A quick Review of SGRs

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A Quick Review of SGRs

Tree Care Advisor Core Course Training

Stem Girdling Roots

Approximately 20 year old root system of linden

Stem Girdling Roots and Stem Girdling Suckers: 6 year old Tilia cordata 5� deep

Effects on Landscape Lives  Predisposition to other problems

 Stunted growth  Premature death/failure  Reduced ability to compartmentalize

Predisposed Health

Predisposed Health

Predisposed Health

Predisposed Health

Effects on Water Balance

Constricted Sapwood/Water Flow

Sapwood Compression from SGRs

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Somebody

Predisposed Health

Predisposed Health & Reduced Ability to Compartmentalize

Predisposed Health

Stunted Growth

Premature Death

Premature Death

Premature Death

Premature Death

A Survey of Practitioners : North American Members of ISA (1998, n = 282)

Regarding Stem Girdling Roots and Tree Loss, Practitioners Stated: •Relationship to tree decline and death - 82% of the time. •Relationship to the sudden failure of trees – 18% of the time

Depth of Soil over Roots Surveys: Sites and Selection Minneapolis 1997 - Acer saccharum, 1999 - Fraxinus pennsylvanica, 1999 - Tilia cordata, Rochester 2001 - Celtis occidentalis, Saint Paul 2004 - Gleditsia triacanthos

N = 100 (+/-)Per Species, Randomly Selected

Depth of Soil Over Roots: Survey Protocol •3-9” d.b.h. Trees •Surveys included two teams. •1st Team “blind” condition rated canopies and stems •0-4 Rating System

Condition Rating: Canopies  0-4 Rating System:  

0 = Dead 4 = No obvious defects.

 Canopy condition rating factors:    

Characteristic density for the Species, Live crown ratio (60% standard), Crown symmetry, Dieback.

Condition Rating: Canopies

E.g., Greenspire Littleleaf Linden to the right. Canopy condition reduced due to density.

Condition Rating: Stems  Factors:   

 

Lost Bark/Living Cambium, Cracks/Ribs, Decay, Contributing Agents. Stem Girdling Roots (above ground)

 0-4 Rating System:  

0 = No living cambium in stem, 4 = No obvious defects.

Condition Rating: Stems

Frost Crack

Dead Cambium

Depth of Soil over Roots Surveys: Root Collar Exams •2nd Team performed root collar examination: •Data Recorded: •Depth to first order roots, •Frequency and location of Stem Encircling Roots (SERs) and Stem Girdling Roots (SGRs), •% of stem affected.

Summaries •Majority Had > 1” Soil Over Roots* •Tilia, Acer and Fraxinus Worst: > 90% w/4”+ •1”+ Soil = More SER’s (Stem Encircling Roots)

•Most Vulnerable Species: Tilia, Celtis, Fraxinus •Worst Condition Rating:Soil Depth – Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus •Most Common SGR’s:Soil Depth – Tilia, Fraxinus, Celtis, Acer

What IS Too Deep?  Frequency of Stem Encircling Roots: 

1-3 Inches*

 Frequency of Stem Girdling Suckers: 

5 Inches**

 Frequency of Stem Girdling Roots: 

1-3 Inches*

*Sugar Maple, Green Ash, Littleleaf Linden, Hackberry, Honeylocust **Littleleaf Linden

What IS Too Deep?  Negative Effects on Health?  Species Dependent.  1-3.5 inches was Too Deep.  Johnson and Johnson, 1997.  Johnson and Borst, 1999.  Johnson and Hauer, 2000.  Johnson, et al., 2006. Planting Depth Interim Report.

Premature Failure in Loading Events

When Roots and Stems Conflict

Soil Line

SGR compression point

Storm Damage in Minnesota: 1998 n=564

1995-2005 n=1584

Total Tree Failures In Boulevards Most Commonly Damaged Size (d.b.h.) ranges Size (d.b.h.) Range 6-10 inches

1998 % of Total 28.6

1995-2005 % of Total 29.0

>25 inches



20-25 inches



10-15 inches



15-20 inches



Storm Damage in Minnesota: Failures due to Stem Girdling Roots 1995-2005 n=1584

•32% of all tree failures , located on the edges of storms •26% of all boulevard total tree failures (53% of 6-10” category) •68% of Little-leaf Lindens that failed in boulevards (#3rd most common species)

•> 90% of trees that had SGRs had stems buried 4” or more.

Storm Damage in Minnesota: SGRs below ground with compression

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)

Storm Damage in Minnesota: 1998 n=564

1995-2005 n=1584

Commonly Damaged Species with Chronic Problems 1998 Little Leaf Lindens: 73% of all that failed were 4�+ deep and had stem girdling roots causing stem compression. These trees failed below the stem compression points.

1995-2005 76%

Stem Girdling Suckers

Stem Girdling Suckers

Stem Girdling Suckers






Mark Dungan



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