Accent Magazine - Spring 2012

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Accent MidAmerica Nazarene University

Vision for the Future

MNU’s 5th President: Dr. David J. Spittal. 04 “Miracle” $7.5 Million Gift Revitalizes MNU


Spring 2012

From the President

The Wind of the Spirit It doesn’t take long for people to discover that I love to sail. When sailing, the sound of the wind and waves brings a peace and stillness that settles deep in my heart. It’s there that God often meets me and speaks in very personal and intimate ways. I love to meet Him there in that very special place. Sailors know that the most expensive sails are worthless without wind. Without wind, the doldrums set in and all momentum stops. Without wind, even the best sailors become stalled and dead in the water for lack of power. Jesus’ words recorded in John 3:8 state, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.” In a world where we plan every moment and measure every step, Jesus speaks a truth that every sailor already knows. The wind, like the Holy Spirit, is God breathed and impossible for us to create or control. Like the wind, if we truly desire God’s best, our lives must be fully and completely submitted to His will. We are praying that the wind of the Holy Spirit will move across the MNU campus. We believe that prayers will be answered and spirits lifted as we invite God’s presence to surrounds us like swirling wind in the trees. When we see these things happening, we will hoist our sails, catch the power of the wind and shout with joy, for our blessed assurance has come.

Dr. David J. Spittal President

Volume 36, Number 1 Managing Editor Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best Contributing Editor Kim (Suderman '05) Campbell Contributors April (Loomis '92) Hansen Rachel Phelps ('09)

02 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Art and Design Josh Klekamp ('10) Kelly Lawler ('11) Aaron Dunham ('12) Photographers Josh Klekamp ('10) Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best Jen Christenson ('07)

Accent is published by MidAmerica Nazarene University and mailed free to alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It is produced for University Advancement by the MNU Marketing and Communications Office. Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and additional mailing offices. News or comments:

Table of Contents

Dr. David J. Spittal


MNU’s 5th president takes office

Strong Faith, Solid Vision


Dr. David Spittal lays the foundation for a bright future

Why I Teach



Dr. Jim Edlin, class of 1972, shares his motivation to keep the classroom relevant for all students


Athletics Then and Now


The MNU Experience


Real-world learning

Passion to Serve


Students assist children at Kansas City Urban Youth Center

Pioneer Athletics


Three championships in one week


MNU Receives Largest One-Time Gift



On The Cover Dr. David J. Spittal, MNU’s 5th president, took office February 1, 2012.

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President’s Message Campus News Faculty News Athletics Advancing MNU Alumni News

Dr. Spittal Takes The Helm Strong Faith, Solid Vision Why I Teach The MNU Experience Passion to Serve MNU Receives Large Gift

03 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Dr. Spittal Takes The Helm by Carol Best

On January 17, 2012, the Board of Trustees of MidAmerica Nazarene University elected Dr. David J. Spittal president following a seven-month search process. The former president of Southern Wesleyan University in Central, S.C., Spittal has a rich background in higher education having served as SWU president for 17 years, and as a vice president and dean at Indiana Wesleyan University for seven years. Chairman of the MNU Board of Trustees Dr. Larry McIntire says Dr. Spittal’s appointment was the culmination of an exhaustive search for a highly qualified leader. “Dr. Spittal has exceptional experience,” McIntire says. “His skill set as the leader of a Christian university and the 04 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

growth he has achieved for SWU will be invaluable here.” The presidential search committee was chaired by longtime friend of MNU Dan Rexroth, president and CEO of John Knox Village, one of the largest continuing care retirement communities in the U.S.

from a broad spectrum of constituents on leadership qualities desired and names of potential candidates. “The committee worked with a search firm to identify qualified candidates,” McIntire says. “We sought the input of the campus, the Olathe community, and

When the door opened to become a presidential candidate at MNU, we made it a matter of prayer,” he relates. “And thus began a love affair with MNU."

The 14-member committee, which was comprised of Board of Trustees members and faculty, staff, student, alumni and community representatives, sought input

church leaders. Many well-qualified candidates were considered. I truly believe the process uncovered the best leader for MNU.”

Dr. David J. Spittal Arriving on campus Feb. 9, Dr. Spittal assumed the role of president with enthusiasm. Greeting faculty and staff in a special meeting that day, he explained why he decided to come to MNU.

Get to know Dr. Spittal

“Although you didn’t know it, I’ve been praying for MNU for three years,” Dr. Spittal began. “In fact, SWU prayed for MNU in chapel two years ago. We prayed that God would lift you out of your financial situation. I have watched you from a distance and your story is not unfamiliar to me.” During that time both Dr. Spittal and his wife, Donna, began to feel God leading them to end his tenure at SWU, although they both felt there would be continued opportunity to serve in some professional capacity. Only after returning to the Chicago area to be closer to family did it become clear that the opportunity would involve assuming leadership of MNU. “When the door opened to become a presidential candidate at MNU, we made it a matter of prayer,” he relates. “And thus began a love affair with MNU and what you’ve done; the sacrifices you’ve made. So much so that, if the door [of opportunity] had closed, I would have been heartbroken.” During the transition from his SWU presidency to mere months of semiretirement and the search process at MNU, Dr. and Mrs. Spittal continued to experience multiple affirmations that they were walking through “God’s door,” and that “it was not our door to close or open,” he said. “I stand here today humbly,” he said at the Feb. 9 meeting. “I believe God has brought us together. God’s up to something here [at MNU]. We are not going to look back. We are going to look forward, and I’m expecting God to do some amazing things.” While Dr. Spittal is making the presidential apartment on campus his temporary home, Donna is preparing for the move from the couple’s home in Bourbonnais, Ill., and hopes to be in Olathe permanently this spring.

Dr. David J. Spittal has enjoyed an extensive career in public and private education. A graduate of Ball State University with a BS in music and art education in 1966, he completed an MS in music education in 1967. His first seven years after graduation were spent teaching public school music. Completing a doctorate in educational administration at Ball State in 1975, he served as assistant superintendent and then superintendent of schools in two Indiana public school districts. Moving into private higher education, Dr. Spittal became vice president and dean of adult and graduate studies at Indiana Wesleyan University and served there from 1987 to 1994. Then for 17 years, from 1994 to 2011, he served as president of Southern Wesleyan University in Central, S.C. Under his leadership the university expanded its locations to include four learning centers, in addition to its main campus. His work led SWU to strengthen and build relationships with local and regional communities resulting in many ongoing partnerships. Dr. Spittal has served in a variety of professional volunteer roles, including executive committee vice president for South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; co-chair of the Pickens County, S.C., Vision 2025 Project;

commissioner of the South Carolina Tuition Grants Commission; and as an on-site accreditation evaluator for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. He has also been on the board of directors of the Wesleyan Investment Foundation and a member of the General Board of the Wesleyan Church International. Dr. Spittal and his wife, Donna (Perry), were raised in Nazarene parsonages. His father and grandparents were Nazarene ministers in Canada and Illinois. “I spent my childhood on the front pews as my father preached and led worship,” he states. “My father was an outstanding musician, and it is from those experiences that I gained my love for all music and especially the music of the church.” In addition to his extensive volunteer experience as an educator, Dr. Spittal has served several Nazarene churches as a worship or choir director, Sunday School teacher and church board member. While the Spittals were affiliated with the Wesleyan Church during his service as president of Southern Wesleyan University, he says, “I am thrilled to return to the Nazarene church and have already experienced what it feels like to be back home again.”

