3 minute read
Submitted by Arlene Roberts - President
Seventy-three years ago, on 24 March, 1950 the QCWA Mount Morgan Branch became a reality. So I thought I would tell you how we were formed. Mount Morgan, as we all know, was a busy mining town and the ladies needed something they could belong to and so it was advertised that a meeting would be held on 24 March at 3pm to discuss the formation of a Mount Morgan branch.
The meeting was very important as it was opened by the QCWA State President Mrs Stern, who travelled to Mount Morgan to attend. Also at the meeting were Mrs Conaghan (Capricornia Division President) and Mrs Gerard (Division Vice President). Formation of a Mount Morgan branch was the main topic of conversation. Twenty plus Mount Morgan ladies attended where the main topic of conversation was the formation of a Mount Morgan branch. When it came to voting to open a Mount Morgan branch all ladies present voted unanimously to do so.
The first Branch Executive was Mrs A. Lennon (President - pictured below right), Mrs H.Chennery, Mrs Worley and Mrs P. Topp ((Vice Presidents), Mrs P. Bubb (Secretary) and Mrs E. Ingram (Treasurer).
The branch worked very hard.
The Mount Morgan Branch has had more than 40 members in one year and the ladies were very proud of what they could do for the community. They held regular dances, visited Mothers in hospital on Mother’s Day and held Garden Parties.
At the Mount Morgan Show the Members ran a child-minding tent which was at the time run by Mrs Lumbers. Wreaths were laid on ANZAC Day and members would march in the ANZAC. Day Parade and in the May Day Festival Parade. The members also held raffles, Devonshire Teas, mannequin parades and sewing machine demonstrations, hoy, movie nights and knitting for the soldiers. They also made comfort packs for the fighting forces in Korea. As you can see our branch has been a part of Mount Morgan for many years and it has aided in many ways.
Seventy-three years on – still going strong!
In recent years the members have made toiletry packs for the hospital and donated nappies for the hospital to have on hand for babies. We also have a Country Kitchens Eating Programme and we have written four cookbooks with the fifth book currently being printed. We have also held a stall at the Mount Morgan NAIDOC Week celebrations in the past and will do so again this year.
The members are now starting craft and cooking social mornings commencing on the 27 March at the Green Shed in Thompson Avenue.
The branch donates and presents bursaries for each grade at Mount Morgan Central State School annually. We also put together Domestic Violence Packs to help support victims of Domestic Violence. These are distributed by the Mount Morgan Police. Recently the branch held a morning tea at the dam for International Women’s Day which was a lovely day presided over by the International officer Tammy Alden.
World Tree Day is celebrated annually and we visit the state school and donate at least one tree.
We have several events on the horizon including the Golden Mount Festival, the Mount Morgan Rodeo and we are catering for Live4Life when they come to town on the 13 May.
Our aim is to help in our community as much as we can. Whether it is with education needs, health equipment, cooking and crafts - we welcome any challenge. We are here to support Women, Children and families. We offer fun, understanding, the hand of friendship and a friendly smile.
We meet at the green shed on the third Monday of each month commencing at 10am.The door is open for any lady who would like to come along. Children are always welcome. If you would like to come along and see what we are all about please do so. There is no commitment to join.
We have 14 members and we have plenty of room to welcome new members. Girls under 18 can become associate members and ladies over 18 can become full members. If you would like to become a member we would be more than happy to welcome you to our Q.C.W.A Mount Morgan Family.
If you would like to find out more information please call 0428457461.Thank you and I look forward to hearing from ladies in our town.