Sunset magazine

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Sunset Magazine

Sunset, published by Time Inc., is your ultimate guide to experiencing the West. In every issue of Sunset magazine, discover new weekend and day trip destinations, inspiring homes and gardens, and fast and fresh recipes that highlight the West's great local ingredients.

In the latest issue of Sunset digital magazine, explore 30+ surprisingly brilliant ways to solve everyday problems. Also, find out the 4 ways to live smart. Boost your home's IQ with the latest gear, as well as ideas for reuse, energy efficiency, and living large in a small space. Lucky Brand design director Michelle McCormick is a genius at transforming her home using vintage goods. Read the complete article to know how she makes old new.

In the 'Road Trip, Recharged' column, read how a drive to Napa in an electric vehicle brought a San Francisco couple to a place refreshingly different. Chris Colin writes “Dan Brooks lives on a quiet culde-sac just outside downtown Napa, a soft-spoken, middle-aged guy in beach hat and sandals. He flies a medical helicopter for a living. Until one recent morning, when I pull up in his driveway, though, he is a complete stranger, a dot on a map that my wife, Amy, and I have built a strange vacation around.� Grab the latest issue of Sunset magazine to read the complete story.

You can read Sunset digital Subscription on the go by downloading the Magzter app on your iOS or Android devices and subscribing to the magazine. The magazine can also be accessed on Magzter's website ( by using the web browser on your personal computer. Choose annual Sunset subscription on Magzter to get fabulous discount, while you can also purchase any single issue of the magazine. Subscribe to Sunset on Magzter now and celebrate Western living in style.

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