RYBALSKY competition brief

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RYBALSKY design & communicate competition organizer Riverside Development competition co-organizer P R O S T O N E B A architecture festival competition


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C8 Transport and urban mobility C9 Valuable objects

A1 Subject A2 Organizers A3 Competition A4 Competition A5 Competition A6 Competition A7 Competition A8 Competition A9 Competition


Format Jury Prizes Schedule Goal Task Guidelines


Historical Background Rybalskyi Peninsula General problematics of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory Potential of territory World trends and directions of revitalization of industrial areas

C THE SITE. CURRENT STATE C1 Rybalskyi Peninsula in the city C2 Area description C3 Planning restrictions C4 Geological conditions C5 Hydrological conditions C6 Climate C7 Recreational areas, vegetation

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9

Territory planning structure Technical and economic indicators of block building ะกurrent condition Zoning of public space territory Recreational areas and landscaping, public spaces Transport and urban mobility Potential target and interested groups Territory management Potential activity

E NOMINATION I The architectural and spatial solutions of the block building and the anchor object of cultural function at RYBALSKY residential area in Kyiv E1 E2 E3 E4 E5

Scope of Nomination Task of Nomination Competition Project Requirements Presentation deliverables Submission requirements

F NOMINATION II The concept of activation and operation of public spaces at Rybalskyi Peninsula territory in Kyiv F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

The Area that needs the Concept for Development Task of Nomination Competition Project Requirements Presentation deliverables Submission requirements

G COMPETITION CONDITIONS G1 Output data G2 Competition Organizational structure G3 Changes in Competition G4 Competition Participants G5 Answering to questions from Competition Participants G6 Competition Projects G7 Disqualification G8 Jury Panel and evaluation process G9 Competition Prizes G10 Publication of Competition Results G11 Copyright and Related Rights G12 Legal Notice APPENDIX USEFUL LINKS




A2 ORGANIZERS Competition Client: Riverside Development Competition co-organizer: PROSTONEBA architecture festival Competition Committee: Tel. +38 (067) 404-03-93 e-mail: competitions@riverside.net.ua The Competition official website: www.competition.rybalsky.com.ua A1


Preliminary project of the residential block building and one section of building with cultural function in RYBALSKY residential area and concept of public space development at Rybalskyi Peninsula territory.

A3 COMPETITION FORMAT RYBALSKY design & communicate competition is the architecture competition by invitation with the right to submit opposing projects to the competition. The competition is held in one (1) stage. If necessary, defined by the Jury Panel and agreed with the Competition Client, after summing up the results of the Competition, the Competition Client may take the decision to launch the 2nd (second) stage of the Competition in certain nominations. The second stage of the Competition will have the format of the Competition by order and selected finalists will be invited to participate.




1. OLEXANDER SVISTUNOV Chief Architect of Kyiv Director of the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Kyiv City State Administration

8. TARAS SEREDYUK Restaurateur Co-founder and co-owner of the restaurant’s network «MAFIA», restaurants BAO and “Playing with fire”

2. JULIAN CHAPLINSKYI The chief architect of Lviv Head of architecture and urbanism department in Lviv City Council

9. VOLODYMYR NEPYYVODA Architect, designer The head of the studio YOD design lab - laboratory of modern design

3. KATARINA GEORGE Expert in Integrated Urban Development in the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Kyiv City State Administration

10. RUDOLF GRAF Architect in Vitamin Architects Expert in frame of German-Ukrainian project “Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine”

4. ANDRIY VAVRYSH CEO Riverside Development

11. ALLA PETRENKO-LYSAK Candidate of Sociological Sciences Associate Professor at Department of Sociology of the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University Researcher of social space in all its diversity: from personal to global

5. ANTON OLIYNYK Co-planner of the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning Co-founder and architect at Buro-o 6. VICTORIA BEZRIDNA Co-planner of the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Architect at “TERRA Project” Ltd. 7. DMITRY VASILYEV Chief Architect at “Archimatika” Ltd.

The Jury Panel can be supplemented.




Nomination І.

April 24, 2017

Competition Announcement

The architectural and spatial solutions of the block building and the anchor object with cultural function in RYBALSKY residential area in Kyiv І prize - 3 000 euros* ІІ prize - 1 500 euros ІІІ prize - 750 euros *and the opportunity to participate in the realization of the project with a contract for 3-5 years

May 5, 2017

Deadline to confirm the participation Deadline to apply for submitting the opposing project Sending Competition Program and Output data to Participants

May 5, 2017 July 3, 2017 July 3, 2017

Period to design the Competition Project Deadline to submit the Competition Project

July 4, 2017

Technical Expertise of Competition Projects

July 7, 2017

The Jury Meeting Evaluation of Competition projects Determination of winners

July 8, 2017

Winners announcement at PROSTONEBA architecture festival Winners public presentations

July 7, 2017 July 9, 2017

Exhibition of the Competition Projects at PROSTONEBA architecture festival

Nomination ІІ. The concept of activation and operation of public spaces at Rybalskyi Peninsula territory in Kyiv

І prize - 2 000 euros ІІ prize - 1 000 euros ІІІ prize - 500 euros


A7 COMPETITION GOAL To determine the best proposals of architectural and spatial solutions of the block building designs for RYBALSKY residential area and the best design for the anchor object of cultural function in one of the sections of the defined block building. To determine the best conceptual solutions of activation of the planned public spaces of Rybalskyi Peninsula and for transformations that will become the driving force for the acceleration of Rybalskyi Peninsula development. A8 COMPETITION TASK 1. Find the best decisions for: • The architectural and spatial solution for the block building of RYBALSKY residential area, developed according to the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning and according to the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory. • The functional and spatial solution for the anchor object of the cultural function in one of the sections of the defined block building of RYBALSKY residential area. • The concept of activation, context filling and operation of the public spaces at Rybaskyi Peninsula territory. • Possible changes to accelerate the development of Rybalskyi Peninsula. • Possible event programs of public spaces of RYBALSKY residential area. 2. Formation of a unified holistic vision and a comprehensive approach for solving the issues related to the quality of urban environment for residents of Kyiv and revitalization of the former industrial areas in Kyiv. 3. Increasing the quality of urban space in Kyiv to the level of European capital.




• To return the Dnieper river to Kyiv citizens. Kyiv is situated on one of Europe’s largest rivers, but its residents are actually deprived of access to the main natural spaces in the city. Only 15% of banks of the Dnieper are equipped for residents within Kyiv in the way that citizens can swim in the river or walk along its shores. Among equipped embankments - Obolon, Rusanivka, Berezniaky and more recently the embankment at Poshtova Square. The remaining coastal territories of the Dnieper are closed to people. 55% of coastal areas have the limited access and 30% have the full denied access to the river (based on research texty.org.ua «The Stolen Dnieper» - http://texty.org.ua/d/longs/dnipro2/). According to this study, the area of Rybalskyi Peninsula belongs to 85% of the Dnieper coastal territories that are closed to people. Revitalization of Rybalskyi Peninsula will free the space for Kyiv citizens and will make available 1 850 m of coast with appropriate landscaping. • To return into Kyiv the culture of comfortable life in the city. There is practically no experience in comfortable housing in today’s Kyiv. Kyiv neighbourhoods are built up with panel high apartment buildings near parking lots. Similar apartment buildings emerge in the city center, though historically the block buildings are more inherent for the city center. There is no example of a residential area that would allow to enjoy all the pleasures of the city life in the center of Ukrainian capital. The residential area of block buildings allows to achieve fundamentally different quality of urban environment with the similar population density. Today the residential block building with underground parking, indoor yard, infrastructure on the ground floor and diverse environment is practically unavailable measure of comfort in Kyiv.


• To create the cultural center of Rubalskyi Peninsula territory. Rybalskyi Peninsula is located in the city center, but Kyiv citizens perceive it as periphery. With the correct offer for functional content of the “anchor” section of the defined block building that will be viewed while driving by Elektrykiv street from Obolon residential district to the city center, Rybalskyi Peninsula territory has the potential to be a model of decentralized cultural development of the capital, while being situated between the center and periphery in the minds of residents. The “anchor” section should become the cultural center of Rybalskyi Peninsula in the long term and of RYBALSKY residential area now. • To show the authentic and historical heritage of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory. Rybalskyi Peninsula is the unique territory of industrial, visually almost unchanged, past. This visual uniqueness of the territory creates its most value added. An important source of this authentic heritage is industrial objects of Rybalskyi Peninsula that have every right to be titled as cultural heritage. The old cranes, towers, metal trusses and other elements of the industrial environment are widely used in modern European development projects of former industrial areas. These “urban scenery” may become the territory symbols and semantic dominants, no less important than bridges, canals and landscapes that will become the viewpoints of the territory. • To create the quality public space of Rybalskyi Peninsula, comfortable for different target audiences.

“The architecture should design a vacuum, but you can only build a closed structure. This means that the architecture that is working on building some kind of a public space should become anti-architecture at the same time.” Boris Groys German philosopher This vacuum creates possibility and desirability of human communication. This vacuum creates a city as a space of possibilities. Everybody is equal on the pedestrian streets and squares, regardless of social status or property. Pedestrian streets with “active” ground floors and public spaces are the main scene of urban life, the foundation of the local economy, the location of the manifestation of the right for the city and the infrastructure of democracy in action. Rybalskyi Peninsula is nearly the only area in the center of Kyiv, favorable for the promotion of a new way of life for Kyiv citizens and for alternative development platform for the city as a whole.






