An AI, IoT and Healthcare Intermix By Jenna Erickson, Codal Inc
Healthcare is an industry in which there is a lot of room for error, but it is one of those industries in which technology can fill in the gaps of error. Workflows and processes may not be organized, patients are being misdiagnosed, and many physicians may not have the level of accuracy that they need. Technology such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (the Internet of Things) can trigger a complete digital transformation in healthcare. Medical Artificial Intelligence
AI (artificial intelligence) has already started ingraining itself in the medical field, and over the years, it will most likely hold more and more importance.
According to Forbes, researchers from Mayo Clinic have already used AI to identify genomic information of a brain tumor, without a biopsy. It also helped discover attributes that are present in an MRI scan, that a physician wasn’t even able to identify. Overall, AI can allow for more accuracy than a physician can. Soon, every patient will be ”decoded” right in front of us by using this technology. Along with assisting with diagnosis, the array of different healthcare IT solutions are also helping developing and perfecting drugs, and can even assist in the detection of insurance fraud throughout the industry.
It is truly a life-changing, and life-saving technology.
Connected Healthcare Solutions Taking advantage of connected healthcare solutions can also improve processes, improve patient experience, and even help correctly diagnose patients. While IoT is fairly new in a lot of industries, it has entirely ingrained itself in the healthcare & medical fields, indicating a digital transformation in healthcare. Medical IoT is not only innovative hospitals using extremely high-tech equipment, it also includes the FitBit (and any other wearable health device), Life Alerts, and various other healthcare software solutions that are connected to the Internet and a device.
While many clinics and healthcare facilities understand how IoT can help them, and no matter how many clinics and physicians have adopted this technology into their everyday lives, there are still a handful of IoT issues that need to be overcome in order to fully take advantage of what this tech can offer.
Cybersecurity, data integration, and device management are 3 of these issues that need attention. If it is easier for you to access your health data, chances are that it is easier for
any hacker as well. Along with the security issue, any facility that takes on IoT, probably will have to alter their IT departments to ensure that this new technology will be properly managed.
New standards and regulations will be needed in order to integrate all of the data, from all of the connected medical devices being used. So, What’s Next?
If you’re looking for a custom healthcare IT solution, a healthcare website design, or any software development for the healthcare or medical industry, check out Codal, a Chicago-based agency specializing in these types of solutions.Companies like Codal that help develop IT solutions can also assist in tackling any of the issues that are related to IoT, or AI. It is also crucial to hire a UX design agency that understands the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act. Knowing all of the in’s and out’s of HIPAA compliance regulations is incredibly important if you are building any type of healthcare software development solution.