mobileSQUARED issue 9

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In mobile we trust

Issue 9 / Jul‘10

Conversational Advertising

How messaging looks set to become the most powerful advertising channel

Also in this issue... The behemoth is eyeing up the smartphone market

Android titles per genre 951

Arcade & Action


Brain & Puzzle


Cards & Casino

What’s going on in the world of mobile games


Casual 0





Source: AndroLib, 1-Feb-10 / Mobile Games Trends Report 2010

They’re back! “Hell, I thought iRAQ was a country, not a phone holder,”G.W.

Yes it is a Volvo. And yes, it’s gone all wireless. And yes, we trial it

Who’s in this issue... Android, O2, Lightspeed, Orange, Apple, Opera, Blackberry, Volvo, Google, PocketGamer, Nokia Our data in this issue... Australian mobile internet usage, UK smartphone usage, India m-commerce

editorial Nick Lane, chief strategy analyst Tel: (44) 118 979 5339 Mob: (44) 7976 057 052 Skype: nick-lane1 Gavin Patterson, chief markets analyst Tel: (44) 1904 675 945 Skype: gav.patterson Michael Carroll, Contributing analyst Tel: (44) 118 979 5339 James Cameron, contributor AKA Founder and head of strategy, Camerjam Events How to find us: mobileSQUARED HQ Unit 1 58 Denmark Street, Wokingham. Berkshire, RG40 2BQ UK ISSN no. 1759-6483 Published in the UK 12 times per year in pdf format No part of this publication may be copied, photocopied or duplicated without prior written permission from the publisher, D2 Mobile Ltd mobileSQUARED is a trading name of D2 Mobile Ltd. The mobileSQUARED team offers unique forecasting, analysis, research and insight on the mobile market, providing highly focused reports and bespoke intelligence. We tailor our approach to the requirements of each project and use our network of global network of contacts. Our extensive market knowledge stems from years covering the mobile industry meaning that we’re in a position to respond immediately to market developments. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed by individual contributors may not personally reflect the views of D2 Mobile Ltd. Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information and content of this publication was correct as at the date of first publication, neither D2 Mobile Ltd nor any person engaged or employed by D2 Mobile Ltd accepts any liability for any errors, omissions or other inaccuracies. Readers should independently verify any facts and figures as no liability can be accepted in this regard. Readers assume full


We’ve relaunched our website. It’s pretty cool, and it’s now becoming the hub around our content output as you’d expect. Firstly, let me tell you about the mobileSQUARED Knowledge Centre, because this will have a massive influence on our content from here on in. The Knowledge Centre contains data and forecasts on the mobile market and the mobile consumer over a five-year forecast period (presently, up to 2015). For instance, in China it let’s us tell you things like 224.4 million people will use mobile search in China this year, or that over 323 million people will browse the mobile internet on public transport in 2014. Or, in Australia, there will be a little over 8 million mobile gamers in 2013, and in the same year the mobile advertising market will be worth almost US$15 million. It really is that comprehensive. Our Knowledge Centre means we will have data and forecasts on things from device segmentation, consumer usage, mobile advertising, apps, internet, page impressions, and so on, in over 25 markets around the world. We estimate that in total, we have about 85,000 individual facts, figures and forecasts on the mobile industry. So it’s only fair we share an item of two of data with you on a daily basis. And these, along with our analysis on key developments on the mobile content, services and advertising space, and interviews, will be posted on a daily basis on our new site. To make sure you don’t miss our analysis and data, we have now launched a weekly analytical service, appropriately titled mobileROUND(UP) -- we just love the shapes. Watch out for the imminent launch of mobileQUADRILATERAL and of course mobileDODECAHEDRON. Alright, maybe not. Our weekly service will provide links to the best of our analysis and data from the previous seven days. It will also become the vehicle to distribute this (our monthly newsletter), as well as provide updates on all of the mobileSQUARED Roadshow developments. Speaking of Roadshows, for Europe, on Sept 29th in London, we have put together an outstanding line-up of speakers to showcase the world of mobile. Details are contained within. And if you can’t make our Europe event, the Roadshow: US will be in New York on Nov 2nd. Details on all upcoming Roadshows can be found on our website. Oh, and to make sure all of the content and data is delivered in a timely and consistent fashion, Gav’s on board, and he’s our new chief markets analyst. You can reach Gavin by emailing That’a sll for now Nick -


Page 3

Feature - Conversational advertising

Page 6

Crunch - UK smartphone usage

Page 8

Google setting its sights on the smartphone market

Page 9

Where to be a player in the new mobile gaming market

Page 11

In search of Mobile Advertising Revenues of Mass Construction

Page 12

Carroll’s Quest - in Sweden’s finest

Page 13


Page 15

Walled Garden

Page 16

mobileSQUARED fast facts: India

Page 17

All you need to know about mobileSQUARED Roadshow: Europe


Communication is the new order for mobile advertising Advertising must evolve beyond its traditional campaign-led approach on mobile for the channel to develop into the most effective form of communication between a brand and consumer, according to a new report by mobileSQUARED, commissioned by SinglePoint. In a mobile world overshadowed by the fear of spam and opt-out, the report calls on brands and businesses to start building an opt-in database now — if they have not already started to do so, and to not be afraid to send several messages to its database a month. The report refers to this form of


mobile advertising communication as Conversational advertising, defined as the agreed messaging-based communication between the consumer and a brand to deliver consumer benefits to the consumer. Conversational advertising capitalizes on the opted-in database developed by the brand to establish an ongoing relationship with the consumer. In doing so, the concept evolves beyond the traditional campaign ideology that has become the cornerstone of advertising. Campaigns, by their very nature, represent an occasional touch-point with

the consumer, and therefore are limited in their ability to encourage the ongoing interaction and engagement that brands desire. Conversational Advertising introduces a discursive element to what has been until now, a largely timerestricted engagement opportunity during a campaign. But this means something of an overhaul of existing approaches. Existing messaging-based forms of mobile advertising have involved campaign-led activity over a number of hours, or an occasional communication. And while it has created instantaneous engagement and interaction between the brand

