Explore Magazine - June 2021

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June 2021



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Foreword from President of MMSA UMY Foreword from President of CIMSA Indonesia Foreword from Regional Coordinator Region 5 Editorial Notes

SCO’s Project 7 MECO – COHEAD 2020 8 PHCO – RESISTOR 9 RACO – International Women’s Day 10 RECO – INSPIRE 11 RPCO – FORMATION 12 SECO – FESTCO MMSA’s Project and Community Development 15 Trans-SCO – Intermedic 16 Trans-Local – World Aids Day 17 MMSA’s Community Development 19 21 23 26

Pandemi, bukan Penghalang untuk Beraksi Exchange Story – Bimantara Lesmana Alumni Pick! – dr. Febrian Yovi Saputra Meet Our Officials!


explore Foreword from

President of MMSA UMY Assalamual’aikum Wr. Wb. Muhammadiyah Medical Students’ Activities (MMSA) adalah organisasi yang mewadahi mahasiswa/i Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter di Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FKIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. MMSA merupakan organisasi non-profit dan non-government yang independen, nasionalis, non-politik, non-partisan, dan berbasis aktivitas. Kami juga berafiliasi langsung pada tingkat Nasional dengan Center for Indonesia Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA), yang dimana CIMSA juga memiliki jaringan pada tingkat Internasional yaitu International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA). Telah lebih dari 18 tahun MMSA berdiri, dimana kami sudah banyak berkontribusi aktif dalam upaya untuk menyehatkan dan mencerdaskan bangsa Indonesia khususnya di Yogyakarta melalui aktivitas-aktivitas yang kami miliki dengan memanfaatkan kapasitas dan kemampuan mahasiswa/i kedokteran dengan tagline “Empowering Medical Students’, Improving Nation’s Health”. Hal tersebut kami wujudkan melalui 6 Committees yaitu Medical Education Committee (MECO), Public Health Committee (PHCO), Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS Committee (RACO), Research Exchange Committee (RECO), Human Rights and Peace Committee (RPCO), dan Student Exchange Committee (SECO). Terakhir, kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang sampai saat ini telah membantu, mendukung, dan berpartisipasi pada organisasi kami baik itu Civitas Akademika FKIK UMY, CIMSA Indonesia, IFMSA, serta pihak eksternal yang telah bekerjasama dengan kami. Kami percaya bahwa dengan niat tulus kami dalam melaksanakan aktivitas MMSA yang sangat beragam dari tingkat lokal hingga tingkat Internasional, akan menghasilkan manfaat bagi kesehatan bangsa Indonesia dan tentunya akan bermanfaat juga bagi kami mahasiswa/i kedokteran. Maka dari itu mari kita bersama sama bahu-membahu untuk terus membangun kesehatan masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Be Active with MMSA! Wassalamual’aikum Wr. Wb.

Muhammad Afif Nadirrafi President MMSA UMY 2020/2021


June 2021 Foreword from

President of CIMSA Indonesia Assalamu’alakum Wr. Wb. Halo CIMSA! Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) adalah organisasi mahasiswa kedokteran Indonesia yang sudah berdiri selama 20 tahun sejak 6 Mei 2001 dengan 26 universitas lokal. CIMSA memiliki visi dan misi “Empowering medical students, improving nation’s health”. Fokus area yang dibawa oleh CIMSA terdiri dari 6 bidang kerja yaitu Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH), Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP), Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS (SCORA), Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE), dan Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE). CIMSA berafiliasi secara global dengan International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA) dan berkomitmen dalam mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) khususnya pada poin 3 (Good health and wellbeing), poin 4 (Quality Education), poin 5 (Gender Equality), dan poin 13 (Climate Change). MMSA UMY selama ini dikenal sebagai salah satu lokal CIMSA yang aktif berkontribusi dalam menyumbang berbagai prestasi dan member yang proaktif baik di lokal maupun nasional. Saya, selaku President CIMSA Indonesia 2020-2021, yakin MMSA UMY dapat terus mengembangkan member-membernya untuk menjadi mahasiswa kedokteran yang terus berinovasi mengembangkan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Terus berkembang dan bermimpi MMSA UMY! Be Active with CIMSA! Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Muhammad Orri Baskoro President CIMSA Indonesia 2020/2021


explore Foreword from

Regional Coordinator Region 5 Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Halo MMSA! Muhammadiyah Medical Students’ Activities (MMSA) UMY merupakan salah satu organisasi yang “Muda Mendunia”. Masuk kedalam lokal aktif Region 5 CIMSA, MMSA merupakan kontributor tetap CIMSA dalam mewujudkan “Empowering Medical Students’ Improving Nation’s Health”. MMSA UMY telah menjadi lokal unggulan dengan berbagai aktivitas yang inovatif, kreatif, dan seru. MMSA selalu bisa menghadirkan rasa kekeluargaan yang hangat bagi member dan yang paling penting memberikan impact nyata bagi masyarakat melalui aktivitasnya. Semoga MMSA dapat terus menjadi rumah bagi member-membernya, membuat terobosan baru yang bermanfaat bagi semua pihak dan selalu meningkatkan semangatnya dalam berkembang di CIMSA demi terciptanya kesehatan Indonesia yang lebih baik. Keep shining! Be Active with CIMSA! Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Haykal Rahman Regional Coordinator Region 5 CIMSA Indonesia 2020/2021


