16 minute read
Run-Ons and Comma Splices
from 89251 Booklet
There are two errors relating to commas: Run-Ons and Commas Splices.
There are two types of run-ons:
1.Two independent clauses that are “run” together with just a comma and no FANBOYS (“jamming” two sentences together with just a comma)
Example: The students completed the assignment, the teacher graded their papers that day.
2. Missing punctuation
Example: The students completed the assignment and the teacher graded their papers that day.
Comma Splice A comma where it does not belong.
Example: I cannot believe, that I earned a C on my paper. (No comma should be here because the dependent clause is AFTER the independent clause. Remember to use a comma when the dependent clause is BEFORE the independent clause.)
1. When God created Eve Adam called her Woman.
Check your understanding…
Instructions: Determine if the sentence contains a run-on or a comma splice. Answers are at the bottom of the page.
2. Adam and Eve’s first son was named Cain and their second son was named Abel.
3. Cain was a gardener and tilled the land Abel was a herdsman who took care of flocks.
4. Seth was Adam and Eve’s third son, Seth is the ancestor of Noah. 5. There are many generations between Seth, and Noah.
the comma 5. Comma splice at the comma
-on at -on between “tilled” and “and” 4. Run -on between “Cain” and “and” 3. Run Adam” 2. Run -on between “Eve” and “ Answers: 1. Run
Instructions PART A:
Read the following sentences and determine exactly where the run-on occurs. Be precise in your identification.
1. I have a test coming up, I do not know what to expect.
2. I work on my homework every evening but it is difficult to complete my homework on time.
3. The noise in the hallway distracts me that makes me lose my train of thought.
4. Multi-tasking is not a good idea people make mistakes when doing many things at one time.
5. Everyone should have a daily devotional this is the best thing to do.
6. There is one thing that keeps me going throughout the day I start the day with prayer.
Part B:
Read the following passage and determine if the boldface sentences contain a run-on. Explain your answers.
Colors can be beautiful. However, some scientists wonder if color is a physical thing or if it is created in our minds. 1Sir Isaac Newton decided that he wanted to test how light
and color works in the eye so he stuck a needle in his own eye and stirred the needle
around. This painful sounding experiment did teach Newton something about light particles and color. This experiment was also a forerunner in scientists learning about
synaesthesia. Synaesthesia causes people to associate colors with other senses. 2For
example, someone with synaesthesia may smell apples when he or she sees the color
blue. These people may also taste a certain flavor when they see a color. Thus, the color red may make them taste something bitter in their mouths. 3There are animals that have
no sense of color and then there are other animals that can see many more colors than we humans can imagine. 4Just like animals, there are some people who are color blind and see only in black, white, and gray there are other rare people who can see thousands more colors than most people.
1. ___Run-on ___No Run-on
2. ___Run-on ___No Run-on
3. ___Run-on ___No Run-on
4. ___Run-on ___No Run-on
Instructions PART C:
Read the following passage and underline any run-ons. Be precise in your identification.
Censoring curse words on television will not stop people from cursing in reality. Children are still going to learn what the various dirty words are and what these words mean. When I was a child, I was not exposed to curse words by the media I was exposed to curse words by people around me. If every bad thing in the media were censored, then we would not know what was really going on censoring something does not automatically make it nonexistent. It is still there but censorship is blocking our view of it. Parents who do not want their children to be exposed to certain things should use something called Parental Controls. Parental Controls allow a mother and/or father to control what children can and
cannot see on the television and on the internet. Parents should also teach their children
about why curse words are unacceptable. For example, some curse words use God’s name in a very disrespectful manner this violates Commandment Three of the Ten Commandments. When the evangelist named Ray Comfort talks with people, he asks them if they would use their mother’s name in such a disrespectful way and most of the people say that they would not. Using God’s name as a curse word is worse than using one’s mother’s name or father’s name as a curse word! Censorship will not completely prevent children from hearing and learning curse words children should be taught that using curse words is actually against God which no one should want to be.
Select one of the sentences in this exercise that has a run-on and rewrite the sentence to CORRECT the run-on.
Read the following sentences and determine the comma rule that justifies the comma or commas used. There will be only ONE rule per sentence.
1. Separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction 2. Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence 3. Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal phrase from a direct quote 5. Set off or surround interrupters
1. Dr. Charles Stanley uses the acronym H.A.L.T. which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
2. It is during these moments in our lives when the enemy works to attack us, so we must be very aware especially during these times.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
3. If we think about it, Jesus Christ faced a time of H.A.L.T. when He was in the wilderness alone for 40 days and 40 nights.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
4. The enemy approached Christ at the end of this period with various temptations when
Christ was likely at his hungriest, loneliest, and most tired.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
5. Christ, as the very Son of God, was able to withstand the enemy’s temptations.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
6. Because Christ already had the Word of God in His heart, Christ was able to stand firmly on God’s Word by citing it in response to the enemy’s temptation.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
7. According to Dr. Stanley, we should avoid making important decisions which can come in the form of temptations when we feel one of these ways.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
8. Each of these feelings make a big impact on us physically, and they also negatively impact our thinking.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
9. Dr. Stanley, who has shared many of his own personal experiences, gives good advice that makes a lot of sense.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
10.Thus, it is very important that we all make an effort to commit Bible verses to our memory so that we have that Sword of the Spirit to use against whatever the enemy may throw at us.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
11.I have memorized many of my favorite Psalms, one of which is Psalm 46.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
12.Psalm 46 opens with, “God is our refuge and strength.”
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
13.These words have brought me comfort and encouragement during some of the lowest times of my life, and they always come to mind whenever something discouraging happens.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
14.Even during the times of H.A.L.T., I remember to pause and think on the greatness of
God and His direction.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
15.I hope that you will begin today by memorizing scripture if you have not done so yet, and you will see what a difference it makes in your life.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
Read the following sentences and determine the comma rule that justifies the comma or commas used. There will be only ONE rule per sentence.
1. Separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction 2. Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence 3. Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal phrase from a direct quote 5. Set off or surround interrupters
1. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that we must be friendly if we want to have friends, and there is one friend who will stay with us more closely than even our own brother.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
2. People were not created to be alone, for God’s design intended for us to love one another. Comma
3. God stated, “It is not good for the man to be alone,” when He created Adam.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
4. If we consider how the true Christians treated one another in the New Testament, we find that they helped and encouraged one another.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
5. Paul often spoke of the importance of his companions including Barnabas, Silas, Mark,
John, and Timothy.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
6. Unfortunately, people today do not trust one another and do not treat each other with the care and concern as in the New Testament church.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
7. Being independent, as many people are today, appears to be more important than being friendly.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
8. A poll across the web claims, however, that there are some cities in the United States that are friendlier than other cities.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
9. People from the Carolinas claim that the friendliest city in the United States is
Greenville, which is in South Carolina.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
10.If all people in all cities could be friendly and loving, then maybe there would be less tendency for crimes against one another.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
11.The best relationships with others require us to be willing to let go of our pride, have vulnerable conversations, and be Biblically accountable to one another.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
12.When we learn to be open and honest with one another, we may learn to be open and honest with God.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
13.God is there for us to be open and honest, but He is also a gentleman and does not force
His presence upon anyone who does not want it.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
14.With God as our Father and Friend, we can walk forward each day with peace and confidence.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
15.Remember that you are not alone if you feel that way, for God is there right by your side if you wish for Him to be.
Comma Rule:_____________________________________________________
Read the following passage and determine the TEN SENTENCES in which you should add commas. CLEARLY ADD the commas to the passage. Next, justify the addition of a comma or commas in a sentence based on the five basic comma rules (NOTE: There will be only ONE comma rule for each sentence that you need to add a comma or commas).
1. Separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction 2. Separate introductory material from the rest of the sentence 3. Separate items in a series 4. Separate signal phrase from a direct quote 5. Set off or surround interrupters
1Although we may look good on the outside and think that we are good on the inside we
are not. 2We ALL sin and are fallen; all of humanity has a problem and that problem is a
sinful nature. 3Our sinful nature makes us have a natural tendency to want to do those
things that are not pleasing to God. 4Disobeying our parents saying mean things hoping
that something bad would happen to someone stealing lying, or even failing to be grateful
are some of the sins that we commit which displease God. 5This sinful nature actually
separates us from God and we are to be separated from God for eternity due to sin.
6According to Romans 6:23 the payment for our sins is death. 7However God has
provided a bridge for us to come before Him and be in fellowship with Him. 8This bridge
is through God’s divine plan of salvation. 9God’s plan of salvation is actually a two-step
process. 10First we must recognize that we are sinners who are separated from God and
confess and repent of our sins. 11When we confess and repent we are saved from our sin
because we place our faith in Christ and become a believer. 12This first step is the actual
moment of salvation. 13Second we begin the life-long process of sanctification.
14Sanctification is the ongoing process of God’s Holy Spirit working in our lives to mold
and shape us into being more like Christ. 15This process progresses over a lifetime and
allows us to mature in our faith. 16We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory and
only through His gift of salvation can our new and true beautiful selves shine through.
1. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
2. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
3. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule: ___________________________________________________
4. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
5. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
6. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
7. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
8. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
9. Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
10.Sentence number:_____
Comma Rule:___________________________________________________
Read the following sentences and determine if there is a comma splice (a comma where it does not belong) or a run-on (either there are two complete sentences joined with just a comma OR there is missing punctuation). Please check the appropriate answer for each sentence.
