MN Arboretum Magazine September 2015

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S EPT EM B E R 2015

Cold Hardy Grape Program Tashjian Bee & Pollinator Center Black Walnut Trees Exhibits, Classes & Outdoor Fun

Photo by Mark MacLennan

A Message From the Director...

TULIP BULB SALE If you enjoyed the beautiful tulip display gardens last spring at the Arboretum, you now have a chance to plant the bulbs in your own garden. In mid-September, the Gift and Garden Store will begin selling tulip bulbs that replicate the colors and forms from the spring gardens. Bulbs will be identical or similar to those planted last spring in Arboretum gardens. They will be available to purchase in quantities convenient for the home gardener. Save some space in your fall planting and shop the store for your selections. For more information: Gift and Garden Store (612-301-7619).

Ed Schneider

Colors of Fall

The first day of autumn is marked by the fall equinox, this year on Sept. 23. The colors of fall at the Arboretum (the most diverse of anywhere in Minnesota) make autumn one of the most popular reasons for a visit (or two or three) to experience the changing of the seasons. September has special meaning this year beyond the beauty of the outdoors: • Construction begins on the new Tashjian Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center, near the iconic Red Barn. The timeless message of how bees and pollinators add beauty and sustenance to our lives is a wonderful initiative. We are grateful for the support from the Tashjian family (see page 7) and 61 significant contributions to the Arboretum Campaign for this important work. • The start of the Hsiao-Ho Chinese Garden pathway, with site for a future pavilion, will feature native plantings. This phase is scheduled to be completed this month. • Gala in the Gardens, the Arboretum’s grandest fundraiser is planned for Sept. 10. Hosted by the Arboretum Foundation, this signature event helps raise much-needed support for gardens, education and operations. Plus, the AppleHouse is open as of Aug., 31...Honey Crisp, SweeTango and cold-hardy varieties you won’t find anywhere else. See you at the Arboretum!

SEPTEMBER 2015 • VOL 34, NO. 5 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Magazine is published seven times a year by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation, 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, MN 55318-9613, 952-443-1400. The magazine is a benefit of Arboretum membership. No portion may be reprinted without permission from the Arboretum. The information published in this magazine is not necessarily endorsed by the University of Minnesota. Patrick B. Petersen, Editor Judy Hohmann, Marketing & Communications Manager Tanya Kingery, True Reflection Design, Art Director Edward L. Schneider, Arboretum Director Thomas Martin, President, Board of Trustees Timothy S. Kenny, Director, Education Peter C. Moe, Director, Operations and Research Frank J. Molek, Director, Development David Matteson, Director, Retail Operations and Visitor Services The Arboretum welcomes feedback from readers at The Arboretum is part of The College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Minnesota. To request a copy of this publication in alternate format, please call 612-301-1257.


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The American Alliance of Museums will send a peer review team later this year as part of the process for accreditation of the Arboretum as a museum. Relatively few botanic gardens and arboretums achieve this accreditation. Museum accreditation demonstrates the organization meets the characteristics of excellence for U.S. museums.

Table of Contents... Grapes/Circulators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Bee & Discovery Center/Travel . . . 7

Nature-Based Therapeutics/ Gala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Art/Membership/PeaPods. . . . . . . . . 8

Taste & Toast Recap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Calendar at a Glance. . . . . . . . . 10-11

Walnut Trees/ Gardens of Eatin’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

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September Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Art/Save The Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 On the Cover: Bee Gathering Pollen Photo by Mark MacLennan