June 2021 aaa

editor notes Assalamual’aikum Wr. Wb Hello MMSA! One year has passed. It only feels like yesterday that we started working together to empower medical students and improving the nation’s health. Yet here we are. MMSA UMY are honored to presents Explore Magazine June 2021 Edition. Explore Magazine is a collage of the wild journey that we went through and the achievements that we get along the way. The release of this magazine marks the end of our term. Our path was not easy, but together we managed to finish this year with a blast. Sincerest gratitude is sent towards our members and partners for the support and opportunities that are given to us. We sincerely hope that this year’s edition of Explore Magazine would bring you some joy and closure to reminiscence this past year. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Dimas Rakha Nanda Satwika Media Director MMSA UMY 2020/2021

COVER PHOTO FOR EXPLORE MAGAZINE JUNE 2021 : By Dimas Rakha Nanda Satwika On Frame : Cindy Wieke P. R. and M. Ryan Ramadhan A. P




June 2021



COHEAD 2020 Collaborative Health Day

by : Ristyaning Safa Adristi On April 18th 2021, MECO MMSA UMY held a Collaborative Health Day (COHEAD) activity. Collaborative Health Day (COHEAD) is an Interprofessional Education (IPE) training activity aimed at first and second year students from doctoral education, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy study programs of FKIK UMY. The background for the implementation of this activity was due to the low knowledge of students about the role of each existing health profession, this was due to the lack of the role of stakeholders in implementing IPE, especially in early level students of FKIK UMY.

It is hoped that students will be able to recognize the role of their profession as well as the roles of other professions as health workers who will later form a team to improve the service of health workers in Indonesia.


The COHEAD project was held for one day, and prior to project implementation, internal training was carried out to provide knowledge to MECO members about Interprofessional Education (IPE) by Medical Education Trainers (MET). Because the project was held in the middle of a pandemic, COHEAD 2021 had to be carried out online through the Zoom Meeting platform. This activity begins with a grand lecture agenda, which is the presentation of material by dr. Ika Setyawati, M.Sc. regarding IPE in general to four professions. After that, it was continued with a small class session where students were divided into breakout rooms, and each breakout room was filled with a mentor per study program to explain the role of the profession in cooperation between professions. After the small class session, students were again divided into breakout rooms together with other study programs to carry out a small working group, students from the four professions discussed the material that had been provided through the five steps method. The implementation of COHEAD 2021 was welcomed by the Medical Education Unit (MEU) and was also welcomed by students, as evidenced by the enthusiasm of registrants who exceeded the target of 46 registrants. Hopefully the holding of COHEAD 2021 will be able to introduce and provide earlier knowledge about IPE to early level students of FKIK UMY.

June 2021

RESISTOR Reduce Diabetes Risk Factor by : Ashifa Gita P. On November 15th and 29th 2020, Public Health Committee (PHCO) MMSA UMY successfully commemorated World Diabetes Day by holding RESISTOR with the theme of Diabetes and COVID-19. This project is aimed to increase knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of preventing diabetes by adopting a healthy lifestyle. WHO has declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern. The existence of this pandemic makes people with comorbid diseases more prone to develop complications, one of which is caused by fluctuations in blood glucose.

Based on Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of diabetes in Yogyakarta is quite high and has increased from 2.6% to 3.1%.

Therefore, as medical students, we saw the urge to raise public awareness to reduce the risk of diabetics during the COVID-19 pandemic. We started this event by holding a talk show “Perspectives from People Living with Diabetes During Pandemic,” with dr. Elisabeth Susianiwati, a Sobat Diabet volunteer, and Ms. Sarah Sungkar, an activist with type 1 diabetes, as speakers. On this occasion, viewers are invited to hear about the obstacles and challenges experienced by people with diabetes during the pandemic. Afterwards, we held a Web Seminar, “Dealing with Diabetes During COVID-19 Pandemic Era” in collaboration with COMDEV ARIES MMSA UMY, where we also engaged with the citizens of Dusun Watu. We invited doctors of various expertise to discuss diabetes prevention and complications that could arise, especially on eye health, namely the head of the Yogyakarta branch of PERSADIA, dr. R Bowo Pramono, Sp. PD-KEMD (K), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta medical faculty lecturer, dr. Muhammad Khotibuddin, M.P.H, and ophthalmologist, dr. Nur Shani Meida, Sp.M., M.Kes, dr. Yunani Setyandriana, Sp.M, and dr. Ahmad Ikliluddin, Sp.M. We hope this Webinar can be helpful to increase people’s awareness on the importance of adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a way to prevent Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic.



