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As we move forward in 2022, here are some things to keep in mind while we pivot for positive transformation. What will you do differently?

You must remember why you started this journey: Dig deep to become the leader who will make your business a great success.

At KnowledgeFest Indianapolis and Dallas 2021, I presented education workshops on best practices in business. If you missed it, you can read some of the tips we discussed in last month’s Strategy and Tactics column. As a follow-up, I want to challenge you to look at your businesses differently in the New Year. Which processes or procedures are no longer serving you? What would you like to change? What will you do differently going forward?

Recognize Your Limits

Sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge the necessity for change. But if we can recognize and get to know our own limits, we can also recognize when it’s time for a change. In my presentation, I referred to this as understanding your available bandwidth. You have to know when it’s time to delegate tasks to your team members.

It’s Not Just a Job

Market leadership requires you to be a leader and not a follower. You must be able to tell your story and provide a solution. Before you decided to be a business owner, you most likely had a job that left you wanting more. You felt you could do better if you did it yourself. You experienced a real sense of wanting to define your own destiny. You wanted more than just a job. You wanted to become an entrepreneur.

Establish Yourself as a Leader

You must remember why you started this journey: Dig deep to become the leader who will make your business a great success. Before others will believe in what you do, you must take ownership of your mission and establish yourself as the leading evangelist for your cause.

Think about any cause or movement regardless of size: Who leads this movement and can describe the mission with a passion that makes others want to join in support? Now, think about your business—your cause—and put your passion in motion. Start with your team. Tell them your story with the passion for your cause. If you are believable, they’ll want to evangelize others—your customers—to believe you’re the best at what you do.

Continue to Refine Your Approach

Once you establish your mission, tell everyone. When you believe in what you do, your passion will come through and convince others to follow. An important part of this approach is that you never give up. If you believe in what you do and others don’t seem to get it, refine your approach until they understand.

Sometimes, at the height of our excitement, we forget we must tailor our message to those we wish to reach. For example, when speaking to someone in our industry, we can use industry terminology. If we use the same approach for an average consumer, though, we’ll leave them bewildered. Customize your message for your audience.

Leave a Lasting Impression

Through word-of-mouth marketing, you can develop customers who believe so strongly in what you deliver that they’ll freely try to convince others to do business with you. Your customers will become voluntary advocates, actively spreading the word on behalf of your business. Over time, this approach will provide great results for your market and thus our industry. Strive to be the best and tell everyone about it. Always believe in what you do. You will leave a lasting impression, and others will remember you. They’ll be eager to tell their friends and family what they know about your services.

And Finally, Have Courage!

Being courageous doesn’t mean no longer being afraid. Being courageous means having a willingness to face those fears. Don’t let disappointment get the best of you or your team. Have the fortitude to risk it all and reap the rewards. If you are ready to achieve success, I challenge to find the courage and seize it.

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