Photos by Patrick Witherow

Northern Grapes Fuel Robust Wines Barbara DeGroot Public Relations Specialist

When the invigorating, golden days of September arrive, we know the grape harvest will soon be upon us. Those juicy beauties – golden yellow or rustic purple fruit against lush greenery – gracefully dangle from vineyard fences, evoking a Renaissance landscape. The University of Minnesota Horticultural Research Center, just over a mile west of the Arboretum entrance, boasts 12 acres of research vineyards. It is the birthplace of such successful cultivars as Frontenac, La Crescent and Marquette, all of which have fueled a robust, successful – and unlikely – wine industry in this "northern hardy" state. This year's crop seems promising, if not perfect. A cool and soggy spring triggered the diseases of "black rot" and "downy mildew" in the grape crop, says Jim Luby, Ph.D., horticulture professor and head of the University of Minnesota cold-hardy fruits program. The spring diseases, while a problem for commercial growers, represent a potential boon for the researchers who seek out opportunities to find grapes resistant to such diseases in real conditions. In contrast to spring's challenges, summer's sunny days and mild temperatures "were good for growth," Luby added.

In July, the grape-breeding program welcomed the arrival of Matt Clark, Ph.D., assistant professor of grape breeding and enology, who will coordinate the program as Luby turns his attention toward apples and other fruit. Prior to his appointment, Clark actually was involved in the grape program for the previous 20 months, mainly focusing on disease resistance. "I'm really excited about this opportunity to try to understand the needs of our growing industry and how the U of M program can continue to support it," said Clark. To that, we can all say "Cheers!" Read more: "Northern Winework" – for readers who want to plant varieties suitable for their climate and site, for high-quality wine-making. Tom Plocher & Bob Parke, $39.95; and "Growing Grapes In Minnesota" – updated information regarding cold climate viticulture and new practical and technical developments. Written by the Minnesota Grape Growers Association, $16 – both available in the Gift and Garden Store (612-301-7619).

CIRCULATOR STOP MONITORS ADDED Circulator Rest Stops now feature digital display monitors that play a short video about the nearby gardens and trails to explore. Home Demo Stop: Home Demo Gardens, Woodland Azalea Garden, Hosta Glade, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden, Wilson Rose Garden and Annual Garden. Sculpture Garden Stop: Harrison Sculpture Garden, Bailey Shrub Walk, Nelson Shrub Rose Garden and Pine Walk. Maze Garden Stop: Maze Garden, Ornamental Grasses Collection, Hedges Display, Azalea Trial Gardens, Red Barn and Eastern Drive, leading to the future site of the Tashjian Bee & Pollinator Discovery Center and Farm Gardens. Learning Center Stop: “Please Touch Greenhouse,” Green Play Yard, Children’s Garden and Margot Picnic Shelters. Way-finding maps help visitors navigate, too. A generous donation from Pam and Jack Safar funded the new monitors.

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arboretum magazine


Connecting With Nature: Essential to Your Health and Well Being Jean M. Larson Manager, Nature-Based Therapeutic Services The University of Minnesota’s Nature-Based Therapeutic Services invites you to join the "Nature Heals 30x30" initiative during the month of October. What is "Nature Heals 30x30?" It’s a time for us to (re)connect with nature every day for 30 minutes over 30 days during the month of October. Why? With stress coming at us from too much time in front of screens and daily pressures, nature is the antidote. Nature is an affordable, equitable, accessible and practical form of health promotion. Research suggests contact with nature can relieve stress, increase memory performance, boost creativity, enhance attention span and improve sleep. This is a big pay-off for a small investment of 30 minutes each day.

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For more information on how you can get involved in, (or register for,) "Nature Heals 30x30," go to: As part of the “Nature Heals 30x30,” a Nature Heals Art Exhibit (Oct. 1 – Oct. 31) in the Cafe Gallery, and film screening "Love thy Nature" in the Oswald Visitor Center (Oct. 1) are free with gate admission. A Nature Heals Public Forum (Sept. 30) and Symposium (Oct. 1) and a Research Roundtable, with international experts from the fields of restorative environments, animal-assisted interactions, therapeutic horticulture, facilitated green exercise, and care farming, is co-hosted with the Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota. Find out more at:

Photo by Todd Mulvihill

FREE ARB APP IS HERE! The Arboretum app can help you with GPS directions, points of interest, maps and links to “Nature Notes.” It also contains general information on the Arboretum Gift and Garden Store, Cafe, adult and children’s classes, membership and more. Find the Arb app by searching “Minnesota Landscape Arboretum” to download free from Google Play or AppStore.

