Welcome and congratulations! The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a process to facilitate your career development at OHSU.
The IDP is meant to be used flexibly; however, the following steps and guidelines can help you get the most out of this process:
•Effective IDPs begin with self-assessment. Take the time to get clear about what you would like your supervisor to know about who you are as an employee, where you’d like to go in your career, and the kinds of development that might help you get there.
between an employee and their supervisor on the employee’s plan for learning and development over the next year.
•Contact your manager to let them know you would like to meet with them to discuss your development as part of the IDP process. Provide your manager with a copy of your Employee Worksheet prior to the meeting. Initial meetings most often occur 1:1 for a minimum of 1 hour and are separate from the Performance Review process.
, because they demonstrate evidence of intentional learning. IDPs help align employee career aspirations with opportunities that support OHSU’s business needs.
•This meeting is employee-driven and manager-facilitated. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Employee Worksheet, explore possibilities for aligning development with OHSU business needs, and together complete “Part 2: Completing the IDP” to document a mutuallyagreeable plan for your development for the upcoming year.
•Employee is responsible for following-up with his/her manager to discuss IDP progress, address barriers that may arise, and agree on IDP adjustments when necessary. The duration and frequency of follow-up meetings will depend on specific needs, but as a general guideline, 30 minute meetings every 3 months is recommended.
Additional support and resources for employees and managers available through the Career and Workplace Enhancement Center. www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP OHSU Individual Development Plan | www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP | Page 1 of 5
•Congratulations on achieving your development goal! Take a moment to share your accomplishment with those who have been involved in your development. Be sure to mention your purpose for completing the specific development activities you and your manager selected. Now, it’s time to re-start the IDP process with Step 1 as you continue to learn and grow in your career.
Employee: Complete this worksheet and send to your manager prior to your career development discussion. The questions are intended to help you get the most out of your career development discussion. Your responses will help you and your manager complete your Individual Development Plan together (Part 2).
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Why I am completing an IDP
Click here to enter a date. Employee background and work history
New to Role: I am new to my job, and want to get up to speed as fast as possible.
1. Total number of years at OHSU: Click to enter years.
Development in Place: I would like to continue developing knowledge, skills, and experiences to help me in my current job.
2. Number of years in current position at OHSU: Click to enter years.
Change Role: I would like to move to a new role, and would like to be preparing for that new role.
Other (describe): Click here to enter text.
3. Total number of years doing current type of work: Click to enter years. (i.e. Administrative, Management, Medical Assisting, etc.) 4. Attach updated resume (optional)
Think about what you would like to share with your manager about where you are today to help in identifying your developmental opportunities for the future. Areas to consider:
Interests: What types of tasks/work roles do I most enjoy? Why do I think I enjoy them? Skills: What are two skills I would like to strengthen? How would it help me, given what I want to do?
Strengths: What are my strengths, and what tasks do I do well naturally? Values: What are my work and life balance priorities?
Click here to enter text.
Questions? Additional support and resources for employees and managers available through the Career and Workplace Enhancement Center. www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP
My career aspirations: hopes and goals for my future career.
Immediate: Click here to enter text.
Short-term (1-2 years): Click here to enter text.
Long-term (3-5 years): Click here to enter text.
How might these goals help meet the business needs of your team/department/OHSU? Click here to enter text. If interested in moving to a new role, list 2-3 potential next positions at OHSU: Click here to enter text.
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Employee and Manager: After reviewing the Employee Worksheet together in your career development discussion, complete the IDP form below. The purpose of the IDP is to align employee strengths, interests, competencies, and career aspirations with opportunities that support OHSU’s business needs.
Using information from Employee Worksheet, and considering employee career aspirations, select a skill, knowledge, or competency to be developed.
Click here to enter text.
List 3-4 actions to achieve the Area to Develop. Include any resources needed.
What successful completion of the Development Actions looks like
Who can help support your learning? Who will be affected?
When to complete each Development Action
Note completion, changes, roadblocks, etc.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
I agree to the above plan, and agree to follow through with my development actions and communicate any changes to my manager as appropriate. Employee Signature:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter date.
I agree to the above plan and agree to provide support and resources as the employee develops. Manager Signature: Click here to enter text. OHSU Individual Development Plan | www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP | Page 3 of 5
Click here to enter date.
Date of follow-up meeting:
Click here to enter date. Questions? We’re here for you. Additional support and resources for employees and managers available through the Career and Workplace Enhancement Center. www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP
Other Development Actions
Training, Classes, Education
Learning from Others
Learning by Doing: On-the-Job Development
Research supports that learning and development is most effective when it is applied on the job. Make the most of opportunities to combine learning with real work and/or learn from others in the workplace. Resist the urge to devote 100% of your development to classes or training.
Complete a Special Project
Complete a stretch assignment or special project to broaden skill base.
Complete a Temporary Assignment
Temporarily assume the duties of someone who is on vacation, on a leave of absence, etc. to build experience, broaden perspective, and develop new skills.
Move to a New Job
Changing jobs is an effective way to develop new skills, knowledge, or competencies.
Join a Committee, Task Group, or Employee Group
Getting involved in a workplace group to help you enhance your network of contacts, learn more about the organization, develop leadership skills, and make positive contributions to OHSU. Periodically consult with a specialist to discuss and enhance specific work-related knowledge, skills and broaden perspective.