feature and consumer, this is compacted into a very short period of time, and lasts the length of the campaign. Consequently, the brand is unlikely to use messaging to communicate with that user until it embarks on another campaign. While this aligns strongly with traditional advertising activity and structure, it is contrary to how users use their mobile devices. In the digital age, engagement is critical. Once a consumer has opted in and become engaged, it then becomes counterintuitive to send an occasional communication. The effectiveness of the opt-in model is to maintain that relationship between the brand and the consumer, measured by the Cost Per Engagement (CPE). Conversational advertising addresses and enhances the existing messaging practices executed at present, which are fleeting and largely nonexistent beyond the period of the campaign. The continued rise of SMS, allied with status updates on social networks and the rapid adoption of Twitter, highlights that users are now accustomed to communicating in 160 characters or less. The report states that conversational advertising can generate a similar ‘frontof-mind’ presence in the consumer as a web site, and should therefore become the mobile platform upon which all other forms of mobile advertising campaigns are based. In the same way web sites are managed and updated, a similar principle will apply to conversational advertising. As highlighted, the ongoing communication generated via conversational advertising, increases the consumer’s propensity to engage with the brand. Whereas the window of opportunity to engage on traditional mobile advertising activity would only be open during the campaign; conversational advertising ensures

engagement is ongoing. And with ongoing engagement, the notion of the campaign vanishes. Adopting an ongoing model will also make mobile messaging a more appealing medium to advertising agencies. Presently, agencies have become ousted from the mobile messaging marketing ecosystem, and consequently have very limited opportunity in monetizing the messaging value chain.

be developed using Conversational Advertising as the platform – in conjunction with web and WAP sites, for example. A more traditional mobile advertising campaign could be used to develop brand awareness and drive consumer opt-ins. The latter could be supported by cross-platform initiatives, as well as point of contact literature educating the consumer of the merits of opting in. But why messaging?

Similarly, agencies are more accustomed to generating several million dollars for a TV ad or online campaign. It is almost impossible for an agency to justify charging US$100,000 to come up with 20, 40, or 60 characters for a messaging campaign, regardless of how successful 20 characters could be.

In essence, messaging has the reach and effectiveness that is unparalleled compared to all other channels available on mobile, available online, as well as the traditional forms of media. The power of messaging can also be attributed to its proximity with the user. On average, the mobile phone

Conversational advertising addresses the clear disconnect between agencies and messaging. By replacing campaigns with annualised messaging (conversational) activity, agencies can command a 12-month fee, for example, to manage that process for their brand clients. From an agency’s perspective, conversational advertising ensures their inclusion in the mobile messaging ecosystem, and closely aligns not only with their brand enhancement cycle, but with consumer mobile behaviour.

will be in the user’s possession for 16 hours a day. It is not uncommon for users to sleep with their mobile devices next to their pillow - the third most used application on a phone after voice and messaging is the alarm.

Mobile advertising campaigns can then

Research by Pew Internet in Sept 2009, revealed that texting is the primary reason that teenagers will sleep with their cell phone next to the bed: Texting teens are 42% more likely to sleep next to their cells than those teenagers that do not text. Putting this into context, the mobile


Indeed, the reason that 95% of messages are read within 3 minutes can be directly related to the user’s possessory behaviour towards the mobile device. For an advertiser, the knowledge that 900,000 customers out of a target group of 1 million opted-in customers, for example, will receive their communication within a matter of minutes is an incredibly powerful channel.

phone is in the possession of the average user for 5,840 hours per year. That compares to the average 2,920 hours the average user in developed markets spends in front of their PC, versus the average 1,865 hours spent watching the TV (US only). The implications for the mobile device’s proximity in relation to the user, is

that direct activity on the device will automatically alert the user, such as a phonecall or message. This level of “pull” activity is in keeping with the widely adhered-to difference between marketing and advertising; the former is push-based, whereas the latter is pullbased. In relation to messaging, it is very much a pull-based media.

This is an extract from Conversational Advertising, a report by mobileSQUARED, commissioned by SinglePoint. To download the complete report, including conversational advertising forecasts in the US, UK, and India, please visit (or click on)

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crunch UK smartphone users don’t dominate mobile internet access ... yet! Smartphone users are more likely to access the mobile Internet than nonsmartphone users and certainly create more page impressions, but nonsmartphone devices still constitute the single largest method of accessing the mobile Internet in the UK, according to figures released by mobileSQUARED. Research conducted by Lightspeed Research for mobileSQUARED shows that 40.7% of smartphone users in the UK either always access the Internet via their

device or access several times a day, versus just 11.7% of non-smartphone users. However, with 10 million smartphones in the UK at the end of 2009 and 49.28 million non smartphones (featurephones and basic devices), this means that only 4.07 million smartphone users are considered to be heavy mobile Internet users against 5.76 million nonsmartphone users.

Clearly, there is a higher mobile Internet conversion rate among smartphone users than nonsmartphone users. Consumers are also more likely to spend more time browsing on a smartphone than any other device. However, the fact that almost 30% of nonsmartphone users use the SQUARED mobile Internet Source (both graphs): Lightspeed Research/mobile once a month represents a great platform upon which usage can develop. Given the uptake of mobile Internet over the last 12 months, mobileSQUARED predicts that a significant percentage of this figure will become more frequent weekly

mobile Internet users within the next 12 months. Moreover, by the end of 2010 mobileSQUARED estimates there will be 14.8 million smartphones in the UK, versus 46.84 million non-smartphones so, even if the current situation remains unchanged, organic growth will see smartphones become the single largest method of accessing the mobile Internet by the end of the year. In total, 93.6% of smartphone users access the mobile Internet at least once a month, equivalent to 9.36 million users, with 28.3% accessing “several times a day”, followed by 19.7% that use the service “a few times a week”. A little over 12% of smartphone users only access the mobile Internet once a month, compared to 29.8% of non-smartphone users. Almost 20% of non-smartphone users are yet to be tempted to use the mobile Internet, though are aware of the service. There has been a rapid increase in mobile Internet usage over the 12-month period from 2008 to 2009 on all devices, but especially among smartphone users. As of 2008, 47.7% of smartphone users spend more than one hour on their device per day. By the end of 2009, the number of smartphone users spending more than one hour using their device was up to 62.4%. That equates to 6.24 million users based on end-2009 subscription figures. Though not as significant, nonsmartphone users are also spending more time per day using their mobile device. The percentage of users spending more than one hour on their device per day has increased from 37% 2008 to 47.5%.