RESERVE TODAY FOR GALA IN THE GARDENS Thursday, Sept. 10, 5:30 - 9 p.m.

Celebrate the Gala tradition of the Arboretum’s grandest fundraiser…in the beauty of fall. The evening features a garden reception with musical entertainment and mingling, al fresco dinner, auctions and the annual Fund-A-Need. Guest emcee: Belinda Jensen, KARE-11 TV. Support the gardens, plant conservation and educational programs that connect Minnesotans with nature and the outdoors. Reserve today at: or 612-625-9437. Presenting Sponsor:

Platinum: Entertainment:

Additional Support From: Dinner: ®



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september 2015

Photos by Don Olson

Garden and Farm to Table Taste & Toast – The Best Outdoor Party of the Summer, Again! Mouth-watering tastes from top local restaurants and delightful sips of regional wines and craft beers enjoyed amidst beautiful Arboretum gardens all made for a spectacular 2015 Taste & Toast event!

rie Dogs, Signature Café, Spoon & Stable featuring Chef/owner Gavin Kaysen at the Patron Reception, Strip Club Meat & Fish, Terra Waconia, The Minneapolis Club, The Rabbit Hole, Tiny Diner and Victor's on Water.

The weather was warm and pleasant as some 700 guests gathered on Wednesday, July 15, for the joyful evening fundraiser themed: “Garden and Farm to Table.” The mood matched the gorgeous conditions as Arboretum friends and supporters enjoyed the delectable scents and flavors while meandering the gardens and terraces on their quest for the next tasty sample or sip.

Participating wineries and breweries included: Buffalo Rock Winery, Chankaska Winery, Indian Island Winery, Parley Lake Winery, Schram Vineyards Winery & Brewery, Sovereign Estate Winery and Woodland Hill Winery; August Schell Brewing Company, Enki Brewery of Victoria, Excelsior Brewery, Flat Earth Brewing Company, Founding Fathers Brewery and Waconia Brewing Company.

Special thanks to all participating restaurants/producers, including: Arboretum Catering featuring Executive Chef Scott Pampuch, Cast & Cru, Coalition Restaurant, Dakota Jazz Club and Restaurant, Farina Bakeshop, Fire Lake Grill House and Cocktail Bar, Gardens of Salonica, Lakewinds Food Co-op, Lucia's, Marin Restaurant and Bar, Mill Valley Kitchen, New Scenic Café, Oceannaire Seafood Room, Peace Coffee, Prai-

Taste & Toast was hosted by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation. Event chairs: Megan and Jim Dayton. Beer co-sponsors: Marla and John Ordway and an anonymous donor. Community Hosts: Aram Desteian and Aja Tashjian. Promotional Partner: Lakewinds Food Co-op for Taste & Toast tote bags.

Presenting Sponsors:

Supporting Sponsors:

Media Partner:

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Jeannine Rivet & Warren Herreid II

arboretum magazine


Photo by Pat Petersen

HARVEST TIME IN THE SQUARE-FOOT GARDENS High-flavor, high-yield gardening in a limited space means from top to bottom harvest in September. The results: tomatoes, brassica, mid-season peas, corn, pumpkins and melons. Herb harvest includes parsley, tarragon, oregano and thyme. Yet, growing season is not yet over. Landscape gardener Ted Pew’s practice is to plant for harvest up until Oct. 10, gauging about 28 days per growing cycle. Look in the Home Demo outer vegetable bed for lettuce, radishes, carrots and greens, including mustard greens and kohlrabi. “The Home Demo gardens offer ideas for home gardeners – from beginners to experts – on how to design and grow, as well as companion planting,” says Pew. “Plus, it offers the beauty of the harvest.” Some of the harvest is incorporated into menus in the Arboretum Cafe so visitors can get a taste of the gardens. Added Pew, “since these garden beds are not fenced, we have to stay ahead of the rabbits and other wildlife who want to sample the harvest!” Read more: "All New Square Foot Gardening, Second Edition" – learn how to get more produce in less space with this innovative gardening method. $24.99; and "All New Square Foot Gardening Cookbook" – find out how to blend gardening wisdom with delicious recipes to help you bring fresh, healthy cost-effective meals to the table, $19.95 – both by Mel Bartholomew, available in the Gift and Garden Store (612-301-7619).