International Women’s Day Kerja Sama Pertama dengan UNFPA by : Vita Fatimah dan Athiyya Salma H. Dalam rangka memperingati International Women’s Day pada tanggal 8 Maret 2021, RACO dan RPCO MMSA UMY melaksanakan serangkaian kegiatan yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terkait kekerasan seksual berbasis gender khususnya rape culture. Budaya masyarakat yang masih menormalkan adanya pelecehan seksual seperti catcalling, menyalahkan perempuan karena menggoda dan masih banyak lainnya akan meningkatan angka kekerasan seksual berbasis gender yang ada di masyarakat. Tema yang kami angkat adalah TANOS: Take an Act and –


End Violation Against Women yang sesuai dengan topik yang kami angkat yaitu rape culture. Kegiatan IWD dilakukan dengan berbagai rangkaian, yaitu internal training yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Maret 2021 dengan narasumber dari PETRA SCORA yaitu Alda Juwita, dan HRT SCORP yaitu Laksita Faradyna. Jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 49 member RACO dan RPCO MMSA UMY. Kami juga mengadakan diskusi publik dengan pembicara dari UNFPA (Risya A. Kori), dr. RR Tesaviani Kusumastiwi K, Sp.KJ (Psikiater dan Dosen FKIK UMY), Mitra Kencana (Dra Istiatun, MA), dan moderator oleh Manajer Divisi Pendampingan Rifka Annisa Women’s Crisis Center (Indah Wahyu, S. Psi). Acara yang dibuka untuk umum ini dihadiri oleh 115 peserta. Kegiatan lain yang kami lakukan yaitu video edukasi yang diisi oleh bapak Jelang Hardika, S.Psi., M.Psi dari Lembaga Layanan Psikologi Progresif dengan ditonton sebanyak 444x. Kami juga mengupload twibbon di post instagram para member pada tanggal 8 Maret 2021.

June 2021

Increasing People ‘s Knowledge about Research by : Carissa Mayora P. Last Thursday, on November 19th, 2020, Research Exchange Committee (RECO) MMSA UMY commemorated Research Campaign by increasing People’s Knowledge about Research (INSPIRE) via Zoom Meeting and Instagram story the theme Bioethics and Ethical Challenges in COVID 19 Research. This event aims to increase the knowledge of medical students about research. This year’s campaign used bioethics as the main topic because medical students’ knowledge about this is still low. Bioethics is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine. It is also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy and practice. As a medical student, it is essential to understand bioethics well since it’s one field we will work on in the future. So, we decided to invite an expert speaker, Dr. dr. Titiek Hidayati, M.Kes., FISPH., FISCM who is The Head Committee of KEPK FKIK UMY. Her background in research activity was –––––

It’s not made to make research harder, it’s made to give protection for all of us, especially the vulnerable.


making yesterday’s webinar much more informative. Pandemic COVID-19 seems like a big hurdle for research. Everything seems impossible to do in this kind of situation The chance of putting aside bioethical aspects in research is more likely to happen. On this webinar, Dr. dr. Titiek Hidayati, M.Kes., FISPH., FISCM explained how research can still work, and even this situation is giving us more chances to do research. She said, “These situations are giving us more chance and more topic to be researched. Research doesn’t mean you have to go to a laboratory and do some experiments. With only secondary data or using an online questionnaire, it’s still called research. So, keep up your spirit! There are hundreds of ways to do research.” This webinar gives us general knowledge about bioethics and provides us with the motivation to keep doing research, Dr. dr. Titiek Hidayati, M.Kes., FISPH., FISCM also kept us updated with the current study of COVID-19 Vaccines. It turns out that Indonesia also developed vaccines under the command Eijkman Institute and it’s considered as one of the safest research vaccines for Indonesians. As a closing, she stated once again about the importance of bioethics,

The webinar was then closed by giving an e-certificate for the speaker and took some pictures together.