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Google focused on smartphones Google has seen mobile operations help boost its bottom line as the company reported a 24% jump in revenues to $6.82 billion for the quarter ended June 30, but Google chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt believes the company is positioning its Android mobile operating system to drive revenues exceeding $10 billion a year - bolstered by mobile advertising and content downloads. Schmidt claimed that Android’s growing popularity will see Google’s web search, maps and ad-based services continue to thrive as customers migrate from the desktop to the smartphone – in the US alone there are over Google 100,000 new Android device sales each day. “If we have a billion people using Android, you think we can’t make money from that?” Schmidt said, explaining Google could earn $10 billion annually at a rate of $10 per user per year. Patrick Pichette, senior vice president and chief financial officer of Google, says more and more traditional brand advertisers are embracing search and search advertising to build their brand online and running integrated campaigns across mobile display and search, and mobile revenue are growing as advertisers continue to opt into mobile-specific campaigns. “The successful completion of the AdMob acquisition gives us a very strong mobile advertising platform to continue to grow the business,” said Pichette. “The richer the ad, the more the advertiser is willing to contribute because it is more engaging and thus creates a better revenue opportunity. We’re providing better returns for advertisers so we are able to price the ads better. Agencies are realizing the value of integrated buys across platform that include search, mobile, display and YouTube,” he said. Google claims that click-to-call ads on high-end mobile phones are doing very well. Click-through rates on mobile ads increase 6% when the advertiser includes a phone number and increase 8% if they include a local address. “Mobile is certainly growing faster than other clicks,” said Jonathan Rosenberg, Google’s senior

vice president of product management. “Everything else being constant, we’re seeing a disproportionately larger proportion of mobile clicks than there has been in the past. Overall, the whole Android ecosystem is “exploding”, with a 300% rise in search queries made from Android-powered devices in the first half of 2010. “I think the most important thing beyond the growth is that the most popular app is a browser,” said Rosenberg. “And what do people do there? They search — more than they ever have.” There are now approximately 70,000 Android apps available compared to 30,000 in April, and consumers have now downloaded more than 2 billion Android apps to their smartphones. The Android app market is on course to pass 100,000 by year end following the July 12 launch of App Inventor - a free web-based software tool enabling users to create their own Android applications regardless of previous programming experience. Apple may have stolen the device glory with 3 million iPads shifting in as many months, but Google views smartphones as the key ingredient driving the widespread adoption of the mobile web and is now focusing its development strategy on Smartphones. Mike Steib, director, emerging platforms, Google, says that the level of search activity on smartphones has experienced a 500% growth over the last 12 months. On the iPhone alone, there is 50x the search activity compared to featurephones. “The transition from featurephones to smartphpone means that people are now using the phone more like a computer,” Steib says. “But what we’re seeing is that for frequent searches on mobile devices, their diversity of searches is greater than on their PC. People are actually doing more on smartphones.” Based on usage, it is apparent to Steib that mobile can complement other forms of media, which he believes is an

important aspect for marketers to grasp. “There are huge spikes in mobile queries around commercials at the end of sporting events, like the Superbowl.” The phenomenal growth in mobile search mirrors similar growth in mobile Internet activity. For Google in particular, Android is now starting to make its mark on the industry. Android is now the second biggest smartphone category in the US, with over 100,000 Android device sales per day. There are now 60 Android devices available in the marketplace, with an additional 40 expected to be released before the end of the year. “We are super excited about Android,” says Steib. “Android is free. So we think it is a platform that is helping to develop and accelerate the mobile web. People seem to be using their Android devices a lot. The browser will be the killer apps. “To date, over 2 billion Android apps have been downloaded. Steib says that 25% of iPhone and Android users spend 2 hours per day connecting with apps. But the focus remains on the mobile web. Google anticipates local playing a major role in the future. “One in three searches are based on local queries,” says Steib. “And as the innovation in the advertising space is accelerating, there is a need to reveal what products are available locally.” Steib does not think the data caps imposed on AT&T users in the US, and more recently O2 UK users, will have a damaging impact on the adoption of the mobile Internet. Caps on data plans will affect 2% of users in each market. Trend-line analysis conducted by Google reveals that more and more users want to spend more and more time on the web. “Data caps make sense when the thing that you are selling is a limited commodity,” says Steib. “It will be better for mobile web when the cost of broadband goes down and we don’t discourage users from using mobile web. I understand why AT&T have introduced price caps.” &


Where to be a player in the new mobile gaming market Mobile gaming is coming of age in 2010. It’s had some challenging formative years, but that’s all changed thanks to the unlikely father figure of Steve Jobs, and the phenomenal growth of the iPhone App Store. Now mobile companies are falling over themselves to get into play with the likes of Google’s Android, Blackberry App World, and Nokia’s Ovi featuring games as a key component of future strategy. And the market’s growing fast. Gartner’s expects it to be up 19 percent to $5.6 billion in 2010, with Juniper and DFC Intelligence respectively projecting $10 billion in 2013 and $11.7 billion in 2014. But how do you get slices of these pies and, more to the point, which should you focus on? In this edited extract from the PocketGamer.Biz Mobile Games Trend report, we offer a quick run down on the leading platforms. Apple’s App Store is without doubt the best mobile gaming plaform available. Activity is huge, with over 4 billion accumulated downloads, its 70:30 revenue has been widely copied, and there’s precious little fragmentation to worry about. Discovery is a growing problem though. In February, analytics website Mobclix revealed there were more Android titles per genre 951

Arcade & Action Brain & Puzzle


Cards & Casino


Casual 0



than 26,000 games available, with 68 percent of them paid titles. The most popular genre - Puzzle - contains more than 7,700 titles.. There’s also the thorny issue of price. Whereas mobile operators maintained a £5 price tag for games, 59p is the most popular price on the App Store, with only the large publishers able to release games at the higher prices which dominate the top grossing charts.
























