4 minute read
Submitted by Arlene Roberts - President
Well hello everyone how quickly this year is passing by. Here we are in March with many functions approaching us. On 5 March our branch International Officer Tammy Alden hosted the International Women’s Day Morning Tea at the dam. This was a fun morning and provided an opportunity for ladies learn about our International Projects and how we can help.
QCWA. is a part of the Associated Country Women of the World [A.C.W.W.]. Each year as part of our International work we study another Country. This year our country of study is’ ’Trinidad and Tobago’ ’. Each year we also have a product of study each year. This year we are studying ‘Dragon Fruit”.
Branch meetings
On 20 March our branch will hold its monthly meeting at the green shed near the swimming pool. Our meetings always commence at 10 am. We gather before that usually around 9.30 and have a cuppa and a chat before we start. These meetings are open to any women who would like to come along, meet the members and have a cuppa. We meet on the third Monday of each month.
QCWA Mount Morgan Branch History
On Friday 24 March 1950 the QCWA. Mount Morgan Branch was formed. The meeting was held in the Soldiers Hall at 3 p.m. The State President of QCWA. Mrs Stern travelled from Brisbane to Rockhampton Then onto Mount Morgan to open the branch. The Division President Miss Conachan and Vice President Mrs Gerard. The first Mount Morgan Branch Executive where President Mrs Lennon, Secretary Mrs Bubb, Treasurer Mrs Ingram, Vice Presidents were Mrs Chenery, Mrs Topp and Mrs Cook. After the elections and well wishes the ladies enjoyed a beautiful afternoon tea. The first meeting closed at 5pm.So as you can see we have been a part of the community for 73 years this year. We are very proud of what we have achieved and we look forward to helping in our community for many years to come.
Let’s give it a Go
On 27 March we will be commencing handcraft and cooking mornings. These are for anyone who would like to attend. You can bring your craft or come along and see if we can help with what you would like to know. The cookery will be based on our QCWA Country Kitchens Programme, and we will mix this with a lot of fun and friendship.
These mornings will start at 10 am at the green shed also. Ladies these functions are to give any lady a chance to come along and enjoy some you time. You can do as little or as much as you like.
Our cookbooks are still selling and are available at the Mount Morgan Explore Centre. We are planning on having more cookbooks written. The first of the new books will be ready by May Day. Our books are also available through the branch.
Future Functions
We are going to hold a stall at our May Day Festival, Mount Morgan Rodeo and at the Wattle Day Festival. Our branch has been asked to take part in several town functions this year and we have plans to hold other functions within the community throughout the year so keep an eye on the date claimers and in our branch write-ups.
If you would like any more information please contact the branch President Arlene Roberts on 0428 457
Mount Morgan Rotary Club will host the annual Alex Teeney Memorial Bowls Day on Sunday, 19 March at the Welfare Bowls Club.
The late Alex Teeney OAM was a wonderful Mount Morgan citizen, an active Rotarian, and an Irishman. Hence the theme for the fun-day is Irish.
Participants are asked to dress up as Irish or wear something green. The fun starts at 9.00 am and finishes with a BBQ lunch organized by the Mount Morgan Rotary Club. Multi raffles will be held, and prizes will be given to the best dressed and best teams. Rotary Club President Craig Edmonston said anybody can have a go and teams of four will compete for the Alex Teeney Memorial Shield. The main idea is to have a bit of fun, lots of laughs, and meet some new friends. It’s not a day to take yourself too seriously. The event is run to raise funds for Rotary’s major international project of eliminating Polio from the Earth. This project has been going since 1985 and only Pakistan and Afghanistan still have the wild polio virus circulating. The job is nearly done but not quite, so we need more funds to complete the task, Mr Edmonston said.
Rotary Looking For New Members
The Mount Morgan Rotary Club President Craig Edmonston said that “like all clubs throughout the country, the Rotary Club would like to gain some more members.”
Rotary is a service organisation which works on local, national, and international projects. Communityminded adult citizens of good character should contact their nearest Rotary Club and seek an invitation to join.
Mr Edmonston said membership of a club provides Rotarians with access to every other club in the world, but more importantly provides a member with the opportunity to work in their community to help improve conditions for the local residents, particularly the less advantaged. Anyone who may be interested in finding out what Rotary is, should contact the club by email to mount.morgan@rotary9560.org. An information night is being organized very soon to explain Rotary to any prospective member.
Tracey Finch
Please call to make an appointment 0438 861 319
Mount Morgan Agricultural Show Society Inc
Invites tenders from interested school or community and not for profit organisations to provide the following services for the 2023 Mount Morgan show to be held on 12 august 2023
Tenders should be forwarded to:
The Secretary, PO Box 183, Mount Morgan by close of business 30 April 2023
The lowest or any tender may not be accepted. Tender specifications may be viewed in News at mountmorganshow.com.au
For further information contact Heather Barker on 0418 729 122
Money Options Seminar @ Mount Morgan Library
Discovering how to make your money go that little bit further is becoming more relevant with each passing day.
Mount Morgan residents had the opportunity to discuss Money Options at a Financial Information Seminar at the Mount Morgan Library on Friday, 3 March. Keep your eyes open for the next seminar in June on Aged Care Fees and Charges.
If you would like to learn about Disability and Carer Payments, then book your seat at the Financial Information Session scheduled for Monday, 24 April at the Gracemere Library at the same time of 9.30 am to 12 noon.
Our complete Financial Information Session calendar showing sessions throughout the year is available at all library branches.
Local History Talk with Marilyn Dooley
Local historian Marilyn Dooley (pictured below) will give a fascinating insight into the people, places and events of the historical presence of Chinese in Central Queensland at a free talk at the Rockhampton Southside Library on Tuesday 21 March from 2pm3pm.