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My father was a very hard worker and for most of his life held two jobs to earn enough to support his family. Even into his final weeks of life, he continued to work full time and usually with men much younger. According to his reports, they could never keep up with him. He loved to get things done, didn’t wait for others, and never looked back. My father was not one to stand around or complain but he did observe the people around him and classified them as either “lifters” or “leaners.” He added, “Leaners stand by and watch but it’s the lifters who make the difference.”

The Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” This passage speaks to the people who had masters over them. Even in those hard circumstances, Paul challenged them to serve as Christ followers and make a difference anyway. My father’s translation to this would be: “Don’t just stand there…lift.”

MidAmerica Nazarene University would not exist today without the hearts and hands of pioneers who stepped forward in faith, did what they could, and changed everything. We speak the names of this cloud of witnesses who didn’t wait for the right circumstances or adequate resources but courageously did what they could. These are God’s lifters. These are the spirits of the faithful, who listen for His voice and step in, step up, and respond to the needs of this university, those around them, and others throughout the world.

This issue is about lifters. Dr. Otto Theel, an early pioneer, was just that. From humble beginnings, he was the first in his family to graduate from high school, college, and then medical school. His medical practice never abandoned those who had the least to offer. When MNU began, it had no alumni, so Dr. Theel stepped in and invited 95 individuals to adopt the school and raise the first student scholarships. Throughout his life, this gentle giant served from the overflow of his heart and with a passion to serve Christ and others.

The university is grateful for difference makers who have faithfully lifted the school up. We celebrate those who see a need, catch hold of a dream and step in to serve. God has blessed us with many miracles and behind those miraculous events you will discover someone who heard His voice, answered the call, and stepped forward by faith to lead the way. With Paul’s challenge and in gratitude for those difference makers among us, we can say…Go, Pioneers!

Dr. David J. Spittal President

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