The first mention of the lower part of Kyiv, which stretches along the right bank of the Dnieper, is given in the outstanding literary monument “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” from the late 12th century. Evidence of the first settlements in the area are going back to 15 000 - 25 000 BC as demonstrated by the facts discovered in the year 1893 with the discovery of traces of human’s wooden temporary settlement on Kyrylivska Street - Kyrylivska stoyanka (Kyrylivska settlement). Even during the times of Kievan Rus the area called “Podil” (the name comes from the old slavic “Podol” - lowlands, lower areas) was well-known as the area of craftsmen and river traffic workers. Majority of the names of historic sites of the area indicate the activity of its inhabitants: Honchari (potters), Degtyari (oil tar workers), Kozhumiaky (tanners) and others. The defining feature of Podil is that life in this area hasn’t been interrupted since the 9th century. Despite the numerous fires, hostile attacks, floods that were flooding the area almost every year, political and ideological changes and so on, Podil has been and remains one of the cultural, commercial, business and entertainment centers. In the Middle Ages, after the Mongol invasion, Podil developed in the administrative center of Kyiv, unlike the Upper City and Pechersk that fell into decay at that time. The appearance of Podil, familiar to present times, started to form after the Kyiv’s largest fire in the year 1811. This event has become the precondition for historical and strategic changes of the territory of Podil and the entire city as a whole. Famous architects of that time, Melensky and Gesté, have implemented the progressive at that time block building system. Due to many historical and geopolitical factors the several features that are inherent to Podil had formed:

• As long as Kyiv was a harbor city (convenient harbor was used since the 10th century), the multinational composition of the inhabitants of Kyiv harbor was its typical feature; • Powerful craft traditions were formed during the Kievan Rus; • The tradition of municipal government was extended in Podil (the city with Magdeburg rights since the year 1494); • The presence of a strong education center - Kyiv Mohyla College (since the year 1632) that later transformed into Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy - the oldest Orthodox Universities in Eastern Europe; • Broker’s board (the Contract House - now Gostynnyi Dvir) on Kontraktova Square was the center of trade and business in the city; • Powerful spiritual center of the city - presence of the large number of churches and monasteries; • Special urban planning of Lower City (since the 1810’s - the traditional for the cities built in the 18th century and atypical for other parts of Kyiv) - a network of rectangular blocks with a central “Market Square”, typical for medieval Western European cities; • Development of industry (brewery, grain elevator, etc.) - the inception of industry on Podil took place in the 19th century. Today, the most number of large companies are closed, their territories are in need of revitalization (for example, the former Brewery of Rihert and Kyiv Malt Extracts Plant at 35 Frunze Street). Now Podil is the area of the city where business and trade functions are the most acquired. The number of people attending Podil in affairs and business is prevailing the number of permanent residents. At the same time the cultural heritage of Kyiv (398 national and local monuments) is the most concentrated on Podil. The area of Podi belongs to the State Historical and Architectural Reserve “Ancient Kyiv”. 4 theaters, 8 museums, 13 libraries, and so on, are situated on the territory of historical Podil. This accumulation of cultural and entertainment locations at the territory



should have to attract large numbers of tourists, but due to the lack of tourism infrastructure development, poor quality of public space, the lack of communication with the river and the insufficient attention to the historical heritage of Podil, the share of tourists among users of the territory is only 3 %, that is 1 tourist per 12 citizens.


Rybalskyi Peninsula (so called “Rybalskyi Island” among Kyiv citizens) is a territory located in the middle flow of the Dnieper, between Podil and Obolon. Geographically Rybalskyi is the peninsula, it is connected with Podil by land. It is the residue that used to be the long spit that separated the Dnieper and the legendary Pochaina river where Kniaz (King) Volodymyr baptized Rus. The name of the Peninsula comes from the area called after fishermen and the eponymous settlement of Podil fishermen that existed there in the 18th - 19th centuries. At the time of Kievan Rus Pochaina harbor was full of ships and small boats. Merchants and diplomats from all major European countries were arriving here on their way along the famous Ancient road from the Vikings to the Greeks. The harbor was easy to use, but the major drawback for travelers on their way north along the Dnieper that wanted to go inside was the same long spit that they had to bypass and to spend time on it. This fact was the reason that served the construction of the navigable channel in upstream for the easy direct access to the harbor in the year 1712. But this plan unexpectedly brought even more inconveniences and problems for that time authorities, because the powerful waters of the Dnieper, flowing through the new canal, quickly eroded the sand spit, and along with it the big part of the coastal Podil. But the biggest catastrophe was the fact that this spell mistake gave the start to the disappearance of the historically known water artery - the Pochaina river. Now the silhouette of the river can be guessed only by a chain of lakes in Obolon and in upstream of the Dnieper. And the remains of the spit, separated by the harbor from Podil, are the so-called among people Rybalskyi Island. In fairness, it is possible to admit that the place was named “Rybalskyi Island” in the year 1712. First Dnieper steamboats moored here in the 19th century. In 18971899 the Lower Podil has become the location of the pre-revolu-


tionary industrial boom. The artificial bay - Kiev harbor of Nicholas II Emperor - and shipping piers were equipped for the needs of Kiev port and were using the stream of the Pochaina river. At the beginning of the XXth century there was built Europe’s largest river harbor. Obolon bay was dried in order to fulfill the needs of the harbor installation. The level of the Obolon bay was significantly enhanced and was made accessible for deepwater vessels and ships passing. Earth from the bottom of the bay was used for arranging the unflooded areas near the city bay. The steamship workshops of the Kyiv district communications office were built in the impasse of the harbor. Expansion of the industry on Rybalskyi Peninsula continued in the Soviet period too, in 20-30th years of the XXth century. The main enterprise of the area became the shipbuilding factory “Leninska Kuznya”. After World War II, during which the factory suffered a lot, its reconstruction was carried out and the railway bridge (built in the year 1929) was rebuilt. And the new harbor with Kyiv river port was built in the year 1961. In the year 1963 the peninsula was connected with Podil by a cable-stayed bridge - Rybalskyi Bridge. Rybalskyi Bridge was the world’s first cable-stayed bridge with the reinforced concrete stiffness beam. The total length of the bridge was 474 meters and the height of reinforced concrete pylon was 42 m. By its architectural and structural forms Rybalskyi Bridge was a valuable monument of 1960s. The bridge was fully used by 1990s, it was open to vehicular traffic and even the bus route was laid by Elektrykiv street along the bridge. Since the early 1990s, due to an emergency condition of the bridge construction, the vehicular connection was stopped. In several years the additional support was supplied under the bridge. The last years of operation, up to 2009, the bridge was solely pedestrian. In the same year, the stairs for pedestrians were removed from Rybalskyi Penin-

sula side that actually makes the bridge impossible to use for its purpose. For the year 2011 the bridge is under dismantling. The first step to its liquidation was the commissioning of the Havansky Bridge. The following steps will be taken during the building the new Podilsky Bridge. At the place of the existing Rybalskyi Bridge the transportation entrances to the Podilsky Bridge are planned, the demolition of the River port is planned too. In the year 1976 Rybalskyi Peninsula was connected with Troieshchyna and the rest of the left bank with the Moskovs’kyi Bridge, and in 2007 the new highway along the Havansky Bridge was put into operation at the entrance to the harbor. Once being a model of industrial achievement, today Rybalskyi Peninsula raises strange and not always pleasant emotions. In 1990s the industry of Rybalskyi Peninsula hadn’t survived the shock of economic changes and is no longer recoverable. Once a powerful industrial zone of the last century, nowadays it is not able to find its place in today’s realities, and the past industrial giant is completely stuck and not involved in the life of the country. Today Rybalskyi Peninsula is the real terra incognita for the city, the life there died a few decades ago. Nobody is surprised that Rybalskyi is called an island. This territory requires rethinking, finding new meanings and forms. Today, the capital is looking for its new European appearance and the downtown of Kyiv becomes the driving force behind the new urban rebirth again.


B3 GENERAL PROBLEMATICS OF RYBALSKYI PENINSULA TERRITORY Main problems: • The abandonment of the territory after collapse of the Soviet Union. Today the industrial areas of JSC Factory “Leninska Kuznia”, that was built up in 20-30s years of the XXth century, are in disrepair, inefficiently use the land, are chronically unprofitable, could not adapt to work in the current market conditions, thus have practically stopped their production activities, and many production areas and territories are leased. Location of the plants and factories are no longer profitable in the city center. • The streets near the competition area are prone to traffic jams during peak hours. In the year 1976 Rybalskyi Peninsula was connected with Troieshchyna and the rest of the Kyiv left bank by the Moskovs’kyi Bridge, and in the year 2007 the new highway along the Havansky Bridge was put into operation at the entrance to the harbor. The location of the peninsula between these two major transport arteries - the Moskovs’kyi Bridge and the Havansky Bridge - makes the deadlock situation on the area extremely difficult. • No connection to the river. The existing waterfront of Rybalskyi Peninsula is the highway in 6 pathways, which completely cuts it from the mainstream of the Dnieper. The western side of the peninsula is a former industrial zone with no access to it for citizens.

Rybalskyi Peninsula directly borders the historical center of Kyiv, but remaining completely isolated from the city life at the same time. Rybalskyi Peninsula doesn’t exist as the territory for Kyiv citizens. The function of the peninsula is not manifested.


B4 POTENTIAL OF TERRITORY Rybalskyi Peninsula, thanks to its location, may become one of the most popular areas in Kyiv. Potential of the territory: • The location in the city center, near Podil, it occupies dozens of hectares in one of the most attractive investment areas of the city; • Direct access to the water - to the Kyiv Harbor and to the coastline of the Dnieper. It is located on the front of the embankment; • The possibility of placing two waterfronts in the area. The renovation of the old one - from Naberezhno-Rybalska Street - and placing the new one - from the side of the Harbor; • Configuration of the territory allows to arrange the canals in the body of the peninsula that will allow to form the quality public space around the water; • The possibility of placing the beach in a residential area in the center of Kyiv. The inner harbor of Rybalskyi Peninsula, thanks to the purification and designed canals with flowing water from the Dnieper River, will become the recreational core of the area. It can accommodate all the possible options of beach, sports and local entertainment; • Borders with recreational area of the city - enters the waters of the Dnieper, has easy access to Trukhaniv Island - the recreational facilities for the citizens; • The territory of Rybalskyi Peninsula as a developed public space

can complete the Large Pedestrian Ring of the city - from Podil waterfront through Rybalskyi Peninsula to Trukhaniv Island and back to the city center, to Mariinskyi Park, across the pedestrian Parkovyi Bridge; • Convenient transport connection to central business and historical district of the city; • Has the access to stations of perspective speed public transport and to the station of the existing city train.