05 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Dr.Article David J. Title Spittal

Strong Faith, Solid Vision MNU’s 5th President Sets the Course Embarking on a new endeavor as president of MidAmerica Nazarene University, Dr. David Spittal says his “life verse,” Proverbs 3:5-6, will guide him at MNU, just as it has throughout his personal and professional life. 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. “I have one thing I say to students,” he states. “God can be trusted with your entire life. Put it all there before Him.” Spittal says his primary goal is to get to know MNU, especially its students. MNU’s fifth president has an incremental 30-, 60- and 90-day plan that will include strategic decisions regarding finances and enrollment. “There are challenges ahead, but we will go through it with God’s help,” he adds. “We can trust Him with everything about this institution.” Citing experience gained as an accreditation evaluator for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Dr. Spittal has often assessed other universities’ finances. This background lends credibility to his assertion that MNU is making progress on its financial goals. “I believe MNU is beginning to turn a corner,” he said, “The amazing gift of $7.5 million (an anonymous gift received in Dec. 2011) is evidence of that. Let me tell you, that is not a typical gift to a university. God used someone’s generosity to tell us He’s at work.” While Dr. Spittal believes it will take two to three years to move to a position where MNU has sustained growth, he emphasizes constituents will see milestones indicating progress along the way. He frequently tells the MNU community, alumni and friends that 06 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

by Carol Best

Pioneers “don’t shrink back—we are not fearful!” “We’re at a point in time where those who love MNU need to rise up in prayer and enthusiastic support of the institution,” he adds. “Their financial support has never

been more important. Students have never needed scholarships more than now. I’m depending on those who love the institution to rekindle that Pioneer spirit that sustained MNU all through the years. God has had his hand of protection on this institution since its beginning.”

Dr. David J. Spittal

Relaxation and Recreation Dr. David Spittal enjoys reading, watercolor painting, music, skiing and sailing. His 26-foot sailboat, Second Wind, is in storage now awaiting the move to Kansas, and with luck, a lake big enough to set sail and catch a prairie wind. ABOVE LEFT The Spittal men on their sailboat, Second Wind, circa 1998. Left to right, Todd Spittal, Dr. David Spittal, and Ryan Spittal. ABOVE Donna Perry and David Spittal on their wedding day, August 28, 1965.

Meet the First Lady Donna Perry met David Spittal at a mixer for Nazarene college students at Ball State University. She had just graduated from Olivet Nazarene College with a degree in elementary education, and enrolled at Ball State to pursue a Master of Arts in elementary education. Nazarene higher education had played a huge role in her life. Both parents and her two brothers were graduates of Olivet where her father was a professor in the religion department. “I grew up on the campus of Olivet and my parents had a strong influence on my spiritual development,” she says. Married in 1965, the Spittals lived in Indiana for many years where she taught elementary school and later became the corporate director for a Christian child care company. Later she marketed the fledgling Master of Education program for Southern

Wesleyan University where Dr. Spittal was president, and recruited more than 300 teachers in two years. Then, as she puts it, she “retired” to be the president’s wife. The Spittals have two grown children. Todd, 41, owns and operates 16 assisted living centers in several states. He and his wife, Angela (Sears), are both ONU graduates and live in St. Louis with their children: Alexis, 8, Nicholas, 6, and Andrew, who is almost 3. Their younger son, Ryan, 35, is vice president for adult and continuing studies at ONU. He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children: Jack, 9, Kate, 6, and Quinn Alyse, 2. Mrs. Spittal says she and her husband work as a team. “He is out front in leadership, and I’m more behind the scenes in support,” she says. “However, I will attend many campus functions, and I like to travel

with him visiting the churches on the educational region.” Having many personal interests, Mrs. Spittal enjoys reading, travel, cooking and, just like her husband, sailing. She has also led Bible studies and, as her husband states, is a “true student of the Word.” How does Mrs. Spittal feel about moving to Olathe and taking on the role of first lady again? “Early in the fall I sensed that God was calling us to new service to Him. When this opportunity to come to MNU opened, I was very excited. MNU is ready to surge ahead as a strong institution where young men and women can prepare for their future service to God and the Church. I’m thrilled to be a part of this time.”

07 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Campus News

ABSN graduate Cindy McCoy (’11) is congratulated by Assistant Professor of Nursing Gwen Wagner at MNU’s December 2011 Nurses’ Pinning. The nurses’ pin, which represents the brand of the School of Nursing, is given to nursing school graduates in a ceremony that recognizes their accomplishments. MNU has graduated over 1,000 nurses since the major began in 1981.

Nursing Programs Expand to New Locations The School of Nursing and Health Science at MNU is taking two of its degree programs to new locations. The RN to BSN (registered nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program will now be offered on the Neosho County Community College – Ottawa campus, and North Kansas City Hospital has agreed to provide space for the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) at the hospital for nursing professionals.

advancement. Making higher education more easily accessible may help more nurses advance their careers.

According to Dr. Susan Larson, dean of MNU’s School of Nursing and Health Science, the university is acting on suggestions from an Institute of Medicine (IOM) report that encourages nursing schools to develop a seamless path of upward mobility regarding educational

The two programs, designed for working adults, can be completed in as little as one year by attending class just once a week for four hours. Both are also offered at the university’s extension site in Liberty, Mo., and online, as well as on the main campus in Olathe.

“We’re eager to build these partnerships because we believe strongly in the numerous benefits of educational advancement for nurses and we’re supportive of removing barriers and providing a convenient method to achieve this goal,” Larson said.

More evidence of growth in MNU’s nursing programs was the school’s first-ever December pinning ceremony for 35 Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN), 30 RN to BSN, and nearly 20 MSN students. The School of Nursing and Health Science will continue to hold its May pinning ceremony for traditional graduates. The latest ABSN group began in January with 35 students. More than 100 qualified applicants competed for the 35 spots. Five of those students will share in the $50,000 Robert Woods Johnson Foundation scholarships made possible by a grant to MNU from RWJF.

