End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL504 Illustration 1: Production & Presentation Name: Megan Naylor- Wardle Student ID: mn111088 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome
Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Stings, storyboards, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
5A5: Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to image, media, format and context through the delivery of solutions to identified visual problems. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness)
I have used a verity of processes to create one piece of work. Refining it to Lino cuts, then digitally refining them and re printing them using screen print. Demonstrating that I am using contemporary practice methods of digitally editing my work and using this as a tool for refinement but at the same time sticking to the brief requirements of a printed outcome. I have been regularly blogging and evidencing my progress though out this module. Posting workshops and sessions and where I have been successful and made mistakes such as in adobe after effects, during printing and the initial stages of the project, making sure that the work fits to the intended viewers.
Very good
5A6: Understand the potential and limitations of a range of processes, technologies and techniques involved in the development and production of work for print and screen based delivery. (Knowledge & Understanding Research)
I have tried a vast amount of print and digital processes throughout this module. Through experimenting with print firstly I was able to develop a process within which I could create a detailed piece of work using Lino print it and refine it further on Photoshop then re print using screen printing to still maintain the print texture, whilst also emending any mistakes and expanding the limitations of Lino printing. However from using digital media I can also see how important it is to contemporary practice that this element is involved as it allows me to make more refined imagery quickly and efficiently.
5B4: Analyse and critically evaluate primary/secondary source material to inform the development and contextualisation of ideas, concepts and products through individual responses to set briefs. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)
I have done a large amount of research into the civil Very good rights movement of the 1900’s and made comparisons to the issue in current times. The documentary 13th was a turning point for me and made me see that racist acts didn’t just happen in American during Harper Lee’s early life but still continues today in the form of mass incarceration of black African Americans in the justice system. From this research I have found a real passion for the issue and it has fueled me to try and make the final
outcomes thought provoking and engage with certain emotions.
5C4: Select, manipulate and apply appropriate media, processes and technologies in the development, production and presentation of ideas, concepts and products. (Practical Skills - Practical and Conceptual Development)
Creating my own process to making the 5 prints for example was really useful as I was able to gain a stronger understanding of each process and the time it would take, hence I was able to manage my time for this project effectively. But using digital media has sped my process up massively and helped to improve the quality of the final outcomes. It enabled me to experiment with composition, colour and layout.
5C5: Identify, evaluate and apply practical/technical processes, materials and media in order to produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence)
I feel that I have produce outcomes of a high quality Excellent particular in studio brief 3 and that my skills in practical methods such as Lino cutting have improved massively. My final outcomes have connected with the viewer in the way I intended and were appropriate for the correct audience. I have produced a vast amount of development work and this has help me in refining my technique and gaining a stronger understanding of new processes. Aswell as finding an appropriate process to use when making the final outcomes.
5D4: Demonstrate the ability to communicate the development and resolution of ideas through appropriate visual and written presentation of work. (Key Transferable Skills Presentation and Evaluation)
I have been regularly evaluation on my blog and reviewing and editing ideas and concepts that have not worked or been successful. By doing this it has enabled me to see where faults lie in the ideas and emended them rather then carrying on with idea then realizing that it doesn’t work or doesn’t communicate what I intended. I have presented the final prints and developments in a professional manor within my portfolio for example deckling the edges backing the prints , placing them in plastic selves and displaying them with in a book. I also used a book format to present my experimental work.
Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document, print out a copy to submit with your portfolio of work and post the PDF as your final post on your OUIL504 blog. I was initially daunted by the length of time we had to study one author, picking Haprer Lee I feel was a good decision. Even though she has only ever had two books published under her name it was the concepts behind them that drove this project. The issue of race equality I have found throughout this brief is something that I am interested and passionate about. Researching in depth into society during Harper Lee’s early life highlighted a lot of starting points for me which then fed into my editorial brief and zine. Then further research, finding that issues such as slavery and discrimination within American society are still present today for example documentary 13th stated that there are more people incarcerated made to work for free within American prison system then there where slaves in the 1800’s. It is these current issues that create
my main aims for the imagery that it needs to be thought provoking and make people aware that these issues. I also wanted to show a positive side through equal rights movements like the Black Panthers. I experimented with a verity of print processes and from this tried to establish which would be the best and effective, finding that Lino printing would be my main method. I love the aesthetic this brought into the works and how I could experiment with line quality and pattern. Even though it was very time consuming the final result I found very rewarding. Enabling me to make refined work and my skills in cutting have improved massively. Mixing this with digital processes , refining the prints further on Photoshop and manipulating them to improve elements like composition helped to speed up the process, but I didn’t want to digitally print and so I screen print the finals. Screen printing as a last step ensured that key elements of point where still there for example textures and the hand of the maker still comes through. I still wanted there to be odd imperfections as I think that this is a positive quality of printing methods and there still remains that personal element to them. Throughout this brief I have been trying to tackle a subject area that it vast, sensitive and current . This was hard especially in the initial stages when trying to find a point in which I could aim for without the chance of imagery being taken the wrong way and or causing offence. This was a good learning curve for me in understanding how work can be translated by different people, and when tackling more public facing briefs like editorial it is important to consider where it is going and how many people will view this. But turning the negatives into positives and choose to focus on civil rights groups definitely helped. It was also hard to identify an area within which I could focus my illustration around. I don’t think that I was able to do this well but looking back at the set as a whole the panther and the repeat of that symbol and the people’s faces holds it together. Feedback from peers in crits , they were getting the general idea but I would have preferred for it to be on certain focal point. However, the process used for the 5 prints to create the images I am happy with and will continue to do that more in further briefs. I worked in the print room for most of this brief and I found being in there and working form early in the morning to late very productive and helped my confidence in processes especially in screen printing. Giving myself mini deadlines for example I need to have this Lino cut by this day then print, Photoshop and screen print. I also found it useful having the timetable on estudio to refer to see the availability of the room, so if it is not free when I need it I can still make productive use of my time in the studio and mac room. I found that the best way to learn about after effects is just to play around with the software and making the sting was surprisingly easy and enjoyable , but one point of improvement could have been the panther running. I could have made it more realistic and this would have been an improvement. Another improvement is blogging. I have found it hard to find time for blogging because creating a lot of work quickly and constantly it has been hard to find turning points. I could have used with slowing down a bit and taking time to really reflect on what has work and what has not. But it has been good working in the studio with others trying to tackle different authors and stages to you, as you can give feedback, help with print processes and after effects , also if you have encountered issues you can share that with them and hopefully they will not make that mistake. Overall , I am going to keep Lino printing! I have found this a great technique and really lends itself to the way work. I am happy with my 5 prints but would have like to have had a more focused approach and the sting, I would like to work with after effects again as I feel that adding music and movements to my illustrations helps to elevate the meaning. But I think the final sting rounds the project off well and brings it back to Harper Lee who grew up during a significant time in civil rights and she reflected this though her work and the society she grew up in.