arboretum magazine

Photo by Epantha –

Black Walnut Trees Adding a Splash of Yellow to Fall Matt Schuth Naturalist As the daylight of late summer wanes, the green landscape fades into the myriad hues of autumn. The yellow flaxen leaves of the black walnut trees add to the fall color bonanza. The leaves of the walnut fall early as do the rough-skinned, husk-covered nuts. Walnut trees produce the chemical juglone, a natural allelopathic herbicide that has an opposite effect from one species to the next. Black raspberries, forage grasses and mints thrive on it, while tomatoes (80 ft. away), potatoes (60 ft. away), apples, pines and walnut seedlings are unable to grow near it. The wood from black walnut is considered to be the most valuable timber in the U.S. The lumber is used to make fine furniture, veneer and gun stocks. Dye from the husks was used to color cloth. In earlier times, older men would wear caps made of walnut husks in an effort to dye their gray hair. Carrying a walnut was thought to prevent rheumatism and also cure insanity. Squirrels have been responsible for spreading the walnut tree throughout the U.S. Squirrels bury the nuts but forget many of them, thus advancing the walnut throughout the forest. Gray squirrels gnaw the nut from both sides while red squirrels gnaw from one end. Archaeologists working in Pompeii, at the site of the Mt. Vesuvius eruption, unearthed stores of walnuts, thus proving the 'nut of the gods' has been enjoyed for centuries. Arboretum black walnuts can be seen in the Oak & Nut Collection near the Ordway Picnic Shelter…but beware of falling nuts! Read more: "Trees And Shrubs Of Minnesota" – comprehensive coverage of all native and naturalized trees, shrubs, and woody vines in Minnesota. Welby R. Smith, $59.95 – available in the Gift and Garden Store (612-301-7619).

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Bee on Tithonia Photo by Don Olson

Red Barn in September Photo by Don Olson

Tashjian Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center The new Tashjian Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center creates much “buzz” as construction starts this fall at the Eastern campus of the Arboretum. As the center begins to take shape, the vision for the nearby iconic Red Barn and the new Farm Garden to demonstrate food production models adds new dimensions to the Arboretum’s horticultural heritage. The focus on the essential nature of pollinators in plants and food production – resulting in one-third of our food supply – provides the framework for learning and education, based on the latest University of Minnesota Research.

Lead gifts from Alice Tashjian, and Joe Tashjian and Kay Savik family, combined with others, will make the Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center and related amenities a dynamic resource for year-round learning and fun, for generations to come. More info at You make a difference! To support the Arboretum Campaign with your gift, donate at the Oswald Visitor Center; go online at; call the Development office at 612-301-1263; or mail a gift to: Arboretum Campaign, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska, MN 55318.

Interactive learning and education features include an apiary, live simulation of a honeycomb, honey house and overlook to a pollinator meadow and outdoor teaching station. This approach will help enrich and captivate the imagination of school groups, visitors and scientists. With a $7 million budget goal, generous donations to the Arboretum Campaign have raised nearly $6.7 million.


with Peter Olin, Arboretum Director Emeritus Crossing the Andes – Exploring Chile, Argentina and Patagonia: Jan. 21 – Feb. 2. See private gardens and winery estates in Chile. Cross the Andes by boat via the fjords and glacial lakes! Enjoy private gardens in beautiful Bariloche, Argentina. Take in more gardens in Buenos Aires. There’s also an optional extension to amazing Iguazu Falls. Contact Peter Olin at 612-301-1275; or Jordan Harvey 1-877-616-8747 or

Scotland in Spring Bloom: May 16 – 28. Maybe you saw the Scottish gardens in full fall color with the Arboretum tour group in 2013. Now see them at bloom time for rhododendrons. Enjoy Glasgow, Edinburgh, the Highlands and much more. Contact Peter Olin at 612-301-1275; or Jim Glad 612-724-1915 or More information on all Arboretum tours: www.arboretum.

