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6. Impacts of Zoning on the Potential for New TOD in the Takoma/ Langley Study Area

Zoning Analysis

6. Impacts of Zoning on the Potential for New TOD in the Takoma/Langley Study Area

Prince George’s County can encourage and promote transit-oriented development (TOD) through zoning policies that enable the development or evolution of neighborhoods into places where people can live, work, go to school, recreate, shop, dine, and pursue civic and cultural engagement. TOD involves compact, mixed-use, moderate- to high-density development and limits automobile-centric uses, while promoting access to a range of mobility choices for users of all ages, abilities, and income levels.

The County is undergoing its Countywide Map Amendment process to implement the zones of the new Zoning Ordinance approved in 2018. Takoma/Langley Crossroads is a Local Center, which is a focal point of concentrated residential development and limited commercial activity serving established communities that is specifically zoned Local Transit Oriented (LTO). As specified in Plan 2035, the County’s General Plan, Local Transit Centers will feature a mix of mid-rise and low-rise apartments and condos, along with townhomes, with an average housing density of 15–30 dwelling units per acre for new residential development. New commercial development within Local Transit Centers will have a permitted floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.5–3. Within the LTO designation, there are both Core (LTO-C) and Edge (LTO-E) areas. The Core area is generally about a quarter mile around the existing or proposed transit station/stop and has a high potential for intense, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented, transitsupportive development.

Figure 6A: Summary of LTO Zone Intensity and Dimensional Standards Applicable to the Takoma/ Langley Study Area

Standard Core

All Uses Edge Nonresidential &

Mixed Use Residential

Block Length, min.|max. (ft) Lot area, min. (sf) 200|600 400|800 1,500 3,000 400|800 5,000

Lot width, min. (ft) 20 30 50

Density, min.|max. (du/ac of net lot area Floor area ratio (FAR), min.|max. Lot coverage, min.|max. (%of net lot area) Build-to-line, min.|max. (ft) 20.00|80.00 10.00|40.00 10.00|40.00 0.5|3.0 0.25|2.0 No requirement 65|100 50|90 No requirement 15|27 11|31 11|31

Building width in build-to zone, min. (% of lot width) 70 50 50

Front yard depth, min. (ft) Side yard depth, min. (ft) Rear yard depth, min. (ft) 0 0 0

Building Facade Fenestration/ transparancy, min. (% of street-level facade area) Abutting or facing a street frontage or pedestrian way 50

Facing a public gathering space 45 0 0 10 5


0 40 No requirement

35 No requirement

Principal structure height, min. |max. (ft) 24|80 No requirement|70 No requirement|70

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