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On Saturday, 24 June, the Mount Morgan Golf Club hosted the 7th annual Wally Hall Memorial three person Ambrose.

Eleven teams competed for trophies donated by Wally’s family. The event was well patronised with many of Wally’s family and friends in attendance and all had a very enjoyable day.
Winners on the day were Doug Wooffindin, Lance Croskery and Chris Whitley with a nett score of 47.3. Runner’s Up were Jai Browne, Jason Browne and Di Browne with 51 nett.
Nearest the pin prizes went to Lance Antcliff, Josh Antcliff, Shai Pearce and Zoe Mackay. Long drives were won by Lachlan Mackay and Shai Pearce. Sharryn Hall did a wonderful job selling raffle tickets with almost $1200 being raised for the Qld Cancer Council.Thanks also goes to Nathan O’Brien from Mount Morgan IGA who donated two meat trays for the raffles.
Submitted by Roger Brewster - Secretary