B5 WORLD TRENDS AND DIRECTIONS OF REVITALIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL AREAS One of the effective ways of humanization of non-functioning industrial areas is the creation of alternative urban spaces, taking into account the existing urban development infrastructure. Currently, the economies of developed countries are intensively carrying out such forms of revitalization of industrial areas as global improvement and complete or partial change of the functional purpose of industrial enterprises. In the CIS space the production turned out to be not competitive and not effective because of social and economical problems. The large number of unexploited industrial areas causes urban problems and makes city environment inhuman. Industrial objects that do not operate, with damaged facades and abandoned territories as dumps, for example, become hazardous, causing the negative impact on psychophysiological state of human, especially in large cities, where they occupy large areas. The current physical condition of many industrial buildings and structures with outdated equipment and technology creates negative ecological environment. Often, these problems are solved, even by eliminating the cost-effective production. The justified and relevant problem arises: the need to adapt industrial areas of cities to modern conditions and needs of society. There are three main approaches in the revitalization of industrial facilities and areas to improve the state of the urban environment: • full preservation of the production function; • partial preservation of the production function; • elimination of the production function. the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning offers the

complete revitalization of industrial areas, carried out at dilapidated industrial sites. In this case, it’s the complete demolition of old industrial facilities and use of the territory to build new facilities.



Scheme 001. Rybalskyi Peninsula on Kyiv map



Scheme 002. Rybalskyi Peninsula in system of Podil Bordres of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory




The area occupies 130 hectares. It is located in Podil administrative district of the Central planning area of Kyiv and limited:

• The protection of the cultural and historical heritage.

• from the north by Elektrykiv Street and railroad track of the South Western Railway; • from the east by Naberezhno-Rybalska Street and the Dnieper water area; • from the west and the south by hydrotechnical structures of the harbor. Relief of the territory is mainly flat with a slight slope. The absolute marks of the ground surface vary from 95.5 m to 98.2 m. The typical deviations on the territory are not observed. The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, the factory buildings and the Palace of Culture of “Leninska Kuznia” Factory, buildings of Khrushchev period, dormitories and apartment buildings of 1950s are located on Rybalskyi Peninsula territory. The offices of “Ukrprominvest” group, the head office of “Confectionery Corporation “ROSNEN”, “Monitor” sports and health complex are built on Rybalskyi Peninsula territory in recent years. The Podilsky Bridge is under construction. The western border of the Competition area runs along the coastline of industrial harbor on the former bed of the Pochaina river. The harbor is used for seasonal sludge of the river vessels with the possibility of their current repairs and maintenance. In the northwest of the harbor there is an area that is used to dump the river sand. The Rybalskyi Bridge stretches to the south across the harbor, it is alert and partially demolished structure today.

According to the current “Kyiv Master Plan 2020”, as part of which the “Historical and Architectural Reference Plan and Zone of Monuments Protection” was approved by, the area is in the design boundaries of the central historic area and the III category zone of the development control. The territory is situated outside the historical areas, zones of monuments protection and protected areas of the city. • Sanitary protection zone. The railroad track of the South Western Railway, that runs north along the Elekrtykiv street, is causing the significant impact on transport planning structure. On the “Scheme of the Existing Planning Restrictions” of “Kyiv Master Plan 2020” the sanitary protection zone and acoustic discomfort zone is defined from the railroad track as 100 m. However, the track has several branches in the direction of industrial facilities located on the territory of “Leninska Kuznya” Factory. The competition area is located within the “Podolsko Kurenevskiy” industrial area. • Natural reserves and protected landscapes. The competition area is situated outside the protected fund and landscape areas. • Coastal protection strips. The coastal protection strip in the harbor area, that is free from buildings in the park and along Elektrykiv Street, is installed in 100 m wide along the water’s edge. “Kyiv Master Plan 2020” foresees the reorganization of the “Podilsko Kurenivska” industrial area in the part that is located at Rybalskyi Peninsula, with the release of the coastal protection strip of the harbor from production facilities.



A brief description of Kyiv climate:

In terms of geomorphology the competition area is located within the Dnieper 1st terrace above the floodplain and the Dnieper right bank high flood plain. Quaternary alluvial deposits are involved in the geological structure. The structure of the soil is presented by alluvial sandy loams, sands and loams that are covered by the bulk soils on the surface. The Competition area is situated within the stable East European platform that defines common seismic calmness of district and region.

• Average monthly and annually wind speed: https://goo.gl/hDMM0k • Maximum wind speed: https://goo.gl/wRCaia • Average monthly and annual amount of precipitation: https:// goo.gl/kS1Z3b • Average monthly and annual humidity: https://goo.gl/1Jvpi5

C5 HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Hydrological conditions of the Competition area are characterized by the development of two aquifers: Buchatsky and alluvial. Alluvial horizon refers to the soil type, hydraulically linked to the local water drainage grid - to the waters of Kaniv Reservoir. The supply of this horizon is happening mainly due to infiltration of precipitations.

• The frequency of wind directions: https://goo.gl/LAlroO Wind speed repeatability is 5%, which is 7-8 m / s. Solar radiation: Direct - 6410 W / sq. m (total per day); Diffuse - 1502 W / sq. m (total per day); The radiation balance - 40 kcal / sq. cm.

C7 RECREATIONAL AREAS, VEGETATION C6 CLIMATE The climate is temperate. The average maximum temperature of the hottest month (July) is 24,5 °C. The average minimum temperature of the coldest month (January) is 8,2 °C. The table of absolute maximum and absolute minimum temperature: https://goo.gl/CYN4LV

To date, the public green spaces within the Competition area are presented by historical, science, technology, art and landscape monument - Historical and Memorial Сomplex “Park of Sailors” 1.86 hectares.


C8 TRANSPORT AND URBAN MOBILITY • Street network. From the east, the Competition area is restricted by Naberezhno-Rybalska Street, which is the part of the principal meridional highway of Kyiv right bank: Stolychne Highway - Naddnipryans’ke Highway - Naberezhne Highway - Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street - Naberezhno-Rybalska Street, with width of 40 m in red lines, with width of 23.6 m of main carriageway, with 6 pathways. The existing industrial and residential areas on the Competition area are served by the highway of regional importance - Elektrykiv Street, with width of 36 m in red lines, with width of 13.5 m of the main carriageway, with 4 pathways. The total length of the street network of the Competition area is 4.10 km. Highway of city importance takes 1.92 km of total length, highway of regional importance takes 1,14 km of total length, streets of local importance take 1.03 km of total length. Density of street network of the area is 3.18 km / sq. km. • Railway transport. From the north, the Competition area is restricted by the railroad tracks of the northern cargo semiring of South Western Railway. The railway transport of the area includes the main electrified railroad line that connects the stations Kyiv-Petrivka and Kyiv-Dniprovs’kyi, that is intended for transit cargo bypass of Kyiv Passenger Railway Station and Kyiv Tovarnyi (Cargo) Railway Terminal that are located in the administrative and business core of the city. The railroad is single-track at the area of the Petrovsky Railway Bridge over the Dnieper river. The railroad is double-track at the area from the Petrovsky Railway Bridge to Kyiv-Petrivka station. There are numerous railroad tracks in the production part of the Competition area that will be removed due to changes in functional purpose and the complete reconstruction of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory.

• Public transport. Public transport of the competition area includes bus routes №№ 114, 114A, 88, 53. Transit bus route № 114 connects residential district Troieshchyna with Central Railway Station through Myloslavska Street - Henerala Vatutina Avenue - the George Fuchs Bridge - Naberezhno-Rybalska Street - Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street - Volodymyrs’kyi descent. The local bus route № 53 connects Rybalskyi Peninsula with the metro station “Kontraktova Ploscha” (Kontraktova Square). Bus route № 88 connects Rybalskyi Peninsula with residential district Obolon. The nearest stations of Kurenivsko-Chervonoarmiiska metro line are located at a distance of 2.03 - 2.6 km that is far exceeding the regulatory walking radius. The transportation of passengers to the nearest metro stations is regulated by buses. • Rail transport. In the future the construction of the metro station (and / or LRT) “Sudnobudivna” in the body of the Podilsky Bridge is foreseen. In case of public demand, it will be possible to open the station “Obolon” of the urban railroad ring - the city train. The main disadvantages of the transport service of the Competition area are: • The actual traffic isolation of the Competition area, as a result of natural (mainstream of Dnieper River and the Harbor) and anthropogenic (railway and highway of continuous motion - Naberezhno-Rybalska Street) obstacles that create significant overmileage of the transport, including public; • Аbnormal walking distances of the Competition area to the neighboring industrial and residential entities; • Unattainability of the high-speed rail transport within walking distance; • Low density and underdevelopment of street network and public transport network.


Scheme 003. Bus connections


C9 VALUABLE OBJECTS The list of monuments of local importance: • Historical and Memorial Complex “Park of Sailors” - historical, science, technology, art and landscape monument (early XXth century, 1960s). Built in the southern part of the peninsula. The main object of the park is the “Zheleznyakov” monitor mounted on a pedestal and the memorial sign to the crew of this ship; • The historical monument - the place where the shipbuilding shipyard of “Leninska Kuznia” Factory was laid in the year 1928; • The art monument - the monument to the heroic sailors of the Dnieper flotilla who died for the defense and liberation of Kyiv in the World War II. The list of monuments of national importance: • the “Zheleznyakov” monitor - the monument of science, technology and history.

Scheme 004. Valuable objects on the Competition area




“Kyiv Master Plan 2020” proposes the restructuring of industrial areas, with the deployment of new facilities of urban development. The Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning and the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory (and its Graphic Part) offer the complete revitalization of the area.


