2014 Memoria Premios Mano Amiga INGLES

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ACTIVITY REPORT 2011-2013 International “ Helping Hand “ Awards by Alzhéimer León

International “Helping Hand “ Awards by Alzheimer León


Second Edition – July 2014

Edited by:

León Association of Family Members of Sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias Address: C/ Fotógrafo Pepe Gracia s/n CP 24005 León Tel.: 987 26 07 96 Fax: 987 10 25 01 www.alzheimerleon.org info@alzheimerleon.org

Co-ordinator: Fernando Arce Arce Producciones, S.L. www.arceproducciones.com

Design and Layout: Arantxa Rodríguez Mnemmix IP, S.L. www.mnemmixip.com

This work is under licence to Creative Commons. More information : creativecommons.org.

All rights reserved. Reproduction or diffusion by any means, either wholly or in part, is forbidden, without prior written permission from the Alzheimer León Association.


Index Alzheimer León Association .......................................... 5 International “Helping Hand“ Awards ...... 8 Previous Editions of “Helping Hand “ Awards ... 13 Recipients of “Helping Hand“ Awards ... 31 Thanks ......................................................................................................................... 38 Annex ............................................................................................................................ 41 “Helping Hand“ Awards on the Internet ....... 46

ACTIVITY REPORT 2011-2013 International “ Helping Hand “ Awards by Alzhéimer León


4 Inauguration of Alzh茅imer Le贸n Centre

Alzhéimer León Association León Association of Family Members of Sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias • Declaration of Public Benefit by Ministerial Order of the 24th of November 2000 • Register of Associations No. 1309 • Register of Social Services No. 24.106E

Alzheimer León came into existence on the 24th of May 1991 with the aim of offering a social, health-orientated service for those people affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. The main aims of Alzheimer León are to improve quality of life for sufferers, promote research, protect the rights of sufferers, provide family support, inform the public to facilitate an early diagnosis of new cases, provide a source of specialized information for those people who deal daily with Alzheimer’s sufferers and those suffering from related illnesses, and to promote better understanding of the disease. A multi-faceted team made up of around 50 people is responsible for the direct management of programs, centres and related services aimed at the patient, his or her family members and society at large, providing quality and compassion. Furthermore, as a sign of its constant progress, Alzheimer León holds the international certificates UNE-EN ISO 9001 in quality management systems and UNE-EN ISO 14001 in environmental management systems. Alzheimer León currently has : • 336 users • 1,031 members (241 are helpers and 790 are family members of sufferers) • 179 volunteers

Mission, Vision and Values The MISSION undertaken by Alzheimer León is to promote integrated and specialized attention to dementias by means of the planning, organization and co-ordination of programs and support services for sufferers and their families, with the aim of improving their quality of life, defending their rights and educating society about the disease. The VISION is to consolidate Alzheimer León as a reference point in the treatment and prevention of dementias, and as a solid, participative and transparent organization in the provision and creation of quality services for those people who are affected. The VALUES espoused by Alzheimer León are: CCOHERENCE and COMMITMENT : In the activities undertaken and meeting statutory aims, with financial and technical transparency, and with the intention of constantly affirming its excellence as a reference point. FAIRNESS and UNIVERSALITY FOR ALL SUFFERERS AND THEIR FAMILIES : Underscored by MUTUAL AID, a process of providing and receiving help ; Alzheimer León ‘s members’ relationship to each other is based on equality and reciprocity. COHESION The people who make up the Association share their knowledge and carry out their work through social participation based on team-work, co-operation and mutual aid.


Aims • To support sufferers and their families, by highlighting their social, financial and healthorientated needs, as well as their care requirements and other resources. • To promote excellence in top-quality care. • To provide professional staff and sufferers’ families with information and training. • To promote research and awareness in the early detection of the disease. • To achieve organizational quality and stability in the programs undertaken. • To educate the general public about the importance of an early diagnosis.

The causes of this disease are still unknown, which evidently makes it difficult to cure and which necessitates knowledge of dementias associated with old age and their symptoms in order to be able to act promptly. With this aim, Alzheimer León has instituted a large number of programs and services over the years which meet the needs of sufferers, and which are based on three approaches : the patient, his or her family, and action which is centred on the community and society in general. At the same time, we must highlight the effort made by Alzheimer León to establish and consolidate the CAI (nitials in Spanish), the Centre for Integrated Attention to Alzheimer’s, a model of integrated and integral attention which attends to an ever-increasing number of sufferers, and which promotes innovative projects focused on detection and early diagnosis of memory loss.

