Prayer, the Power to Possess What You Already Own Lesson Three
“Answered Prayer” Define FORGIVENESS:
Define PERSISTENCE: (again)
Scriptures for Daily Journals
Day One
Luke 18:1-8
Day Two
Psalm 2:8,9
Day Three
Isaiah 43:18,19,26
Day Four
Romans 8:28,32
Day Five
Luke 11:11-13, Psalm 116:1, 2
Day Six
Philippians 4:6-8
Day Seven
John 11:41-45
If we do not forgive one another we are not praying because:
Only answered prayer glorifies God because:
But we will continue to devote ourselves steadfastly to prayer and the ministry of the Word.
Acts 6:4
Forgiveness, The Prelude to Prayer An unforgiving, selfish disposition cannot exist when prayer conditions are filled. Satan will always try to hinder our prayers with feelings of bitterness toward those who have hurt us. Hate is murder and is the sister of jealousy. The results are strife and war, even though the one hated may never know there is a battle going on. Satan knows if he can get us to play past tapes and inner movie reels over again he can hinder our prayers . . . our relationship to God. In this sad condition people get consumed with themselves to the point they can’t ask and if they do, they ask amiss and so receive nothing from God. God is jealous for our love and knows that to hate another for any reason is to have an idol in our heart and to fall and miss the way. Those who feel anger and won’t let an offense go are full of pride. They can’t receive grace, they can’t ask in faith believing, but those who walk by faith are constantly practicing the grace of forgiveness. They are holding onto Christ for all things. It’s easy to resist the devil when you’re holding on to the hem of His garment!
A Journal “Always be willing to forgive. . . no matter what. Come close to Me and I will come close to you. Be willing to be insignificant in your own eyes and I will lift you up and make your life significant. Don’t allow abusive language toward another to come out of your mouth and don’t accuse or speak evil but release them to Me and loose them into My love. Don’t pass judgment or condemnation on another person but love them with My love. Evil actions are already condemned. Learn to keep 65
people separate from their actions. Hate evil action, not the person’s being used to perform them. In this way you can love your enemies while you pray for them.” “Father, I want to see things as they really are, so I ask You to come close to me, that my perceptions may be the same as Yours. I will forgive as an act of my will, trusting that the action to release will bring the revelation of Your love for others. I cannot afford to let anything or anyone separate me from Your presence for any reason. Therefore, I will truly forgive from the heart. You are my God and I will have no other gods before You. Amen.”
Persistent Prayer God answers prayer. To pray is to believe this fact. Not to be concerned about the answer to prayer is not to pray at all. How many wasted prayers have been offered for which no answer is returned, no answer longed for, and no answer expected! Faith, by the very fact that it is faith, teaches us that it is God’s will to answer prayer. The most real thing about prayer is the answer it secures, for it is the fact of the answer that makes the prayer, and which enters into its very being. The Word of God is the basis, the inspiration and the heart of prayer. For this reason journalizing can be foundational to a strong prayer life. Following is a journal from Luke 18: 1-8. Notice how the Lord speaks to us from this story about His resolve to answer all our prayers.
A Journal “Jaque, people often think I am slow and last minute when answering their prayers. This picture portrays Me as one who is so busy with the universe that I barely have time to get around to their request. It’s as if I am like an insurance adjuster who has a desk piled high with files. I know you’ve seen those people. You go into their office to see about a claim and the adjuster just can’t put his hands on your file. You sit in a chair and wait as he scrambles to find it. Plowing through 66
drawers and papers, he finally secures it. It was either stuck on the bottom of the stack or he pulls it out of the trash. ‘Oh!,’ he shouts, ‘It must have been thrown in there by accident!’ “The unjust judge is the image by which I am too often viewed. He is inconsiderate and totally unconcerned about your petty claim, and like the widow who came to him, you think you must annoy Me and wear Me out with much asking so at last I will reply with the answer you need. Who would want to pray having this perception? This judge doesn’t reverence the ways of God, but I am not like this judge. . . I am God. This judge has put your file on the bottom, but I am the God who has your file on top. “This judge couldn’t care less if
“ I am the One who placed in you the desire to ask for what you are praying.”
your claim and petition are righteous. This widow came to the judge because she knew she was right, but this made no difference to the judge. Now if this wicked judge can be persuaded to grant a petition to a tenacious widow who had no husband to help her, no lawyer to defend her rights. . . if this judge who totally disregarded this woman finally gave in to her through her persistence, how much
more. . . how much more will I, the living God, the God of righteousness and justice, attend to your petitions? I am the One who placed in you the desire to ask for what you are praying! I am the One who is spinning around for joy when you make your petition! I am the One whose will you are bringing to earth through your prayer! How much more do I want to do this for you speedily?
I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However when the Son of Man comes will He find (persistence in) faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 AMP
“Will My bride continue to view Me as an unjust judge or will she know Me as I am and therefore ask and keep asking? And if I indeed give speedily, will she see My answer and therefore move on to the next petition? Persist in asking Me for one thing after another and recognize the fruit of My justice all over the earth.” “Oh God, Revealer of hearts, Revealer of truth, thank You for Your lessons. You are the God who has our files on the top of the stack, we are first with You. The bride of Christ has a husband Who defends and protects, who gives and keeps on giving. We already have in You, the things we ask for. Open our eyes and cause us to see the wonderful inheritance that is waiting to be claimed by our prayers. Amen.”
Lesson Three END OF WEEK RESPONSE QUESTIONS Please answer questions on separate 8 ½ x 11 paper. Double space all lines and leave wide margins on both sides. Be sure to put your name, date and lesson number on the top left corner of the first page and staple your pages together.
1. How does a forgiving heart open you to be a vessel for praying true prayers? 2. How does your Father differ from the unjust judge? 3. What has been your greatest prayer experience during this study? 4. Please share your journalizing experience this week with regard to heart and frequency. Please attach a copy of one of this week’s journals.
Please complete the Evaluation Questions on the following page and mail to: Visionwriters International PO Box 2020 Yucca Valley, CA 92286 Or, if you use Microsoft Word, you may attach them to an email and send to:
Please answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper and mail to: Visionwriters International PO Box 2020 Yucca Valley, CA 92286 Or, if you use Microsoft Word, you may attach them to an email and send to:
Your name:
Name of Course:
1. What were your expectations when you first enrolled in this course? 2. Were they fulfilled? 3. Did you participate in this course with a flow of regularity or were your lessons spasmodic? 4. How have you made immediate application of the new truths you have learned? 5. Was this a pleasant and growing experience for you? Why or why not? 6. Was your Visionkeeper a blessing to you? Why? 7. Please tell us what journalizing has meant to you. 8. Would you recommend this course to others? 9. What suggestions (if any) would you make to help us serve you better?
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day One Luke 18:1-8 “And will not (our just) God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones) who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf?” Luke 18:7 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Two Psalm 2:8,9 “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession.” Psalm 2:8 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Three Isaiah 43:18, 19, 26 “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it, and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Four Romans 8:28, 32 “We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor), all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose.” Romans 8:28 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Five Luke 11:11-13, Psalm 116:1,2 “I love the Lord, because He has heard (and now hears) my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1,2 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Six Philippians 4:6-8 “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition [definite requests] with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God.” Philippians 4:6 Today’s Date:
“Answered Prayer” Lesson Three - Day Seven John 11:41-45 “Yes, I know You always hear and listen to Me; but I have said this on account of and for the benefit of the people standing around, so that they may believe You did send Me...” John 11:42 Today’s Date: