5 minute read
Thrills and Spills
A warm and cloudy spring day, record crowd numbers and record nominations contributed to making Mount Morgan Rodeo Association’s Rodeo [MMRAI] held on 7 November at the Mount Morgan Show Grounds a success.
The quality of the “bucking” stock ensured that entertainment, thrills and spills was high on the program.
MMRAI President, Barbara Gould said she was overwhelmed with the success of the day. “The NRA were wonderful as was St Brendan’s College who provided assistance as well as competing,” she said. “It was a wonderful day,” she said.
Novice Bull ride - 1st - Bradley Wheeler and 2nd - Finn Christensen, Bull Ride - Leather McCaulie; U18 Junior Bull Ride - 1st - Ben Moran, 2nd - Jacob Cariage, 3rd - Nash Johnes, William Saunders an Finn Christensen; 7-U12 Mini Bill - 1st - Riley O’Dell, 2nd - Angus Hollands and 3rd - Cooper McConnell and Taj Everingham. Continued on Page 5
Result: U15 Mini Bull - 1st - Jake White, 2nd - Dylan Starr, 3rd- Taj Everingham and 4th - Nash Jones. Novice Horse Ride - 1st - Lachlan Coleman, 2nd - Callum Clement and 3rd - Mitch Franz; Saddle Ride: 1st - Clayton Braden, 2nd - Patrick Bourke, 3rd - Lachlan Coleman and 4th Jordan Iker; U18 Junior Horse Ride - 1st - Ken coleman, 2nd - Finn Christensen, 3rd - Mitch Franz and 4th - Lachlan Coleman; U15 Junior Steer - 1st - Nash Cameron, 2nd - Dylan Meach, and Matt Ahearn, and 4th - Jake While.’
Novice Barrel Race - 1st - Zara Benjamin, 2nd - Brooke Passmore, 3rd - Sha-Tane Miosge and 4th - Sara Beak; U11 Junior Barrel Race - 1st - Charlee-Rose Prow, 2nd - Ruby Bell, 3rd - Ayda Labuschewski and 4th - Chelsey Roots; 11-14 Junior Barrel Race - 1st Jordyn O’Toole, 2nd - Sidnee Cowan, 3rd - Amber Sainsbury and 4th - Jesse Starr; U18 Junior Barrel Race - 1st - Mackenzie March, 2nd - Kirby Patterson, 3rd - Jordyn O’Toole and 4th - Emily Ward and Open Barrel Race - 1st - Zara Benjamin, 2nd - Brooke Read, 3rd - Hilary Thrift and 4th - Sidnee Cowan.
Ray West providing arena entertainment during a break in the barrel races
Richard Needham presents Zara Benjamin with the Open Barrel Race buckle
Project Update
November 2020
Commonwealth guidance
The Commonwealth Government has determined the Boulder Creek Wind Farm project to be a ‘controlled action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). This means the project must be assessed and approved under the EPBC Act.
The project’s EPBC Act referral decision and documentation are available online from the EPBC Act - Public notices portal - reference number 2020/8772: http://epbcnotices.environment.gov.au /publicnoticesreferrals/
Assessment process underway
Australian-owned renewable energy developer Epuron is preparing to lodge a development application with the Queensland Government for the proposed Boulder Creek Wind Farm, located between Westwood and Mount Morgan in central Queensland. The onsite technical studies prescribed by the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) are nearing completion, and Epuron has established Cultural Heritage Management Agreements (CHMA) for the site with the Gaangalu Nation People and the Darumbal People. The Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has also provided guidance for environmental assessment requirements under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (see left). For a map of the proposed turbine layout and the project’s status in the planning process please see overleaf. More information is available from the project website at bouldercreekwindfarm.com.au.
Community information sessions
Epuron welcomes input and feedback from the local community. Information sessions will be held in Mount Morgan and Westwood in December. At these sessions interested members of the local community will have the opportunity to learn more about the project, discuss any concerns and ask questions.
Mount Morgan
10am-12noon Wednesday, 9 December Mount Morgan Soldiers Room 18 Morgan Street
10am-12noon Thursday, 10 December Westwood Hall 4544 Capricorn Highway
All are welcome. If you would like to attend one of these sessions please RSVP by 8 December 2020 to Renee or Monica at Wall Planning & Environmental Consulting: (07) 4445 5051 or mail@wallplanning.com.au
State planning process
Site selection, initial concept and preliminary investigations
Pre-lodgement meeting with State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA)
WE ARE HERE Studies and assessments (prescribed by SARA State Code 23)
Application and assessments submitted to SARA
If required - further information requested and further assessment
If required - public notification of proposal
2 Referral to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment for review under the EPBC Act
Referral decision
WE ARE HERE Request for information
5 Information provided
For more information please visit
Project manager: Paul Stangroom, General Manager (Qld) Email: p.stangroom@epuron.com.au Tel: (02) 8456 7401
Boulder Creek Wind Farm proposed layout
Why clean energy?
Renewable sources of energy – wind, solar, hydro – are the most efficient and cheapest new sources of bulk energy generation. Growth in Queensland’s renewable energy capacity will deliver cleaner, cheaper and reliable electricity to households and businesses, and support the Queensland Government’s target of 50% renewable energy generation by 2030. Last year renewables contributed 14% of Queensland’s electricity, and by the end of 2020 it is estimated they will account for 30% of Australia’s total energy mix.
Register for project updates
Epuron is keen to keep interested members of the local community and other stakeholders up to date on project developments and opportunities to provide feedback.
To receive updates via email please register your details at epuron.com.au/mailing-list-details. Alternatively, to receive updates via mail please provide your preferred postal address to the project team (left).
We respect your privacy and your personal details will only be used for this purpose.
An online feedback form and project updates are also available on the project website at bouldercreekwindfarm.com.au