An Introduction to Cake PHP Jenna Erickson, Codal Inc
__________________________________________________________________________ What is CakePHP? CakePHP is an open source web framework for the traditional web language, PHP. Cake PHP framework follows the model-view-controller (MVC) approach. MVC is an architectural pattern for developing and implementing the user interface on the web. The CakePHP framework is of course written in the PHP language. In fact, PHP follows many of the concepts from the framework Ruby on Rails. Here at Codal, a UX design and development agency, we use CakePHP in many of our projects. Overall, CakePHP is simplifies the process of developing a web application; it requires much less code, and will take a lot less time. CakePHP makes building web applications simpler, faster, while requiring less code. Their motto is “Build fast, grow solid with CakePHP” and this couldn’t be anymore accurate. Why Use CakePHP? As a web and mobile app dev agency in Chicago, we’re always using new frameworks, and testing the latest code. You may be wondering why you, or we would choose to use CakePHP on a project. Well, here’s why: Developer Efficiency: CakePHP allows us, as a group of developers in Chicago, to code as fast and efficient as possible. It requires any developer to write a bit less code, with still achieving the same goal in the end. Open Source Community: CakePHP is an open source framework of PHP. The open source community of CakePHP is extremely active and friendly.
Flexibility: Flexibility all around. The liscensing is flexible, flexible caching, and flexible (and fast) templating and lastly, flexible ACL/permissions. Releases: As a software development agency, a consistent release cycle is obviously important, and that is something that CakePHP does well on. Interested in PHP developers in Chicago and want to start a project? Are you wanting to develop an app and you need to know the cost to develop an app is? Visit Codal’s blog, or come talk to us here! We’d love to hear from you. Codal Inc App Development & UX Design Agency