2 minute read
Message from Head of Anatomy
M essage from the Head of Physiology and Biochemistry
Well done in obtaining the required pre-requisites for the entry into the medical course of the University of Malta. Also, a warm welcome to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, your second home for the next five years and also to the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry and the Department of Anatomy, who will host you for your first two pre- clinical years here on University Campus.
The Campus based part of your five year course, will in essence provide you with the know- how on the path of becoming of what is now referred to as a professional doctor. A professional in all sense of the word implies that you are at least competent. The process that needs to be undertaken to achieve such begins right here in which you start off as one not knowing what skills are required and therefore you are not proficient to one in which you master the skills without having to be consciously aware of doing so.
The study of medicine also requires you acquire as what may be termed a scientific way of questioning the facts, as now the practice of medicine is one that is evidence based but not that of a gut feeling. The evidence base refers to our current understanding of the scientific principles that govern the way in which our body performsits marvellous functions to enable us to do all of those wonderful things in a daily fashion.
From day dreaming to eating and drinking and to learning the ways in which our physiology performs these multitude of functions in a frame referred to as our body. Hence, your first foray with us during these two years, into the realms of physiology and anatomy, will provide you with the long term foundations on which to build your clinical knowledge base. This is to be achieved through both your lecture and tutorial sessions combined with your practical and dissection sessions that have been put together in an integrated manner to enable you to study the body from a systematic perspective both in health and disease.

Finally, I implore you to enjoy your time here with us and also that you do find the time to read and be inspired by the wealth of books currently available by top medical practitioners that truly reflect what it is to do good to others.
Prof Richard Muscat PhD (London)