Gillett Receives Award Dr. Jim Diehl, MNU interim president, with Dr. Elmer L. Gillett (’79), MNU’s 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Living Legacy Award Recipient. Gillett, who is senior pastor of Community Worship Center, Brooklyn, N.Y., and director of Black Ministries for the Church of the Nazarene, spoke on "Servant Leadership: Following Dr. King’s Example," at MNU’s 6th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Community Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 16, 2012. 08 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

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Campus News

You Can’t Take It With You Senior Bryan Huther and Junior Molly Harmel, as Tony Kirby and Alice Sycamore in MNU’s production of “You Can’t Take It With You.” Well-known Kansas City actress Kathleen Warfel directed the play which ran Feb. 29 to Mar. 3, and included Olathe community members as well as MNU students.

MNU Europe Starts With Summer 2012 Trip This summer four MNU professors will kick off “MNU Europe,” the university’s new international experience, with a two-week European trip and a choice of four courses, June 5 – 20. Based in Büsingen, Germany, at the former campus of European Nazarene College, travelers will enjoy day and overnight travel to other sites of interest in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. The trip is open to non-students as well as students. For those interested in college credit, the following courses will be offered: →→ Church History II – Dr. Randy Cloud (visiting sites important to the Protestant Reformation) →→ Intercultural Experience – Dr. Randy Beckum →→ American Writers in Paris – Dr. Barbara Ragan →→ English Composition II - Dr. Linda Alexander

The approximate cost for the trip, not including tuition, is $2,700. For more information, including a tentative itinerary, contact Dr. Randy Cloud at

Intercultural Communication, Christian Beliefs and European Influences, Cultural and Language Immersion: German, Spiritual Formation, and Intercultural Experience.

A full semester will be offered at MNU Europe beginning in September with a variety of general education classes as well as the following classes, pending sufficient enrollment: European History, European Fine Arts, Global Diversity and

To learn more about MNU Europe go to:

09 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Faculty News “In many universities, you’d have teaching assistants providing freshman-level classes. Students wouldn’t see anyone with a doctorate until much later. But we made a commitment to put our best prepared people there,” says Edlin. “While we might like to teach just in our specialty, I love the challenge of teaching laymen--people who will be Sunday School teachers and church members. The goal is to turn on light bulbs, to light fires.” The fire in Edlin has been burning since his days as an undergraduate in the Pioneer class (first class) at MNU. His desire is to create the same kind of positive, growing experience that he had, and he says teaching is God’s calling upon his life. He views the college years as some of the most crucial in life when decisions are made regarding one’s mission in life and potentially a life-long mate.

Why I teach Dr. Jim Edlin (’72) has been teaching 27 years and still looks forward to the start of each semester. “I like the beginning of a semester most,” says Edlin. “It’s another opportunity to start over and do better. All of us, students and professors, have fresh perspective and high hopes for the semester.” Edlin’s career began in the Philippines at the Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary after completing his PhD at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1985. Having taught at MNU since 1989, he is highly qualified to teach introductory Old and New Testament classes to satisfy general education requirements, as well as junior/senior-level Old Testament courses such as the Pentateuch, and prophetic literature. Edlin is a true utility player. “I also teach Beginning Biblical Hebrew and a few other Bible classes from time to time,” he says. “I have students majoring in all four of our major areas: ministry, youth and family ministry, intercultural studies and Bible and theology.” 10 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

by Rachel Phelps Though he admits to enjoying the more specialized courses, Edlin is pleased to teach the general education classes because he feels it is a key part of MNU’s commitment to teaching excellence.

A prolific writer, Edlin is co-author of Discovering the Old Testament, the textbook for all MNU Old Testament Literature courses. He authored the New Beacon Bible Commentary on Daniel and is working on a Commentary for Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. He also writes Bible study curriculum and is a frequent contributor to Sunday School curriculum for Nazarene Publishing House.

“Most importantly, we make huge decisions about who will be master of our lives,” Edlin asserts. “This is a critical time for settling our relationship with God. I want to be a part of helping students through these critical decisions. I’m especially thrilled when the light bulb goes on and students realize how important the Word of God is for them to truly know God more intimately.” Edlin says he feels called to teach as long as he’s still connecting to his students. He’s finding there are things that he has to offer that he couldn’t 20 years ago – like providing a fatherly perspective for his students. He notes that some students feel more comfortable talking to someone the same age as their parents or grandparents. Even when he doesn’t have the chance to get to know a student deeply, he realizes that God is using the classroom experience in their lives. “Just this past semester a student wrote me a note thanking me for the class,” Edlin says. “I wasn’t even aware of how the class was impacting his life. But I want to help my students value the Bible; help them become careful handlers of the Word so they can pass it on to others."


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Faculty News


Integration of Simulation in the Nursing Curriculum" at the Nuts and Bolts for Nurse Educators: Essentials of E-learning and Strategies for NCLEX® Success, in Phoenix on February 3-4.

Patricia ‘Tish’ Conejo, PhD, RN, WHNP, associate professor of nursing, presented her poster, “Creating a Curtain of Protection: Nurses’ Experiences of Grief Following Patient Death,” at the 16th Annual Midwest Regional Nursing Educators Conference November 10-11 in Columbia, Mo. She also presented "Successful Implementation and

Dean Flemming, PhD, (’75), professor of New Testament and missions, was a speaker at the John A. Knight Bible and Theology Conference, Feb. 15-17, at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Dean presented a paper and workshop on "A Contextual Approach to the Book of Revelation."


certification program began in January 2012 and can be completed online or in person.

Sondra Cave, EdD, (’81), professor emeritus, was a keynote speaker at the Christian Music Broadcasters’ national convention in Orlando, Fla., in fall 2011.

Todd Frye, PhD, professor of counseling, and Todd Bowman, PhD, associate professor of counseling, are quoted in the December 2011 issue of Counseling Today. The article examines the underlying causes of, and treatment for, sexual addiction. MNU’s Sexual Addictions Provider Treatment Certification program is prominently mentioned. The article quotes Frye saying, “There has been no university-affiliated and accredited program in the U.S. We wanted to offer an accredited program that draws upon the rigor and resources that a university [can] provide.” The SATP


Terry Baldridge, PhD, professor of music, spent the fall semester on sabbatical in Mexico studying Spanish and various forms of Mexican music. Baldridge is responsible for MNU’s World Music program.