Sports Card


Role Playing

1,405 1,383

Word Casino Music Racing

897 866 653

Official statistics on Dice 454 Google’s Android 0 1000 Market are harder to come by than for iPhone as there’s no full store listing. As of February, analytics website AndroLib tracked 3,825 Android games, dominated by the Brain & Puzzle and Casual categories. Another difference is the lack of big name publishers, who have been lukewarm, due in part to the large volumes of free titles, the lack of an firstparty store, and inflexible billing options. This is beginning to change however, thanks to success of devices such as the Motorola Droid, which combined with 1,696 output from HTC and Samsung means Google is activating 100,000 devices per day. This scale has 1500 2000 also seen Gameloft

Source: AndroLib, 1-Feb-10 / Mobile Games Trends Report 2010


App Store titles per genre








Source: Mobclix, 1-Feb-10 / Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Trends Report 2010

announce it’s bringing 10 of its top games to the platform. The pricing of Android content remains an issue however, with analytics company Distimo claiming Android Market has the lowest average price for paid applications at $3.27, compared to $3.47 for Nokia’s Ovi Store, $3.62 for Apple’s App Store, and $8.26 for BlackBerry App World. Although BlackBerry App World didn’t launch until spring 2009, Research in Motion already had a thriving development community, albeit one focused on business applications. Now, in keeping with its wider refocusing of BlackBerry as a lifestyle brand, it’s doing the same with apps, announcing support for 3D graphics standard OpenGL 2.0 for its newest devices. App World already has plenty of games too

consumed BlackBerry titles per genre

backend complexity for developers, and poor sales.










Cards Arcade


Movie & TV Themes

94 80

Board Games




Space 0




In recent months, some developers have reported an upswing, with the store handling 1.7 million downloads per day, although this is figure also includes wallpapers and ringtones. But 200 250 with Ovi Store coming preloaded on more and more handsets - it’s also available in 18 countries and 30 languages - it seems inconceivable it won’t be a key player in the market going forward.

Source: BlackBerry App World / Mobile Games Trends Report 2010

Perhaps the clearest difference compared to other app stores is pricing however. Thanks to RIM’s policy of maintaining $2.99 as its lowest price point, BlackBerry App World has the highest average price - $8.26 according to Distimo. Even when it comes to games, Pocket Gamer’s research show that the average price of the top 20 BlackBerry games is around $4, compared to $2.50 for Apple App Store. Despite being the world’s largest phone and smartphone maker, Nokia hasn’t been able to leverage its market share into app store success. Indeed, Ovi Store has enjoyed distinctly mixed fortunes since its launch in 2009. The store suffered from technical glitches in its first few days live and has since been criticised for customer service issues,

At the last count there’s actually 37 distinct app stores in operation spread across Device manufacturers (including Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Palm and LG), OS developers (such as Windows Mobile and the Java store), operators (Vodafone 360, Orange App store, Verizon et al all have their own new channels) and independents (From Getjar and Handmark to Mobango and App Central) and that’s not to mention the pre-existing mobile operator portals and OEM embedded programs. Suffice to say all of these channels offer their own opportunities and challenges for game developers and should be considered as part of a wider strategy.

US App Store Prices 6.5


Price in US dollars

- around 1,200 at last count - even if they’re essentially J2ME titles. As with iPhone and Android, the Puzzle genre is the most populated.

And there’s more…




1 June 2009

November 2009

Average price of EA Games in the Top 100 paid Average price of Gameloft Games in the Top 100 paid Top 100 paid average Top 10 paid average


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Why people give their permission for promiscuous-based marketing GWB: I don’t know how suited I am at being a covert analyst exploring the ins and outs of the mobile advertising industry for the nice people at mobileDODECAHEDRON. I know for one, that my grammar and vocabularity is not what it could be, and when confronted with the task of writing industry commentary, I, like many can be found discombobulating (hell, I think I’ve just made a word up) in a corner somewhere. If this role is only a short-term venturpotunity, I do believe I am suited for a senior position at Apple. Who in the heckfire came up with iad? Next they’ll start putting random bowels in front of phones. Hell, I thought iRAQ was a country, not a phone holder. Apple is nothing more than a distractulation to the task in hand, as me and my esteemed colleague,


Toe-Knee, have been investigating the world of opt-in mobile marketing. We’ve heard a lot about this promiscuousbased marketing. And I have to say I’m not surprised the opt-in process to access such messages is so rigorous. The thought of being promiscuous on a text message is something both myself and Mrs B cannot relatify too. But some folk do. What’s more, we’ve found a number of companies that are actively pursuing promiscuous-based marketing. In some markets there are hundreds of thousands of people at it. In Turkey, there are millions. Based on what we can gather about a company called Blyk, people are apparently feeling the most up for it mid-afternoon. They always target people at 16:24 on the promise of getting it at least once per day, and sometimes up to six. I don’t know where

they get the stamina. Nor does Mrs B for that matter. They’ve launched the service in the Netherlands, which I can well believe, and India is next on their roadmap. But I’m not surprised Blyk couldn’t keep it up in the UK, the Brits are far too stuffy for promiscuitities. TKB. Let me just interject there about the UK. Our intelligence has revealed that Blyk’s platform was acquired by Orange and they are getting more and more permission-based opt-ins, as indeed are O2. So I would disagree with you on your last point. Though I must say I do appear to have something of a reputation for agreeing with Gee W., don’t I Gee W.? GWB: Where in the world did you get that? Of course you don’t agree with me. TKB: No, you’re absolutely right.

Carroll’s Quest Our resident handset expert Michael Carroll, steadfastly refuses to use the iPhone. But his resistance is weakening. So we at mobileSQUARED have set Michael the challenge of uncovering a handset that rivals the iPhone. Here, he puts the Vovlo C30 through its paces. Yes, a Volvo The other month I decided to abandon my regular search for the ultimate iPhone-beating smartphone in favour of a more traditional laptop and dongle approach. The reason? I was heading to a very small town in Austria for a very big music event. Snowbombing has developed into one of Europe’s premier dance-music events over the past decade, attracting thousands of party-goers with its unique mix of hedonistic nights, and days spent on the ski slopes around Mayrhofen. From a wireless point-of-view, it was a disaster in the making, as the town’s WiFi networks experienced such a surge in demand that even the event’s organisers struggled to get a consistent Web connection. Because I don’t spend all day playing with mobile phones I put in a call to Telecom Austria, who were only too happy to send an HSPA dongle to my hotel. Plug and play is a wonderful invention. I was up and running within five minutes of figuring out the SIM card that came in the box was for the dongle, and not for my phone. My travelling companion probably tested the dongle’s capabilities more than I did, having to upload highresolution pictures of her long-term test car – Volvo’s funky C30 – to the website of the UK’s leading car magazines.

arranged by event-sponsor Volvo and involved around 100 cars packed with consumers and minor celebrities [Matthew Horne of Gavin and Stacey fame], but couldn’t source a dongle or even a smartphone from any UK carrier. The drive gave me the chance to assess all the wireless technology now finding its way into cars. RFID-based keyless entry and start was great when I had the fob, but the passenger door won’t open until the driver opens theirs, leaving me standing like a child in the days before central locking, when you had to wait for your parents to unlock the doors by hand. By far the best thing, though, was that my ageing Sony Ericsson W800i pairs with the car’s built-in Bluetooth. Volvo has yet to confirm which version of Bluetooth is installed in the car, but suffice to say its backwards compatible with my 2005 handset. A great sound system meant phone calls were easily heard, and I could place calls using the car’s central console. But, by far the best feature was the fact that, when I paired my phone, my companion’s iPod – which still connects using a cable – was rendered inactive. Five year-old Walkman 1. Fangled i-products 0.

