Mobile Electronics Magazine June 2019

Page 58

from the President

Your Business Requires a Champion You must be able to tell your story and provide a solution. At some point in the past, you decided to open a business, or maybe you’re just getting started. Regardless, for your business to succeed there are a few things that should be at the top of your hit list. A business plan should be first on your list. Then, you’ll need a location. One that fits your purpose. If you’re focused on retail, then a high-traffic location increases visibility. Maybe you’re an expeditor and you need to be strategically located on automobile dealer row. Location is important, so choose wisely. Next you will need money. It’s good to use your own, or you can wisely leverage others. Maybe your next thought will be who to employ to fulfill your purpose. Then it may be time to decide which categories you will deliver, and which vendors will support your mission. As you can see, the to-do list can go on for some time. The task can take you in many directions and down a few trails. Even a squirrel or two. Before you get started or go any further, I suggest you go back to the beginning and remember why you wanted to do this.

It’s Not Just a Job Before you decided to be a business owner, you most likely had a job. A job that left you wanting more. Control of your future, the feeling that you could do better if you did it yourself. A sense of defining your destiny. You wanted more than just a job. You wanted to become an entrepreneur.

Going Through the Motions As an entrepreneur, you have a responsibility to define not only your future, but the futures of those who choose to be with you. This is not a position for the faint of heart. You will no longer have the luxury of just going through the motions. You must remember why you started this journey and dig deep to become the leader who will make your business a great success.

Become the Technology Evangelist Promotion starts with your passion for the business. When you love something, you will want to tell everyone. It’s the same for your business. Before others will believe in what you do, you must take ownership of your mission and establish yourself as the resident evangelist for your cause. Think about any cause or movement regardless of size. One or more should come to mind. Who leads this movement, and is able to convey the mission, with a passion that makes others want to join in support? Now,

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think about your business (your cause) and put your passion in motion. Start with those in your employ, gift them your history and why you have passion for this cause. If you are believable, they will follow and want to evangelize others (your customers) to believe that you’re the best at what you do.

If you believe in what you do and others don’t seem to get it, refine your approach until they understand. Sometimes in our passion we forget the message must be tailored to those we wish to reach. Never Give Up

Once you establish your mission, tell everyone. Tell your family, friends and everyone you meet. If you believe in what you do and the resulting benefits of your mission, then your passion will come through and convince others to follow. An important part of this approach is that you never give up. If you believe in what you do and others don’t seem to get it, refine your approach until they understand. Sometimes in our passion we forget the message must be tailored to those we wish to reach. For example, when speaking to someone in our industry, you can use industry terminology. Use the same approach for the average consumer and you will leave them bewildered. Customize your message to your audience.

Leave a Lasting Impression Your efforts as the evangelist for your business equate to word-of-mouth marketing, in which you develop customers who believe so strongly in what you deliver that they freely try to convince others to do business with you. Your customers will become voluntary advocates, actively spreading the word on behalf of your business. Over time this approach will net great results for your market and thus our industry. Always believe in what you do, strive to be the best and tell everyone about it. In my opinion, you will be leaving a lasting impression that others will remember and will be eager to broadcast to their circle of influence!

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