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arboretum magazine


Photo by Andres Rodriguez/

Amber Dawn Painting by Kairong Liu


Minnesota Masters Exhibit Opens Sept. 1

As a valued member of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, you can play an active role in helping the Arboretum grow its membership by forwarding your referrals to our membership department. By referring friends and family to the Arboretum, you’re not only contributing to help the Arboretum grow, but your friends and family will enjoy the many benefits associated with their new membership.

Four of Minnesota's master painters, each with a unique painting approach, are recognized locally and nationally for their artistry and experience as art teachers.

To thank you for each referral that results in new membership, the Arboretum offers vouchers for VIP admission passes, membership extension, etc. Visit memberrewards.aspx or contact our Membership crew at 612-301-1257 or for details. Referrals must result in a new Arboretum membership to receive rewards.

• Kairong Liu – A superb sense of color and design show in his oil and acrylic paintings. In his workshops with students, he demonstrates a painting, then asks his students to paint their version in the time remaining. • Bruce Miller – A past winner of the National Duck Stamp competition, he is a true impressionist best known for his wildlife paintings. His yearly workshops attract students from throughout the U.S. • Catherine Hearding – A watercolor painter, she feels no other medium captures the transparency and ethereal quality of light like watercolor. She currently teaches at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts. • Richard Kochenash – Trained in the classical realism style, his art has evolved to an impressionist style. He is a popular instructor at Hopkins Center for the Arts, Edina Art Center, Minnesota River School of Art and Atelier; and now at his Chaska studio. Meet the Artist and Painting Demonstrations monthly in the Reedy Gallery. September 26: Kairong Liu, time 1-3 p.m.

PEAPODS FOR PRESCHOOLERS RETURNS FOR FALL! Introduce the wonders of the natural world to a special preschooler in your life. The PeaPods for Preschoolers series uses the Arboretum setting to inspire, delight and teach seasonal wonders and the fun of outdoor play. Join other adult caretakers with their preschoolers on a weekly, 10-session journey that leads participants into the plant kingdom through at-your-own-pace stations that include story time, sensory, music, art, greenhouse adventures, science, discovery zones, and fun time in the Green Play Yard. Early registration is recommended, as this popular experience often sells out. PeaPods for Preschoolers Autumn Series: Tuesdays, 9:30 -11 a.m.: September 22, 29; October 6, 13, 20, 27; November 3, 10, 17; December 1. For more: or call 612-301-1210.


arboretum magazine

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Photo by Brandon Doan,

{ happenings} AppleHouse Opens for the Season

Apple-Tasting Weekends

Opens Aug. 31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily

Weekends of: Sept. 19/20, 26/27 and Oct. 3/4, 10/11, 1-3 p.m., Oswald Visitor Center

Purchase apples from a changing inventory of 50 varieties throughout the season – from longtime favorites to recent University of Minnesota introductions, including Zestar! ® SweeTango® and Honeycrisp. Proceeds benefit the University of Minnesota's apple research program. The AppleHouse is located 1.5 miles west of the Arboretum entrance on State Highway 5 and Rolling Acres Road. For a daily update of available apple varieties, call the AppleHouse Hotline at 612-301-3487. Bags of Honeycrisp apples also for sale at the Gift and Garden Store starting Sept. 19.

