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Mobile Electronics Editors Forum


There are many ways to learn new strategies and absorb knowledge during lectures and trainings. Continually putting these tactics into practice as you study new processes is essential for personal and professional growth.

Not knowing how to do something can leave you feeling less than adequate. That feeling is compounded when it’s your job to know it. Knowledge truly is the power behind your success, and there are many ways to learn. If you are like most of us, learning is a result of just figuring it out on your own and using every available resource to find a solution to your problem. Taking the solitary approach can be satisfying, but you may have to endure several mistakes before you find what works best. This takes time and money and depending on your situation, may cause others to doubt your ability. And you won’t get the benefit of learning from the mistakes of others. Regardless, if you’re attempting to learn something new at a lecture, class, or training, or trying to find a better way with your current process, knowing how best to absorb knowledge will help you reach your goals.


Learning by hearing allows you to pick up the experience of others and put into practice what you have heard, or to learn from their past mistakes. Hearing someone tell their story helps you relate personally, although just hearing it may not be enough. If the presenter is less than descriptive, you may be left to your own interpretation of what you have heard when implementing this newfound knowledge. This can lead to mistakes that leave you less that satisfied.


Seeing how it’s done is the next step after listening to an explanation. A visual representation can make all the difference. While hearing may leave you wondering, when you see it done stepby-step, you have a better chance of figuring it out for yourself. Watching video representations of a process will get your further down the road of understanding. But seeing may not leave you fully believing. There is still room for some interpretation.


In my opinion, there’s nothing better than a live demonstration, and modeling what you have seen and heard with the instructor. This allows real-time questions and answers to cement your understanding. Think about the last time you participated in a learning process that was hands-on. You heard the instructor and saw their presentation. Both were most likely helpful and provided a great foundation to let you model the process with the instructor and others who may have provided input. When you left this environment, you were ready to put your newfound knowledge into practice.


This new knowledge requires practice. Take the time to repeat the process until you feel you have become proficient. Once you have mastered the strategy you’ve learned, you can take some creative license to make it your own. Be cautious in your quest to make it yours. Making it your own should never include shortcuts that diminish the quality. Ensure your modification to what you’ve learned does not sacrifice quality. Your reputation is not something you want to have to rebuild. Remember, your work not only represents your business, but it also represents our industry.


Learning from your peers is only the beginning. Now that you have learned from others and added your own ideas, consider passing your knowledge on to others. Passing on what you have learned will help others embrace the perfection you have mastered. When you take time to teach, you will find another level of learning. Teaching is a rewarding endeavor. The peer-to-peer learning process is the foundation of KnowledgeFest and why so many come to learn and leave the event energized and ready to conquer challenges in their own businesses. Make every effort to learn something new every day, week and month. Never let your quest for learning be put on the shelf. And make every effort to be part of any learning experience offered. If you have not attended a local dealer or distributor training, or made plans to attend KnowledgeFest, now is the time. Go with a mission and goal to learn what you lack, share the knowledge, and become the professional you were born to be.

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