I l l i noi sI nst i t ut eofTechnol ogy-Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e
Nat at or i um
Li ndbl om Par k,Chi cago Ar chi t ect ur eSt udi oFal l2007
Thepr obl em pr oposedi nt hi spr oj ectwast odesi gnanencl osur e f oran exi st i ng poolnextt o an exi st i ng f i el d housel ocat ed i na sout hChi cagonei ghbor hoodpar k.Par al l elst udi esoft hesi t eand t heconceptofwat erl eadt oadesi gngoalofcr eat i ngar chi t ect ur e t hati nf l uenced act i ons and mot i ons. The par ki sl ocat ed i na communi t y wi t h cr i me and gang vi ol ence. The ar chi t ect ur ei s meantt ocr eat emanyvi si bl ear easwhi char econnect edbymul t i pl e pat hsandr ampst opr omot esaf et y.
I nt er i orVi nget t e
Mont essor iSchool Chi cagoGol dCoast
Ar chi t ect ur eSt udi oSpr i ng2008
Thi spr oj ect ,aMont essor ischooll ocat ed i n t he Gol d Coast ar ea of Chi cago, cont ai ns ei ght cl assr ooms,a l i br ar y,a mul t i pur pose r oom,and f i ve speci al i st s r ooms.Theencl osur eandspacescr eat ed emphasi zet heMont essor iphi l osophyof l ear ni ngt hr oughobser vat i on,par t i cul ar l y nat ur e. Eachcl assr oom i sadj acentt oan out doorgar den,andt her ei sat r eei nt he cent r alat r i um. Theencl osur eal l owsf or obser vat i onsofsun movement st hr ough shadowsandcol or s.
Shadow Movement sont heFl oor
SecondFl oorPl an
Si t eAnal ysi s
Thi r dFl oorPl an
I nt er i orVi gnet t es
Longi t udi nalSect i on
Cr ossSect i on
Construction The modules are constructed using typical framing methods. The framing plans for the different modules are configured to create the offsets which enliven the facade and provide for the balconies.
The positioning of the row houses and landscaping were used to create flexible community and private spaces. Rear fences do not extend the length of the full lot and foot paths are combined when appropriate to increase actual and perceived green space. This accommodates for actives needing larger space as well as private yards near the house. Both a typical sidewalk and permeable winding foot path extend the block allowing for a wider variety of uses.
CTA Station Archictecture Studio Spring 2010
Urban Planning
This studio was divided into two parts. First was a urban planning sketch problem. The goal was to create a connection between the potential CTA station and the McCormick Convention Center located three blocks east. After studying the site the conclusion was to enliven street life of Cermak Road by encouraging diverse building uses, narrowing the street, moving parking underground, and creating green space. Green space as a connector was the motto for the urban plan.
Empty Block
DX- 5 Zoning Height Restriction
30’ x 30’ Modules
-2 Hotel Rooms -Small Retail
Percentages of program types
Site Analysis Diagrams
-Red = Retail -Sliver = Resturant -Yellow = Leisure -Dark Blue = Commercial - Purple = Residential -Green = Green Space - Light Blue - Hotel
Heights and Massing Manipulated *Retail, resturants and leisure pushed to street front
Massing for opimal sun exposure
Flexible modules were placed in the green connector. Their functions could change with the seasons, time of day, or by major events held at the Conference Center. Green space was used to connect the north and south sides of the street. The change in material and color of the street surface would call drivers attention to the crossing areas making the connection more pedestrian friendly.
Building Development The second part of this design studio was to create a mixed use CTA station to fit within the proposed urban plan. The solution explored was a museum about the CTA with the station. The program was studied extensively including the business, retail, required storage and utilities for both the station and museum. Circulation was a key design factor attempting to create a balance and flow to the varied uses.
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Circulation Studies
Final Building The final proposed design features an organic net structure enclosing the existing El structure, as though putting it on display. Areas of the station are revealed for museum and riders alike.
Station- Ground Floor
Technology Exhibt - Second Floor
Auditorium - Third Floor
History Exhibt - Fourth Floor
CAD Examples
Fr eeHand
Madison Kelly 3208 South Wallace Street, Apt. 1 ▪ Chicago, IL 60616 ▪ 763.218.7400 ▪ mkelly16@iit.edu Objective
Employment History
To obtain a position in an innovative design firm which will utilize my architectural and technical skills such as diagramming, computer drafting, model building, 3-D computer modeling and rendering.
Rocky's Chicago Bar and Grille Server, August 2009-present
Education Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL • Bachelor of Architecture, May 2010 • Design projects include: Manufactured Housing community including landscape, and detail design. Chicago Public Park pool enclosure with a focus on community influences and integration. • Cumulative GPA: 3.8 / 4.0 Notable Accomplishments •Awarded a traveling scholarship and accepted into the Illinois Institute of Technology Fall 2008 Paris Program • Awarded the 2008 Tony Patz Memorial Scholarship for academic and extra curricular achievement •Awarded the 2007 Stein, Ray & Conway Scholarship for work produced in second year architecture studio •Awarded the 2006 Horwitz Scholarship for work produced in first year architecture studio •Awarded a Camras Scholarship for the full duration of education at IIT
Chicago, IL
Mack & Associates, Ltd. Chicago, IL Temporary public relations employee, May-August 2009 Responsible for managing everyday public interactions for a major company during the implementation of a new payment system. North Oaks Golf Club North Oaks, MN Server, Banquet Captain, and Hostess, 2005 - 2008 Skills required and learned include customer service and communication, organization of the set-up and execution of banquet service (i.e. wedding receptions). Marshall Fields Minneapolis, MN Free Lance Special Events, 2001 - 2005 Positions worked include dresser for national fashion shows such as Glamorama Skills Customer oriented service, excellent communication skills: written, verbal, and oral presentation, multi-tasking, and organizational skills. Hand drafting, computer drafting, model building, 3-D computer modeling and rendering. Very proficient: AutoCAD, SketchUp Pro, Microsoft Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Functional user: 3D Studio Max, Dreamweaver, Revit