We originally hoped to live-blog details of the road-trip to Austria, which was


country data Permission-based marketing on the up Opera Mini users O2 More, the operator’s opt-in ad advertising ecosystem, and not at one messaging service, has more than end of the value chain ‑ as is the case surf 1 billion pages doubled its number of users over the in virtually all models at present ‑ the last month, mobile has discovered. consumer will not embrace the medium per day Although the operator is believed to have as quickly as the industry anticipates. SQUARED

experienced a drop in subscribers at some point during the year, it is now thought to have between 50,000-100,000 users. A timely recovery in time for the launch of its proximity marketing service, which is expected to launch in August. That puts O2 in hot pursuit of Orange Shots, which told mobileSQUARED that it has “well over” the 100,000 subscribers it announced when the service launched earlier this year. Without divulging actual numbers, clearly Orange has experienced growth, though perhaps not the spectacular increase it envisaged when it took over the Blyk platform in the UK.

mobileSQUARED puts this slower-thanexpected growth in permission-based advertising on mobile down to consumer education. After all, mobile advertising in all of its various guises is only at the nascent stage of its development. And the process of consumer education is at an even earlier stage of its evolution. Consumers nevertheless remain a pivotal role in the uptake and success of mobile advertising. Until the consumer is placed truly in the middle of the mobile

Messaging is certainly primed to play a massive role in mobile advertising. For instance, UK mobile subs send over 11 million SMSes per hour, amounting to 7.7 billion SMSes per month. Alternatively, that represents up to 15.4 billion engagements with the SMS medium every month (i.e. send and receive). And for this reason alone, mobileSQUARED is confident permission-based advertising will be a significant force in the mobile advertising itinerary within 12-18 months. (See our report for SinglePoint on Conversational Advertising). In June, speaking at the IAB’s Engage for Mobile event, Dean Merrion, head of O2 More at O2 Media, claimed that 67% of O2 customers are likely to engage with a mobile offer. That equates to 14.34 million subscribers out of its 21.4 million total users. If Orange, Vodafone, 3 and T-Mobile’s customers all think along similar lines, then almost 70% of the UK market will embrace mobile advertising, and coupon-based messaging services in particular. Provided operators get the messaging spot on, there are big numbers out there.

26% yoy mobile internet growth in Oz The number of mobile internet users in Australia will experience year-on-year growth of 26% between 2009 and 2010, with 5.14 million mobile internet users by the end of this year, according to data released by mobileSQUARED. More than 56% of the users will be on smartphones, including iPhone users, which alone contribute 21% of browsers. Between 2009 and the end of 2010, the number of iPhone and smartphone users browsing the internet will almost double.


mobileSQUARED forecasts the number of mobile browsers using featurephones to steadily decline between now and 2015, as these users upgrade to smartphones. By 2015, the number of Australian users browsing on their mobile phones will top 11.1 million, with 69% of users on smartphones (including Android), while a little under a quarter (24%) will be using the iPhone. Interestingly, all smartphone categories will account for 68% of total mobile users in Australia by 2015.

Not only is the number of mobile browsers around the world increasing, the average length of time users are browsing is on the up also. The latest data on Opera Mini reveals that its 59.4 million users are now generating over 1 billion page impressions a day. On average, Opera Mini users are visiting 16.84 pages per day. This compares to an average daily page impression per user in June 2009 of 12.98. In those 13 months, Opera has added 11.4 million Mini users, with the total daily page impressions leaping from around 653,000,000 to over 1 billion – an increase of 161%. According to the company, much of this growth can be attributed to Africa, where it describes the mobile internet usage as “explosive”. Across Africa, the region is experiencing triple digit growth, with the top 12 markets in Africa experiencing a year-on-year growth of 182%, based on an increase of Opera Mini users of 124%. A month-on-month global comparison reveals that Opera Mini users viewed 27.3 billion pages in June 2010, compared to 26.5 billion the previous month. According to the mobileSQUARED Knowledge Centre, the average daily page impressions per user in the UK will increase from 9.39 this year, to 13.44 in 2011. While in Australia, the increase in daily page impressions in the same timeframe will be from 16.08 to 20.58. Clearly, Opera Mini browsing behaviour is higher-than-average than the UK.

The Weather Channel forecasting severe mobile activity The Weather Channel is the largest location-based advertising platform in the world, boasting 100% of its 137 million unique consumers being location-enabled. The service attracts 119 million cable TV viewers, its website and mobile site has 42 million and 22 million unique visitors per month respectively, while over 520,000 apps downloaded on the iPad alone. Not surprisingly, The Weather Channel is one of the largest advertising networks in the US, and this has enabled it to become one of the leading mobile players also. In fact, only Google, Facebook and Yahoo are bigger on mobile in the US than The Weather Channel. Its mobile heritage has been evolving since 1999 when it launched its first mobile site, followed by its first BREW and Java apps in 2001. “You have to be in these places right at the beginning to ride the wave,” says Cameron Clayton, vice president, mobile

and international, The Weather Channel Interactive. With over 100,000 Android devices being sold a day in the US, The Weather Channel was quick to ride the Android wave. On Blackberry and Palm Pre, there have been over 2 million and 500,000 respectively, apps downloaded. And despite its recent launch, The Weather Channel’s iPad app has already had over 520,000 downloads. As Clayton says, mobile has now reached scale. But it is how companies and brands utilise that scale that will ultimately dictate the success of their mobile strategy. “If you’re a brand, you have to think about what iPad means to your brand and your consumers, because a brand’s view will be completely different to a publisher’s view,” says Clayton. “That also means that the way consumers interact will be completely different.” Where The Weather Channel already holds an advantage is in its unenviable

position of encouraging all of its 137 million followers to submit their location. “Consumers have to enter their post code so that we can deliver content to them,” says Clayton. “We have location which we can use for advertising. And because of our reach, advertisers are buying cross-platform. As an organisation we are focused on having that cross -platform approach, but we’re leading with mobile. And mobile is the first conversation that we’re having.” Often forgotten is that voice is still the first app, which Clayton says is a “lean forward experience”, encouraging engagement. “And if you are interacting, then the user is 100% focused on that and are totally locked in. For a brand that means that they have 100% mindshare of that consumer.” The lean back experience is likened to watching TV, whereby consumers can operate dual modality and are therefore not as focused.


