Agile Versus Waterfall Development - Which Is Right For You

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Agile Versus Waterfall Development: Which Is Right For You By Lia Bischoff, ​Codal Inc

______________________________________________________ While there are many approaches to ​software development​ used by ​software development agencies​, two of the most popular, as well as powerful, are Agile and Waterfall. Both of these approaches are very different, but effective in their own rite. That being said, choosing between the two is not an option as they are often suited for different types of projects. For the purpose of this piece we will profile each process and provide pros and cons of each in efforts of helping you make an informed development decision. Agile Agile is not a PM framework, nor is it a methodology, rather its a set of values and principles concerned with producing a product, i.e. software. Agile’s deliverables, especially in regard to software development, are made and accepted incrementally, within short iterations (roughly 2-4 weeks).

Pros ● Frequent communication amongst developers and those accepting the deliverables is required, which should result in favorable dividends. ● Akin to the previous point, and although not guaranteed,

collaboration amongst people ought to be much higher compared to other development methods. ● Considerable use of visuals used (e.g. boards, charts, Kanban, etc.).

Cons ● Larger projects might be challenging due to the inability for developers to always be within proximity to the businesses commissioning their projects. ● Agile is very intensive to all parties involved, and as a result requires ample time and attention that may be difficult to accommodate. ● Deadlines are particularly strict and crucial. Oftentimes, people are reluctant to follow these which hinders success. Waterfall Waterfall is a linear process. Alternatively put, waterfall is sequential in its phases. Each of these events composes the project, or software, lifecycle. Unlike Agile, requirements of a project when using Waterfall are defined in the beginning but left subject to change as the software develops. Hence why Waterfall is often used on physical projects. Pros ● Easy to use and understand! ● Agreement and expectations between customers and developers is made early on - no surprises later. ● Relative to Agile, Waterfall can handle large-scale design or analysis with ease, as well as the impact of downstream design changes.

Cons ● People are often reluctant or skeptical in regard to defining and committing to deliverables from the beginning as the fear is early ideas may be flawed or project may change. ● The potential for risks is far greater with Waterfall, compared to Agile. For instance, changes to the project made later on have higher costs. Additionally, the range of invalid assumptions is endless with Waterfall. ● Communication risks are greater than those associated with Agile. Waterfall does not have a communication practice built into its process, whereas Agile does. As a result, communication can lack. Conclusion If you’re not sure which process to choose to get your software developed, or you’re unable to develop your own software, ​contact​ ​Codal​, experts in ​custom software development services​, ​software development for healthcare​, and ​logistics​ software development.

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