Terry Gunter, EdD, professor of adult education, has been elected to a threeyear term on the Leadership Council of the Christian Adult Higher Education Association (CAHEA). He also presented

Jim Edlin, PhD (’72), professor of Biblical literature and languages, contributed a chapter to the book The Bible Tells Me So: Reading the Bible as Scripture, edited by Richard Thompson and Thomas Oord, published by SacraSage Press. His chapter is called "Preaching Daniel: Delivering Daniel from the Den of Distractions." The book is a collection of papers presented by 30 Nazarene scholars at the "The Bible Tells Me So" conference held at Northwest Nazarene University in February 2011.

at the summer 2011 CAHEA conference in Colorado Springs, Co. CAHEA has 74 member institutions including John Brown University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Biola University and Azusa Pacific University.

John Leavitt, DMA, professor of music, is one of 16 University of Missouri at Kansas City alumni receiving top honors from the university’s Alumni Association. Leavitt was chosen to represent the Conservatory of Music and Dance at

Faith Jacobsen, PhD, assistant professor of chemistry, presented research entitled "Zinc and manganese homeostasis in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Myxococcus xanthus,” at the Midwest/Great Lakes Joint Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in St. Louis, Mo.

Karen Wiegman, PhD, RN, associate professor of nursing, presented “Healthcare Ethics Today and Tomorrow” at the Annual Heart of America Chapter of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Conference on November 3.

Neil Friesland, EdD, (’92), associate professor of education and Brad King, MEd, (’79), associate professor of physical education, have published the article “Post-secondary education experience for students with developmental disabilities: A look into the perceptions of parents of senior high transition students on a small university campus,” in The Journal of the American Association of Special Education Professionals, winter 2012 edition.

UMKC. According to a UMKC publication, Leavitt is being honored for distinguishing himself as a musician, composer, teacher, conductor and author. Leavitt is a regularly featured artist for the Manhattan Concert Production’s Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Series in Washington, D.C., and a regular guest conductor of the New York Mid America Productions’ Carnegie Hall Concert Series. The awards will be presented at an annual luncheon at UMKC in April 2012.

13 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Then an

Remembering “The Barn.� The Pioneers at home in Land Gym, circ Duyck ('76) versus an unidentified team.

Today the Pioneers and their opponents enjoy the amenities of Bell F puts one up for the Pioneers as they capture the 2012 HAAC regular s

14 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

nd Now

ca 1972-73 season. Bob Massie ('73) (shooting) and Leland

Family Arena in Cook Center. Nick Syrie, starting point guard, season championship against Evangel (67-62) on Feb. 23.

15 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

The MNU Experience ver wonder if you could investigate crimes like the actors on the TV show “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation?” Students at MNU get to find out in a class that gives them hands-on experience learning crime scene investigation techniques.


Deputy Sheriff Lisa Tator (’06) is a crime scene investigator for Johnson County, Kan., and an adjunct instructor in MNU’s criminal forensics class. Bringing her on-the-job experience to the classroom, the certified crime scene analyst uses case studies of real-world crimes she has processed to teach students when 16 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

by Rachel Phelps Whether you call it real-world, experiential or hands-on learning, students at MNU benefit from applying theory learned in class in a variety of internships and practical experiences.

and how to utilize techniques such as evidence gathering and analysis. “I’m intentional about giving the students as real a picture as I can about the forensic community, and giving them the skills they will need to get started in a law enforcement or forensic career,” Tator says. Students say the class is more interesting because it is hands-on. “You don’t just sit for three hours,” says senior criminal justice major Jasmine Ribble of Branchport, N.Y. “We used the equipment and materials that CSI Tator

uses on the job; the camera, swab tests, fingerprinting and dusting techniques, and a lot of other experiences that led up to our final crime scene. The final crime scene [used as the final exam] brought everything we learned in lecture and hands-on learning together. This is by far the best class I have taken in my college career.” All this training should pay off for students, too. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, law enforcement jobs are expected to grow by 10 percent through 2018, and investigative positions should grow by 17 percent.

The MNU Experience

Arts marketing internships help seniors gain experience As graduation draws close, two MNU students are happy they spent the time and effort to gain valuable real-world experience at a pair of iconic Kansas City institutions. Last fall senior music major Nicole Ferguson completed a marketing internship at the Lyric Opera, while senior mass communications major Brian Huther completed his marketing internship at Kansas City Repertory Theatre. Both students are frequent performers on the MNU’s performing arts stage, but for these

experiences both went behind the scenes. “I wanted to combine my major with my passion, theatre, and this was the perfect way to do that,” says Huther. His 120-hour internship focused on promoting upcoming shows for the theatre. Laura Muir, the Rep’s director of communication, referred to his duties as “guerilla marketing,” such as hanging posters downtown, in Westport and on the Country Club Plaza, all major entertainment

MNU Students Market New Business

When MNU alumnus and Java Cone restaurant owner Michael Grim (’06) opened his Gardner, Kan., business he turned to his alma mater for help with marketing. Associate professor of business Lisa (Leslie ’94) Wallentine and assistant professor of graphic design Brian Merriman teamed students from their promotion management and corporate identity classes to create an integrated marketing communication plan for the coffee, ice cream and hot food cafe. The 22 students were divided into seven teams in an “Apprentice”-style competition during the fall semester. “They kept their ideas and plans a secret from each other,” says Wallentine. “Then all seven teams presented their work to professor Merriman and me. We narrowed it down to the top three teams, who got to present their ideas to Michael.”

Part of the challenge was finding effective marketing strategies for a small budget. The students came up with low-cost ideas, such as utilizing yard signs and social media to get the word out, and a frequent buyer club. They also suggested integrating artwork from Gardner High School art students as a way to help the community feel involved. “I was very impressed with their ideas and ability to think outside of the box to work on such a tight budget,” says Grim. “All three groups did an amazing job, and I would be proud to have them as my marketers.” “The project is a great example of interdisciplinary service-learning,” says Wallentine. “Students from two disciplines – marketing and humanities – work together to produce real-world work based on what they are learning in the classroom. This is hands-on learning at its finest.”

districts in Kansas City. Updating social media outlets to promote the Rep, Huther also researched area theaters to prepare a competitive analysis for the theatre. The Rep’s Muir says they are pleased with Huther’s work. “We really appreciate our interns. They offer a lot to the Rep, and we hope we offer them quality work experience in return.” Nicole Ferguson’s internship at the Lyric Opera was unusual because the spot usually goes to marketing majors, according to Shannon Sundberg, marketing and annual fund manager for the Lyric Opera. “Nicole brought a unique energy to the office because of her passion for the art form,” Sundberg said. Ferguson, who wants to work with a fine arts company after graduation, wrote synopses for the shows, did research for the next season, handled rush mailings, and even worked the box office for some events. The highlight of her internship occurred during the open house for the newly opened Kauffmann Center for the Performing Arts. She was asked to dress up as Brunhilde, the iconic Viking heroine of the Wagner opera “Ring of the Nibelung,” and entertain the people waiting in line to enter the building. As Ferguson and Huther wrapped up their internships, they both pointed to the connections they made as the most important part of the experience. “Jobs in the arts don't arise very often and when they do, you need a friend to help you get them,” Ferguson says. Huther agrees. “Working hard is always an investment in future opportunities, so I wouldn't be surprised if this led me somewhere.”

