10 side project proposal

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M e g a n N a y l o r – W a r d l e – C . O . P 3 P r o j e c t P r o p o s a l.

-What are the Moral obligations for us as illustrators? â€˜â€Śapply their skill and imagination to sell dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents, hair gel, cigarettes, credit cards, sneakers, butt toners, light beer and heavy-duty recreational vehicles. . ’ KenGarland,(2000), Firstthingsfirst.

Nike Advertising. Commercialism

Current Issues and media coverage.

Reportage and editorial illustration.

Olivier Kugler

George Butler

Key themes / definitions. Philosophical ethics and how dose that relate to society. Relativism – How your designs work for you. Subjective Relativism- Subjective relativism is the view that an action is morally right if one approves of it. A person’s approval makes the action right. This doctrine (as well as cultural relativism) is in stark contrast to moral objectivism, the view that some moral principles are valid for everyone. Subjective relativism, though, has some troubling implications. It implies that each person is morally infallible and that individuals can never have a genuine moral disagreement. Definition Postmodernism - In art, postmodernism was specifically a reaction against modernism which had dominated art theory and practice since the beginning of the twentieth century. The term postmodernism is also widely used to describe challenges and changes to to established structures and belief systems that took place in Western society and culture from the 1960s onwards. Tate, http://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/postmodernism , (date viewed 1/4/17) Marxist Utopian Socialist Theories. Commercialism- Commercialism is the practice of making a lot of money from things without caring about their quality. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/commercialism , (date veiwed 1/4/17)

Key Texts: First things First Manifesto – Ken Garland , Adbusters, (2000) On Objective Realtivism in Aesthetics- Jerome Stolnitz- The journal of philosophy, vol.57,8, (1960) Thomas Hobbes: Skeptical Moralist. Moral conflicts and Moral Awareness- Chris Bassemans – Cambridge university press,vol 86,(2011) page 563-587. Moral Holism, Moral Generalism, and Moral Dispositionalism- Luke Robinson- Oxford University Pres, vol.115,(2006) Pages 331-360. Moral and Morals- Henry T. Secrist , The University of Chicago press- Vol.31, (1920) ,pages 84-92. Arguing for Human Equality – Patrick McKinley Brennan- Cambridge university press, vol 18, (2002-2003), pages 99-149. Illustration – Thorton Oakley- The American Magazine of Art , The Frick Collection, (1919) pages 369-376. When art loses it’s sting: The evolustion of protest art in authoritarian context. –Jacqueline Adams ,Saga Publications, inc, (2005) Pages 531-558. Art as the Function of an Audience – Johannes A.Gaertner , The MIT Press, (1955) pages 80-93. Black is Bountiful: From Heroic action to artistic heroism in Afro- Atlantic history- Richard S. Newman, African american Review (2012) Pages 514-518. Enviromental Activism, social Networks and the internet- Jonathan Sullivan and Lei Xie, The china Quartlerly, Cambridge University Press (2009) Pages 422-432.

Unknown- New York times

Unknown- New york times

Apple logo.

Key Quotes ‘Moral principles play important roles in diverse areas of moral thought, practice and theory, including moral deliberation; justification of our moral judgments and beliefs, moral discloser and argument …’ ‘Morality is a private and costly luxuary.’ (Henry Brooks Adams) ‘Art itself is essentially ethical; because true work of art must have a beauty or grandeur of some kind and beauty and grandeur cannot be comprehended by the beholder except through moral sentiments. The eye is only a witness’ it is not judge.’ (Edward.G.Bulmer-Lytton.) ‘The work of art may have a morla effect but to demand moral purpose from the aritst is to make him ruin his work.’ Johnann Wolfgang von Goethe.) ‘For me . There has always been a disconnect with the sort of elitist structure of the high- art world - and my distasted for That is at odds with my felling that art should aspire to do great things.’- ( Shepard Fariey). ‘Many people send me letter in England saying , ‘ I want to be a war photogrpaher ,’ and I say. Go out into the community that you live in. There’s war going on out there; you don’t have to go halfway around the world on an airplane where There are bombs and shells. There are social wars that are worthwhile.’ Don McCullin.


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