we l c o me Hel l o! Thankyou f orconsi der i ngMoni caMendoz aPhot ogr aphyt obepar toft hemost i mpor t antdayi nyourl i ves. Iam yourst or yt el l er ,Iwi l lcapt ur eyourweddi ngdayasi thappens. You wi l l bar el ynot i ceIam t her e,butyouandyourf ami l ywi l lcher i sht hei mageswecr eat e t oget her ,f or ever . Theywi l lr ef l ectt hecandorandt r ueemot i onsoft heday,j ust whatyourweddi ngi sabout . Onyourweddi ngday,Iwantyout of eelcomf or t abl e,l i keyouhaveknownmef or year s.Youcanr el yonmeandaskmef orhel patanyt i me. Sogr abacupofcof f eeandl eaft hr ought hi sbr i efgui det ol ear nmor eaboutme andt hemagi cwecancr eat e,anddon' thesi t at et ocont actmewi t hanyquest i ons. Ihopewegett owor kt oget her .Congr at ul at i onsonyourweddi ng! War ml y
Mo n i c aM
SheCa pture d aD re a m Co m eTrue Moni cawassosweetandpr of essi onal . Shewassoaccommodat i ngt oourt i mel i neandr eal l yhel pedmef eelatease att i meswhenIwasexhaust edorner voust hr oughoutt heday. Ourweddi ngdayt r ul ywast hehappi estdayofmyl i f eandwehaveMoni cat ot hankf orherpar ti ni t . Shecapt ur edadr eam comet r ue! dl ovet ohavehert akepi ct ur esofourf ami l yi nt hef ut ur e. Wewoul Thankyousoooomuchf orourbeaut i f ulpi ct ur esandyourwonder f ulser vi ce. JoAnn& Ear l
Ab t m e Icanwat chagoodr omant i cmovi e100t i mes. Ienj oyr omant i cdat esandwhi t ewi ne Iconf esst hatmyweaknessi schocol at e! ! Icoul dspendal ldayatt hebeach Ther ei snot hi ngmor ebeaut i f ult hanwat chi ngt hesunsetwi t ht heper son youl ove. . Myt woki dsandmyhusbandar emywor l dandmydog showsmeever ydayt hatl ovei suncondi t i onal . It r ul ybel i eveweddi ngphot ogr aphyi sanar t .Seei ng ever yt hi ngwi t houtbei ngseen. . . bei ngever ywher ewi t houtbei ng f el t . . . cr eat i vel ycapt ur i ngal lt hememor abl emoment sofa weddi ngday. . . t hat ' swhatmakesweddi ngphot ogr aphy anar t .Iwantyout of ul l yenj oyyourweddi ngdayandl etme documentyourst or ywi t hpr i cel essi magest hatyouwi l l l oveandcher i shf or ever .
IAM A STORYTELLER AND CAPTURING LOVE IS MY PASSION Whenyouopenar eal l yamaz i ngweddi ngmagaz i nespr eadwhat knocksyouof fyoursocks?Ther eali magesoft hatspeci f i cweddi ng day:t hedet ai l s,f ami l yemot i ons,wonder f ulguest si nt er act i ons andof cour set hecoupl ei nt hei rmostbeaut i f ulmoment s.