walled garden

Mobile apps: A Mexican stand-off? The mobile apps market is rapidly evolving and has massive potential for growth, especially as smartphones become increasingly ubiquitous over the next ten years. A quick glance through the top ten in any of the major app stores today reveals how things have changed. Gone are the once highly successful novelty apps like iFart and Sonic Lighter - displaced by big brand names like Google and CNN.[i] Apps are set to be the next battleground for brands fighting for greater market share. Manufacturers, developers and consumers will have conflicting interests during this struggle, over issues such as cross-platform apps, handset retention and exclusivity. For example, while exclusivity might give developers a short term advantage, it may be to the detriment of long term innovation and customer satisfaction. What does the future hold for the mobile apps market and the different players involved? Don’t adjust your handsets Manufacturers are struggling to differentiate their offering from the competition, and although all manufacturers proclaim the unique selling points of their particular handsets, these are quickly duplicated, making them commonplace. Even pricing no longer provides much differentiation between the top tier handsets. Apps continue to offer consumers greater mobile functionality and content.


Consumers will start to buy mobile phones based on which ones provide the most highly recommended apps. It will no longer be sufficient for industry giants to create an app store with thousands of potential downloads. What will become critical is securing the best-selling apps. Handset manufacturers have already begun to participate in an apps “armsrace” - purchasing exclusive rights to the apps that they see as the most influential with their potential buyers. The success of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) shows the power an exclusive app can have on driving consumers to your devices. The quest for exclusivity is already paving the way for specialisation from the manufacturers; location-based services, travel and music are particularly popular. In the past few months, Nokia has purchased companies like Novarra and Dopplr and we can expect other manufacturers to follow suit. What will come next is a trend towards consolidation – fewer apps being available, but the ones that are will be focused on quality and functionality rather than providing consumers with hundreds of low-quality apps that do the same thing. The developing world Developers will need to maximise potential opportunities wherever possible. Many app developers currently see cross-platform availability as their default position in terms of maximising the profitability of their apps. They are also realising that their mobile apps have a limited lifecycle when it comes

to revenue generation. This lifetime can be extended by releasing similar apps across different stores to reach as many consumers as possible. Twitter and Facebook currently use this method to great effect. If a cross-platform strategy equals longer app lifecycle, a greater customer reach and more revenue, then exclusivity deals are unlikely to be an attractive proposition for developers. What could work is a solution that blends the two models. Exclusive licenses with a set expiry date would provide the manufacturers with the exclusive app carrot to wave at consumers to turn them into paying customers, while allowing developers to work in the background perfecting versions of their app for every other store – to be immediately released when the license expires. Although this will not guarantee success for every developer, the ones that do recognise the commercial benefits of this type of exclusivity will look for further ways to add value. Whether that manifests itself in designing highly addictive apps that can start a purchasing craze or solving manufacturer issues like in-app payments or advertising, successful developers will find ways to make themselves as indispensable and as lucrative as possible. Consumer impact With more consumers turning to smartphones, the changing relationship

walled garden between manufacturers and developers will have a significant impact on more consumers than ever before. Consumer demand will evolve from always-on access to mobile social interaction across any handset, on any network. The ongoing competition between manufacturers and the exclusivity between manufacturers and developers will fly in the face of the consumers who are looking forward to the potential of apps that make further use of social connectivity. The fragmentation of the app space will eventually lead to further consumer dissatisfaction with the mobile marketplace – frustrated by the limited social interaction available to them and being constantly forced to change platform just to get the content they want on their mobile. We are already seeing this frustration demonstrated by console gamers. Microsoft’s purchase of game designers like Bungie means hotly anticipated new games will only be compatible with Microsoft hardware. The proposition to consumers is all too clear: “if you want to play this game, then you’ll have to buy our hardware first”.


Clever tactics from the corporation but bad news for the gamer with limited funds. Conclusions So where does that leave us? It’s clear that all three parties want different things. But it’s not enough to just use the old adage and say “never the twain shall meet.” Someone needs to take a stand now and work out a solution – even if that means compromising for the sake of moving the market forward. Manufacturers and developers need to see that they can work closely together, whilst still maintaining a competitive edge. Otherwise the apps market could see itself devolving into the next MMS-style disappointment. Even today MMS is not used to its full potential and we have no-one to blame except the industry for its lack of collaboration. Without this collaboration the future will produce more losers than winners in the apps race. Perhaps the answer lies in open ecosystems. With open APIs, service providers are free to work on the most


compelling platforms, manufacturers and operators are free to strike exclusive deals, developers are free to work on the platform of their choice and consumers are free to reap the benefits of competition. Allowing open access to their APIs makes perfect sense for service providers. They can concentrate on profitable deals while external developers can create for undeserved platforms. Customers benefit by having a wide range of device on which to use their preferred services. Opening up is the only way to ensure exclusivity deals remain profitable and ensure users aren’t locked out of the services they desire.