History of the Association In 1991, in the face of an ageing population and the consequent proliferation of cases of Alzheimer’s Disease among older people, a doctor and lecturer at the University School of Social Work in León encouraged two of his female students to set up an organization to provide help for Alzheimer’s sufferers’ families. After various formalities, and with the impetus provided by these two students and thanks to the work done by the first group of family members, the León Association of Family Members of Sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias was formed on the 24th of May, as a non-profit-making organization, and with the support of the first group of volunteers. The Association goes on to represent and lead the associated grouping of family members of Alzheimer’s sufferers, and is a precursor to social services and care offered, the most prominent of which are the Day Centres and the Memory Unit ; the Association is the co-founder of the Regional Federation (AFACAYLE) and has become a national and international reference point for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.


Addresses Centre for Integrated Attention (CAI) C/ Fotógrafo Pepe Gracia s/n CP 24005 León Tel.: 987 26 07 96 Fax: 987 10 25 01 Website: www.alzheimerleon.org E-mail: info@alzheimerleon.org

Help Centre C/ Paseo del Parque s/n Edificio C.H.F. Building | CP 24005 León

ยกACTร VATE! Senior. For healthy and active people. 7




InternationalHelpingHandAwards In 2011, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Association, Alzheimer León initiated the International “Helping Hand” Awards, with the aim of giving recognition and support to the work undertaken by individuals, organizations, institutions and other groups, be they private or public, and irrespective of the nature of their activity, all of whom contribute to the fight against the disease and towards improving the quality of life of sufferers and their families. The awards are given in three categories: individual, institutional and individual recognition from the general public. 10

The International “Helping Hand” Awards are presented at an annual ceremony held in the City of León Auditorium and the recipients each receive a limited-edition work by the painter and artist Luis García Zurdo, a renowned European exponent of stained-glass art. The “Helping Hand” Awards came into existence with the intention of becoming international, long-standing awards, and this year they celebrate their 4th edition.

Work Methodology The International “Helping Hand” Awards were set up as a symbol of the mission and aims of The Alzheimer León Association, and nominations must reflect exemplary commitment. The nominees’ work must be of clearly acknowledged benefit to sufferers of the disease and to their families. The General Assembly of members ratifies every edition of the awards, and the methodology of the work undertaken, to be able to present the International “Helping Hand” Awards in a way which shows transparency and reflects good governance. The task of giving awards corresponds to the jury, which is named for the purpose each year in accordance with the rules, and the Association must refrain from influencing or interfering with the independence of the jury’s criteria. The jury’s decision is taken independently and its members express their opinion and vote in complete confidence, in accordance with the procedures established by the Association.

The “Helping Hand” Award The International “Helping Hand” Awards give shape to Alzheimer León’s dream: to make people aware of the disease, to increase knowledge and to educate the public, to promote the role of inspirational people and institutions who encourage and support the quest for effective solutions to Alzheimer’s, and who develop innovative research models and aid programs which improve the quality of life for sufferers. The big family which is Alzheimer León (users, members, volunteers, sponsors) works day after day with great effort, grit, enthusiasm and joy to provide our patients with the best possible attention, and at the same time shares a dream with the recipients of awards – a future without this disease. Alzheimer León holds out its hand, a Helping Hand, to those who share this dream of building together hope for the future.






Ist Editionof the “Helping Hand”Awards Awards Ceremony Date 17th of November 2011 Place City of León Auditorium Presented by Irma Soriano and Tony Isbert Award Limited-edition work donated by the artist Luis García Zurdo for each of the award winners Performing Acts Vocal Lauda “We’re like this“ by Lipdub

Jury Named on the 28th of June 2011 • Mr. Luis García Zurdo Artist and exponent of stained-glass art

• Mr. Miguel Cordero del Campillo Emeritus Professor at the University of León

• Mr. Pedro Trapiello Writer and journalist

• Mr. Joaquín de Juan Doctor and lecturer at the University School of Social Work in León

