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Policies and Strategies
from Approved Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment
Complete and Green Streets
POLICY TM 1 Incorporate active transportation safety features, attractive streetscaping, and stormwater management best practices into all streets throughout the sector plan area.
TM 1.1: Work with agencies, property owners, and developers to reconstruct all existing streets to the urban street design standards within the 2017 Prince George’s County Urban Street Design Standards (or the most up-to-date County-approved urban street standards) during redevelopment of properties or through Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPW&T)/Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) capital improvement projects (CIP). (See Table 7. Recommended Master Plan of Transportation Complete and Green Streets for specific recommended urban street design standards; Map 17. Master Plan of Transportation Complete and Green Street Recommendations, and the descriptions of key street design standards on page 66) TM 1.2: Construct all new streets to the appropriate urban street design standard within the 2017 Prince George’s County Urban Street Design Standards or most up-to-date County-approved urban street standards. Where the dimensions of sidewalks within these standards conflict with those within the Zoning Ordinance, the wider sidewalk standard should apply. (See Table 7. Recommended Master Plan of Transportation Complete and Green Streets for specific urban street design standards; and Map 17. Master Plan of Transportation Complete and Green Street Recommendations) TM 1.3: Coordinate with property owners to create a minimum street grid that facilitates the movement of vehicles, bikes, and people safely including road access off of Adelphi Road and Mowatt Lane as recommended in Table 7 and additional road access onto Campus Drive at or near its intersection with Presidential Drive. All streets should avoid impacting the Regulated Area of the Countywide Green Infrastructure Network. TM 1.4: Evaluate the potential to use off-peak, onstreet parking as a traffic calming mechanism and convenience for shoppers and visitors on Campus Drive and Adelphi Road. Should a pilot project be successful, DPW&T and/or SHA should consider permanent on-street parking in the outside lanes. TM 1.5: Where existing streets cannot be retrofit to the DPW&T Urban Street Design Standards due to operational considerations, retrofit such streets with stormwater management facilities, such as bioswales and other best SWM facilities, as encouraged or required by the DPW&T Urban Street Design Standards or equivalent SHA design standards. TM 1.6: All new streets should be dedicated to any municipality in which they are located or Prince George’s County.
Prince George’s County established the Complete and Green Streets policy in 2012 with the Council Bill CB-83-2012. DPW&T incorporated Urban Street Design Standards in 2017.
See page 66 for descriptions of Urban Street Design Standards; a full description of these standards may be found at: https://www. princegeorgescountymd.gov/DocumentCenter/ View/20269/Prince-Georges-County-UrbanStreet-Design- Standards_2017?bidId=