The parking lots have 2 levels and are submerged to 1.5 meters down to the space of yard. Exits from the parking lots lead to the roads with different directions of motion. For guest parking it is provided specially marked parkings in driveways that are separated from the car traffic pathways and there is always an opportunity to leave the car in the parking lot under the yard. The roof of the parking lot is covered by yard lawns where the children’s and sports facilities are situated. The space of the yard is closed for access from outside and forms the safe environment for children, it has an access only to residents of the block building through the block entrances. The access of the vehicles in the yard is impossible.


Rybalsky Peninsula territory planning structure is the apartment dwelling housings with service and public facilities of the block structure type. Residential blocks are separated by rectangular system of roads, by system of canals and boulevards. Residential blocks at the territory are multi-storied, up to 21 m high inclusively. This height (the blue line) forms comfortable, human scale street. The upper floors are pushed back for few meters from the front of the building that allows to keep a comfortable height of the buildings from the street and to get exploited green terraces for the residents of buildings. The ground floor of the block buildings is “active”, designed for small businesses and infrastructure services, cultural facilities, and public activities. There is no uniform center, the services are equally available from each location of the residential area.

The project also provides the construction of canals. Along the entire length of the canals there is the network of public spaces that flow into each other. The canals’ quays have two levels - the upper viewpoint level near the front of the buildings and the lower level near the water. The canals’ quays are closed for the access of vehicles. Developed improvement and landscaping of the area: boulevards, alleys, parks, lawn areas, gardening and planting, two waterfronts and the beach.


One of the advantages of the block residential buildings is the possibility of phased implementation. The construction of the project is carried out gradually. Currently the construction and design works of the first 9 block buildings of RYBALSKY residential area are held. Property issues are resolved in accordance with applicable law.

Scheme 005. RYBALSKY residential area - Priority of design

6 черга

8 черга 7 черга

канал 3





5 черга

3 черга




Technical and economic indicators of the apartments:






Single room apartments - 44 - 50 sq. m. Double rooms apartments - 68 - 80 sq. m. Triple rooms apartments - 83 - 125 sq. m. + two-level apartments Four rooms or more apartments - 112 - 160 sq. m. + two-level apartments



4 черга

2 секція




9 черга





6 секція


ежно-Риб ал




вул. Наб ер

Land area Building area - 6 488 sq. m. Number of floors - 8-10 Number of underground floors -1 Number of floors above the ground - 8-10 Number of apartments in the block building - 328, including: Single room apartments - 118 Double rooms apartments - 104 Triple rooms apartments - 98 Four rooms or more apartments - 10 Total area of apartments in the block building - 24 057 sq. m. - considering summer seasonal areas Total area of residential floors - 33 179 sq. m. Total area of public purpose floor - 2 250 sq. m. Total area of the parking lot - 5 490 sq. m. Number of places at the parking lot - 192 Commercial area of the building - 26 307 sq.m. - the sum of apartments area and public spaces area Total area of the building - 35 429 sq. m. - excluding the parking lot area (the sum of the residential floors area and the public purpose floor area)


вул. Електриків






Scheme 006. Zoning of public and collective spaces


Scheme 007. Public pedestrian space


Scheme 008. Canals


Scheme 009. Typology of boulevard


10 9

10 26.5
















2 0,00098,71






Scheme 010. Typology of canal

9 8




5 4 3 2


1 -1




94.1 92.0



Scheme 011. Scheme of street network Typical street: - Bilateral motion with two pathways / one-way motion with two pathways *; - Wide pedestrian sidewalks with trees every 9 meters; - Areas for summer terraces of cafes. * There are two typical streets of bilateral motion with two pathways in RYBALSKY residential area. Elektrykiv Street: - Highway of continuous motion with three pathways; - Driveway with space for guest parking; - The main bike route; - Wide sidewalks, trees every 9 meters; - Areas for summer terraces of cafes.


Scheme 012. Organization of traffic along the typical street







Scheme 013. Reorganization of traffic along Elektrykiv Street



Scheme 014. Organization of new waterfront from the side of the Harbor


Scheme 015. Organization of public beach


Scheme 016. Reorganization of existing waterfront along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street (by the Concept)



D5 RECREATIONAL AREAS AND LANDSCAPING, PUBLIC SPACES Recreational areas of Rybalskyi Peninsula include: • Historical and Memorial Complex “Park of Sailors”; • Waterfront along the Harbor; • The water area of the Dnieper river. The area of canals’ public spaces, the waterfront on the backwater of the Harbor together with “Park of Sailors” and the waterfront from the side of the Dnieper river are proposed as the main compositional axes of the system of green spaces of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory. The green areas of these spaces are designed as the unified continuous system. The public waterfront from the side of the Harbor will form the recreational core of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory. It will be easily accessible from Podil and Obolon by equipped pedestrian-bicycle paths and public transport. The panoramic pedestrian waterfront of European format will become the promenade and entertainment area for Kyiv residents and visitors of the city. The inner Harbor of Rybalskyi Peninsula will become the recreational core of the area. Green areas of limited use: • Green territories of the residential block - namely the yard of the block building organized on the roof of the parking lot. There are children’s and sports facilities in the yard. The concrete tubs for the root system of trees are punched through the parking lot; • Green territories of childcare institutions and schools; • Green territories of the neighbourhood area of the block building. Green areas of special purpose:

• Green territories along the streets; • Green areas around guest parkings, traffic and engineering facilities. The protective bandpass organized from planted trees along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street. This type of planting of a special purpose is a significant obstacle to the spread of air pollutants from the combustion of motor fuels. The system of green public spaces (parks, boulevards, quays, park area) will be built in the way that each planted area would have a specific owner. The quays of the canals, boulevards and streets should be formed with high comfort. This ensures that all the green areas be created simultaneously with the buildings, together with the elements of improvement and landscaping, and further will get specific hosts - operating organizations that will constantly ensure their proper condition. According to the decisions of the “Kyiv Master Plan 2020”, the Competition area borders the planning recreational area - the Dnieper Valley, enters the waters of the Dnieper and has an easy access to Truhaniv Island - recreational facility for Kyiv residents and its guests. The information about the boulevard and the canal of RYBALSKY residential area that are under construction: • The canal’s pedestrian quay of RYBALSKY residential area, that is under construction, has length of 330 m. • The pedestrian boulevard of RYBALSKY residential area, that is under construction, has length of 300 m.


D6 TRANSPORT AND URBAN MOBILITY • Street network. Considering the complete transformation of the planning structure and according to change of functional purpose of the territory, a fundamental transformation of street road network within Rybalsky Peninsula territory is planned. In particular: • Due to the excess carrying capacity of Naberezhno-Rybalska Street, poor transport accessibility of the territory to the west from Naberezhno-Rybalska Street (due to the highway divider and the absence of left turns), and due to the social and recreational value of the coastal edge of the Dnieper river, it is proposed to decompose the highway that connects Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street and Stepana Bandery Avenue for two corridors of one-way motion and to organize the self-regulating continuous motion. See Scheme 017. Reorganization of traffic flows The first corridor is an odd side of Naberezhno-Rybalska Street (the motion direction is to the north).

tory from Podil, particularly due to the absence of the left turn to Naberezhno-Rybalska Street from Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street, it is proposed to include the changes into the project of the Podilsky Bridge, by creating the transport transitions between Rybalskyi Peninsula and Podil in both directions (through the intersection of Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street and Verkhnii Val Street / Nyzhnii Val Street); • Inner block street network consists of one-way motion streets with two pathways of 7 m wide, bilateral motion secondary streets with two pathways of 6 m wide that end by deadlocks with reversal site and bilateral motion streets with two pathways of 7 m wide; • The connection of the inner block street network with the external main roads network is carried out through the gateways that have extended driveway and serve as speed-transition pathways. • Public transport. Considering the change of the functional purpose of the area, the construction of the residential area with significant population density, it is expected to reorganize the public transport network. In particular:

The second corridor is the axis of Elektrykiv Street (in current red lines) with the designed puncture under the railroad track and inclusion into the transport interchange at the intersection of Stepana Bandery Avenue and Heroiv Stalinhradu Avenue. See Scheme 018. Organization of the puncture under the railroad track and inclusion into the transport interchange at the intersection of Stepana Bandery Avenue and Heroiv Stalinhradu Avenue. • Considering the transport isolation of Rybalskyi Peninsula terri-

• Bus route № 114 will change the tracing according to the scheme of organization of road traffic, which provides one-way movement by Naberezhno-Rybalska Street and Electrykiv Street. The route № 114 will also change the tracing from the Havansky Bridge to new transition to Verkhnii Val Street / Nyzhnii Val Street, as the existing scheme of the organization of road traffic, that does not include the left turn from Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts’ka Street to Naberezhno-Rybalska Street, complicates the rational organiza-


tion of the route; • Bus route № 53 will change the tracing bypassing the Harbor in the streets: Naberezhno-Lugova Street - Elektrykiv Street, transiting to Rybalskyi Peninsula from Verkhnii Val Street / Nyzhnii Val Street, that will significantly reduce the length of the route and the duration of communication between Rybalskyi Peninsula and metro station “Kontraktova Ploscha” (Kontraktova Square). The capacity of the rolling stock will be increased and the intervals will be reduced, according to the new demand; • Bus route № 88 will be extended till Kontraktova Square. In the future, the main traffic load of the new housing formation should be taken by the line of high-speed rail transport through the station “Sudnobudivna”. It is proposed to complete the construction of the Podilsky Bridge with arranging high-speed rail transport line at the lower tier, which will connect Verkhnii Val Street and Nyzhnii Val Street - the Podilsky Bridge - Honoré de Balzac Street / Alishera Navoi Ave. The commissioning of the city train station “Obolon” is also expected in the future.

