Five Myths that Plague Urban Forestry

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Five Myths that Plague Urban Forestry Tree Care Advisor Core Course 2012

Myth #1: Deeper is Better




Research-Based Evidence that Deeper is Better: ď Ż

Uhhh, there isn’t any.

The Reality:   

 

Deeper, less moisture to roots. Deeper, less oxygen to roots. Deeper, higher frequency of stem girdling roots. Deeper, more confined root system. Deeper, less stability

The Research-Based Evidence     

 

Douglas Airhart – Tennessee Tech U. Bonnie Appleton – VA Tech. Mike Arnold – Texas A & M Susan Day – VPI Donna Fare – U. S. National Arboretum Ed Gilman – U of Florida Christina Wells – Clemson University

Need More?    

J. Roger Harris, VPI Gary Watson, Morton Arboretum David Williams and Gary Kling, U of IL T. Davis Sydnor and Richard Rathjens, Ohio State University

What? Even More? 

Impact On Storm Damage to Trees? 

  

Most common reason for total failure: Buried SGRs. Species dependent. 1-4 inches. Johnson, 2006. “Storm Damage in Minnesota, 1995-2005.”

Myth #2: Trees Need to be Fertilized

Hmmm, Explain This (that’s volcanic rock, not soil!)

These are Good Reasons to Fertilize: Screens

Not a Good Reason to Fertilize

Good Reason to Fertilize

Phosphorus Deficiency on Plum

Myth #3: The Only Good Mulch is an Organic Mulch

Oh, Good Grief…What Could be Wrong With Mulch?

What’s Good About Mulch?* 

Three (3) Inches of Organic Mulch:  

 

Significantly Reduced Weed Pressure Increased Tree Stem Caliper Lowered Soil Temperatures Lowered Soil Oxygen

*Greenly and Rakow, 1995. Effect of Wood Mulch Type and Depth on Weed...

Anything Else Good About Mulch?*  

Significantly Reduced Soil Moisture Evaporation Increased Tree Root Length and Density Improved Disease Resistance of Mulched Trees

Faber, Downer, Menge. 2001. Differential Effects of Mulch.

Anything More?*   

Enhanced Nutrient Recycling Significantly Increased Fine Root Production Significantly Decreased Harmful Nematodes

Forge, Hogue, Neilsen, Neilsen. 2008. Organic mulches alter nematode commun…

What’s Bad About Mulch? 

It’s Like Twinkies

Negative Mulch 

Depth:  

Too Much, Too Little Moisture Too Much, Too Little Oxygen

Negative Mulch ď Ż

Are Colored Mulches Harmful? ď Ž

No Evidence of any Negative Effects

Negative Mulch 

Are Rubber Mulches Harmful?*  

Incorporated “crumb rubber” Can Increase Zinc Levels in Some Trees In Some Trees, the Increased Zinc Level can Cause Chlorosis

*Bush, Leader, Owings. 2001. Foliar Accumulation of Zinc in Tree Species Grown in Pine Bark Media Amended with Crumb Rubber.

Crumb Rubber vs. Rubber Mulch

Negative Mulches 

Are Mineral Mulches Bad?*  

  

Warmed Soil Earlier in Spring Extended Growing Season Don’t “Condition” Soil Poor Weed Control No Harmful Effects on Trees

* Iles and Dosmann. 1999. Effect of organic and mineral mulches on soil properties and growth of Fairview Flame red maple trees.

Myth #4: Roots are Safe and Out of Sight: The Vision

What is Normal, What is Abnormal

Heart-Root System

Lateral Root System

Shallow Roots Are Vulnerable

Myth #5: Birches and Maples Bleed in the Spring...So Don’t Prune Them!

“Sapping” Trees?

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