Gala in the Gardens Thursday, Sept. 10, 5:30-9 p.m., $250 Basic/$500 Patron, Arboretum Grounds Come celebrate the Arboretum and Minnesota’s beautiful late summer weather amid the festive surroundings of our biggest annual fundraiser.

Clean Water Summit 2015: Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Reconnecting Groundwater and Rainwater in Our Communities Tuesday, Sept. 15, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Explore the role green infrastructure plays in protecting and recharging groundwater, including current research, regional trends, the latest in technologies, and policy and planning efforts that focus on reconnecting our landscapes to the groundwater systems below. MacMillan Auditorium, $70 Arboretum members and conference affiliates/$80 general registration. www.arboretum.umn. edu/2015CleanWaterSummit.aspx.

Scarecrow Village Friday, Sept. 18-Friday, Oct. 30 Stroll through the Arboretum and check out the collection of one-of-a-kind scarecrows on the Dahlberg Terrace and Margot Picnic Shelter. Created by Arboretum staff and professional designers from Bachman’s, each garden creature is uniquely designed. Make A Scarecrow on Saturdays, Sept. 19 and Oct. 3, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Use your imagination, bring some fun clothes and create a masterpiece! Post, hay and head provided by the Arboretum. $10 scarecrow-making fee.

Photo by Mark MacLennan

Taste-test U of M research apples and rate your favorites! Rate them for flavor, size and texture to help apple scientists discover the next Honeycrisp. Sample apple varieties and meet with Master Gardeners. Free with gate admission.

Arboretum Outdoors with Hoigaard's Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1 & 6 p.m. Nordic walking with Hoigaard's experts who will provide equipment and advice. Nordic walking begins at the Oswald Visitor Center.

Japanese Moon Viewing Thursday, Sept. 24, 6-8 p.m., Ornamental Grasses Collection (near the Maze Garden) Enjoy an evening of moon-viewing, music, haiku and tea. The event is inspired by Japanese and Chinese harvest traditions. Celebrated by emperors and commoners alike and called “Tsukimi” in Japan, the moon-viewing tradition became linked to a farmers' festival when the rice was harvested and the end-of-summer fruits and vegetables were ripe. Japanese Moon Viewing is open to the public and is free with Arboretum gate admission. For walkers, the Ornamental Grasses Collection is about a half-mile walk from the Oswald Visitor Center. If driving to the event, you may find parking in the lot behind the Dahlia Trial Gardens or the lot near the Ornamental Grasses Collection.

Auxiliary Harvest Sale & Quilt Raffle Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 27, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Stop in to browse this fall’s offerings as the Auxiliary hosts its annual Harvest Sale and Quilt Raffle. The sale, in the Snyder Auditorium, will feature autumnal décor, seasonal scents, clothing accessories, scarves & hats, and other creative gift items. Highlighting this year’s sale again is the raffle of a hand-made quilt created by the Auxiliary Contemporary Quilters. Raffle tickets for the quilt remain available in the Oswald Visitor Center at $2 each until the drawing on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 2 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Arboretum.

Minnesota Herb Society Autumn Sale Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 27., 9 a.m.3 p.m., free with gate admission, Visitor Center Balcony Featuring herb-infused vinegar, gifts, kitchen and personal-care items with an herbal theme. All handmade by members.

Harvest Festival Saturday, Oct. 3, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Arboretum Grounds Take in the indoor and outdoor fall displays, enjoy the Corn Feed (Picnic Shelter C) sponsored by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, plus food from the pop-up grill, and participate in games for the whole family.

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arboretum magazine



Thursday, Sept. 10

Wednesday, Sept. 2 LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMONSTRATIONS Noon-2 p.m., free with gate admission, Kitchen Herb Garden (Sundays & Wednesdays) and Teaching Courtyard (Saturdays) This summer’s presentations, led by an experienced Arboretum volunteer, include Fresh Herbs for Flavor and Getting Started with Veggies—stop at the front desk for information.