Fight Against Discrimination By : Athiyya Salma H. On 8th – 11th February 2021, Human Right and Peace Committee (RPCO) MMSA UMY held a project called Fight Against Discrimination (Formation) with the theme “Unity in Diversity”. The event focused on sign language education to improve the ability of people and communities especially medical students to communicate using sign language. The fact that Deaf friends often experienced difficulties in accessing health and Indonesia still have the minimum number of “Teman Dengar” who can understand sign language. Therefore Human Rights and Peace Committee held this anamnesis training in sign language. The fulfilment of these rights was achieved through a series of activities to be carried out. We hold a webinar which was held on Monday, February 8th 2021 and we also invite our expert deaf friends, Mr. Dafi Muchlisin and Mr. Gustian Hafidh from Pusat Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (PUSBISINDO) DIY and Ms. Sari Widaya Utami the sign language interpreter from Pusat Layanan Juru Bahasa Isyarat (PLJ). We conducted another event to know how well the training increased participants knowledge about sign language after the training by pre-test, post-test, evaluation form, and video challenge. The Video Challenge we did was called 15s Sign Language Challenge and all participants who took part in Formation were given the same opportunity to take part in this challenges


June 2021

explore FESTCO Fun English with SECO by : Naura Nadhira It’s never too early to begin learning a language. In fact, some study shows that learning language at a very young age makes the process easier. According to Heidi M. Feldman, MD, PhD in Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, by the age of 5 years, children will learn thousands of words and can create sentences with complex grammatical features. By age 8 years, their speech sound inventory mature.

Why learning language— especially English, is such an important skill that everyone needs to learn?

The answer is because English is the language of International Communication. Knowing English will increase someone’s chances of getting better education, job, obtaining information and socializing. However, according to Kemendikbud Ramon Mohandas “In 2013 curriculum, English will not be considered as compulsory subjects for elementary school, only as additional.” For that matter, SECO MMSA UMY is inspired to build a project that teaches elementary student to understand English better. The project is named Fun English with SECO (FESTCO). FESTCO aims to take part in children’s education, especially in English. Because we know to achieve Global Health Awareness and Cultural Understanding, we need young generations to learn the fundamental aspect that could help them in the future. And that is language.

FESTCO was held in SD Muhammadiyah Banyuraden Yogyakarta and has 4 interventions that includes lessons, games and final exam. On February 2nd 2021, we held our first intervention. The first intervention is all about learning human body parts. Beforehand, we trained our members on how to educaten children in a fun way, so the children would not get bored and stay interested in the topic. The second intervention was held on February 9th 2021. In second intervention we played a game that almost everyone is familiar with: snakes and stairs. Everything went smoothly and the children loved the game, it was a good refreshment for them. The third intervention was held on February 16th 2021. After the game on second intervention, the children were ready to learn more. The third intervention has different subjects than the first one. It was vegetables and fruits. Just like the first intervention, the children learn really fast. With interactiveparticipative methods, the children can excel the topic in no time. On February 23rd 2021 we bid our goodbye to the children as we encounter our last intervention. It was sad, hopeful, and happy at the same time.

Children is our future generation, with that in mind, SECO MMSA UMY has hopes to continue our journey in improving Global Health Awareness and Cultural Understanding through promoting better language education for children.




June 2021



INTERMEDIC International Medical Exchange Experience By : Fitria Azizah Hendrakusuma This year, Student Exchange Committee (SECO) & Research Exchange Committee (RECO) MMSA UMY held our annual event INTERMEDIC through an online platform with a theme Bring New Perspective on Exchange During Pandemics. INTERMEDIC is a part of our exchange fair activities in April. This event was held on 11th April 2021 with our amazing speakers. We have 2 sessions of lectures. First by dr. April Imam Prabowo DTM & H, MFM(Clin) as a lecturer who is a person in charge of UMY’s elective block, and the second session was brought by Clauvinna A. Lie Fisca as NEO for Outgoing and Monika Herliana as NORE. In his section, dr. April explained about the possibilities and different perspectives about the exchange during the pandemic. He said, “This pandemic is hindering our student mobility program. So, if we’re going to hold this program right now, it needs a whole different way, not just adding regulations from how we used to do it.

Remembering that this pandemic will never really disappear, we need some change in it.


June 2021

World Aids Day A Collaboration Project between MMSA and Region 5 by : Region 5 Unite to diminish HIV and AIDS Discrimination is a collaborative project consisting SCORA CIMSA UGM, SCORA CIMSA UKDW, and RACO MMSA UMY. The activities were translocal LPET, preassessment of PLWHA and PLHIV, mapping NGOs, Instagram filters to commemorate WAD, free counseling for PLWHA and PLHIV, petitions, and hearings to NGOs and the DIY Health Office. The pre-assessment was filled by 75 PLHIV in Indonesia, 75% of which came from Yogyakarta. Though, we found 81% of PLWHA and PLHIV experienced negative stigma and discrimination by society. Most of them are the assumption of promiscuity (64%), HIV/AIDS are very easy to transmit (54,7%), and refusing to use the same cutlery (28.5%). They were discriminated against by the general public (39%), friends (19%), health workers (16%), work environment (8%), and family (4%).