Looks Are Not Everything: Part One
1. Today, everyone wants to be famous and beautiful or handsome. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
2. Tattoos, piercings, vibrant hair colors, plastic surgery, fashionable clothing and eyecatching accessories are methods that people today use to make themselves feel good while also impressing others. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
3. On one hand, many people want to attract others people want to be liked. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
4. Many researchers state that men depend on looks as the primary factor as they look for a wife. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
5. There are those individuals who claim that how one looks, can impact one’s personality as well as one’s success. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
6. Research shows that looks can actually impact one’s ability to get and succeed at certain jobs. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
7. On the other hand people just want to feel good about themselves. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
8. When someone looks good he or she feels good. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
9. However are looks really everything? ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
10.In 1 Samuel 9:2, it is reported that Saul was a very handsome man. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
11.“Saul, the son of Kish, was very tall and quite handsome when he was chosen by
God as the first king of Israel.” ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
12.Everybody likes the idea of having a handsome leader. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
13.Even in the fairy tales, the prince was Prince Charming or pleasant and attractive. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
14.Attractiveness is not very objective, though. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
15.Attractiveness is subjective based on who is looking. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
16.When it comes to objective versus subjective assessment, being objective means that one is utilizing only facts while being subjective means that one is utilizing personal opinion. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
17.The objective assessment, relies on observation while the subjective assessment relies on one’s stand or viewpoint about something. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
18. As the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
19.This position is based on what Plato, the Greek philosopher, claimed. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
20. Plato mused that what one may consider beautiful may not necessarily be beautiful to another. ___Comma Splice ___Run-On ___No Error
Instructions PART A:
Read the following passage and locate the FOUR comma splices and the FOUR run-ons. Please write your answers below.
Looks Are Not Everything: Part Two
1According to the prophet Samuel, King Saul, the first king of Israel and chosen by God, was a king who apparently was very handsome. 2King Saul was very tall (taller than most people), and quite striking. 3However King Saul ended up being a terrible king—so terrible until the Lord turned away from Saul and chose another king named David. 4David was young and also very handsome, when he was chosen by God to be the second king of Israel. 5Samuel was saddened at the outcome of King Saul but the Lord shared a very important point with Samuel. 6The point is, that God does not look at a person’s outside beauty. 7Instead God looks at a person’s heart. 8Though Saul and David were handsome and were chosen by God to be king of Israel only one man was really a man after God’s own heart— David (1 Samuel 13:14). 9Saul was self-serving, and often narcissistic. 10David was Godserving and often concerned about others. 10We should all want to be more like David with a God-serving heart and a willingness to help others.
Run-on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____
Run-on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____
Run-on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____
Run-on in Sentence Number:_____ Comma Splice in Sentence Number:____
Select either one of the sentences with a run-on or a comma splice and rewrite the sentence to fix the error.
Instructions PART B:
Read the following passage and correct the TWO comma splices and FOUR run-ons. Be precise in your corrections.
Looks are not Everything: Part Three
1What is on the inside of a person is more important than what is on the outside. 2There are
instances, when very beautiful or handsome people do some very terrible things. 3Also, there
are instances where very ordinary (or even what some people would call unattractive) people
by the world’s standards do some wonderfully amazing things. 4A person’s heart, attitude,
and personality can and should have much more impact than a person’s looks. 5Looks fade
over time but the core of who a person really is will remain much more constant. 6Being
very handsome or very beautiful, can actually have a negative impact on a person. 7For
example, there are instances where a man is intimidated by a very beautiful woman. 8Also
people who are very attractive can be perceived as very ditzy or even are the recipients of
aggression due to jealousy. 9Everyone who lives long enough gets older and will eventually
end up with wrinkles, gray hair, excess weight in odd places, missing teeth, poor eyesight,
and/or flabby skin. 10The person who is generally considered very attractive may have a
greater difficulty with this inevitable stage of life. 11The beautiful woman or handsome man
likely has much more to “lose” as he or she ages, this person will feel the impact more when
looking in the mirror and recognizing the changes in appearance. 12Attractive people
eventually will no longer be attractive if they live long enough; therefore, looks are not
everything it is the inner person that counts.
COMMA SPLICE 1 is found in sentence ______
COMMA SPLICE 2 is found in sentence ______
RUN-ON 1 is found in sentence ______
RUN-ON 2 is found in sentence ______
RUN-ON 3 is found in sentence ______
RUN-ON 4 is found in sentence ______
NOTE: The order of your answers does not matter. Just be sure to find the two comma splices and four run-ons.