Thursday, Sept. 3 STORYTIME IN THE LIBRARY 10:30-11 a.m., free with gate admission, Andersen Horticultural Library Stories for the young and young at heart. Geared toward toddlers and preschoolers. YOGA IN THE GARDENS 6 p.m., free with gate admission, Sensory Garden All classes offered in partnership with Life Time Fitness will be Vinyassa Flow Yoga. Modifications will be provided to make the experience accessible for all participants.

Saturday, Sept. 5 PLANT-MAKER STUDIO: “WILD SEED CAKES” Noon-4 p.m., free with gate admission, Learning Center Form a cake made of soil and seeds, ready to plant wherever you find a place in need of pollinator-friendly plants. LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A Noon-4 p.m., free with gate admission, Visitor Center Master Gardener volunteers staff the desk, answer gardening questions and provide sustainable gardening information. Stop by to find out where to see plants at their peak of bloom and beauty.

Sunday, Sept. 6 LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5)

Wednesday, Sept. 9 TRADITIONAL TEA 2:30-4 p.m., $26 member/$29 non-member, Snyder Building Tea Room Menu includes freshly baked scones, sweets and savories and a delicious trifle. Tea with lemon and cream served throughout. Reserve at (612) 626-3951 or Teatime.aspx. LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2)


arboretum magazine

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GALA IN THE GARDENS 5:30-9 p.m., $250 Basic/$500 Patron, Arboretum Grounds Come celebrate the Arboretum and Minnesota’s beautiful late summer weather amid the festive surroundings of our grandest annual fundraiser. STORYTIME IN THE LIBRARY (See Sept. 3)

Saturday, Sept. 12 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES FOR MINNESOTA (150-09-12-15-03) 9:30 a.m.-noon, $41/$55, Visitor Center Join Dr. Mary Meyer, U of M Professor of Horticultural Science, to view the grass collection at its peak, learn about the different varieties, and consider varieties or cultivars for your home landscape. MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP: UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL (750-09-12-15) 10 a.m.-2 p.m., $89/$109 Visitor Center STONE BALANCE MASTER CLASS (200-09-12-15-02) 9:30 a.m.-noon, $42/$55, Visitor Center Take your rock balancing to the next level with stone-balancing artist, Peter Juhl. You’ll increase your confidence and skills with additional rocks, new base configurations, and an intermediate level of instruction. LEMON HERBS: FOR THE BODY AND SOUL (200-09-12-15) 9:30-11:30 a.m., $39/$51, Learning Center Horticulturist Theresa Mieseler will show how lemon-scented herbs such as lemon thyme, lemon balm, lemon basil, lemon verbena and more can be used in culinary dishes and to create a spa-like experience for the body. WALKS WITH MATT: MAYBE MUSHROOMS AND ALWAYS MORE! (960-09-12-15) 10 a.m.-noon, $12/$24, Visitor Center Hunt for the wide and amazing assortment of mushrooms and fungi at the Arboretum with naturalist and birding expert Matt Schuth. LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5)

Sunday, Sept. 13 YOGA IN THE GARDENS Noon, Nelson Shrub Rose Garden (See Sept. 3 for full description) LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5)

To Register for classes or for schedule changes: call 612-301-1210 or visit

Tuesday, Sept. 15

Wednesday, Sept. 23



Wednesday, Sept. 16 LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2)

Thursday, Sept. 17 STORYTIME IN THE LIBRARY (See Sept. 3)

Friday, Sept. 18 SCARECROW VILLAGE Daily, free with gate admission, Arboretum Grounds (See page 9)

Saturday, Sept. 19 OUTSIDE IN: OVERWINTERING PLANTS CLINIC (150-09-19-15) 9:30 a.m.-noon, $41/$55, Learning Center Jessica Heimer of Mother Earth Gardens will show you how to prepare outdoor plants for a winter indoors. WILD AND CULTIVATED MUSHROOM MARVELS, PLUS WALK (800-09-19-15) 9-11 a.m., $39/$49, Learning Center Our friendly mushroom expert Kevin Doyle is back to talk mushrooms, along with culinary instructor/chef Kris James, who will cook up some mushroom dishes for you to taste. Optional: After class, Kevin will host a stroll outside and see if we can spy some wild fall mushrooms. LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5)