A free counseling was held for PLWHA and PLHIV since 15% of the preassessment stated they needed emotional support. This counseling was held by YAIDS and LPP on 11th-17th December 2020 with 11 participants with HIV/AIDS. A petition called “Kembalikan Hak ODHA dan ODHIV Sebagai Manusia!” was made and signed by 147 people via change.org. In the NGO Mapping, there were four NGOs in Yogyakarta (Victory Plus Foundation, Kebaya, PKBI, and Vesta) active in HIV/AIDS. The last series was a hearing on the counseling results and the preassessment discussing possible collaborative steps to support PLHIV and PLHIV from the four NGOs. We held a hearing at the DIY health office with Victory Plus Foundation.


explore MMSA’s Community Development by : Salsabila Kusuma Jannati Comdev ARIES (Aksi Hindari Diabetes Mellitus) is one of MMSA UMY Community Developments which focuses on increasing knowledge about diabetes and healthy lifestyle in Posyandu Lansia Dusun Watu, Desa Argomulyo, Kecamatan Sedayu, Kabupaten Bantul. Comdev ARIES was initiated in 2019. This year, we held 3 interventions. We held webinar in collaboration with PHCO’s RESISTOR as our first intervention on November 29th 2020 via Zoom Meetings, which was presented by dr. R. Bowo Pramono, Sp. PD-KEMD (K) from Persadia; dr. Muhammad Khotibuddin, M. P. H.; dr. Nur Shani Meida, M. Kes, Sp. M; dr. Yunani Setyandriana, and Sp. M; dr. Ahmad Ikliluddin, Sp. M. We facilitate some participants and cadres with laptops for those in need. On February 28th 2021, we held our second intervention via WhatsApp Group. We sent audio from dr. Muhammad Khotibuddin and held discussion. On May 23rd 2021, we held our third intervention by sending audio and e-book in WhatsApp Group and doing question and answer session. We also distributed minibooks about diabetes to cadres so they can educate and lend books to others. MMSA also have another Comdev known as Comdev MEDIKO. Comdev MEDIKO (Mengawasi Diare dan Faktor Risikonya) is one of MMSA UMY Community Developments which focuses on increasing knowledge about diarhea and PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) in Posyandu Delima Putih Dusun Ngasem, Desa Timbulharjo, Kecamatan Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul. Comdev MEDIKO was initiated in 2020. We held our first bonding on December 12th 2020 via WhatsApp Group. Before we held our first intervention, we had a pre-intervention training that was presented by a Public Health Leader, Hani Fakhrunnisa. On February 7th 2021, we held our first intervention entitled “Ibu Cermat, Anak Sehat, Diare Tamat via Zoom Meetings, which was presented by dr. H. Mohammad Komarudin, Sp. A from RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. We facilitate mothers and cadres with laptops for those in need. On May 16th 2021, we held our second intervention by sharing education video about Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) and doing question and answer session via WhatsApp Group. We also distributed minibooks about diare and PHBS to mothers and cadres.


June 2021


June 2021

by : M. Ryan Ramadhan Ajie Putra Masa kuliah merupakan masa yang penting bagi mahasiswa, dimana terjadi perubahan mental dari remaja menjadi dewasa. Disaat itu pula mahasiswa sadar bahwa akademik bukan segalanya. Mereka mulai mengenal apa pentingnya berorganisasi itu.

Keseimbangan antara kegiatan akademik dan organisasi akan memberikan dampak yang signifikan untuk masa depan seorang mahasiswa. Pada dunia perkuliahan, istilah mahasiswa ‘kupu-kupu’ dan mahasiswa ‘kurakura’ sudah tidak asing di telinga mahasiswa. Mahasiswa ‘kupu-kupu’ atau kuliah-pulang kuliah-pulang dan ‘kura-kura’ atau kuliah-rapat kuliah-rapat merupakan sebuah jalan yang harus dipilih oleh seorang mahasiswa. Seorang mahasiswa dapat memilih apakah masa kuliahnya akan diisi dengan kegiatan akademik saja, atau akan memilih untuk ikut bergabung dengan organisasi. Keseimbangan antara akademik dan organisasi akan memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar untuk kedepannya. Dalam berorganisasi, sangat banyak soft-skill dan hard-skill yang bisa didapatkan. Hal ini bukan berarti mahasiswa ‘kupu-kupu’ tidak bisa mendapatkannya, namun mahasiswa ‘kura-kura’ akan mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih luas dibandingkan mahasiswa ‘kupu-kupu’. Menurut David Derbyshire, seorang jurnalis asal Inggris, berorganisasi memiliki beberapa manfaat, antara lain dapat meningkatkan kecakapan dalam problem-solving, melatih decision-making, membiasakan berinovasi, meningkatkan public-speaking skill, dan akan terbiasa untuk berfikir kritis. Skill seperti ini akan sangat berguna di masa depan nanti karena nilai yang baik pasti akan kalah dengan pengalaman yang lebih banyak.


