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Evaluating the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan Area

The Plan 2035 Five-Year Evaluation analyzes the County’s progress toward the Plan 2035 vision and goals in five-year intervals. The evaluation provided insight into the implementation of the general plan’s longer-range policies and strategies and gauged their alignment with local, regional, and national demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental trends. As well, the evaluation identified completed strategies, programs, and projects. Findings from the evaluation help inform possible minor plan amendments and modifications. The primary methodology to evaluate the success of the plan was the monitoring of specific indicators at one- and five-year intervals such as an increase of higher educational attainment or a decrease in poverty rates. The list of Plan 2035 indicators can be found in Plan 2035, Table 26: Indicators of Success on page 268.

To evaluate the success of this sector plan, the project team identified the following indicators that can demonstrate progress toward achievement of the plan’s vision:

Table 28. West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel (WHQC) Sector Plan Indicators of Success


Number of new dwelling units constructed 2048 Target Why is this important in WHQC?

4,000 dwelling units Dwelling units constructed in and around the West Hyattsville Local Transit Center and Prince George’s Plaza Regional Transit District increase opportunities for people to live in locations walking distance to transit and amenities. Data Source Interval (Years) Relevant Policies

CoStar 5 LU 4 LU 5 LU 6 LU 7 LU 8 LU 9 HN 1

New dwelling units within the Sector Plan area within a one-half mile walk of Metro stations 3,000 A half-mile walkshed is the optimum distance for transitoriented development; a distance that many people will walk, bike, or use micromobility modes. TBD 5 LU 4 LU 5 LU 7

Indicator 2048 Target

Percentage of affordable dwelling units for rent 15% of all for-rent dwelling units in the sector plan area offer rents that represent less than 30% of a household’s income for households earning 65% of the area median income.

Mode split 65% of all trips taken by non-auto means (walking, bicycling, transit, etc.)

Acre-feet of compensatory floodplain storage constructed 2035 Interim goal: 75 acre-feet

2048 goal: 150 acre-feet Why is this important in WHQC?

Affordable housing units retained and constructed in the sector plan area allow residents of all income levels to live within walking distance to transit, amenities, and increased opportunities. Data Source Interval (Years) Relevant Policies

TBD 5 HN 1 HN 2

A successful transit center would require higher proportions of trips that are generated to and from the sector plan area by walking, bicycling, and transit versus single-occupancy vehicle trips.

Construction of compensatory floodplain storage permits development of properties in the West Hyattsville Local Transit Center, especially at the West Hyattsville Metro Station and the intersection of MD 500 (Queens Chapel Road) and MD 501 (Chillum Road) TBD 5 TM 1 TM 2 TM 4 TM 5 TM 6 TM 7 TM 9

Permits issued by DPIE

5 LU 1 NE 1 PF 2


Acres of Tree Canopy 2048 Target Why is this important in WHQC?

Greater than 300 acres not in forest Tree canopy is generally defined as the area of land under single tree or small groups of trees that does not meet the definition of a forest. Tree canopy functions include intercepting stormwater; controlling microclimate; and cleaning the air and water. Data Source

GIS Analysis Interval (Years) Relevant Policies

5 NE 6

Percentage of sector plan area that is impervious A lower percentage than that on the date of approval of the sector plan.

Miles of bicycle and shared-use paths and sidewalks Increase

Percent of metro users accessing West Hyattsville Metro Station by modes other than personal vehicle Increase - RCP, p. 41.

Maintaining current levels of non-forest tree canopy requires a combination of preservation and replanting, as recommended by this plan.

Water quality, stormwater volumes, and flooding are all exacerbated by the presence of impervious surfaces. Retrofitting impervious surfaces to increase storage, treatment, and/or absorption decreases runoff and associated pollution. GIS Analysis 5 NE 7

Construction of bicycle, pedestrian, and shared-use facilities induces people to walk, bike, and use micromobility measures for all kinds of trips.

A decrease in the number of people driving to the West Hyattsville Metro Station not only reflects a potential decrease in vehicular traffic, but also reduces parking demand, allowing the redevelopment of the existing surface parking lots. GIS Analysis 5 TM 1 TM 4

WMATA 1 LU 4 TM 4 TM 5 TM 9

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