• Ms. Mercedes García Fernández President of Alzheimer León

• Ms. Flor de Juan Managing Director of Alzheimer León

Award winners Category: Institution Consortium of the Reina Sofía Foundation and the Pasqual Maragall Foundation In recognition of the launch of “Alzheimer’s International 2011, the Year of Research into Alzheimer’s“ ; a platform for presentation of the latest advances in research into Alzheimer’s carried out in two related fields – the Field of Basic and Clinical Research and the Field of Social and Health-orientated Research. www.alzheimerinternacional2011.org

Category: Individual Dr. Barry Reisberg Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New York and Director of the Fisher Program for Alzheimer’s and the Clinical Core in the Alzheimer’s Disease Centre at the University of New York. In recognition of his dedication to non-pharmacological research into Alzheimer’s Disease and the care afforded to sufferers ; the creator of the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) which is universally recognized as a benchmark for establishing the sufferer’s true state. This describes the concept of retrogenesis – the sufferer loses physical and mental capacities in reverse order to that in which they were acquired. www.alzinfo.org/reisberg

• Mr. Guillermo Cuesta Spokesman for Alzheimer León 15

Advertising and Promotion Media-related material Special edition newsletter and successive editions from the Alzheimer León Association, webpage, audiovisual promotional links, social networks and contact with internet-based media and traditional media.

Promotional material • • • •

Information programs Advertising hoardings, flyers Vinyl banner announcing the 1st Edition Photocall with sponsors, ensuring product or company visibility • Limited-edition CD recording of the gala ceremony.



2ndEditionofthe“HelpingHand”Awards Awards Ceremony Date 30th of November 2012 Place City of León Auditorium Presented by Irma Soriano and Maik Alexandre Award Limited-edition work donated by the artist Luis García Zurdo for each of the award winners Performing Acts Tenors from the Municipal School of Music Inter-generational act “We’re like this“

Jury Named in April 2012 • Mr. Miguel Cordero del Campillo Emeritus Professor at the University of León

• Mr. Pedro Trapiello Writer and journalist

• Mr. Joaquín de Juan Doctor and lecturer at the University School of Social Work in León

• Mr. Máximo Cayón Diéguez Official Chronicler of the City of León

• Ms. Mercedes García Fernández President of Alzheimer León

• Ms. Flor de Juan Managing Director of Alzheimer León

• Mr. Guillermo Cuesta Spokesman for Alzheimer León 20

Award winners Category: Institution CIEN Foundation In recognition of its research into Alzheimer’s Disease and its management of the Centre for Biomedical Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases, known in Spanish as CIBERNED, an organization whose principal aim is monographical research, broadly defined, into neurodegenerative diseases. www.fundacioncien.es

Category: Individual D. Mercè Boada Doctor and neurologist at the University of Barcelona In recognition of her research as a pioneer in the design of a model for personalized attention for sufferers of Alzheimer’s, a model which has been introduced into multi-disciplinary care units and Day Centres to enable the treatment of cognitive psycho-stimulation.The award is also in recognition of her talent for increasing social and medical understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease, and of her humanity and empathy in dealing with sufferers and their families. www.fundacioace.com

Advertising and Promotion Media-related material Special edition newsletter and successive editions from the Alzheimer León Association, webpage, audio-visual promotional links, social networks and contact with internet-based media and traditional media.

Promotional material • • • •

Information programs Advertising hoardings, flyers Vinyl banner announcing the 2nd Edition Photocall with sponsors, ensuring product or company visibility • Limited-edition CD recording of the gala ceremony





3rdEditionofthe“Helping Hand”Awards Awards Ceremony Date 24th of October 2013 Place City of León Auditorium Presented by Irma Soriano and Fernando Romay Award Limited-edition work donated by the artist Luis García Zurdo for each of the award winners Performing Acts León Dance Schoo. Piano and choral duet performed by Raquel Sutil and the soprano Rut Marcos. Radio soap opera workshop held by “We’re like this“

Jury Named in April 2013 • Mr. Miguel Cordero del Campillo Emeritus Professor at the University of León

• Mr. Pedro Trapiello Writer and journalist

Award winners Category: Institution Alzheimer’s Research Centre at the Karolinska Institute In recognition of its contribution to awareness and study of Alzheimer’s Disease and for its efforts in the search for risk factors which influence the development of the disease. www.ki.se