Read about business students in professor Yorton Clark’s human resources class who took service-learning to the Lansing Correctional Facility in Lansing, Kan., at 17 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

y focusing efforts locally, MNU’s 2011-2012 Passion to Serve project at Kansas City Urban Youth Center is benefitting from personal involvement as well as monetary donations.


“Our volunteer hours goal was 2,000 hours. We have hit that goal and surpassed it. This is our strength this year,” says Raelyn Koop (’07) of the MNU ServiceCorps. KCUYC serves more than 200 youth with after-school programs in three sites across urban Kansas City. Two major volunteer events took place at KCUYC this fall: an overnight “staycation” and a football clinic. The staycation involved 45 MNU students in recreation, and discussion with the children, and maintenance on the buildings. The football clinic was an afternoon event at MNU that ended with the MNU football team grilling dinner for the children. Other sports teams at MNU are looking for chances to do similar events. 18 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

KCUYC is part of a matching grant this semester, so funds donated to the center will be matched up to $10,000. MNU raised $5,200 in the fall, and the center used the funds to purchase a new van. While the initial fundraising goal was $40,000, Koop says they’re focusing on giving as much as they can to the center, regardless of the final amount. “This is a great time to donate because of the matching program,” says Koop. “Donors can also sponsor a mentor, in essence donating a certain amount to the KCUYC for every hour that an MNU mentor gives his or her time.” An offshoot of the project is a book drive for the center’s Accelerated Reader Program. Sixty books have already been provided, and more are being sought. Individuals and families are welcome to buy specific books on the accelerated reader list (found at www. or donate $4 per book and let MNU purchase the necessary books.

Koop estimates that more than 250 children have interacted with MNU students since the project began; around 50 children are involved in ongoing relationships with MNU mentors. “KCUYC is very holistic in their approach to serving these communities and therefore is very open to companies, church groups and families proposing ways to get involved,” says Koop. “The biggest need is continual relationships versus one-time events.”

To donate to Passion to Serve, call MNU ServiceCorps at (913) 971-3542, or visit and specify Urban Youth Ministry. For information about mentoring at KCUYC, contact

Passion To Serve

Alum Finds Time for Giving Back Even the demands of law school can’t completely tear MNU alumna Lindsey Snyder (’10) away from her volunteer work at Kansas City Urban Youth Center. Snyder, who started volunteering at KCUYC in January 2010, has done everything from helping students with homework to planning a KC Royals field trip. Whether she’s working in the community garden and cleanup program or in charge of crafts, she has come to love her involvement with the center. “My desire is fueled by my relationship with the kids. Watching them grow and mature since I’ve been there is very encouraging,” says Snyder. “I couldn’t be there as much when law school started, but I still try to make it about twice a week.”

The staff at KCUYC mentored Snyder just as she has mentored the kids. “The volunteers and employees grow very close,” she says. “They have always been so supportive and encouraging. What KCUYC and their staff do for the kids is amazing. Some of the kids would have nothing to do after school if they didn’t provide programming.” Currently a graduate student at the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Law, Snyder believes the relationship between MNU and KCUYC is vital for the children. Citing the example the MNU students portray for the children, Snyder thinks seeing young people achieving in higher education and succeeding in life makes a difference.

Getting Adult Students More Involved in MNU Service

Smith, who is doing her Capstone Project on getting nontraditional students more involved at MNU, is focusing her efforts on MNU’s Passion to Serve Project at Kansas City Urban Youth Center (KCUYC). Her premise is that low involvement by adult students stems from lack of awareness, and her plan is to get Raelyn Koop, MNU ServiceCorps, discusses fundraising with more information in student Harlan Smith the hands of graduate and adult students to provide them with For many students in the graduate more opportunities to serve. and adult studies programs at MNU, connecting to the spirit of the university can be a challenge due to the many simultaneous commitments on their time. “Most of us work full-time, most of us have families,” says Harlan Smith, a student in the Management and Human Relations bachelor’s degree completion program. “But we still want to be a part of it.”

Her classmates have responded well so far. When asked for donations for KCUYC, all of them participated. The proceeds of the collection went toward books for the center. “Some of them gave enough for five or 10 books,” Smith says. “They were glad to be involved.”

Lindsey Snyder at KYUYC

“They need to see that they can succeed, too,” says Snyder. “Sometimes it is challenging to watch children move away [or the staff] change, but seeing that what we do actually makes a difference, even if minute, is worth it. Some days it's the highlight of my week. Some days it's more challenging and exhausting. But I think everyone there would say that it's completely worth the time.”

Smith went beyond fundraising and volunteered at the Rosedale KCUYC site weekly for four months, saying the experience was rewarding. “I loved those kids,” Smith asserted. “I felt like I connected with them, and they seemed to enjoy having me there.” It is Smith’s hope that with increased communication, more non-traditional students will become involved in service projects at MNU. She says that one of her reasons for choosing MNU was that it is a comprehensive university, unlike the satellite locations of other universities. “It has a football team and a physical library. You can get the full experience,” she adds. “And if we know about projects and ways we can help, we will. We want to give, and we want to be a part of it. We don’t want to just be old fogeys who take up parking spaces.” Smith will present her findings to MNU ServiceCorps personnel this spring in hopes of spawning an improved method of involving graduate and adult students in service projects. 19 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

MNU Athletics

MNU International Athletes Three of MNU’s 13 international student athletes are part of Heart of America Athletic Conference Championship teams. Above, left to right, junior soccer forward Luke Pontin of England; sophomore volleyball center Linjun Ji of China and freshman soccer defender

Aurelien Norest of France all chose MNU over universities in their own countries.

awards while being named to the AllHAAC first team.

In addition to playing for championship teams, Aurelien was named to the HAAC All-Conference men’s soccer team, and Linjun finished the season with four HAAC Volleyball Player of the Week

When asked why they chose MNU, all three said the same thing, “Opportunity to compete.” MNU is home to 50 international students.