The intersection of pedestrians with the main Naberezhno-Rybalska Street and Elektrykiv Street is expected to be outside roadway. The cross through Naberezhno-Rybalska Street by using existing pedestrian crossings. The cross through Elektrykiv Street by placing transitions outside roadway and in canals’ quays constructions, with ramps slope up to 80%. • Cycling infrastructure. Cycling infrastructure of the territory includes bicycle paths along main streets. The main cycle route will be laid along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street and Elektrykiv Street, the secondary - along the inner block street network. To improve the connectivity of Rybalskyi Peninsula with Podil it is expected to arrange bicycle and pedestrian crossing as part of the exit from the Podilsky Bridge to Verkhnii Val Street / Nyzhnii Val Street, with a total width of 6 m. The pedestrian route serves transit and recreational function between the parts of the city divided by the water. The designed bicycle and pedestrian transition envisages a without-barrier connection of boulevard and Verkhnii Val Street / Nyzhnii Val Street, that does not intersect with the car traffic in the same level and that ensures easy access and usability for all groups.

• Pedestrian infrastructure. The pedestrian infrastructure of Rubalskyi Peninsula territory includes: • Sidewalks along the perimeter of street network and the inner block street network; • Pedestrian zones along the canals and quays that provide necessary transportation links and recreational pedestrian links within the area.

• Garages and parking lots (data only for RYBALSKY residential area). To determine the number of vehicles belonging to residents of multi apartment block buildings, the accepted by “Kyiv Master Plan 2020” level of motorization staged for 20 years is used 375 vehicles for personal use per 1 000 of residents. The required number of places for permanent storage of vehicles on the territory is 8062, 1 guest parking place for 10 apartments - 836 guest


parking places. The Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory provides the construction of 2 separate multi-storey garages for permanent storage of cars, with an area of 7 470 sq. m and with capacity of 1 196 parking places, and 37 built-in overground-underground 2-level parking lots for permanent storage of cars, with an area of 174 042 sq. m. and with capacity of 4 973 parking places. Thus, the provision of permanent storage of cars is 6 169 parking places.

D8 POTENTIAL TARGET AND INTERESTED GROUPS Potential target groups: • • • • •

Residents of the area Employees of nearby businesses and offices Kyiv citizens Students Tourists

Potentially interested in the territory groups: D7 TERRITORY MANAGEMENT Worldwide, the locations of such type are a powerful tourist attraction. The flow of tourists and locals ensure the effective functioning of local businesses, and arrangement of favorable space results in reduction of local business tax. According to the basic development principles of European cities in “sustainable growing”, the only structure that develops the territory must appear. The territory of RYBALSKY residential area will be under the integrated regulation of the management company, which should limit the spontaneous trade, the placing of temporary structures (kiosks), should be responsible for parking and maintaining of the entire infrastructure of public spaces area: street cleaning, cleaning of canals, public toilets, etc.

• Large companies of different types (without the harmful production) • Small and medium businesses (IT, offices, etc) • Public catering • Service centers • Educational institutions (including training institutes, platforms, etc.) • Retail network


Scheme 017. Reorganization of traffic flows


Scheme 018. Organization of the puncture under the railroad track and inclusion into the transport interchange at the intersection of Stepana Bandery Avenue and Heroiv Stalinhradu Avenue


Scheme 019. Scheme of prospective public transport


D9 POTENTIAL ACTIVITY • Urban sports grounds • Swimming • Baidarka (kayak) and rowing sport activities • Windsurfing • Fishing • Outdoor barbecue • Garage sales organized by residents • Outdoor music festivals • Public beach • Co-workings • Healthy food • Street markets • Bicycles • Rollers • Skateboarding • Winter skating • Petanque • Badminton • Summer cinema etc...


NOMINATION I The architectural and spatial solutions of the block building and the anchor object of cultural function at RYBALSKY residential area in Kyiv


Scheme 020. Territory for design - RYBALSKY residential area




The scope for the architectural and spatial solutions for the 1st nomination of the competition is a separate block building in RYBALSKY residential area, that is located between designed boulevard and canal’s quay, and is adjacent to the existing Elektrykiv Street. The scope for the functional and spatial solutions of cultural center of the territory for the 1st nomination of the competition is a corner section of the defined separate block building in RYBALSKY residential area. The corner section borders the canal on one side and is adjacent to the existing Elektrykiv Street on the other side. The sizes and the area of the space of the corner section with the cultural center located in it is not regulated by the Competition Program.


Scheme 021. Dimensions of the block building according to the RYBALSKY rsidential area master plan * * Dimensions of the block building according to the master plan are taking into account the overhang of the first floor to the street and to the boulevard - 2 m above the ground floor.



Scheme 022. Corner section of the block building - task for the design (dimensions are not regulated by the Competition Program) Organization of Elektrykiv Street - see Scheme 013. The reorganization of traffic along Elektrykiv Street


E2 NOMINATION TASK The Competition participants should develop preliminary architectural project of the separate block building in RYBALSKY residential area with the proposal for architectural and spatial solutions of one corner section of the defined separate block building at the intersection of the designed canal’s guay and existing Elektrykiv Street. Preliminar function of the corner section is the cultural center with the task for Participants to specify the functional purpose by the project and propose the functional use of the territory that is adjacent to the section. The Competition project must comply the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning and the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory (and its Graphic Part).


Scheme 023. Viewpoint axis at the corner section along Elektrykiv street from Obolon residential area.



blue line of 21 meters towards the other blocks. It’s not required to comply the blue line along the Elektrykiv street.

The requirements for the residential block: • To design modern residential building / buildings with public functions in the system of the block buildings of the residential area; • To design residential block building with the parking lot. The parking lot has to be located under the yard. The entranceto the parking lot and the exit from the parking lot are dispersed. (See Scheme 022. Corner section of the block building - task for the design). The parking lot should provide a sufficient number of parking places for the residents of the block building; • To design a residential block building with the yard, accessible only to residents of the block building through block entrances. The access of the vehicles to this place is impossible. The yard should be landscaped. The yard should include children playgrounds and sports facilities. • The competition participants are advised not to go outside the outlined territory for the block building at the competition site; • The proposed solution for the block building should maintain the connection with the block buildings that are already designed at the residential area and should fit into the structure of the residential area; • The building should meet the modern European standards of design; • The block building should be friendly to people with disabilities, to cyclists and to families with young children; • Should comply with Ukrainian building legislation. The requirements for the building: • To design a block building of maximum 10 floors. It is recommended to design the 8-10-floor block building and to keep the

* The blue line allows to receive comfortable, human scale block building, to form a comfortable street and to get the exploited green terraces for residents of the upper floors; • To design the residential block building with the active ground floor and with first floor planned as open space with the possibility of using it for offices; and consider the entrances to the first floor from the outside (from the street facade of the building). The requirements for the apartments: • To provide effective architectural and spatial solutions for the block building that will use living areas in economically expedient way and which technical and economic indicators will be maximally close to technical and economic indicators of the designed residential blocks at RYBALSKY residential area (See. D2 of the Competition Program); • To provide an effective architectural and spatial solutions for the block building with different variants for planning of the apartments - one-room, two-room, three-room and four-room; • Terraces in the yard - for residents of the first floor; • Plans for apartments should be compact, comfortable and effectively use the area. It is possible to arrange apartments in different levels. The requirements for the corner section: • To take into account the fact that after the puncture under the railroad track will be done, the northwestern edge of the block building will be seen from Elektrykiv Street and will complete the panorama axis;


• To provide suggestions for the possible functional use of one corner section of the block building, taking into account the cultural and social role of this section for RYBALSKY residential area, and for the entire Rybalskyi Peninsula in perspective as well. The Competition client is looking for the unique format of this space, which is distinctive for this territory; • To provide a balanced functional and spatial solution of the section area, reaching the minimum deviations for technical and economic indicators of the residential block from technical and economic indicators of already designed blocks; • To provide a solution for efficient use of section space. Sizes and area of the section are not regulated by the Competition Program, but the Competition participants are advised to develop economically feasible proposals, when the cost of the solution corresponds to its possible effect. The section with anchor object should occupy the first floors of the building; • To propose effective solutions for combining different constructive systems - atrial spaces of public use and housing planning structure, if such combinations will be present in the Participants projects; • To provide solutions with cost-effective function, which can then be offered to operators (owners / tenants) of the space. At the same time, these decisions should allow to maximize the potential of space and transform it into a vivid product, on the basis of which the whole area of the peninsula will be developed; • Architectural and spatial solutions of the corner section space should be realistic and have signs of a stable economic model; • The corner section of the residential block should become a permanent cultural space with a successful financial model; • The Competition client is interested in objects that will function in the system of the city on their own and will be self-sufficient, as well as will form the environment; • To show the connection of the section with the situated nearby canal’s quay and the canal itself;

• The Competition participants are advised not to go outside the outlined territory for the block building at the competition site within the area of the section. The requirements for the adjacent to the corner section territory: • To provide suggestions for the functional use of the adjoining to the corner section territory on the principle of developed public space; • To suggest the concept of using an adjacent to the corner section territory, taking into account the possibility of its transformation (whole or partly) for events of different formats. Participants should provide a barrier-free connection with the pedestrian zone of the canal; • To suggest formats for the seasonal use of the adjacent territory; • Participants can offer mixed space functions, as well as permanent use zones with stable functions and zones that can be transformed. The requirements for the whole project: • Taking into account the possible implementation of the project, the decisions should comply the long-term development.


E4 PRESENTATION DELIVERABLES Detalization of the design: preliminary architectural project. The competition project consists of: • Graphic materials - two presentation panels in electronic format; • Text materials - an explanatory note in electronic format; • Declaration of authorship; • Scan of the Architect’s certificate; • Electronic presentation for large screen. The requirements for the presentation of the graphic part of the competition project: • Explanatory note to the project: a brief description of the architectural and spatial decision of the building block and its corner section with cultural center according to the purpose and the competition task. The text should not exceed 500 words. An explanatory report is recommended to be placed in the middle part of the presentation boards; • Master plan of the building block with dividing into sections, with marked entrances to the residential and public parts of the building and with entrances to / exits from the parking lot. Scale 1: 500; • The plan of the ground floor of the building block with the poposed functional zones, with the organization of entrances to the residential and public parts of the block building, with parking lot, with the corner section and with the organization of the public space of the corner section. Scale 1: 200; • The plan of one of the living floors up to the blue line in 21 meters and with the scheme of organization of the yard area. Scale 1: 200; The scheme of the yard can be done separately, at Participant’s discretion.