Category: Individual Professor Javier de Felipe Oroquieta In recognition of his research activities in the field of neuroscience and for his contribution to significant advances in the study of Alzheimer’s Disease and for the launch of national and international schemes which will provide a greater and more precise understanding of the disease. www.cajal.csic.es

• Mr. Joaquín de Juan Doctor and lecturer at the University School of Social Work in León

• Mr. Máximo Cayón Diéguez Official Chronicler of the City of León

• Ms. Mercedes García Fernández President of Alzheimer León

• Ms. Flor de Juan Managing Director of Alzheimer León

• Mr. Guillermo Cuesta Spokesman for Alzheimer León 26

Category: Individual recognition from the General Public Ms. Magdalena Hernández Mediero. In recognition of her efforts and dedication in the creation of the family members’ association group in Spain and as president in the 90s of one of the first family members’ associations, set up in the city of Salamanca. This association promoted and gave impetus to a large number of projects

and services for the care of Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families which today make up the main network of resources all over Spain for specialised support in the face of this disease. facebook.com/magdalena.hernandezmediero

Advertising and Promotion Media-related material Special edition newsletter and successive editions from the Alzheimer León Association, webpage, audio-visual promotional links, social networks and contact with internet-based media and traditional media. Co-operation with RTVCyL and the Diario de León as media partners to ensure coverage and visibility of the ceremony in the media.

Promotional material • • • •

Information programs Advertising hoardings, flyers Vinyl banner announcing the 3rd Edition Photocall with sponsors, ensuring product or company visibility • Limited-edition CD recording of the gala ceremony



“Helping Hand” AwardWinners

Award WiNNers

2011 - 2012 2013

Consortium of the Reina Sofía Foundation and the Pasqual Maragall Foundation Category: Institution 1st Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards In recognition of its program, Alzheimer International 2011, the Year of Research into Alzheimer’s Disease. Within the framework of the International Year of Alzheimer’s Disease 2011, on the 22nd and the 23rd of September, the World Summit on Research into Alzheimer’s Disease was held in Madrid ; this was a gathering of around 2.100 professionals in the sphere and which served as a platform for the presentation of the latest advances made in research into Alzheimer’s from two related fields– the Field of Basic and Clinical Research and the Field of Social


and Health-orientated Research. The joint venture, Alzheimer International 2011, is undertaken by the Reina Sofía Foundation, the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, the Ministries of Economy, Health and Social Policy, Science and Innovation,and the Centre for Research into Neurological Diseases (the CIEN Foundation) and the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). Alzheimer International 2011 is a project which aims to promote research into Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative illnesses with the creation of synergy and the joining of forces as the backbone of the program. At the same time, the launch of Alzheimer International 2011 marks Spain as a pioneer among European countries in the promotion of concrete international initiatives within the public-private sphere, in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the European Union. www.alzheimerinternacional2011.org

Dr. Barry Reisberg Category: Individual 1st Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards Doctor and Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New York and Director of the Fisher Program for Alzheimer’s and the Clinical Core in the Alzheimer’s Disease Centre at the University of New York. In recognition of his dedication to non-pharmacological research into Alzheimer’s Disease, and as the creator of the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS), internationally recognized as a benchmark for establishing the patient’s true state and for the care it affords to sufferers.This describes the concept of retrogenesis – the sufferer loses physical and mental capacities in reverse order to that in which they were acquired. www.alzinfo.org/reisberg

Since 1993 Barry Reisberg has been Associate Professor in the Centre for Ageing Studies at the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Furthermore, he is a Professor of Psychiatry, the Director of the Fisher Program for Alzheimer’s, the Clinical Director of the Centre for Research into Ageing and Dementia, the Director of the Clinical Group at the Alzheimer’s Disease Centre at the University of New York, a centre of excellence of studies into Cerebral Ageing, and a doctor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New York. He is the author of “Clinical Stages of Alzheimer’s“, and has coined and defined the term “mild cognitive impairment“. Understanding of this concept helps patients to recover basic routine capacity which increases their independence, and in turn lessens the load for their carers.