Freshman Chosen for Prestigious Red Cross Academy MNU freshman Konner McIntire is one of only fourteen student-athletes in the U.S. chosen to participate in the 2012-2013 Red Cross/NAIA Collegiate Leadership Program. McIntire will spend two weeks in Washington, D.C., June 4 through 15, attending the program’s leadership academy. According to the NAIA, the academy includes coaching, mentoring and professional leadership training from the Red Cross as well as character workshops from the NAIA’s Champions of Character initiative. Upon completion McIntire will be expected to organize successful blood drives at MNU, participate in a leadership board, and complete diversity and cultural competency training. For her efforts she will receive a scholarship from the Red Cross sponsored by State Farm Insurance. 20 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

The Joplin, Mo., resident plays volleyball for the Pioneers and is a part of this year’s HAAC Championship team. Majoring in corporate communication, McIntire maintains a high GPA and is valued by her coach and teammates. McIntire had unique experiences to share in the application process that required a resume, essay and interview. Just last year she spent the summer volunteering in her home town after the devastating Joplin tornado. Hoping to further solidify her career goals through the experience, McIntire says she thinks about someday running a nonprofit organization like the Red Cross. The daughter of MNU alums Dr. Kent ('85) and Jackie (Boyd '84), McIntire is a 2011 graduate of College Heights Christian

High School in Joplin. Dr. Larry McIntire, chair of MNU’s Board of Trustees, is her grandfather.

MNU Athletics


Men's Basketball MNU men’s basketball is back. After two disappointing seasons, the Pioneers clinched the Heart of America Athletic Conference championship in their 67-62 win over Evangel on Feb. 23. The HAAC champs automatically qualify for the NAIA National Tournament—the Pioneers' first since the 2008-09 season. MNU leads the country in field goal percentage at 51.4 percent. They are also in the top ten in several other categories including total assists, total blocks, and scoring offense. With no seniors playing regularly, the Pioneers are poised for another great run of national tournament appearances.

WoMen's Basketball The MNU women's basketball team had its best season in four years, and captured the Heart of America Athletic Conference title outright for the first time in program history. The Pioneers are second in the league in both offense and defense. An 11-game winning streak propelled the Pioneers to the top of the conference. Qualifying for the NAIA National Tournament for the first time since the 2007-08 season, the women finished the season 22-8 (15-3 HAAC).

One Week…Three Championships In one unprecedented week last fall, three MNU athletic teams achieved conference championships against big odds. Winning nine of ten regular season games, the MNU Pioneers football team claimed a share of the Heart of America Athletic Conference (HAAC) title, sharing it with Missouri Valley (also 9-1). The volleyball team went 8-1 in conference play, earning the #2 seed in the conference tournament and then won the HAAC championship. And with the toughest road of all, the men’s soccer team ended conference play 3-4 to be the 5th-seed in a six-team tourney, but went on to take the top HAAC honors. Volleyball easily dispatched Missouri Valley and Evangel in the first two rounds of the conference tournament. Then at Baker (site of their only conference loss) the women took the first set 25-18. In an epic set, MNU finally took control of the second match

with a 33-31 victory. The third set was all Pioneers as they swept the match, captured the title, and qualified for the national tournament for the first time in school history. The men's soccer conference was loaded with potential national qualifiers and all four losses were to teams ranked in the top 25. MNU traveled to #24 Graceland in the first round of the conference tournament and won 2-1. In the semi-finals at 1st seed, #6, Missouri Valley, the Pioneers scored early and were able to make the lead hold up in a 1-0 victory. The final at #2 Baker went to MNU 2-1.The victory gave the Pioneers their first earned trip to Nationals (the 2007 appearance was a host bid). "This is an unprecedented feat,” said Kevin Steele, MNU director of athletics. “It's a phenomenal time to be a Pioneer."

Want to learn more? Visit 21 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Advancing MNU

Largest Ever One-Time Gift of $7.5 million Revitalizes MNU Community by April Hansen

The topic of the all-campus meeting was shrouded in secrecy as MNU employees gathered in Cook Center on December 15. The meeting was called by Vice President for Finance Kevin Gilmore and his fellow Cabinet members Jon North, vice president for university advancement, and Jim Diehl, interim president. Though the subject was unknown, it was clear the trio had important news to share. As the emotional story unfolded – with Diehl, Gilmore, and North each telling different aspects of the miraculous tale – the MNU family could sense God was revealing “a new thing” at the university He established 46 years ago. When the meeting culminated in the announcement MNU had received a $7.5 million gift, those gathered in the room wept tears of joy. It was evident that, just as God had done time and time again in the history of MNU, He was once again pouring out a miracle at MNU.

of the donor’s deep commitment to faithfully obeying and serving God.

“Our donor has had many years of exposure to MNU and what we do,” North states. “We are so grateful for this amazing demonstration of support that will provide more opportunities to educate young people and adults in a Christian learning environment.” “Our donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has a heart for Christian higher education and considers it a tremendous responsibility to practice good stewardship of what God has provided,” says North. North says the donor considers the university’s mission – to educate and inspire servant leaders – worthy of this investment, and supports the institution’s vision to be a premier Christian university. Through its alumni, students and faculty, MNU has had an impact in 150 countries worldwide.

Dr. Diehl expressed his gratitude for, and amazement at, the amount of the unrestricted cash donation, which is the largest one-time gift the university has received in its 46-year history.

“Our donor has had many years of exposure to MNU and what we do,” North states. “We are so grateful for this amazing demonstration of support that will provide more opportunities to educate young people and adults in a Christian learning environment.”

North said that, while the gift represents the culmination of many months of work, it is primarily a humbling demonstration

Dr. Jim Diehl pointed to this gift as one of the many signs God is working and moving in the life of the university.

22 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

“[This is] God’s divine intervention,” Diehl asserts. “The Holy Spirit moved on this

campus in the fall. From a significant time of renewal during Spiritual Deepening Week, to securing this timely gift, God shows us once more that He is at work. This is not the first time He has done the impossible at MNU, and now it has happened again.” Gilmore noted many positive developments that occurred at MNU in fall 2011, such as: →→ traditional undergraduate enrollment 5% higher than projected, →→ 25% increase in graduate and adult revenues, →→ undergraduate applications up 11% from last year, →→ support from Nazarene churches up 5%, →→ net income and cash flow from operations significantly up from last year.

Advancing MNU from a tax standpoint since a current charitable income tax deduction is received for the fair market value of the real estate and any potential capital gains taxes that would be incurred upon a sale of the property are avoided. Homes, farms and commercial properties: Properties can be retained for the donor’s lifetime use in what is called a “retained life estate.” This option creates an immediate benefit, but allows the donor's use of the home or farm for the rest of their lives.