Thursday, Sept. 24 STORYTIME IN THE LIBRARY (See Sept. 3) JAPANESE MOON VIEWING 6-8 p.m., Ornamental Grasses Collection (See page 9)

Saturday, Sept. 26 CREATING A HOME LANDSCAPE YOU CAN LOVE AND ENJOY (150-09-26-15) 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $139/$155, Learning Center 4-class series also includes October 10 and 24, and November 7. Learn the theory and principles of sustainable landscape design to develop an environmentally sound, cost-effective, and visually pleasing design unique to your setting. ARBORETUM AUXILIARY HARVEST SALE & QUILT RAFFLE 9 a.m.-4 p.m., free with gate admission, Snyder Building Auditorium (See page 9) MINNESOTA HERB SOCIETY AUTUMN SALE 9 a.m.-4 p.m., free with gate admission, Visitor Center Balcony (See page 9) LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5) MEET THE ARTIST & PAINTING DEMO 1-3 p.m., Reedy Gallery (See page 8) APPLE-TASTING 1-3 p.m. (See page 9)


Sunday, Sept. 27

MAKE A SCARECROW 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (See page 9)

ARBORETUM AUXILIARY HARVEST SALE 11 a.m.-4 p.m. (See page 9)

APPLE-TASTING 1-3 p.m. (See page 9)


Sunday, Sept. 20


LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2) PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5) APPLE-TASTING 1-3 p.m. (See page 9)

Tuesday, Sept. 22

PLANT-MAKER STUDIO (See Sept. 5) LET’S TALK PLANTS Q&A (See Sept. 5) APPLE-TASTING 1-3 p.m. (See page 9)

Wednesday, Sept. 30 LET’S TALK PLANTS DEMOS (See Sept. 2)

ARBORETUM OUTDOORS WITH HOIGAARD’S 1 p.m. & 6 p.m., free with gate admission, Oswald Visitor Center (See page 9)

september 2015

arboretum magazine


Telephone Directory... General Information . . . . . . . . . 952-443-1400 Andersen Horticultural Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1239 Auxiliary Event & Membership Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-625-9865 Fall Color Hotline . . . . . . . . . 612-625-9791 or

3675 Arboretum Drive Chaska, Minnesota 55318-9613

A publication for members and friends of the Arboretum ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1263 Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1210 Gift and Garden Store . . . . . . . . 612-301-7619 Facility Rentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-7600 Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1257 Memorials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1263 Volunteering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1203 Yard & Garden Help Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-7590 or Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-301-1274 Website . . . . . . . . . . .

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The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. ©2015 Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

Hours... Grounds open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. Three-Mile Drive gate locked at 8 p.m. Labor Day Hours (Sept. 7) Regular Monday Hours


Delight in the beauty found indoors in the Oswald Visitor Center. Art available for sale through the Arboretum Gift Store, with a portion of proceeds benefiting the Arboretum.


Oswald Visitor Center Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

FALL IN THE GREAT HALL DISPLAY • OPENS SEPT. 19 U of M cold-hardy apples and plants poster display (some prints for sale in the Gift and Garden Store,) plus a magnetic poetry board.

Gift and Garden Store Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.


Arboretum Cafe Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Thur.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m-5 p.m.


AppleHouse Daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Beginning Aug. 31)



Horticultural Library (Snyder Building) Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Labor Day (Sept. 7) 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Admission Visitors: $12 for ages 13 and up Members: Free Children 12 & under: Free Arboretum memberships start at $49




DOUBLE DISCOUNT DAYS IN THE ARBORETUM GIFT AND GARDEN STORE: NOV. 27-DEC. 6 Thursday Admission Apr.-Oct. Third Thursdaymagazine free after 4:30 p.m. 6 arboretum • april/may 2015

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