tha t’ swha tI c a pture
Pl a ti num C
e c ti
10hour sofweddi ngcover age Phot ogr aphywi t hMoni caMendoz aandSecondPhot ogr apher Onl i nevi ewi ngGal l er yoff ul l yedi t edweddi ngi mages wi t hshar i ngandpr i ntopt i ons Compl i ment ar yEngagementsessi on esol ut i ondi gi t alf i l es ALLf i naledi t edhi ghr Pr i ntRel ease 10X10Li nenWeddi ngal bum wi t h80i mages
Luxury C
e c ti
10hour sofweddi ngcover age Phot ogr aphywi t hMoni caMendoz aandSecondPhot ogr apher Onl i nevi ewi nggal l er yoff ul l yedi t edweddi ngi mages wi t hshar i ngandpr i ntopt i ons Compl i ment ar yEngagementSessi on 8X 8 Fi neAr tPhot oBookwi t h60i mages ALLf i naledi t edhi ghr esol ut i ondi gi t alf i l es Pr i ntRel ease
P re mi un C
e c ti
8hour sofweddi ngcover age Phot ogr aphywi t hMoni caMendoz a Onl i nevi ewi nggal l er yoff ul l yedi t edweddi ngi mages wi t hshar i ngandpr i ntopt i ons Compl i ment ar yEngagementSessi on oofBoxwi t h50Pr i nt s Compl i ment ar yUSB Dr i veandCust om Pr ALLf i naledi t edhi ghr esol ut i ondi gi t alf i l es Pr i ntRel ease
f r e q ue nt l y a s ke dq ue s t i s How l ongdoesi tt aket ogetouri mages? Onl i negal l er i esanddi gi t alf i l esar er eadywi t hi n10weeksoft heweddi ng dat e.Theywi l lbeupl oadedt oabeaut i f ulonl i i negal l er ywi t hshar i ng, downl oadi ngandpr i nt i ngr i ght s.
How manyi mageswi l lweget ? Thenumberofphot ogr aphst akendependsonmanyt hi ngs–t he numberofguest s,hour sofcover age,t ypesofevent s.Fr om at ypi cal 10hourweddi ngyoushoul dexpectnol esst hen600i mages,but usual l yt henumberi smuchhi gher .
Doyoucomet ot her ehear sal ? Rehear saldi nnercover agei savai l abl ei fyou’ dl i ket oaddi tt oyour col l ect i on,ot her wi sewedonotat t endt her ehear sal s.
Canyouhol dt hedat ef orme? Sor r y,unf or t unat el ywecannothol dt hedat eorpenci lyoui n.To bef ai rt oever yonewecan’ t“ hol d”adat ewi t houtar et ai neranda si gnedcont r act .
Doyour ef unddeposi t soncancel l at i ons? No.Ther et ai nerf eei snonr ef undabl e.Ther et ai nerguar ant eest hat wewi l lhol dt hedat eexcl usi vel yf oryouandonceyou’ vesi gnedt he cont r actwedot ur ndownal lot hercommi ssi onsf ort hatdat e.
We’ r er eadyt obook,what ’ snext ? Gr eat !Wheneveryou’ r er eady,wer equi r easi gnedcont r actanda r et ai nerf eeof$800 Ther emai ni ngbal ancei sdue1week bef or e yourweddi ngdat e.Asi gnedcont r acti sr equi r edi nor dert obook t hedat e.
wha t ha e nsne xt. . . ONCE YOUR IM AGES ARE READY YOU’ LL BE ABLE TO VIEW THEM IN YOUR ONLINE W EDDING GALLERY Wewi l lt al kt hr oughyourchoi ceof weddi ngal bum i fyouwoul dl i keone. Iwi l ldesi gnyoural bum wi t hyourf avour i t ei magesi nmi nd, andonceyouar ehappywi t hever yt hi ng,anddependi ngont he t i meofyear ,youral bum wi l lar r i vei nar ound8weeks.
W e
i ng C
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-O n
6X 6Li nenPar entAl bum |$450 8X8Fi neAr tPhot oBookwi t h60i mages$600 8X8Li nenWeddi ngAl bum wi t h60I mages|$995. 00 10X 10 Li nenWeddi ngAl bum wi t h80i mages|$1, 400. 00 12X 12Li nenWeddi ngAl bum wi t h100i mages|$2, 100. 00 Addi t i onalhourofcover age|$270. 00
*$800deposi tf eei sdueatsi gni ngofcont r actt osecur et hedat e.
* Al lweddi ngpackagesandaddonsar esubj ectt osal est ax
Ihopet obepar tofyourweddi ngt eam! !