Tattooing As a Possible Hair Loss Treatment Alternative

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Tattooing As a Possible Hair Loss Treatment Alternative

Most hair treatments look at the medical side of treating the loss of hair. When these products do not work a man may look to surgical procedures or even a more cosmetic approach to treating the loss of hair. One of the ways this can be done is with tattooing. Tattooing as a possible loss of hair alternative has emerged in the last few years. If you are considering this procedure, it is important to know what they do and what you should expect. multi award winning artist

The first thing people who are considering tattooing as a possible loss of hair alternative is how the process is done. This procedure is done by tattooing the part of the scalp that is suffering from loss of hair. If you have at tattoo artist who is trained and specializes in this type of treatment you can get great results. The tattoo will look like a very short hair cut. That is because tattoo needles a tiny and can be made to imitate the natural pattern of strands of hair. The artist should use a mineral based product instead of tattoo ink. They should also be able to get an ink color that matches your natural hair color to make this procedure look more natural. This will help the procedure to fade over time rather than just getting a ding tattoo look. This can be used for me who suffer from balding on the top of their head. It is also a good idea for men that just have bald spots that they want to cover up or scars from loss of hair surgeries. In these cases, it will work in the same basic manner as a concealer does, except that you will not have to put it on everyday.

Knowing the downsides of tattooing as a possible hair loss alternative is also important to making your decision on whether or not this procedure is for you. You want to make sure you understand everything involved before taking any treatment. One of the major downsides to this procedure is that it is painful. Tattooing is especially painful when it is performed over an area that does not have much tissue below it, just bone. And the scalp is one of these areas. This is also a long process. It can take anywhere from two to eight hours depending on the extent of your loss of hair and the experience of the tattoo artist. Another problem that people may have with scalp tattooing is that it is not a real solution. You do not gain any more hair. You will just have the illusion of hair. Plus you will be unable to change your hairstyle.

You should talk with your doctor about using tattooing as a possible loss of hair alternative. He or she can explain what this can do for you. Your hair doctor may even be able to recommend an experienced practitioner that can do this for you, if it is what you choose. You should make sure that you do your homework when choosing tattooing for your loss of hair, just as you should any other hair treatment. Contact . Resource

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