Find a Mentor, Coach, Subject Matter Expert or Role Model
Work with your supervisor. Examples: Lead Work (AFSCME Contract 10.5), Work Out of Classification (10.10), Training Positions (18.4)
Work with your supervisor. Examples: Diversity Employee Resource Groups, Labor Management Committee, AFSCME Leadership, Toastmasters Select person or ask for recommendations from supervisor/co-workers. Use employee directory to identify possible contacts. Work with your supervisor. Consult with the CWE Center Career Development Specialist for guidance on getting started.
Receive Cross-Training
Receive training from another employee who has a job that is different than yours. Learn the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to do their job.
Job Shadow
Observe the day-to-day work of another employee to gain understanding of a process, procedure, and/or explore a new role.
Study Materials
Learn from books, video, and other resources; follow-up with manager or a learning partner to share insights and reinforce learning.
CWE Center Self-Paced Learning, OHSU Library
Training Programs, Classes, Formal Education
Attend training classes, workshops, conferences, and academic degree/certificate programs to develop new skills and networks.
HR Learning & Development, CWE Center Classes, Healthcare Organizational Effectiveness, OHSU Division of Management, OHSU Tuition Benefits
Online Training/eLearning
Complete an online learning experience (e.g. to learn new software) to gain new skills and knowledge that can be applied to the workplace.
Train Others
Provide training to others (e.g., how to use a new tool or technique, or sharing learning from a recent conference) to deepen knowledge, credibility, and confidence.
Coach Others
Impart skills, knowledge, and direction to others to help develop insights and abilities.
External Activities
Develop connections in community, in occupational field, or within a certain industry to gain new perspectives, a network of resources, and develop expertise.
OHSU Individual Development Plan | www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP | Page 4 of 5
Work with your supervisor.
OHSU Career Information System, Local Library
The following sample IDPs are here for reference as you and your manager work together to write your own. Networking: I would like to establish relationships with internal and external customers to help me get up to speed as quickly as possible in my new role.
Sample 1 (Purpose: New to Role) 1. 2.
Create a list of 5-10 people to connect with. Meet with each person (face to face or by phone) to learn about their department and priorities. Follow up with each individual by phone/email within 3 months to check in and maintain relationship.
1. 2. 3.
List is complete Meetings completed, notes taken about each contact. Follow ups completed
1. 2. 3. 4.
Assessment complete Certificate of completion Meet at least 3 times with mentor. Assessment complete, review change in skills with manager
1. Attendance yes/no 2. Read/not read 3. Observation completed with documented list of tips. 4. Positive feedback from meeting participants (i.e. anecdotal, survey)
Sample 4 (Purpose: Career Exploration) 1. Take the Strong Interest Inventory career assessment in the CWE Center. 2. Access OHSU’s Career Information System (CIS) and identify 3 possible careers. 3. Conduct informational interviews in each of the careers of interest.
1. 2. 3.
2/28 4/1 7/15
1. 2. 3.
Done. 8 people on list. In progress: 3/8 meetings completed. No response from one person. Not yet begun.
1. Arrange time with CWE Center staff. 2. n/a 3. Possibly Frank or Ashley who both use Excel at a high-level 4. Arrange time with CWE Center staff and set appointment with Manager.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Jan. 12 Feb. – Mar. By April 15 June 1
1. 2. 3.
Completed, received “Beginner” score. Completed 8 modules of online learning, passed quiz, certificate received. Done – met with Ashley 4 afternoons in April. New spreadsheet completed and implemented, saving 2 hrs./week. 6/5, received “Intermediate” score
Leadership: I would like to build meeting facilitation skills and experience running meetings in preparation for a new role as a manager.
Sample 3 (Purpose: Change Roles) 1. Attend “Leading Effective Meetings” class. 2. Read Orchestrating Powerful Regular Meetings, William R. Daniels 3. Observe experienced meeting facilitator to learn tips on running an effective meeting. 4. Lead team meeting.
Ask manager for recommendations. Will arrange for co-worker to cover for me while I am away at meetings. n/a
Computer Skills: I would like to build stronger skills with Microsoft Excel to help me refine my expertise and efficiency for my current job.
Sample 2 (Purpose: Development in Place) 1. Complete CWE Center online skills assessment to identify skill gaps. 2. Complete eLearning class through CWE Center. 3. Find a mentor within the organization to consult with on re-working budget spreadsheet. 4. Re-take online assessment to measure new level of computer skills gained.
1. 2.
1. Manager – need approval to attend. 2. Co-worker – is also reading book, plan to discuss readings, hold each other accountable. 3. Identify person to observe. 4. Manager – need help to identify meeting date and notify team.
1. 2. 3. 4.
August 31 September 30 October 15 November 1
1. Course not available until Sept. 2. Completed Aug 15th 3. Pending, Contacted Maria, who has agreed to meet and share tips. 4. Pending
Career Exploration: I would like to identify one or two careers that I could begin working toward.
1. Assessment complete, received list of possible careers. 2. Narrow list to 3 possibilities to research further. 3. 6 interviews completed (2 per career option)
OHSU Individual Development Plan | www.ohsu.edu/cwecenter/IDP | Page 5 of 5
1. Request time off from manager, arrange coverage. 2. Work with CWE Center Career Counselor. 3. Need to identify 6 people to interview.
1. End of March 2. End of May 3. End of September
1. Signed up for class on Mar. 12 2. Haven’t started 3. Haven’t started