Crop of Grain Benefits Scholarships Q: When does a gift of grain help a university student attend MNU? A: When the grain is donated to the MNU University Fund. Donors have found many creative and generous ways to help MNU over the years – from cattle and quilts at the Autumn Auction, to gifts of homes, farms and even precious metals. That amazing creativity isn’t a thing of the past. Recently a donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted the Office of University Advancement and asked if MNU could accept his gift of grain. The answer was yes, resulting in a much-needed gift to benefit student scholarships.

According to IRS data, more than 90 percent of America's wealth is in noncash assets. That’s why donors are finding creative, non-cash ways to fuel their passion for helping students. The most common kinds of gifts include: Stocks or mutual funds: These gifts often provide the donor significant tax benefits. Contributions of appreciated securities held for over a year are generally deductible at market value, regardless of what the donor paid for them. Additionally, capital gains tax can be avoided through such a gift.

Tangible personal property: The possibilities are practically endless in this creative giving category. Cars, tractors, boats, business inventory, art, and precious metals are examples of gifts that have helped send students to MNU. In fact one donor recently donated precious metals that will benefit MNU students.

If you have been considering a gift of your home, farm, or other non-cash assets, contact Roger Alexander at (877) 496-8668, ext. 3274 or

Real estate: Gifts of real estate provide multiple options for donors. Appreciated real estate can be especially attractive

Charitable Gift Annuity

A gift that gives back

Supporting Christian higher education isn’t the only benefit of establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity at MidAmerica Nazarene University. • Income for life • Immediate tax savings

MNU Foundation Annuity Rates (Based on American Council on Gift Annuities single life rates. No commissions.)

• Choose income now or later • Leave a living legacy

Age 65 Age 70 Age 75 Age 80 Age 85

4.7% 5.1% 5.8% 6.8% 7.8%

To learn more, contact the MNU Foundation at (877) 496-8668 or e-mail

23 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Alumni & Friends

Alumni News

KU Athletic Director Has Pioneer Roots Ever think that an MNU Pioneer might influence the University of Kansas athletic programs? Dr. Sheahon Zenger (FS ’85), KU athletic director, does, and he described it when he spoke at the November 8, 2011, MNU Tuesday Business and Professionals Luncheon. Since childhood the Hays, Kan., native knew he wanted to be a coach. Playing football as a freshman at Fort Hays State, Zenger transferred to MNU in 1985 where he was a backup quarterback to All-American and MNU Hall of Fame quarterback Paul Young (’88). The Pioneers won the Heart of America Athletic Conference for the first time that year, as well as several other firsts, such as defeating Missouri Valley, a 16th-place ranking in the NAIA Div. II, and a Coach of the Year award for the university’s founding football coach, Gordon DeGraffenreid. Though Zenger was at MNU for only a year, he noted the relationships and values he found there had a "significant impact" on him, and he maintains close relationships with individuals like Dr. Rick Hanson ('88) and Coach Tom Cross.

Great Wolf Lodge More than 200 alumni and friends enjoyed family fun at the Great Wolf Lodge Weekend Jan. 20 and 21. Left to right: Dr. Jim Thornton (’77); Jeff Pio, Kelsi (Thornton) Pio ('06), Sandy (Lyle) Thornton ('79), Brittany (Thornton) Jonker ('09), Brad Jonker ('10).

24 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Zenger transferred to Kansas State University in 1986 to complete his undergraduate degree in English and secondary education in 1988 while assisting the football program at Manhattan (Kan.) High School. Described by colleagues as a man who has "no ego and has tremendous character," Zenger was shaped by each of his collegiate experiences and deep Kansas roots to become a leader of character. In a USA Today article about his hiring at KU, Zenger called the Kansas athletics director post his “dream job” and promised to bring discipline and a sense of purpose to the school's sports programs. He said sound fundamentals and mental toughness will be attributes Kansas athletes not only take to the field, but also use in their academic and personal lives. Zenger’s career has spanned coaching football at Drake University and for Bill Snyder's football coaching staff at Kansas State as one of the nation's youngest, full-time football staff members.

Earning a PhD from the University of Kansas in 1996, he also held positions at the University of South Florida, the University of Wyoming, and at Illinois State University as athletic director until assuming the AD position at KU in 2011. Zenger and his wife, Pam, live in Lawrence, Kan. with their three children: Luke, age 14; Abby, age 12; and Jake, age 10.

Alumni & Friends

MNU Hosts Leadercast 2012 MidAmerica Nazarene University will be a host site for the second consecutive year for Chick-fil-A Leadercast 2012 on Friday, May 4, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the Bell Cultural Events Center. The LIVE satellite simulcast of the conference, in Atlanta, Ga., will feature worldrenowned celebrities and leaders such as CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien, NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, and leadership

expert and best-selling author John Maxwell, among seven others. More than 125,000 participants will attend at hundreds of locations around the world, with approximately 500 expected to attend the leadership event at MNU. The event is sponsored by the Office of Alumni Relations and the School of Business.

Tickets for this year’s event are $79 per person and include lunch. For more information, or to register, go to, or call 913.971.3275.

Event Series Calendar 04.10

MNU Tuesday Business Luncheon Bell Cultural Events Center Speaker: MNU President Dr. David Spittal


MNU Night at Worlds of Fun


Chick-fil-A Leadercast Bell Cultural Events Center


Alumni Night at the Kansas City T-Bones

Meet and Greet Receptions with President Dr. David Spittal

MNU NIGHT @ T-BONES BASEBALL MNU Alumni Relations invites you and your family to VS.


Joplin District Assembly


Missouri District Assembly


Nebraska District Assembly


Iowa District Assembly


Kansas District Assembly


Prairie Lakes District Assembly


Kansas City District Assembly


Alumni Night at the Minnesota Twins Minneapolis, Minn.


$9.00 per ticket (ages 2 & under get in free) Tuesday, May 19, 2012, at 7:00 pm CommunityAmerica Ballpark 1800 Village West Parkway Kansas City, KS 66111 Order tickets online at by May 10, 2012, or RSVP to / 913.971.3275

For more event details, visit

25 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Alumni & Friends

Additional News Dean Nelson, PhD, (’76) has authored Quantum Leap: How John Polkinghorne Found God in Science and Religion. Polkinghorne is a renowned physicist who helped explain the existence of quarks and gluons, believed to be the world’s smallest known particles. Nelson also penned Why Certainty About God is Overrated in the August 28, 2011, edition of USA Today. The article discussed Polkinghorne’s ability to believe in, and yet question, both God and science. Read more about Nelson, a journalism professor at Point Loma Nazarene University, and his book at www.

Faye Anne Hughes ('84) was selected as 2011 Employee of the Year at North Kansas City Hospital. Faye Anne is a clinical supervisor in the emergency room.

Carin Stutz, (MBA ’97) was recently named CEO of Cosi, Inc., a restaurant chain with more than 100 restaurants in 16 states and the District of Columbia. She is chair of the Women's Foodservice Forum.