By Raam Thakrar, CEO of Touchnote [i] What is an app? For our purposes, we can take it to mean any application developed and distributed not by the phone manufactures but by a third party developer and installed on the phone by the owner. For more information, please take a peek at

fast facts: India


Roadshow 2010 Asia



South Africa



New York

Cape Town

Returning in Spring 2011

September 29th

November 2nd

May 2011

Roadshow 2010

The essential guide to communicating with the mobile consumer Vinopolis, London, September 29th, 2010

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Coffee Sponsor

Networking Sponsor

Mobile Platform Partner

I strongly encourage fellow creative and media agencies to attend the Roadshow to raise the tide for all our clients’ boats. Ian Loon - Associate Director, Digital Influence Group, Starcom Media Worldwide


Roadshow: Europe

What’s it about? The mobile


Roadshow: Europe is an innovative 1-day

event covering the essential aspects of connecting with mobile consumers, relevant for brands, agencies, content providers, and mobile companies alike. We bring all these key players together to collaborate outside of their usual siloes, and facilitate fresh thinking on how to shape the market for best results. It’s about how to harness the one media device that connects to millions, and is always on and always in view. • Content focus on the key areas of Apps, WAPs, and Mobile Advertising. • Short ‘how to’ practical guides (e.g. create the perfect mobile

There was a good mix of content and presentations for those new to, and those well immersed in the industry. I particularly enjoyed insights into individual markets. Mike Dunphy, Mobile Consultant, Liverpool FC. Very interesting, and the key highlight was the excerpts from the research. It was good to see an independent take on the industry and to have a third party actually break down the data to include markets like Malaysia. Rene Menezes, CEO, Better Digital Solutions, Malaysia

marketing campaign, build a sticky app) • Expert keynote presentations • Take the Workshop Challenge • Exclusive case studies • Lively panel debate • Extended networking sessions – to maximise our unique cross section of industry sectors including mobile folk, brands, agencies, publishers, and non-profit organisations.

Workshop Challenge Pit your wits against other delegates when your workshop group has €50,000 to create a mobile campaign to deliver maximum eyeballs and interactivity. Your campaign parameters will be judged against actual mobile metrics, with the winning group handsomely rewarded.

Who is the Roadshow for? Anyone who wants to understand how to create a successful mobile strategy, drive awareness and revenue from mobile, meet those who shape the market, and build consumer connections via the mobile platform. Our content is relevant to companies who are already on mobile and want to learn from the best to optimise their strategy, and also companies who want to make mobile part of their strategy, but need a clear roadmap and access to the right contacts to do so.


3 ways the Roadshow can shape your mobile strategy • Delivering exclusive research, unique case studies, and focused insight from market-leading mobile experts, marketers and brands – wrapped up with practical ‘how to?’ sessions with advice on implementation. • An opportunity to network with a unique mix of new contacts, we help grow the market by attracting fresh non-mobile sectors as well as key mobile folk. • Every delegate will also receive a copy of “The Essential guide to communicating with the mobile consumer” Roadshow Report to take away with them. Our guarantee that you will leave mobile savvy.

Who exactly attends the Roadshow? An eclectic mix of mobile and non-mobile sectors. We’re different because of the audience mix we deliver - we proactively market to representatives from across a huge variety of sectors to help grow the mobile market. Non-mobile sectors made up 47% of our delegates 2009-2010 Roadshows to date. mobileSQUARED Roadshow: Delegates by Sector

Digital Agency / Mobile Ad Agency 13% Digital Agency / Mobile Ad Agency 13% Service Provider 11% Service Provider 11% Creative / Media Agency 10% Creative / Media Agency 10% 10% Ad Network 10% Ad Network 10% Brand 10% Brand 8% Operator 8% Operator 7% Software Manufacturer 7% Software Manufacturer 7% Consultant / Press / Analyst 7% Consultant / Press / Analyst

7% 7% 5% 5% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Vendor / Handset Manufacturer Vendor / Handset Manufacturer Content Provider Content Provider Public Sector / Government Public Sector / Government Mobile Solutions Company Mobile Solutions Company Media Aggregator Media Aggregator Publisher Publisher PR Agency PR Agency Media Association Media Association

Our attendees are also senior decision makers. 74% of delegates attending mobileSQUARED Roadshows 2009-2010 are Director level or above. mobileSQUARED Roadshow: Delegates by Job Function



SVP / VP / Managing Director

SVP / VP / Managing Director

CEO // Owner / COO 12% 12% CEO / Owner President//President COO 9% 8% 8% 8%


Associate / Regional Director


6%Services Head ofofMobile Head of Mobile / Head Digital Services / Head of Digital

Director - Content-Development / Director Content Development / 6% 9% Publisher Dev / Content Publisher Dev Partnerships / Content Partnerships

Account Manager / Account Exec Manager / Account / Account Exec / Mobile Exec /6% Content Mobile Services Exec / Content Services

Sales / Business Development Director


Head of Marketing / Marketing Director



Manager - Dev Marketing / Country / Sales / BD


Research Associate

8% 8%

Sales / Business Development Director

Associate / Regional Director


Head of Marketing / Marketing Director






3%Integrated Manager Dev Services Marketing / Country / Sales Research Associate Senior Manager Applications 1% / BD 7% 8% Business Director / -Client Director 7%


Business Director / Client Services Director


Senior Manager Integrated Applications

Roadshow: Europe

Agenda 09.00

Chairman’s opening remarks Nick Lane, Chief Analyst, mobileSQUARED


KEYNOTE: Where does mobile advertising sit now and in 12 months? Adam Smith, Futures Director, Group M – UK

FOCUS ON: Apps 09.25

Brand case study: A tale of two apps Emma Lacey, Head of Digital Sales & Commercial Partnerships, Harper Collins – UK


KEYNOTE: Delivering mobile content, cross platform, cross operator, cross territory Speaker to be confirmed, Qualcomm


Brand case study: Augmented reality Hein Wils, Project Leader AR tours, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam – NETHERLANDS


Brand case study: Mobile gambling Mikko Mattinen, Head of Online & Mobile, Veikkaus (Finnish Lottery) – FINLAND


Open mic Q&A


PANEL: Why the f*ck create an app? Sarah Evans, Head of Mobile Internet & Portals, O2 – UK Adrien Pitrat, Ergonome, Bouygues Telecom – FRANCE Miguel Tatay, Head of Mobile, ITN – UK


Mobile TV app demo Olga Steidl, Head of Marketing, SPB Software – RUSSIA


CONSUMER RESEARCH FINDINGS: Western Europe Ralph Risk, Marketing Director EMEA, Lightspeed Research – UK



FOCUS ON: WAPs 11.35

PRACTICAL CASE STUDY: Taking the first steps into mobile Graham Darracott, Managing Director, Digital Architects – UK Kate Karagholi, Director of Member Marketing, RCI – UK


PRACTICAL CASE STUDY: Integrating mobile into your activities Ian Homer, Co-Founder, Bemoko – UK Speaker to be confirmed, heathwallace – UK


KEYNOTE: How to make the mobile internet and social media work for your business


TAKE THE WORKSHOP CHALLENGE Groups will be given a brief to create a mobile concept for a brand. Groups will have a €50,000 budget to allocate to their newly created mobile concept and a set of parameters and costs of different mobile media. These figures will be fed into real metrics to determine the winning team.