June 2021 Mesranya mahasiswa berorganisasi ternyata tidak selamanya berjalan dengan mulus. Pada tahun 2020, virus COVID-19 berhasil masuk ke Indonesia. Keberhasilan virus ini mendesak WHO untuk mengeluarkan statement bahwa fenomena COVID-19 adalah fenomena Global Pandemic. Virus yang disebut-sebut pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, Tiongkok ini telah berhasil mengacaukan segala aspek yang ada di masyarakat, salah satunya adalah pendidikan. Sebelum Covid-19 berhasil mewabah, pendidikan di Indonesia belum mengenal adanya online-based leaning. Sehingga pendidikan formal hanya dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka atau offline. Namun pandemi ini memaksa sistem pendidikan kita untuk beradaptasi dengan melakukan pendidikan secara daring atau online. Jika dibilang terkejut, tentu Indonesia sangat terkejut dengan perubahan yang drastis seperti ini. Terlihat dari masa awal pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) dimulai, hampir 50% masyarakat Indonesia masih kesulitan dalam mengakses internet, termasuk mahasiswa. Perubahan sistem pendidikan menuntut mahasiswa untuk beradaptasi. Bukan hanya dalam perihal perkuliahan, namun juga perihal berorganisasi. Seluruh kegiatan yang awalnya dilakukan secara tatap muka, akhirnya terpaksa diubah menjadi kegiatan daring. Walaupun terdapat banyak platform daring yang dapat digunakan, tetapi tetap saja kegiatan yang dilakukan tidak seefektif saat tatap muka dulu. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, mahasiswa sudah dapat beradaptasi sehingga muncul inovasi – inovasi baru yang dilakukan selama pandemi ini.

Sebelum pandemi datang, seluruh aktivitas MMSA dilakukan secara tatap muka. Namun MMSA harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa kestabilan dari seluruh pilar (internal, external, finance, dan administration) sedang menghadapi ujian yang belum pernah dihadapi sebelumnya. Masa adaptasi dari luring ke daring ternyata tidak semudah yang direncanakan. Namun MMSA tidak pernah kehabisan akal. Semangat yang tinggi untuk terus meng-Empower Medical Students dan Improving Nation’s Health selalu diperjuangkan. Dibuktikan dengan banyaknya aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan oleh MMSA secara daring. Bahkan kerja sama yang dijalin MMSA tidak hanya sebatas regional maupun nasional. MMSA berhasil menjalin kerja sama secara internasional dengan UNFPA sebagai narasumber dalam campaign International Women’s Day (IWD). Pada saat pandemi ini pula, MMSA berhasil menginisiasi sebuah program podcast yang dinamai MMSA Podcast (MAPS). Pada MAPS, MMSA membahas mengenai topik-topik yang sedang hangat diperbincangkan seperti tips menjaga kesehatan mental, kanker payudara, dan cerita tentang diskriminasi ODHA/ODHIV dengan berbagai Narasumber yang bukan sembarang orang. MMSA berhasil mendatangkan narasumber dari lembaga yang memang ahli pada bidangnya. Dengan banyaknya aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan oleh MMSA pada saat pandemi ini, diharapkan MMSA mampu dapat memberdayakan member dan juga meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat sesuai dengan tagline MMSA yaitu ‘Empowering Medical Students Improving Nation’s Heath.



EXCHANGE STORIES Living Abroad as Medical Student in Perugia, Italy by Bimantara Lesmana


June 2021 Italy, once I heard about its name, I think about Europe and the whole gothic, renaissance, and roman age. I am Bima, one of participant of IFMSA-SCOPE Exchange. I was about interest to go exchange since my dream is living abroad in thousand miles from Indonesia. My journey’s background is started to pay all of the late-things when I was in senior high school and remember how regret I am to not join in exchange program. I was too young and I was too apathetic for not managing my capacity building, it should be great if my mind right now is going to be retropsective and growing as i am today but in the past. Several years later, when I accepted in medical school, I was always contact to the member of my college who has been experienced in exchange nor program that related with and she told me that our university has it. I was super excited to hear about my university has an exchange program managed by the organization called MMSA or Muhammadiyah Medical Students’ Activities which has relation with CIMSA-Indonesia and IFMSA. I joined the organization and contribute including my thoughts and energies to be its member and of course, the key of my mission is to exchange then I accepted in SCOPE as my standing committee forever.

