MMM Magazine January 2024 Issue 143

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(24 September-23 October) You enter this new year with l\Iercury direct, and after the delays he caused in your personal life last month I'm sure you're eager to show what you can do and to lead by example. This is also a good month to take the lead in relationships and shape your life to your true desires. Travel you arc offered, which you think you can't afford, can be yours if you enlist the help of an older person you value.



(24 October-22 November) You realise with great clarity who you can't rely on, but what you haven't worked out yet is why. You took personally a change to a close one's personality. Using the power of the new moon from the 11th helps you to find the words you couldn't previously. Your pride stood in the way of laying everything out on the table. You're not being judged, you're being asked for help. It's time to work out the difference.

SAGITTARIUS (23 November21 December) You and I know you'Yc made some promises you can't keep, and you're not yet sure what to do about this. You're feeling your way over what happens next. This is a mistake, my fricn<l. Talk to those around you and you'll sec that others arc offering to work as a rerun. You're still nursing your wounds after December's rcYelations., but you'yc got this. \Vhat happens next can be what propels you to the life you've been trying to get for a decade.

Pies: Lewis Hamilton <O Gerardo Lazzari/

(CC BY 2.0 DEED); The

Princess of Wales � Ion Jones/ ICC BY

2.0 DEED); Michelle Obama C Gage Skidmore/ (CC BY·SA 2.0 DEED)


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(22 December-20 January) New love interests beckon and this promises to be a month you won't forget in a hurry. You seem to have a problem in making ochers work as a team, but your problem was in trying to solve what can only be discussed between those involved. Seep back and have faith chat they will support you. You'll be in for a pleasant surprise if you do. Paperwork you put off is best faced before the 9th for a successful outcome.


(21 January-19 February) You were working on fresh beginnings as you ended last year, so this month could well see a change of residence for you, as well as a change of town! Life gets interesting. You get happy. Someone you thought was losing interest is just taking time to finish their last chapter before they start a new one with you. l\Ioney invested in cars and travel brings newfound freedom. Geminis have the answers you need in love.

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(20 February-20 March) You've helped so many and they're all grateful. Just do yourself a favour now and take a break to plan what muse happen for you, and when. I see you wane a change which you know will not sit well with others. That's only because you're not believing in yourself, but show faith in your dreams and you'll soon sec this. J\foncy you spend on your health takes years off how you feel.

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