CIEN Foundation Category: Institution 2nd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards In recognition of its research into Alzheimer’s Disease and its management of the Centre for Biomedical Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases, known in Spanish as CIBERNED, an organization whose principal aim is monographical research, broadly defined, into neurodegenerative diseases. www.fundacioncien.es La FuThe CIEN Foundation came into being with the aim of promoting the creation of a networked centre which assisted, promoted and co-ordinated research in all the spheres of basic, clinical and epidemiological neurology.


In its first phase, the Foundation managed the CIEN network. Later, it took on the management of the Centre for Biomedical Research into Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED). At the same time, the Foundation undertook the running of the Research Unit of Project Alzheimer, an entity which facilitated priority research into Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. The aim of the CIEN Foundation is to promote and coordinate research into neurology.

Dr. Mercé Boada Category: Individual 2nd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards This recipient of an award is a renowned researcher, neurologist and doctor at the University of Barcelona; she is a pioneer in the design of a model for personalized attention for sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease, a model which has been introduced into multi-disciplinary care units and Day Centres to enable the treatment of psychostimulation. The award is also in recognition of her talent for increasing social and medical understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease, and of her humanity and empathy in dealing with sufferers and their families. www.fundacioace.com Mercè Boada Rovira is the Medical Director of the ACE Foundation (Catalan Institute of Applied Neuroscience) and is also the clinical head of the Neurology Service in Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron hospital. Considered to be the number one researcher into Alzheimer’s Disease, she runs a research group which specialises in genetics. The ACE Foundation is a private entity dedicated to diagnosis, treatment, research and support for people with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. Its project consists of four lines of work, each independent of the others, but with common aims: aid, social support, education and research, with the intention of contributing to social awareness, increased knowledge and better treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


Alzheimer’s Research Centre at the Karolinska Institute Category: Institution 3rd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards

The Karolinska Institute is at the forefront of medical research and its mission is to improve people’s health through research and education. A committee from the Institute is responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize for Medicine. www.ki.se

In recognition of its contribution to awareness and study of Alzheimer’s Disease and for its efforts in the search for risk factors which influence the development of the disease. Founded in 1811, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is the largest University institution for Higher Medical Education in the world. It is located in the capital and is associated to the Karolinska Hospital, a university education medical centre.

Professor Javier de Felipe Oroquieta Category: Individual 3rd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards In recognition of his research activities in the field of neuroscience and for his contribution to significant advances in the study of Alzheimer’s Disease and for the launch of national and international schemes which will provide a greater and more precise understanding of the disease. 36

Doctor of biological science at the Complutense University of Madrid and neurobiologist at the Cajal Institute, he leads the Spanish team, known as Cajal Blue Brain, involved in the international Blue Brain project which is composed of scientists from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the CSIC. It is part of CIBERNED and works closely with the CIEN Foundation. He was the first Spanish scientist to receive the prestigious Krieg Cortical Kudos prize awarded by the Cajal Club in the United States. He has also worked with NASA to study the effects of space travel on the human brain. In 2009 the Cajal Laboratory of Cortical Circuits was established at the Centre for Biomedical Technology at the Madrid Public University where Javier de Felipe runs a research group for the development of the Cajal Blue Brain project. This project studies cortical columns (the basic units of cortical structures) with the principal aim of increasing knowledge of their normal functions and of any dysfunction, especially in the realm of Alzheimer’s Disease. www.cajal.csic.es

Ms. Magdalena Hernández Mediero Category: Individual recognition from the General Public 3rd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards In recognition of her efforts and dedication in the creation of the family members’ association group in Spain and as president in the 90s of one of the first family members’ associations, set up in the city of Salamanca. This association promoted and gave impetus to a large number of projects and services for the care of Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families which today make up the main network of resources all over Spain for specialised support in the face of this disease. Co-founder of the Alzheimer’s family members’ association group in Spain. facebook.com/magdalena.hernandezmediero


Thanks The various editions of the “Helping Hand” award ceremonies have been made possible only by the incalculable help and support given by contributors and sponsors and thanks to their generous and selfless participation and solidarity. Thanks to all volunteers, Association members, helpers, family members and workers at the Alzheimer León Association whose efforts ensure that the ceremony takes place year after year. Thanks to all individuals and companies who contribute selflessly to this cause, be it by donation or by giving their time, and special thanks to Irma Soriano and her co-hosts over the years in the various editions of the ceremony for their generosity of spirit and heart-felt enthusiasm.