Brand case study: Extending your online strategy onto mobile Donald McLeod, Head of Marketing Services, University of Hertfordshire – UK


Médecins Sans Frontières case study: mobile donations Gerhard Günther, CEO, Digital Sunray Media – AUSTRIA


Open mic Q&A


PANEL DISCUSSION: Can mobile ever match online as a payment channel? Anil Malhotra, VP Marketing & Alliances, Bango – UK Sabine Irgang, COO, – GERMANY

FOCUS ON: Mobile Advertising 15.05

Brand case study: The biggest ever mobile messaging campaign Chris Ward, Project Leader, 1GOAL


KEYNOTE: The evolution of mobile advertising and what is possible in the future Rob Jonas, VP & Managing Director, Europe & Middle East, InMobi – UK


Lufthansa case study: Mobile couponing Stephanie Renda, Managing Director, match2blue – GERMANY


Open mic Q&A




PANEL DISCUSSION: What metrics do agencies need to spend more on mobile advertising and marketing? Ludovic Levy, Group Marketing Director, Orange Advertising Network & Chairman, Mobile Advertising Committee, IAB Europe – FRANCE Harald Neidhardt, CMO & Co-Founder, Smaato – GERMANY Oya Yasayan, Head of Digital, OMD, Omnicom – TURKEY

Visit our website for further information:


Agenda cont.16.40

THE INTERVIEW Mobile Marketing Magazine’s Editor, David Murphy, will interview 2 brands during this session. One brand will have carried out mobile campaigns and the other will not have dipped its toes in the mobile marketing mix yet David Murphy, Editor, Mobile Marketing Magazine – UK Mike Godwin, UK Managing Director, Movenpick – UK


COUNTRY UNPANEL A panel of experts from different territories will be on stage to answer your questions on ANY mobile related topics. To submit a question please email or post to twitter with the hashtag #m2r Moderated by: Nick Lane, chief analyst, MobileSQUARED

Fee Beyer, Product & Innovation, Deutsche Telekom – GERMANY Olga Steidl, Head of Marketing, SPB Software – RUSSIA Rob Jonas, VP & Managing Director, Europe & Middle East, InMobi – UK Steffen Krabenhøft, Mobile Director, Mediacom – DENMARK 17.20

WORKSHOP CHALLENGE ANALYSIS A leading metrics provider will analyse each group’s allocation of the €50,000 and focus on the three most successful campaigns with the winning group receiving a special prize.


Final roundup and drinks


And now for something completely different…

How much does it cost? A delegate pass costs £280/€340/US$430 We also offer an ‘Annual Pass’ to companies interested in sending a representative to multiple Roadshows, at a cost of £600/€750/US$900 for single person entry to all 2010 events. To register, please visit or contact the team to find out more informaion on delegate pricing options, or call +44 (0) 118 979 5339.

Networking Providing ample time to network is one of the key ingredients of the Roadshow. And attendees agree.

Extremely useful for myself and potential clients. Soraya Phillips, Business Development Manager, i-POP Networks Pte Ltd I found the networking and mix of people was great. Overall a good event, and I would attend again. James Gray, Sales & Marketing Director, EA Mobile, Electronic Arts Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Overall a very good event, networking opportunities excellent and general impression very good. Fabrizio Caruso, VP Business Development, Out There Media


Roadshow: Europe

Companies who have attended the mobileSQUARED Roadshows to date include:

Vodafone, Sony BMG, NHS Choices, Marks & Spencer, Qualcomm, InMobi, EA Mobile, Out There Media, Skype, Smaato, Liverpool FC Graphico DMG, Bango, Microsoft, PayPal, Omnicom, BBH, The Economist, Starcom, T-Mobile, Axiata, University of Hertfordshire, MMA, Mövenpick Ice Cream, Fox Mobile, Airwide, Orange Unanimis, Macmillan, ZenithOptimedia, Playphone, i-POP, WooWorld, Starhub, Tequila, ComScore, Nokia, SPB Software, Eyeblaster, Dentsu, AdMob, GyPSii, Zed, Euro RSCG, Ofcom, BSkyB, Mediacom, Logica CMG, Blyk, Velti, O2, and many more.

Venue Join us for mobileSQUARED Roadshow: Europe 2010 in the spectacular architecture of the Mezzanine Hall at Vinopolis, the famous wine-tasting emporium. Vinopolis is a uniquely atmospheric venue, blending contemporary facilities and design, with the character of its original Victorian railway arch features. It is located in the heart of London’s Bankside neighbourhood, on the river Thames, and is just a couple of minutes walk from London

New Bridge street

Bridge underground station. St. Paul’s Bank St Paul’s Cathedral

Canon St

Majestic Entrance


Park St



St L Hill Bridondo ge n St

hH oug Bor


London Bridge

Bombay Sapphire Experience Entrance



Wine Wharf Entrance Brew Wharf Entrance

Borough Market











Winchester Walk

Stoney St



Stoney Street Corporate Events


rk S

Pickfords Walk


Clink Stree

Vinopolis Visitor Entrance

on B


Union Street




t Park S



Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre

Monument ridge

ridge rk B


Bankside Pier


Stoney St

Blackfriars Bridge

Millenium Foot Bridge


Upper Thames St

Tate Modern


Mansion House


The Conference provided an extremely useful insight into mobile internet approaches and helped me stay informed on cutting edge technologies for our industry.

As a brand looking to move into mobile, this proved a fantastic opportunity to understand how consumers use their mobiles and how Mövenpick can tap into this.

Joerg Krahnert, Managing Director, Netbiscuits

Mike Godwin, UK Managing Director, Mövenpick Ice Cream

How do I register?

Visit our website,, call us on +44 (0) 118 979 5339 or email your details to us on and we can call you back.

Event Produced by: Camerjam, visit


For further information visit:



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