• A fragment of the plan of the first floor with the free space organization and with an understandable scheme of entering the floor (not through the yard). M 1: 200; • The plan of one of the top floors, above the blue line in 21 meters, at Participant’s discretion. Scale 1: 200. • Plans of apartments (one plan of one-room apartment, one plan of two-room apartment, one plan of three-room apartment and one plan of four-room apartment); • Perspective images from the street and from the yard showing the spatial quality of the building, as well as operational and access requirements. Fragmentary perspectives of the section with the cultural center; • Section of the block building (along the boulevard and the canal). Scale 1: 200; • Facade / facades of the block building (internal and / or external). Scale 1: 200; • A clear plan of the section of the cultural center if required, at Participant’s discretion. Scale 1: 100; • A brief description of the corner section’s functional solutions and the clearest possible explanation of the processes that take place there. A clear circulation system for visitors; • Schemes, diagrams, sections, images, details and text explanations for the disclosure of the proposed solutions, including processes, applied materials, engineering solutions, economic part, and the idea of the development of the cultural center for the peninsula territory over time etc. At Participant’s discretion. • Label with Unique Identification Code of the Participant, placed at the top of the presentation panel (sent by the Competition committee after assigning the Unique Identification Code). On Competition panels it is prohibited to place any texts and signs that can identify the author / authors of the Competition project. All drawings should be in a scale and orientated to the north.


All dimensions should be in metric system. All inscriptions and texts should be in Ukrainian. The requirements for the electronic presentation for the screen: Electronic presentation for the screen should not include more information about the poject than the Presentation panels.

ception of the Declaration of authorship, the Declaration the Unique Identification Code Assignment and the Scan of the Architect’s certificate - it is prohibited to apply any texts and signs that would allow the author / authors to be identified. E5 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS

The requirements for the presentation of the text materials of the competition project: • Text materials of the Competition project are submitted in Ukrainian; • Text materials of the Competition project consist of an explanatory note for the project - a brief description of the architectural and spatial solution of the residential block building and its corner section with the cultural center in accordance with the competition purpose and task; • The text should not exceed 500 words; • Explanatory note in the separate DOC file submits together with the translation in English. The requirements for the presentation of the Declaration of authorship: • The Declaration of authorship must be submitted with the project; • The surnames and names of the author / authors of the project are stated in the Declaration of authorship together with addresses, contact phone numbers, conditions for the distribution of the amount of a possible prize among the members of the team, certified by their signatures, identification code of the author / team and bank details for transferring the award to each member of the team in case of winning; • In the documents submitted to the Competition - with the ex-

The submission should consist of: • Two presentation boards 2378 x 841 mm size and portrait orientation, in two formats - JPG with a resolution of 150 dpi, with minimal compression and maximum storage quality, and PDF with a resolution of 300 dpi. • Explanatory note in a separate file in DOC format together with English translation; • Declaration of authorship with the participants names, their contacts and the percentage distribution of the prize, certified by the signatures of the participants; • Scan of the Architect’s Certificate of one of the Participants of the team; • Electronic presentation for the big screen to present the competition project at PROSTONEBA Architecture Festival in case of winning. * Video materials sent to the Competition e-mail are not considered as part of the Competition project in accordance with the Rules of the Competition, and will not participate in the evaluation. The anonymity should be kept for all electronic files of the Submission. The files should be named after the Unique Identification Code that was selected by the Participant to identify his/her presen-


tation panel. The name and maximum sizes of the files should be as follows: Presentation panel in .pdf format ХХ0000_Panel_0.pdf 100 Mb Numeration of presentation panels should be as follows: ХХ0000_Panel_1.pdf / ХХ0000_Panel_2.pdf Presentation panel in .jpeg format ХХ0000_Panel_0.jpeg 100 Mb Numeration of presentation panels should be as follows: ХХ0000_ Panel_1.jpeg / ХХ0000_Panel_2.jpeg Explanatory note in Ukrainian with translation into English ХХ0000_Explanatory_report.doc 5 Mb Declaration of authorship ХХ0000_Authorship_declaration.pdf 5 Mb Declaration of Assigning a Unique Identification Code * ХХ0000_UIC_declaration.pdf 5 Mb Electronic presentation for the screen ХХ0000_Public_presentation.pdf 100 Mb Architect’s Certificate ХХ0000_Architect_lisence.pdf 5 Mb

* Declaration of Unique Identification Code Assignment is sent to the Competition e-mail before May 15, 2017. The Submission is composed into a folder named after Unique Identification Code of the Participant “XX0000” and archived under the same name “XX0000”. The archive with the competition project is submitted electronically and is sent via the file exchanger https://www.wetransfer.com/ ; to the competition e-mail - competitions@riverside.net.ua The Participant will receive Confirmation letter to his / her email announcing the receipt of his/her submission within 24 hours from the moment of submitting. If the Participant has not received the Confirmation letter within 24 hours, he / she should apply to the Competition Committee via e-mail or via phone call. * The submission of all Competition projects till 23:59 +2 GMT, July 3, 2017.


NOMINATION II The concept of activation and operation of public spaces at Rybalskyi Peninsula territory in Kyiv

Scheme 024. Competition site for Nomination II. Territory of Rybalskyi Peninsula and territory of RYBALSKY residential area


F1 THE AREA THAT NEEDS THE CONCEPT FOR DEVELOPMENT The concept of the development of public spaces should cover the entire Rybalskyi Peninsula, as well as include the detailed program of activities for the public spaces of RYBALSKY residential area (1st stage of construction - 9 residential block buildings). See Scheme 005. RYBALSKY residential area - Priority of design In this context, the public spaces include free urban spaces - streets, squares, parks, quays, recreational areas defined in the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning and the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory (and its Graphic Part). Priority of users of the territory: pedestrian - cyclist - public transport - private car moving - private car standing in the urban environment.




The Competition Participants should: • Develop the multifunctional, balanced public space, taking into account the Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning (+ see D4 of the Competition Program). And with a combination of different functions - social, cultural, health, recreation and entertainment; • Develop the solution for the activation of the public spaces of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory and to transform the area into a network of compact public pedestrian and bicycle spaces (by the Concept of cycling infrastructure development of Kyiv), full of life and street activities. Competition participants should provide suggestions for the processes that can take place on the streets, and, accordingly, provide suggestions of pedestrian connections and tourist routes; • Suggest the solutions for transformation that will become the driving force of Rybalskyi Peninsula development; • Create opportunities for the development of various urban cultures. To develop the cultural component of public spaces and actively engage the ground floors of block buildings; • Develop the detailed event program for launching public activities in the public space of RYBALSKY residential area. Examples of activities - See D9 of the Competition Program; • Propose zoning for public spaces according to the proposed content; • Suggest formats for seasonal use of the territory and to pro-

pose possible transformations of spaces for different activities and formats according to the seasonal change. Competition participants are encouraged to pay particular attention to ways of using the urban space in winter time; • Suggest the ideas for organizing the quay along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street, taking into account the concept of decomposition of the highway of city importance along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street into two corridors, according to the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory, as well as to D5 of the Competition Program, as well as taking into account that the distance from the edge of the waterfront to the fairway is about 200 m, which allows to expand the existing lower level of the waterfront and equip it with public space. See Scheme 025. The task for developing the solutions for the reorganization of the space of the existing waterfront along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street. The space of the lower level of the waterfront. See Scheme 026.The task for developing the solutions for the reorganization of the space of the existing waterfront along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street. The space of the lower level of the waterfront. Axonometry • Participants may, if necessary, provide suggestions for the operation of the first floors of block buildings. Proposals should be realistic and offer commercial use with a feature that can later be offered to operators (owners / tenants) of the space. At the same time, these decisions should allow to maximize the potential of the territory and transform it into a bright product, on the basis of which the territory will develop.


Scheme 025. The task for developing the solutions for the reorganization of the space of the existing waterfront along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street. The space of the lower level of the waterfront.

Scheme 026. The task for developing the solutions for the reorganization of the space of the existing waterfront along Naberezhno-Rybalska Street. The space of the lower level of the waterfront. Axonometry


F3 COMPETITION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The Concept for the development of public spaces should comply with the general concept of the designed RYBALSKY residential area and the following requirements: • Concepts should emphasize the significance of the territory for the city; • RYBALSKY residential area should be considered as a catalyst for the desired metamorphosis of life quality in the dense fabric of the city, which will make it the social and cultural “anchor” of urban significance; • Concepts should cultivate life near the river and the industrial heritage of the territory, to establish a dialogue between this heritage, modern architecture and inhabitants; • Concepts should consider Rybalskyi Peninsula territory as a potential part of the Large Pedestrian Ring of the city - from the Dnieper waterfront till Trukhaniv Island. See Scheme 027. The perspective Large Pedestrian Ring of the city. From the Dnieper waterfront - through Rybalskyi Peninsula - to Trukhaniv Island - and back to the center, to Mariinskyi Park, through the Parkovyi Bridge; • Concepts should foresee the unification of public spaces into one network by means of the inclusion of processes to these territories; • Event programs should have a multi-level structure of processes and take into account anthropogenic and natural factors (seasonal, climatic, etc.); • The territory should be interesting for all target audiences and “alive”, while remaining comfortable for the inhabitants of the neighborhoods; • Proposals should take into account the availability of active ground floors in all residential blocks and whole multifunctional infrastructure;

• Concepts should take into account the width of boulevards and canals for the comfortable simultaneous accommodation of residents with different needs and with different interests in the activities that are taking place on the territory; • Participants are encouraged to develop proposals that enhance the community’s possibilities and ensure the self-sufficient future of the territory; • To pay attention to existing spatial relationships and create additional spatial conditions for the deployment of social practices and communication between people; • To provide spatial justice to all members of the community, regardless of their mobility, status, etc. To design the barrier-free environment of the Competition area in accordance with the principles of universal design. The area should be friendly to people with special needs, to cyclists, to families with young children, to all segments of the population and people of all ages; • To provide organizational and legal solutions for possible forms of management and financial support and principles for building an organizational structure. Rybalskyi Peninsula should be a hospitable, modernized area with the direction to the future. Concepts for the development of public spaces can become the basis for revitalization of other inactive industrial areas of Kyiv and Ukraine.