easier to catch something we need and we got 90 euros to change our lunch/meals during our stays in Italy. I started my journey in Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia di Perugia, a big hospital in the small town with extraordinary facilities there. I always woke up in 6 a.m to catch the bus to go to the hospital, well I spent 10 euros for 10 tickets and it’s cheaper than you buy a single ticket which is 1,40 euros. I went to anesthesia department since pulmonologydepartment of internal medicine was too risky for me in the first meeting. I remember that I didn’t choose anesthesia as my department but I chosed internalmedicine (pulmonary) since I was interested in internal medicine and tropical medicine as well. Tuberculosis and pneumonia were my learning objects to study and to see the prevalence and what Italian factor risks towards those diseases. Anesthesia is not that bad eventhough I was not chosed it but I found a lot of case not only about one department but also more three even four departments. My personal favorite department was oncology when the doctor presented me a melanoma case on the patient and I was instructed by the doctor to do a gamma-probe system to detect the senthinel-lymphs as a marker of the melanoma itself

Time flies so fast and I got accepted in IFMSAExchange Program where I placed in Italy, my first choice. Italy was my dream since I was in first year of medical student, I wrote it in my wall over the blackpapper with the silver marker as if you (Italy) are my future destination to live and to study. I choose Italy is because its characteristc of the building and also its history. I love the type of its building like I wondered of every single fused houses with the small balcony and a little plant there also the small aisle is one of the special things there. Those are the things which made Italy is traditional but mesmerizing. The most-exciting part to go exchange in my preparation were planning the trip after exchange with my group and the visa, the appointment of my visa was terrible from the expired schedule from the embassy until the time-limit when my friend and I were in Jakarta to appoint the visa but everything was fine until I can go to Italy as well. I placed in the not too small city but wonderful, called it Perugia. I live in Via Fatebenefratelli or the dorm that served by the local committee, the place is satisying and near with the central city that made us



Italian has a wondeful culture, based on my personal thoughts. I often met a people which not too fluent in english but always insert a little smile after the end of conversation. I appreciate it a lot because to me smile is a media to express the feelings. The other ones are they are often gathered as one in the middle of the city in late night to drink a beer and to party even I am not into that group, I felt like that’s one thing that made this city life in the night and I was amazed of those things. Pasta and pizza always be the sign of every italians, where they go, they always ordered pizzas and pastas, there I go too, my friends and I often to buy a loaf of pizza and to be eaten in the middel of the city whether in evening nor in night. My exchange experience would be one of my greatest experience in my life cause I’ve experienced the ups and downs during my exchange period. The homesick and missing indonesian foods were my best part of this experience since I am a type of missing-home people. My messages to all of you who will go exchange in the next summer: use this platform as well because this platform will bring you a great opportunity as a student and as a future health leader, do the best when you are in the hospital and also be active because you are the leader of yourself and you are the dicision-maker of your plan about why you are here and why you take this opportunity. This platform will be in vain if you are just sitting down in the corner of the wall rather than to search anything that related with the today’s opperation or case. The doctor will be nice to greet you and to inform you every single thing that you don’t understand or you’re just curious, they will open to you as long as your question matter. The other part of this journey is keep contact with your friend during your stay is important too cause this platform beside increase your capacity building is to widen your connection, this is one of the benefits of exchange because in the end of your story there, you will miss every single person that you are together with because the time has gone but the memories stayed. The last but not least exchange may spend your money as well, but it can increase your mental, knowledge, and your leadership skill therefore those skills will cover up every single money you spend at and forge you to be a one step ahead skill-person than your friends also your provision to be a global health leader.


June 2021

dr. Febryan Yovi Saputra

Do something today that your future-self will thank you for

nampaknya selalu menjadi pegangan hidup dr. Febryan Yovi Saputra. Terbukti selama masa perkuliahan, beliau tidak ingin hanya diam di zona nyaman, beliau aktif sebagai member Student Exchange Committee (SECO), menjabat sebagai President of MMSA 2013/2014, Supervising Council (SC) MMSA 2014/2015, bahkan menjabat sebagai Liaison Officer for Student Organization (LO SO) CIMSA Nasional 2014/2015. Dari segudang pengalaman yang telah beliau torehkan, tak heran jika beliau berani berkata “Pengalaman di MMSA akan bermanfaat bagi diri kalian sendiri di masa yang akan datang.”

1. Awalnya, kenapa kak Yovi memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan MMSA? Dengan jujur kak Yovi menjawab “karena jaket CIMSA-nya! Lalu setelah mengikuti acara Student Fair, mulai lebih tertarik lagi karena mulai mengetahui project-project yang diadakan, juga sering bertanyatanya kepada kakak tingkat, dan ternyata cocok dengan apa yang aku cari” lanjut penjelasan beliau. Barulah setelah itu kak Yovi memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan MMSA.

