I l l i noi sI nst i t ut eofTechnol ogy-Under gr aduat e
Gi ven t hepar amet er sofa24 f ootby60 f ootbui l di ng f ootpr i ntand one st or y br i ck bear i ng wal lconst r uct i on,t hi sWr i t er ' sSt udi o pr oj ectwasan exer ci sei ndet ai l s.Thepl anwassol vedbypl aci ngal lsuppor tspacesont he east er n end oft hebui l di ng t o cr eat e al ar geopen st udi o space. Bui l ti n cabi net r ywasdesi gnedt ocr eat eascr eenbet weent het wot ypesofspaces. -Awar dedt he2007St ei n,Ray&ConwaySchol ar shi p
Pl an
RoofSect i onDet ai l Ent r yPl anDet ai l
El evat i on
Ar chi t ect ur eSt udi oSpr i ng2007
The SummerHouse i sl ocat ed on t he shor esofLakeMi chi gan. Thedesi gn became an exer ci se i n cr eat i ng a squar e open f l oorpl an. The pr i vat e spacesoft hehousear el ocat edi nt he cent r alst one cyl i nder . The vol ume encl osed by squar e based vol ume becomet hepubl i cspacesoft hehouse whi ch can f l uct uat eand spi l li nt o one anot her . -Awar dedt he2007St ei n,Ray&ConwaySchol ar shi p
FacadeDevel opment
Pl an
Sect i on
I nt er i orPubl i cSpace
Nat at or i um
Li ndbl om Par k,Chi cago Ar chi t ect ur eSt udi oFal l2007
Thepr obl em pr oposedi nt hi spr oj ectwast odesi gnanencl osur e f oran exi st i ng poolnextt o an exi st i ng f i el d housel ocat ed i na sout hChi cagonei ghbor hoodpar k.Par al l elst udi esoft hesi t eand t heconceptofwat erl eadt oadesi gngoalofcr eat i ngar chi t ect ur e t hati nf l uenced act i ons and mot i ons. The par ki sl ocat ed i na communi t y wi t h cr i me and gang vi ol ence. The ar chi t ect ur ei s meantt ocr eat emanyvi si bl ear easwhi char econnect edbymul t i pl e pat hsandr ampst opr omot esaf et y.
I nt er i orVi nget t e
Mont essor iSchool Chi cagoGol dCoast
Ar chi t ect ur eSt udi oSpr i ng2008
Thi spr oj ect ,aMont essor ischooll ocat ed i n t he Gol d Coast ar ea of Chi cago, cont ai ns ei ght cl assr ooms,a l i br ar y,a mul t i pur pose r oom,and f i ve speci al i st s r ooms.Theencl osur eandspacescr eat ed emphasi zet heMont essor iphi l osophyof l ear ni ngt hr oughobser vat i on,par t i cul ar l y nat ur e. Eachcl assr oom i sadj acentt oan out doorgar den,andt her ei sat r eei nt he cent r alat r i um. Theencl osur eal l owsf or obser vat i onsofsun movement st hr ough shadowsandcol or s.
Shadow Movement sont heFl oor
SecondFl oorPl an
Si t eAnal ysi s
Thi r dFl oorPl an
I nt er i orVi gnet t es
Longi t udi nalSect i on
Cr ossSect i on
Fr eeHand
Madison Kelly 3208 South Wallace Street, Apt. 1 ▪ Chicago, IL 60616 ▪ 763.218.7400 ▪ mkelly16@iit.edu Objective
Employment History
To obtain a position in an innovative design firm which will utilize my architectural and technical skills such as diagramming, computer drafting, model building, 3-D computer modeling and rendering.
Rocky's Chicago Bar and Grille Server, August 2009-present
Education Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL • Bachelor of Architecture, May 2010 • Design projects include: Manufactured Housing community including landscape, and detail design. Chicago Public Park pool enclosure with a focus on community influences and integration. • Cumulative GPA: 3.8 / 4.0 Notable Accomplishments •Awarded a traveling scholarship and accepted into the Illinois Institute of Technology Fall 2008 Paris Program • Awarded the 2008 Tony Patz Memorial Scholarship for academic and extra curricular achievement •Awarded the 2007 Stein, Ray & Conway Scholarship for work produced in second year architecture studio •Awarded the 2006 Horwitz Scholarship for work produced in first year architecture studio •Awarded a Camras Scholarship for the full duration of education at IIT
Chicago, IL
Mack & Associates, Ltd. Chicago, IL Temporary public relations employee, May-August 2009 Responsible for managing everyday public interactions for a major company during the implementation of a new payment system. North Oaks Golf Club North Oaks, MN Server, Banquet Captain, and Hostess, 2005 - 2008 Skills required and learned include customer service and communication, organization of the set-up and execution of banquet service (i.e. wedding receptions). Marshall Fields Minneapolis, MN Free Lance Special Events, 2001 - 2005 Positions worked include dresser for national fashion shows such as Glamorama Skills Customer oriented service, excellent communication skills: written, verbal, and oral presentation, multi-tasking, and organizational skills. Hand drafting, computer drafting, model building, 3-D computer modeling and rendering. Very proficient: AutoCAD, SketchUp Pro, Microsoft Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Functional user: 3D Studio Max, Dreamweaver, Revit