1 minute read
charlestown navy yard
from M.Arch Portfolio I
by mmgagnonn
A great deal of public spaces in Charlestown are threatened by sealevel rise, and providing resilient green spaces is more than a necessity. Maintaining the connection to the maritime history through a close relationship with the water is crucial.


This is not only for the identity of Charlestown, but also to provide public access to these experiences when privatization leaves these spaces far and few between.
site sea level rise + tides fishing long and spread out for easy isolation, water access, variety of spaces to fish from community gatheringspace closer to land for easy access, visibility, and to draw people onto the pier community farming in the center as a bridge between busy and quiet spaces as well as a connection to all of the other spaces. educational gathering space more isolated and further away from the land for more seculsion and less distraction. access to farming and fishing programs and larger to be more flexible for multiple groups, activities, etc. max indicate tide small spaces between plantings fishing pier changes with tides

A dynamic space that reflects the ever-changing environment around such a historical site can educate about current issues facing the Navy Yard, such as sea level rise and local ecology, as well as the past.

It can also fill the gaps in services and necessities that are scarce along the waterfront, such as nonconvenience and fresh grocery, educational spaces and community meeting spaces.

Solar Shading

The people, fish, tides, plants, and even history of a place rarely remain stagnant over time.
A space that embraces these changes, over years, months, days and even hours can stand the test of time and be as dynamic as the world we live in.
motion + materials