Scheme 027. The perspective Large Pedestrian Ring of the city. From the Dnieper waterfront - through Rybalskyi Peninsula to Trukhaniv Island - and back to the center, to Mariinskyi Park, through the Parkovyi Bridge.

F4 PRESENTATION DELIVERABLES Detalization of the design: the concept. The competition project consists of: • Graphic materials - two presentation panels in electronic format; • Text materials - an explanatory note in electronic format; • Declaration of authorship; • Electronic presentation for large screen. The requirements for the presentation of the Competition project: • A brief description of the concept for development and activation of public spaces in accordance with the competition goal and tasks. The size of the text is not regulated by the Competition program. A brief description is recommended to be placed in the middle part of the presentation panel; • Other texts that reveal the idea / ideas of the Competition project, if necessary. • Proposals for the development of public spaces throughout the Competition area: zoning, function, program of processes, elements of landscaping at participants’ will, actions for accessibility and mobility. Schemes and / or plans, M 1: 2000. Details, if necessary, M 1: 500; • Visualization of solutions and elements of space; • Detailed descriptions of programs for the public spaces of the residential area; detailed proposals for zoning and process programs of RYBALSKY residential area. Schemes and / or plans, 1: 1000. Details, if necessary, M 1: 500; • Other illustrative materials (scannings, perspective views, individual elements of landscaping, etc.) necessary for the disclosure of the project idea. The competition materials should use the


metric scale of measurements; • Sections through the public spaces of the residential area, revealing the ideas of the concept; • Scannings along the streets; • Schemes, diagrams, sections, images, details to disclosure of proposed solutions, economic part, ideas for further development or other illustrative materials needed to disclosure the project ideas; • Label with Unique Identification Code of the Participant, placed at the top of the presentation panel (sent by the Competition committee after assigning the Unique Identification Code). On competition panels it is prohibited to apply any texts and signs that can identify the author / authors of the project. All drawings should be in a scale and orientated to the north. All dimensions should be in metric system. All inscriptions and texts should be in Ukrainian.

The requirements for the presentation of the Declaration of authorship: • The Declaration of authorship must be submitted with the project; • The surnames and names of the author / authors of the project are stated in the Declaration of authorship together with addresses, contact phone numbers, conditions for the distribution of the amount of a possible prize among the members of the team, certified by their signatures, identification code of the author / team and bank details for transferring the award to each member of the team in case of winning; • In the documents submitted to the Competition - with the exception of the Declaration of authorship, the Declaration the Unique Identification Code Assignment and the Scan of the Architect’s certificate - it is prohibited to apply any texts and signs that would allow the author / authors to be identified.

The requirements for the electronic presentation for the screen: Electronic presentation for the screen should not include more information about the poject than the Presentation panels.


The requirements for the presentation of the text materials of the competition project: • Text materials of the competition project are submitted in Ukrainian; • Text materials of the competition project consist of an explanatory note for the project - a brief description of the concept for the development of public spaces of the entire Rybalskyi Peninsula territory and the detailed program of activities for the public spaces of RYBALSKY residential area in accordance to the Competition purpose and tasks; • Explanatory note in the separate .DOC file submits together with the translation in English.

The submission should consist of: • Two presentation boards 2378 x 841 mm size and portrait orientation, in two formats - JPG with a resolution of 150 dpi, with minimal compression and maximum storage quality, and PDF with a resolution of 300 dpi. • Explanatory note in a separate file in DOC format together with English translation; • Declaration of authorship with the participants names, their contacts and the percentage distribution of the prize, certified by the signatures of the participants; • Electronic presentation for the big screen to present the competition project at PROSTONEBA Architecture Festival in case of


winning. * Video materials sent to the Competition e-mail are not considered as part of the Competition project in accordance with the Rules of the Competition, and will not participate in the evaluation. The anonymity should be kept for all the electronic files of the Submission. The files should be named after the Unique Identification Code that was selected by the Participant to identify his/her presentation panel. The name and maximum sizes of the files should be as follows: Presentation panel in .pdf format ХХ0000_Panel_0.pdf 100 Mb Numeration of presentation panels should be as follows: ХХ0000_ Panel_1.pdf / ХХ0000_Panel_2.pdf Presentation panel in .jpeg format ХХ0000_Panel_0.jpeg 100 Mb Numeration of presentation panels should be as follows: ХХ0000_ Panel_1.jpeg / ХХ0000_Panel_2.jpeg Explanatory note in Ukrainian with translation into English ХХ0000_Explanatory_report.doc 5 Mb Declaration of authorship ХХ0000_Authorship_declaration.pdf 5 Mb

Declaration of Assigning a Unique Identification Code * ХХ0000_UIC_declaration.pdf 5 Mb Electronic presentation for the screen ХХ0000_Public_presentation.pdf 100 Mb * Declaration of Unique Identification Code Assignment is sent to the Competition e-mail before May 15, 2017. The Submission is composed into a folder named after Unique Identification Code of the Participant “XX0000” and archived under the same name “XX0000”. The archive with the competition project is submitted electronically and is sent via the file exchanger https://www.wetransfer.com/ ; to the competition e-mail - competitions@riverside.net.ua The Participant will receive Confirmation letter to his/her email announcing the receipt of his/her submission within 24 hours from the moment of submitting. If the Participant has not received the Confirmation letter within 24 hours, he / she should apply to the Competition Committee via e-mail or via phone call. * The submission of all Competition projects till 23:59 +2 GMT, July 3, 2017.






Output data for the Competition participants of the 1st nomination: • Competition Program and Conditions; • Graphic materials including: diagrams; competition site for the block building with adjoining streets; visualizations of already designed block buildings; photofixations from the site; master plan of the concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory; technical and economic indicators; topographic survey; topographic surveys with areas of the residential blocks, etc. A list of all output data, including download links, is gathered in the Appendix. The provided materials may be used or alternatives can be created at the discretion of the participant; • Layout of placing information on Competition presentation panels;

• Graphic materials including: master plan of the concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula territory; visualizations of already designed block buildings; scheme of existing and proposed traffic flows; scheme of pedestrian, public and private spaces; scheme of the location of valuable objects; scheme of the configuration of the waterfront and the beach; scheme of functional filling of the ground floors of the first nine quarters (not updated, do not fully comply due to the change of the function of the corner section by this Competition Program); street typology schemes; schemes of the designed boulevard; schemes of the designed channel; scheme of the Large Pedestrian Ring of the city; master plan of 9 residential blocks with detailed development of public spaces; sections along the boulevard and the canal, etc. A list of all output data, including download links, is gathered in the Appendix. The provided materials may be used or alternatives can be created at the discretion of the participant; • Layout of placing information on competition panels; • Declaration of authorship;

• Declaration of authorship; • Declaration of Unique Identification Code assignment; • Declaration of Unique Identification Code assignment; • Label with the Unique Identification Code (sent to every Participant separately). Output data for the participants of the competition for the 2nd nomination: • Competition Program and Conditions;

• Label with the Unique Identification Code (sent to every Participant separately).


G2 COMPETITION ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Competition client and the Competition co-organizer form the Competition committee and choose the Responsible for the competition. The Competition committee provides: • preparation of the information and announcements related to the launch of the Competition, for publication in the periodical press and on the Internet; • invitation of potential Participants to the Competition and accepting the opposing Competition applies; • preparation and sending of the Competition Program and Conditions, as well as relevant output data; • acceptance of Competition projects and their storage; • technical examination of the Competition projects; • provision of the necessary facilities for the Jury meeting and all the Competition documentation for the Evaluation of Competition projects; • the work of the Jury’s secretary during the Jury meeting; • holding the Public presentation of the Competition finalists ; • organization of the Exhibition of Competition works; • preparation and publication of the Catalog of competition works.

G3 CHANGES IN COMPETITION The Competition оrganizer reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Competition, or change the Competition Program and Conditions at any stage, if, in the opinion of the Competition organizer, it is considered necessary, or in case of circumstances beyond control. The organizer must inform the Participants about the appropriate actions.


G4 COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS Participants of the competition are invited certified architects, architectural bureaus and multidisciplinary teams of (as recommended) cultural experts, architects, urbanists, sociologists, etc. Teams are not limited by the number of Participants. The employees of the Competition organizer and the Competition Committee, the members of the Competition Jury Panel and their employees, partners or family members have no right to participate in the Competition.

G5 ANSWERING TO QUESTIONS OF COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS All questions related to the Competition that are asked by registered Participants are summarized by the Competition Committee and sent to all registered participants with the answers at the e-mail indicated during the Participant’s registration. If any questions arise from at least one of the Participants regarding the Competition Program and Conditions, the response shall be sent to all registered participants.



Competition are selected.

Each participant of the competition may submit no more than two Competition projects - one competition project per each nomination. *

The Competition Project should be the original work of the Participant and previously unpublished. The Competition participant doesn’t have the right to sell, subtract or transfer any rights of his/her Competition project to third parties.

* A participant of the 2nd nomination of the Competition may submit a Competition project to the 1st nomination of the Competition in case of providing his/her architect’s certificate. In order to ensure the anonymity of the Participant and the legitimacy of the Competition, each Competition participant must independently select the Unique Identification Code. The Unique Identification Code must consist of two letters of the Latin alphabet and four digits (“XXX000”). The Unique Identification Code can not be changed after it has been notified to the Competition Committee. The label with a placed Unique Identification Code sent to the Participant by the Competition Committee can not be modified and should be placed on the top of the Competition presentation panel. The Unique Identification Code will be used for the administration and organization of the Competition, as well as for the Evaluation of the Competition Projects of the Participants. All information collected about the Participant will be kept under his / her Unique Identification Code. All Competition Projects should not contain any inscriptions, signs, logos or symbols that can be used to determine the authorship of the Competition project. Any violation of these rules will result the immediate disqualification. The jury of the competition will have no access to the information on the identity of the Participant until the winners of the

All Competition projects should comply with the Competition tasks and rules that are set out in the Competition Program and Conditions. The Competition participant may continue to submit changes to the Competition project to the Competition official e-mail up until the Submission deadline. The Competition participants have no right to publish or demonstrate their Competition projects until the official announcement of the Results of the Competition.


