Travel + Leisure Create unforgettable travel experiences
Travel + Leisure, published by Time Inc., connects passionate travelers to the world's most extraordinary places and curates unmatched experiences. The magazine is an indispensable guide to where to stay, what to eat, and what to do around the globe. The magazine also comes up with easy trip ideas, itineraries, and insider information every month. You can get advice from travel experts and be stunned with the magazine's award-winning photography.
In the latest issue of Travel+Leisure magazine, explore the best hotels of 2016. What you’ll find here is a definitive list of hotels worth putting on your bucket list— and if it’s anything like It Lists past, these are the properties that will become instant classics. Consider them opportunities to explore your favorite cities in fresh ways or new excuses to head to the last place you ever imagined.
This issue also has answers to passport-related questions you might not have known to ask, including how to gain global entry outside the U.S. and what new European travel restrictions mean for you and more.
Travel + Leisure digital magazine is one of the best-selling travel titles on Magzter, the world's largest digital magazine newsstand. Magzter app can be downloaded on to your favorite devices across iOS/Android platforms, and you can also access Magzter on the web using your browser at The annual Travel + Leisure subscription is available at a discounted price on Magzter, while you can also purchase any single issue of your choice.
Subscribe to Travel + Leisure on Magzter now and create unforgettable journeys.