Brent Blacklock, CPA, (’99) is now senior manager at TPP Certified Public Accountants.

Robert Rocha (’99) is fire chief for the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. He was previously a deputy fire chief in Kansas City, Kan.

Want more? Visit 26 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

Bill Anderson (MBA ’00) turned his MBA business plan into a reality. The vision for a Bible camp and retreat center in the Missouri Ozarks became LifeChange Camp near Clinton, Mo. According to Bill, the camp “exists as proof of what God can do through people who sense a call, follow it tenaciously, work diligently and try to obey faithfully in following His lead. The camp housed nearly 1,500 guests in 2011. More information about the camp is available at

Daniel Peterson (’01) is playing forward for the Arizona Scorpions, an American Basketball Association (ABA) professional team in Phoenix.

Philip White (’04) has authored Our Supreme Task: How Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech Defined the Cold War Alliance. The book chronicles Winston Churchill's unlikely journey to Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., to deliver the Iron Curtain speech in March 1946 and its impact on U.S. policy. White will appear in March at the Kansas City Public Library to discuss the book.

John Mattox (’07) is the new fire chief of Shawnee, Kan. He is also president of the Kansas Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Mattox succeeded another MNU grad, Shawnee Fire Chief Jeff Hudson (’01), who retired from that position.

Mark Wieczorek (’07), a track athlete and biology major in his college days, represented Team USA in the 800 meters

in the Pan Am games in Guadalajara, Mexico, on October 28, 2011, placing fifth.

Dawn Gilner, MA, LPC, (’08) owner of Willow Creek Counseling Center LLC, is founder of the Angel Day 5K Run/ Walk to benefit the Maguire Davis Gilner Foundation (501c3). She established and named the foundation in memory of her son and helps grieving parents in financial need purchase headstones for their babies. This year the run will be May 19, 2012, at Lone Elm Park in Olathe. You can reach Dawn at www. and www.

Coady Andrews (FS ’09) is a defender on the Missouri Comets, the Major Indoor Soccer League team of Independence, Mo. The Shawnee, Kan., native played soccer for MNU and the University of Missouri at Kansas City.

Lucas Rodriguez (’09) plays midfielder for the Missouri Comets. Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rodriquez was an MVP in the Heart of America Athletic Conference when he played for the Pioneers.

Erik Unruh ('10) was recently chosen The University of Kansas Medical Center's Outstanding New Nursing Graduate.

Julian Vaughn (’10) recently signed with record label Trippin-N-Rhythm records. The bass player is expecting to make a big splash with his second CD due out in spring 2012. Currently on tour, Vaughn traveled to Dubai in February to perform at the Dubai International Jazz Festival.

Alumni Article & Friends Title

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Marriages Kaitlin Fillipi (’12) to Thomas Gray (’12) on June 25, 2011. Rev. Molly Margaret Frei (’05) to Maj. Jeremy Latchaw. July 17, 2010. Molly was ordained in August 2010. DeMaris Glover (’71) to Timothy Mortenson Olson on September 19, 2011.

Condolences Lawrence D. Else (’88) of Ottawa, Kan., passed away October 28, 2011. He is survived by his wife Ruby, six children and numerous grandchildren. Else was retired from MNU where he worked in Facility Services for nearly 30 years. He was 80. Shawn C. Lutes (’00) of Mission, Kan., passed away January 19, 2012. He is preceded in death by his father, Stanley Lutes (FS ’73). Shawn is survived by his mother, Dixie Mitchell; his stepfather Mike, and his sister, Laurie Santee. He worked as an assistant manager for Hy-Vee since 2007. Jacob Christopher Miller (FS ’09), of Galway, N.Y., passed away October 30, 2011. He is survived by his parents John and Rebecca Miller and four siblings. Miller was a Petty Officer 3rd Class in the United States Navy.

1) Anthony and Michelle (Lewis ’08) Aiello, a daughter: Delaney Rose, born January 13, 2011. 2) Josh ('02) and Barbie (Gartner '01) Arney, a daughter: Lucy Joy, born October 19, 2011. She joins sister Hannah and brother Kenneth. 3) Keith and Christi (Pickens, ’00) Clayton, a son: Carson Samuel, born January 1, 2011. He joins a sister, Christina. 4) Joel (’00) and Tasha (Key, ’99) Dougherty, a son: Kalen Thomas, born January 5, 2011. He joins brothers Braden, age 4, and Maximus, age 2. 5) Britton Evans (’10), a daughter: Rissie Mae, born April 10, 2011. 6) Matthew and Casey (Rhoades, ’04) Massey, a son: Cannon McMahan, born August 5, 2010. 7) Matt and Donna (Hollandsworth ’96, MBA ’02) McAllister, a son: Cooper Keith, born June 27, 2011.

9) Jesse and Bethany (Ryherd, ’00) Rodriguez, a son: Cruz Esteban, born November 4, 2010. He joins a brother, Diego Jesus, age 4, and a sister, Eliana Sion, age 2. 10) Deric and Tessa (Reece, ’06) Schnelle, a son: Denver Corban, born June 28, 2010. He joins brothers Drue, age 18, Dyllan, age 16, and Dayton, age 2. 11) Michael (‘05) and Dani (Batterson ’05) Scrivani, a son: Jack Steven, born August 4, 2011. 12) Chip (’97) and Mary (Fisher ’98) Tollie, a daughter: Jane Margaret, born August 8, 2011. 13) Cameron (FS ’90) and DaVonne (Wright, FS ’91) Lee, a daughter: Brayah Jacqueline, born September 20, 2010. She joins siblings: Brittlyn, 19; Berrick, 18; Bryce, 16; Blake, 15; Brandon, 13; Bradly, 10; Bowen, 7; Brynn, 6; and Bella, 4.

8) Thomas (’04) and Monica (Cork ’05) McKinney, a son: Jaxton Thomas, born July 5, 2011. He joins a sister, Ada Larue, age 2.

Have news? Want to share births, marriages, and accomplishments with Accent? Please send to 27 Accent Magazine / Spring 2012

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Saturday, April 14 | 6:00 p.m. | MNU Cook Center Join us for a magical evening of exquisite food, live and silent auctions, entertainment and a special opportunity to meet newly elected President and First Lady Dr. David and Donna Spittal. Led by honorary co-chairs Dr. D. Ray and Elanie Cook, the President’s Honors is sponsored by the MNU Foundation. All proceeds will benefit student scholarships at MNU. Special thanks to our platinum sponsors

The Tim and Gail Buchanan Family Dr. Larry and Donna McIntire & Premier Studios – Gerald and Dianna Smith


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