experience and discovered the other side of Montreal. The Fourth Exercise was based on my previous investigation which is called “... To breath” mostly related to air quality of the city. When I did my observation, I have noticed very bad air quality in such random ignored wasted spaces. I did statistical studies related to health, population, transpiration and industrial zones. The last exercise was about examining the flexibility of Montreal City. I have learned the importance of health and life style to the people of Montreal; therefore, I made studies on the demographic of population and their cultural exchanges. The best subject to focus on was food and how it shaped the city and exchanged peoples experiences “Shaping the City”.

I found food and consumption in relation to health and air quality are interesting to find common project. The importance of joining the population to participate in this project is important. The project concept is based on the idea of Michel de Certeau’s Tactics. He defined them as actions which take place on opponent territory. Usually tactics are used by citizens as public spaces power. They are short term actions for long term process. Tactics are tools for actions which required participation and desire. Without a driven desire people won’t participate and won’t take any actions unless something push them towards. The aim from this project is to offer analytical tool to enable understanding of how a space is part of citizens’ participation power. According to Hannah Arendt 19061975 “public space, is a place for action”.

“Green-ing Outside the Box” is inspired from the concept of tactical urbanism, which is a spontaneous temporary action into something permanent and

part of daily life (people’s life). This concept is based on theories of Jugaad concept which encompasses all urban actions which, given the existing situations, lead to making use of, re-using and, at the end of the day, not wasting the received city. It proposes that citizen energy brings about urban growth through invention strategies. (with no special skills, no sophisticated tools nor new recourses) from within self growth. As a result, linking to my points of departure and the tactics theories, I have developed a program for my project. Where citizen can participate and plant their own food in the center of the city. The idea is, each participant brings his/her recycled containers and plant vegetables or fruits on the walls of their backyards. This action is temporary during Spring and Summer time, however, it certainly will add valuable experience for the people themselves and contributing positively to the city.


[Study Model]

[Plantation Arrangements]

[Site Studies - based on the previous venerability exercise]

Atwater Residential Neighbourhood

Crescent Road - Restaurants zone

[Atwater Residential Neighbourhood] The site is located in the downtown of Montreal City near to Atwater metro station. The site is well served with electricity, water and telephone connections. It is surrounded with well-served markets and shopping mall. The houses conditions are good, and the types of houses vary from attached semi houses to condos. Some of the houses have private backyard and parking.

Plastic and glass bottles


Most of residences are families and students. The income status seems midlow. The demographic of population is mixed of Asian and white Canadian. The site study is focusing on mapping the wasted spaces between the houses, mapping the garbage, the wasted recycled materials, and the building materials. It is also concentrated on the health issue, the ventilation and sunlight.

Paper boxes


Garbage Recycle containers

Garbage containers

Building Materials This study maps the wall materials of wasted spaces. The main aim is to point out the opportunities for plantation arrangements. The site materials are mostly bricks and concrete which are excellent to plant on. The brick material is well-known of preserving the heat from the sun and so it will help to keep the plantation worm all the day.

[Mapping the materials]

[Plantation Possibilities] This map shows the possibilities of good spots for plantations. The study is based on my site visit observation, air ventilation, sun light, wall materials and the width of space. The green lines are the recommended spots, while the red lines are not recommended for any plantation arrangements.

[Mapping the Plantation Possibilities ]

[The Program] In order to engage the public participation in this project, I have prepared a program for the participants. The program is a yearly project, starts from the first Saturday of April and end on the last Saturday of September. The particpants are recommended to gather at the backyard in the open spaces at 8:30am. The program is introduced by a short lecture and workshop which will teach them the importance of planting food, methods and plantation maintenance. Each participant has a tool kit; which contains a robe, nails, vegetables/ fruit seeds, instructions booklet and a poster [I plant .... ]. The poster idea is to show participant’s solidarity and commitment where He/She can post it on the wall or main door of the house. The program is suitable for all ages: for kids and elderly people. The plantation arrangements are quite simple. Participants use the tool kit and the recycled materials to plant the seeds. Some of the recommended vegetables are Tomato, Potato, Carrot, Green Pepper and Onion. The fruits are Strawberry and Blue Berry.

[Recommended Vegetables/ Fruits]

[Tool Kit Box]

[Mapping Program ]

[Tool Kit Box]: A rope, nails, seeds, booklet, and a poster

[Poster Design]

[Mapping Plantation Arrangements and Food Spots]

[Crescent Road - Restaurants zone] The second site study is located at the Crescent Road in Downtown Montreal. The site is mainly devoted for Restaurants and Bars. The goal of experimenting food plantation is to help the owners of these restaurants to get their own local food from their backyard. The site has more than 20 restaurants in such half mile of street length. It is very crowded since it is a focal tourist attraction in Montreal. The experience of growing food in the mid of downtown is interesting feature to the city residences and visitors. It will help to improve air quality, food independence, participation, exchange methods and ideas, and spread the eco-friendly concepts among kids and youths. Like the pervious site study, I mapped the wasted spaces between the restaurants, the garbage, the wasted recycled materials, and the building materials; with taking into consideration, health issue, ventilation and sunlight in those spaces.

Plastic and glass bottles


Paper boxes


Garbage Recycle containers

Garbage containers

[Mapping Wall features and attachments]

[Building Materials] Same as pervious study: I mapsped the wall materials of wasted spaces. The main aim is to point out the opportunities for plantation arrangements. The site materials are bricks, concrete Metals, and Wood. The brick and Concrete are the best to preserve the heat inside the wall and so it will help to keep the plantation worm all the day.

[Mapping the materials]

[Mapping Restaurants and Bars Varieties]

[Mapping the Plantation Possibilities ]

[Mapping Plantation Arrangements and Food Spots]

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