And a BIG thank you to all the recipients and our sincerest congratulations on their fantastic work on Alzheimer’s Disease.



Annex “Helping Hand” Awards on the internet

ACTIVITY REPORT 2011-2013 International “ Helping Hand “ Awards by Alzhéimer León


“Helping Hand” Awards on the internet Official Webpage www.alzheimerleon.org

2nd Edition


Video of the gala ceremony for the “Helping Hand”awards, given by Alzheimer León, held in the City of León Auditorium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4A4uXUPks

https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100000558461590&fref=ts


#premiosmanoamiga @Alzheimerleon

1st Edition Official video

Gala ceremony video of the 1st edition http://vimeo.com/33726882

Diario de Leon

The Alzheimer León Association announces the creation of the “Helping Hand” Awards http://www.diariodeleon.es/noticias/leon/ asociacion-alzheimer-leon-convoca-premiosmano-amiga_630268.html


The Reina Sofía Foundation receives the “Helping Hand” award for its fight against Alzheimer’s Disease http://noticias.lainformacion.com/salud/malde-alzheimer/la-fundacion-reina-sofia-recibeel-premio-mano-amiga-por-su-lucha-contra-elalzheimer_btTHT5hI00LuE5R4SUJPv/ 42

Official video


Alzheimer León announces the 2nd edition of the “Helping Hand” awards http://www.balancedeladependencia.com/ Alzheimer-Leon-convoca-la-II-Edicion-PremiosMano-amiga_a1468.html


2nd Edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards http://www.alzheimeruniversal.eu/2012/06/12/ ii-edicion-premios-mano-amiga/


Announcement by the jury of the winners of the International “Helping Hand” Awards and the gala ceremony held in the City of León Auditorium http://www.humania.tv/noticias/fallo-deljurado-de-los-premios-internacionales-manoamiga-y-gala-de-entrega-en-el-auditoriociudad-de-len

Diario de Leon

Alzheimer León’s “Helping Hand” Awards http://www.diariodeleon.es/noticias/leon/ premios-mano-amiga-alzheimer_746928.html


Alzheimer León gives its 2nd”Helping Hand” Awards http://www.ileon.com/actualidad/leon_y_ alfoz/023815/alzheimer-leon-entrega-sussegundos-premios-mano-amiga

CIEN Foundation

Alzheimer León presents its “Helping Hand” award to the CIEN Foundation in recognition of its work in combating Alzheimer’s Disease http://fundacioncien.es/blog/index. php/2012/12/alzheimer-leon-entrego-elpremio-mano-amiga-a-la-fundacion-cienpor-su-labor-en-pro-de-la-enfermedad-dealzheimer/


Gala award ceremony of the 2nd edition of the “Helping Hand” Awards https://www.aenor.es/aenor/actualidad/ actualidad/noticias.asp?campo=1&codigo=256 78&tipon=#.U7-l4UB0bko


“Helping Hand” awards http://www.discapnet.es/Castellano/Actualidad/ Discapacidad/premios-mano-amiga.aspx


3rd edition of the “Helping Hand” awards http://www.obrasocialncg.com/es/socialia/ subvencion/iii_edicion_de_los_premios_mano_ amiga


“Helping Hand” awards 2013 http://www.solucionesong.org/subvencion/ estatal-premios-mano-amiga-2013/1676

Fundació Ace

Alzheimer León presents its “Helping Hand” award to Dr. Mercè Boada http://www.fundacioace.com/alzheimer-leonconcede-el-premio-mano-amiga-a-la-dramerce-boada/?lang=es


3rd Edition Official video

Gala award ceremony of the 3rd edition of the internationally acclaimed”Helping Hand” awards http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=I0lHoCPYRc8

Diario de Leon

Official sponsors of the “Helping Hand” awards 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/AuroraLpezGarca/epatrocinadores-2013

Antonio Sánchez Ramos receives the “Helping Hand” award from ASPAYM 2013 http://www.infomedula.org/index. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1 034%3Ano-me-desagrada-que-me-llamen-dramor&Itemid=63&lang=es


Alzheimer León presents its international “Helping Hand” awards http://www.somospacientes.com/alzheimerleon/noticias/sin-categoria/alzheimer-leonotorga-los-premios-internacionales-manoamiga/



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