G7 DISQUALIFICATION Competition projects that: • do not meet the Competition goals and tasks, nor do not meet Tasks by the nominations or Competition conditions; • violate anonymity - contain any registered trademarks, inscriptions, logos or symbols by which the authorship of the Competition project can be determined; • exactly corresponds to already existing projects of someone else’s or own projects, or which resemble another existing project may be disqualified by the Technical committee of the competition. The Competition committee is not obliged to inform the Participant about the disqualified Competition project. All Submissions received after the Submission deadline will be automatically disqualified.



bers were present.

The Jury is created with the purpose of identifying the best projects submitted for the Competition, awarding the Prizes to their authors, encouragements in the form of diplomas and other awards, providing recommendations on the use of award-winning Competition projects. The members of the Jury Panel shall be chosen by the Competition client. The Competition Jury consists of representatives of local authorities, leading architects, urbanists, restaurateurs, etc.

The Competition jury will be responsible for setting criteria based on the Competition program, by which they will evaluate each competition project accordingly. The Jury’s decision is final. The Participants can not appeal the jury’s decision. The Jury’s decision is taken by a simple majority of votes. Voting is conducted for each Competition project separately. Only the Jury member of the Competition has the right to evaluate the competition works and vote. In the case of an even distribution of votes for the Projects, the Head of the Jury shall have the right for the decisive vote.

The Jury Panel is approved by the Competition client. The Competition client reserves the right to make changes and additions to the Jury Panel. Unless otherwise indicated, the cooperation of the Competition client with the Jury members is not mandatory for legal registration and does not involve any contract or partnership. The Competition client also appoints the Competition executive secretary. The Competition executive secretary is at the same time the Responsible secretary of the Jury and participates in its meetings without the right to vote. The Head of the Jury and his deputy are elected at the first meeting of the Jury by secret voting by simple majority of votes. Competition Jury: • do not take part in the Competition, do not advise Participants and abstain from public statements until the Competition is finished; • have no right to disclose any information related to the review of Cpmpetition projects and the awarding of Prizes and encouragements; • can not be involved in further work on the Winning project. A Jury meeting is considered competent if at least 7 jury mem-

The Results of the Competition are drawn up: • by the Jury’s report about the results of the Competition that contains an Evaluation of the competition projects and recommendations for their use, the reasons for the decision taken or the reasons for the rejection of the Competition projects from further evaluation, recommendations regarding the necessity of holding the 2nd stage of the competition on selected nominations, and other considerations. The Jury’s report is signed by the Head of the Jury and the Secretary of the Jury; • by the Decision on the distribution of Prizes and other types of encouragements, signed by all Jury members who participated in the Jury meeting; • in addition, the Head of the Jury writes an Evaluation report on behalf of all Jury members and passes it to the Secretary of the competition. The Jury does not evaluate the Competition projects: • sent or submitted after the Submission deadline; • the anonymity of which has been deliberately violated; • those that do not meet the requirements of the Competition Program and Conditions.


G9 COMPETITION PRIZES The Competition organizer agrees to pay all the Money Awards to the Competition Participants within 30 days after the announcement of the Competition results. If the selected Winner of the Competition can not accept, receive or becomes inappropriate for the receiving the Competition award due to any reason, the Competition award must be given to the author of the next highest rating Competition project from the remaining Competition projects that meet the criteria of the Competition.

to the author / authors and is protected in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “About Copyright and Related Rights” and “About Architectural Activities”. The proprietary Copyright of the Competition project goes to the Competition client. When submitting the Competition project, all Participants agrees with the Competition organizer rights for the unlimited, irrevocable and royalty-free license (but not an obligation) to use his / her Competition project as follows: publicly display in any way and in any media at present and in future, copy, modify, translate and / or adapt, archive and distribute in connection with the Competition and for promotional purposes, without additional notice or remuneration to the Participant. The Participant reserves the equal right to publish, reproduce and use his / her Competition project without limitations.

G10 PUBLICATION OF COMPETITION RESULTS When submitting the Competition project, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that all the materials of the Competition project - including, but not limited to, explanatory notes, descriptions, details, fragments, drawings, images, illustrations and animations - may be used by the Competition organizer for promotional purposes. Publications, stated in the Competition Program, are not obligatory for the Competition organizer. The Competition organizer shall make an effort to execute all announced publications, but can not be responsible for publishers’ decisions. Optionally, the Competition participant may take part in promotional activities related to the Competition. The Competition organizer has the right to use all statements made by the Competition participant in connection with the Competition, without any further approval. G11 COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS Non-proprietary Copyright of the Competition project belongs

G12 LEGAL NOTICE Applying to participate in the Competition, the Participant agrees to the Competition Program and Conditions. All information collected by the Competition committee is used only for the processing and administration of the Submission of Competition projects in accordance with the Competition Conditions. All data provided by the Participant or collected through the Competition official website, are processed by the Competition committee and kept with maximum attention and respect. The Competition committee collects personal information while applying to participate to the Competition, as well as while submitting project to the Competition. The personal data of the Participants are used only for the administration of the Competition. Participants contact details are used by the Competition committee to inform about the changes made in the Competition, and can also be used to inform about new competitions.



LIST OF ATTACHMENTS WITH LINKS FOR DOWNLOADING The Concept of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory Planning and the Detailed Plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula Territory (Text and Graphic Parts) - ‘CORE MATERIALS’ folder - https://goo.gl/K4nSfV

• Canal and Boulevard Materials - ‘canal and avenue detailing’ folder - https://goo.gl/TdmGMO • Schemes from the Competition Program in vector format ‘charts from competition brief’ format - https://goo.gl/Eq5nsa

Working Files - ‘Working Materials’ folder - https://goo.gl/xmwLTc

• The Dnieper River Hydrology - ‘Dnieper river depth’ folder https://goo.gl/KfEceA

• Master plan of Rybalskyi Peninsula (image and vector) - ‘RYBALSKY peninsula masterplan’ folder - https://goo.gl/3O8rqD

• Functional filling of the ground floors of the residential area RYBALSKY - ‘first floors’ folder - https://goo.gl/1hFYfg

• Master plan of RYBALSKY residential area - ‘RYBALSKY residential district masterplan’ folder, files in .dwg and .pln formats - https://goo.gl/NTZ1Se

• Sections along street, boulevard and canal - ‘section by the street’ folder - https://goo.gl/WX1re9

• Topographic surveys of Rybalskyi Peninsula - ‘RYBALSKY topography’ folder - https://goo.gl/JJSMuk • Schemes of the location and configuration of the Competition areas, as well as the google map image - ‘territories’ folder - https://goo.gl/V5X0BP • Materials of the transport organization of the territory, in particular, the puncture under the railway and the expansion of the highway Naberezhno-Rybalska Street - ‘transportation. Elektrykiv and railway reorganization’ folder - https://goo.gl/QkYY6V • Dimensions for the residential block building and its surroundings - ‘block building’ folder - https://goo.gl/aoiF5C • Table with technical and economic indicators - ‘calculations’ folder • https://goo.gl/s9OOr8

Climatic characteristics of Kyiv - ‘CLIMATE CHARTS’ folder https://goo.gl/taJE80 Photos and visualizations - ‘Photos from site. Visualizations. Photos’ folder - https://goo.gl/WXgD7L • Photographs from the competition site, date 30.4.2017 - ‘PHOTOS FROM SITE’ folder - https://goo.gl/blrQdH • Photographs from the competition site, updated 10.6.2017 ‘28.05.2017 photos from site’ folder - https://goo.gl/qhLzqu • Visualization of the RYBALSKY residential area - ‘Visualizations’ folder - https://goo.gl/sBw6rs • Photos of the Peninsula and adjacent objects and territories from the Internet - ‘Photos from the Internet’ folder - https://goo. gl/zolISW


• 3D model of the competition site for the 1st nomination, updated 23.5.2017 - ‘3D MODEL’ folder - https://goo.gl/CZ6J3X Supplementary materials - ‘Supplementary materials’ folder https://goo.gl/1CnbUP Corporate Identity of the RYBALSKY residential area and the competition - ‘brandbook’ folder - https://goo.gl/PzRuZO Fonts - ‘Gotham Cyrillic’ folder - https://goo.gl/Y8JU7l Layout for placing the information on presentation panels - ‘submission layout’ folder - https://goo.gl/sDJDtg Declaration of Authorship and Declaration of the Unique Identification Code Assigment - ‘declarations’ folder - https://goo.gl/ GhgnGU




The residential area of the Krøyer Square in Copenhagen Smichov Residential Blocks Project for Prague

Materials of the texty.org.ua research “The Stolen Dnieper” http://texty.org.ua/d/longs/dnipro2/

Public swimming pool and waterfall in the harbor area of Cologne Public pool in Fåborg

Article “The remnants of the factory on the Rybalskyi Peninsula in Kyiv”

Master plan of the harbor territory in Finland

The history of the construction of Podilsky bridge

Master plan of the former river industrial zone in Finland Online resource with maps - http://maps.stamen.com The Iceberg in Denmark Residential block in Italy Waterfront improvement in Copenhagen Public swimming pool in Denmark Improvement of the coastline of the former harbor area in Australia Residential block in Malmo, Sweden Hafencity in Hamburg Wood Ports in Amsterdam LEIPZIG CHARTER on Sustainable European Cities Principles of Housing - https://goo.gl/CKBEz2

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