Student Expectations

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Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectations 7th Grade Social Studies Starpoint Middle School 1. Materials Needed for Class Everyday a. 3 Ring Binder b. Pen(s) or Pencils (s) c. Loose Leaf Paper d. Textbook: you will receive a HOME COPY of the book, we have a class set to use. 2. Attendance a. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up what you missed. Use the “M” Files on my webpage to help you do this OR the folders in the back of F­11. b. Staying after school 12th period is a good idea when making up missed work along with during a study hall or lunch. 3. Grading a. Daily Average 1. 50% of your grade 2. Consists of homework, class work, participation in class activities 3. Homework must be complete when you ENTER CLASS or “cross the magic line” separating the hallway & the classroom. 4. Grading of daily work 5 — excellent, very few mistakes, on time, done with great care, neat 4 — well done, more mistakes than a 5, effort is shown, on time 3 — not much care shown, LATE, completed after school the day it was due in HW hall 2 — incomplete, not finished, turned in incorrectly done 1 — handed in LATE after the day it was due b. Test/Quiz Average 1. 50% of your grade 2. A “necessary evil” that you will improve upon throughout the year. 4. N.A.P. Time a. Class begins AS YOU ENTER the room, not when the bell rings! b. N: Notebook­ update your table of contents c. A: Agenda – write the homework for the day in your agenda d. P: Prepare – complete the warm­up task on the board e. This portion of class can affect your participation grade!

Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectations 7th Grade Social Studies Starpoint Middle School

5. Computer Use a. We’ll be using technology this year in class. Follow all acceptable use policy procedures listed by the school district. b. Any consequence for using the school’s technology inappropriately could hurt your ability to finish work in my class. c. If you have internet access at home, great! If you do not, accommodations can be made for you at school, don’t worry! 6. Behavior & Consequences a. Follow the rules listed in your student handbook. b. Listen when others speak. c. Be in your seat when the bell rings; beginning & end of class. d. Be prepared to work. e. Pay attention to directions & follow them. f. Start fast & finish strong everyday!!! g. Consequences for inappropriate conduct 1. Warnings from teacher to stop incorrect behavior 2. Conference with teacher during/after class 3. Phone call/email home 4. Time­out 5. Referrals I reserve the right to skip any of these steps if I deem it necessary, based upon the behavior YOU’VE CHOSEN! 7. Use of Electronic Devices a. Electronic devices are not permitted in class without teacher permission. b. Upon sight of such device, it will be confiscated & turned into the Middle School Office. c. As the teacher, I do not give my permission to be recorded through audio or video without my knowledge. I have read Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectations and agree to follow them for the entire school year.

Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectations 7th Grade Social Studies Starpoint Middle School Student Name: (print) __________________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________________

PARENT INFORMATION SHEET 1. Office Hours: __________________________________________________ 2. Mr. Mariglia’s World (Teacher Page) Includes all assignments, upcoming test dates, the “M” Files, (worksheets & notes we use in class) and links to sites we use. 3. Voice Mail Please leave me a message if you call with: Date, Time, and if you’d like a call or email back! 210­2200 ext. 5611 4. E­mail Probably the fastest & easiest way to contact me! 5. eSchool • I update my grades on a weekly basis. Updates will be made based on the time it takes to grade the work. • Test grades are entered once all test papers have been graded. This is usually a few days after the test is given. • Please do not email or call requesting that the grades be updated. • Please pay attention to comments associated with missing assignments.

(Tear here, and return bottom portion to class)

Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectations 7th Grade Social Studies Starpoint Middle School

I have read and understand Mr. Mariglia’s Classroom Expectation.

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Parent e­mail: ____________________________________________________

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