President of MMSA 2013/2014, Supervising Council (SC) MMSA 2014/2015, and Liaison Officer for Student Organization (LO SO) CIMSA Nasional 2014/2015

2. Apa saja sih yang kak Yovi dapatkan setelah bergabung dengan MMSA? “Wah banyak banget. Di MMSA aku belajar banyak hal untuk pengembangan diri di luar ilmu kedokteran yang aku dapat dari kampus”. “Menjadi dokter yang baik itu bukan hanya unggul di bidang keilmuan, tapi juga di bidang manajerial, organisasi, komunikasi, dan kepemimpinan.” Menurutnya, MMSA merupakan tempat belajar yang tidak ada habisnya. 3. Apa yang membuat kak Yovi tertarik menjadi Official, bahkan sampai ke Nasional? Kak Yovi merasa menjadi member MMSA pada tahun pertama belum memberi kepuasan berorganisasi. Maka, pada tahun kedua kak Yovi memutuskan untuk mencalonkan dirinya menjadi President of MMSA.

Ketika ditanya apa yang menjadi motivasi kak Yovi untuk memutuskan hal tersebut, beliau menjawab “Kapan lagi ada kesempatan untuk mencalonkan diri menjadi ketua organisasi sebesar MMSA? Itu yang aku rasakan waktu ada pengumuman Official Wanna Be (OWB). Dari jaman sekolah aku ga pernah ikut organisasi yang seformal MMSA, jadi aku berpikir bahwa di MMSA ini kesempatan terakhir aku ‘belajar’ organisasi dan kepemimpinan”. Kak Yovi melanjutkan “Ketika sudah merasakan serunya menjabat di lokal (MMSA UMY), aku merasa belum puas, jadi aku memberanikan diri untuk nyalon official nasional. Dikarenakan selama menjabat official lokal aku condong lebih menyukai hal yang berbau eksternal, jadi aku coba mencalonkan diri menjadi LO SO”.



4. Apa sih yang kak Yovi dapatkan saat menjadi Official? “Tanggung jawab. Aku rasa dua kata tersebut sudah cukup mewakili dinamika yang aku alami selama menjabat menjadi official baik di MMSA maupun CIMSA. Ketika kita mencalonkan diri untuk suatu hal, dan kita terpilih, maka kita harus konsisten dan bertanggung jawab terhadap hal itu. Tidak boleh ada alasan A, B, C untuk tidak melakukan job description jabatan kita. Ketika sudah komitmen, mau tidak mau, suka tidak suka harus dilaksanakan dengan baik apapun pengorbanan yang harus kita lakukan” lanjut penjelasan beliau mengapa memilih kata ‘tanggung jawab’ sebagai pengalaman berharga yang didapatkan. 5. Apa ada manfaat organisasi yang dirasakan setelah lulus dari pendidikan pre-klinik dan memasuki dunia kerja? “Yang paling aku rasakan ialah adanya peningkatan dalam kemampuan berkomunikasi, kemampuan beradaptasi, dan networking. Selain itu aku mendapat mindset bahwa apa yang terlihat sulit dan tidak mungkin ternyata bisa dan dapat dilakukan ketika direncanakan dengan baik”. Secara tidak langsung beliau membuktikan bahwa quote ‘Nothing is impossible’ adalah suatu kebenaran. Menurut dr. Yovi, everything can be possible ketika direncanakan dengan baik. 6. Apakah kak Yovi ada pesan untuk member MMSA sekarang? “Tidak semua orang seberuntung kita yang dapat berkesempatan kuliah kedokteran. Banyak hal yang sudah kalian korbankan agar dapat bisa duduk di sana. Jadilah orang yang selalu bersyukur dengan cara selalu berusaha yang terbaik dalam menjalani proses-prosesnya. Kelak kalian akan menjadi orang-orang yang berguna dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain. MMSA dapat eksis dan terus berkembang karena membernya. Kontribusi kalian sekecil apapun merupakan prestasi bagi MMSA. Yakinlah bahwa pengalaman kalian di MMSA akan bermanfaat bagi diri kalian sendiri di masa yang akan datang”.

Kak Yovi juga mengibaratkan MMSA seperti halnya supermarket. MMSA menyediakan sangat banyak bidang yang dapat diexplore sesuai dengan minat masing-masing. “Ibaratkan supermarket, MMSA menyediakan sangat banyak bidang yang dapat kita explore sesuai dengan minat. MMSA merupakan tempat yang ideal bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mencari peluang yang tidak ada habisnya”, ungkap dr. Febryan Yovi Saputra terhadap MMSA. Jadi, jangan ragu lagi dalam menjalani kehidupan perkuliahan. Sudah terbukti bahwa kegiatan non-akademik sangatlah bermanfaat pada kehidupan, tentunya dengan tanpa melupakan akademik masing-masing.


June 2021





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