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The Korg Volca Modular is a semi-modular synth, released as part of the Volca series. It uses bread board connectors as patch cables, similar to the Bastl Kastle that we featured in last monthʼs issue. The Volca Modular is hardwired to produce sound out of the box but, things start getting very interesting when you start patching things together in creative ways. The Volca Modular is based on “west coast” synthesis, similar to how the Buchla synthesizers create sound, by folding the carrier oscillator and the modulator oscillator into each other. By default you can only hear the modulator oscillator on the Volca Modular but, we are going to create a patch where we can hear both oscillators and control them separately. First, to be able to shape the sound of the carrier oscillator, we will need to connect the audio output to the input of the second function. So, connect a patch cable (red) from the last socket of the source section to the first socket of the second function.
Next, we will connect the output of the modulator oscillator to the input of the second low pass gate. So, connect a patch cable (blue) from the second-to-the-last socket of the source section to the first socket of the second low pass gate. In the first step we connected the carrier oscillator to the function but, to be able to hear it we need to connect the positive output of the second function to the input of the second low pass gate. So, connect a patch cable (yellow) from the plus socket of the second function to the second input socket of the second low pass gate. Now you should hear two distinct tones.
You can adjust the volume of each tone by turning the two cutoff knobs. The ratio knob in the source section controls the pitch between the two oscillators. Next lets connect a patch cable (cyan) from the ¼ clock divider socket to the woggle input. Then, connect the stepped output of the woggle (brown) to the mod input of the source section. This will generate some automation and affect the mod amount.
Now, punch in a few notes into the sequencer and start tweaking! The two functions will shape the two oscillators separately and the woggle output can be moved to different inputs to modulate different things. So, a little experimentation can go a long way here. Finally, I ran my Volca Modular into the Korg Monotron Delay to add a some grungy delay and low pass filter to my patch. A delay can really make your sequence groove and the filter adds a bit of “east coast” synthesis to the patch as well. I hope you have enjoyed building this simple dual oscillator patch. Take what you have learned and build something amazing!